Volume 9, Issue 35 (2016)                   LCQ 2016, 9(35): 7-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebrahimi S M, Parsa S A. The Morphology of Fairy Thales in Kurdish Language. LCQ 2016; 9 (35) :7-52
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-7886-en.html
1- Kordistan University
2- Professor of Persian litrature
Abstract:   (10308 Views)
The topic of this study is "The Morphology of Fairy Tales in Kurdish Language". The purposes of the present study are to determine the structure of these tales and the scale of differences and commons comparison with Vladimir Propp's study and to know better about other Iranian languages. The way in which this study has been carried out is descriptive, the data has been gathered in library method and analysed based on Propp's pattern in morphology of fairy tales. After surveying the structure of 155 tales, there were determined thirty-one functions, seven domains of operations, nine types of prime situations and eighteen types of movement combinations. The result shows that Propp's patterns are the same as patterns in Kurdish language fairy tales and that their final structures are restricted to the same thirty-one functions offered by Propp. What differenciates fairy tales in Kurdish language from similar samples surveying by Propp is the different methods of forming some some of the functions, and certainly these differences do not supply new and different structures.
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Article Type: practical | Subject: Street literature
Received: 2016/02/26 | Accepted: 2016/10/22 | Published: 2016/11/11

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