Volume 14, Issue 54 (2021)                   LCQ 2021, 14(54): 189-228 | Back to browse issues page

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Vaezzadeh A. A Review of “One Hundred of Persian Love Poems”. LCQ 2021; 14 (54) :189-228
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-50344-en.html
Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature/University of Birjand , vaezzadeh_abbas@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3852 Views)
One Hundred of Persian Love Poems by Hasan Zolfaghari is one of the most comprehensive books in the field of Persian love stories, which has now reached its third edition. The purpose of this article is to critically review this book. For this purpose, while briefly introducing the book, in three sections of structural critique, content critique and critique of sources, the book has been examined. Upon analysis it became apparent that incomplete compliance of the title with the content of the book, problems with book chapters, lack of a single procedure in selecting titles for entries, inclusion of some imitations and stories from which there is not enough information, non-adherence to the structure provided for each entry, structural problems, having love stories under lyrical and dramatic genre, problems with the morphology of love stories, , incomplete reporting of some stories, incorrect data (content problems), the absence of complete list of sources and inconsistency with references are seemingly the main problems. These being encountered in the next edition, will seemingly increase the credibility of the book.

One Hundred of Persian Love Poems  by Hasan Zolfaghari is one of the most comprehensive books published in the field of Persian love stories in the last decade. The first edition of this book entered the market in 2013 by Charkh Publishing, and the third edition has recently (fall 2020) been made available to those interested in Persian love stories. Despite the fact that seven years have passed since the first edition of one hundred Persian love poems, no critique has been written on it so far. Therefore, under the pretext of publishing the third edition of the book, the researcher decided to critique this reference book in the field of Persian love stories.
Structural critique
1. Book title & Chapters: The title of the book does not correspond to all the stories. The book's chapters have drawbacks, too.
2. Entry Titles: Since in most cases, the name of the verse is the same as the name of the main protagonists of the story (lover and beloved), the author has based his work on choosing the titles of the entries on the names of the main protagonists of that story. But in cases where the name of the poem is different from the name of the lover and the beloved, it is done differently. Sometimes the name of the verse is not mentioned at all. Sometimes, when it is necessary to mention the name of the lover and the beloved, it is enough just to name the verse.
3. Need to revise some entries: Explaining the way in which the entries were arranged, the author wrote: "We put all the verses of the same name, whether independent or imitation, under one entry", but in some cases, this method was done differently and each of these imitations came under a separate entry! Some of the entries are devoted to verses for which only the name and brief bibliographic information are available and no information is available on the content of the story.
4. Lack of adherence to the projected structure for each entry: Practically, the method mentioned in the introduction of the book in organizing the contents of each entry has not been fully implemented and the predicted structure for all entries has not been realized. This is because the content of each entry relies more on information derived from available sources about that story than the projected structure for the entry, while adhering to the projected structure for each entry requires independent research on each Stories are based on these criteria and reliance on research alone does not achieve this structure.
Content critique
1. Put love verses under lyrical and dramatic genre: Placing love verses under the type of lyrical poetry is one of the mistakes that the traditional theory of Persian literary genres has made and encouraged to this day, and it is difficult to get rid of this false classification, such as abandoning many false traditions. It is interesting to note that the proponents of the traditional theory of Persian literary genres consider these works to be essentially equivalent to European dramatic poetry, but since we did not have theatrical poetry in the strict sense of the word in Persian, we had to include them in lyrical form. Two subtypes of narrative lyric poetry (dramatic) and non-narrative are believed!
2. Morphological flaws of love stories: Chapter 7 of the book is devoted to the "morphology of love stories", in which the following problems are seen: reduction of morphology to the identification of functions, lack of naming and marking for functions, confusion of the opening scene with the function, lack Adapting some functions to the function definition, merging / separating / interfering with some functions, and ignoring beloved functions.
3. Statements need to be revised: In the first part, there are statements that, if reconsidered, may change.
4. Incomplete or wrong report of some stories: In the report of some stories, there are problems such as: not reporting parts of the story, moving some parts of the story and attributing the actions of some characters in the story to other characters, etc.
5. Incorrect Data: Some misinformation about verses and their poets needs to be corrected or updated.
Critique of sources
One of the strengths of one hundred Persian love poems is the use of many resources available in this field. As the author himself mentions in the introduction of the book, the list of sources of this book, which contains about eight hundred sources, is considered as a bibliography in the field of love verses. However, there are drawbacks and shortcomings in this area, and correcting them will add to its richness.
1. Unseen resources: In some subjects, before the book was first published, there were sources that were not seen, and perhaps if they were seen, the author's opinion would change in some cases.
2. Some source list confusion and inconsistencies with citations: Details of some of the references referenced in the text are not listed in the references. The specifications of some sources are also incorrect or incomplete. The specifications of some sources are also included.
One Hundred Persian Love verses is one of the great and valuable books in the field of Persian love stories, which, of course, has its drawbacks and shortcomings. Some of these drawbacks and shortcomings that have been addressed in this article in the three sections of structural critique, content critique and resource critique are: inconsistency of the title with the content of the book, problems in book segmentation, lack of a single method in selecting entry titles, entering some stories about which there is not enough information, lack of adherence to the structure provided for each entry, writing errors and poor writing in some positions (structural defects), placing love verses under lyrical and dramatic type, problems in the morphology of love stories, some statements need to be revised, incomplete or incorrect reports of some stories, some incorrect data (content errors), not seeing some sources and some confusion in the list of sources and its inconsistency with references.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Literary types
Received: 2021/02/20 | Accepted: 2021/07/1 | Published: 2021/07/1

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