Volume 17, Issue 68 (2025)                   LCQ 2025, 17(68): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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shafieioun S. "Conversation with myself", Mixed genre autobiography. LCQ 2025; 17 (68)
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-76414-en.html
university of isfahan , saeid.shafieioun@gmail.com
Abstract:   (47 Views)
In addition to his position as a teacher, musician and composer in the field of music, Arshad Tahmasabi has also gained a familiar and prominent name in the field of Iranian music research writings. He has recently written a book about his life, which is considered to be the most important source of knowledge for knowing the innermost currents, considering his delicate and sensitive artistic spirit, character and research method, as well as his high moral outlook and bold frank expression, as well as his valuable writing experience and his familiarity with fiction literature in particular. And he is considered the most important music personality of this half century. In addition to this, this book is a great example of the Amighi autobiographical literary genre in terms of writing creativity.
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Literary types
Received: 2024/08/5 | Accepted: 2025/02/3 | Published: 2025/02/28

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