Volume 2, Issue 6 (2009)                   LCQ 2009, 2(6): 53-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Sojoodi F, Zirrahi H. A Survey of the Tense of Persian Verbs in Boofe Koor and Sovashoon Within the Tense Theory of Weinrich. LCQ 2009; 2 (6) :53-70
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-4246-en.html
1- University of Arts
2- Master of Linguistics, Art University
Abstract:   (10992 Views)
The present paper intends to apply the Tense theory of Harald Weinrich to the study of tense in two Persian novels, Boofe Koor and Soveshoon. The findings show that categorization of texts into discussion and narration by Weinrich, could be applied in Persian fiction. Ayande (Future), Haal (Present) and Naqli (Perfect) construct those parts of a text that more tend to have qualities of discussion and discourse. On the other hand, past tenses like Gozashte Sadde (Simple Past), Gozashte Estemrari (Past Progressive) and Gozashte Dour / Ba'eed (Past Perfect) more tend to construct narrative parts of the texts. In addition, each group has its own past, present and future. In discussion system, Naqli plays the role of stating past, Haal is the zero point and states the present and Ayande states the future. On the other hand, in narration system, Gozashte Dour stating past and both Gozashte Sadde and Gozashte Estemrari are zero points and state the present. Moreover, we can say there is not a specific tense in Persian to state the future in this system. Finally, two tenses of Gozshte Sadde and Gozshte Estemarai play a role of foregrounding in narration system. The parts stated by Gozashte Estemrari usually are located on the background of the scene, while the main points of the narration which is stated by Gozashte Sadde are located on the foreground of the scene.
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Subject: Street literature
Received: 2009/07/29 | Accepted: 2009/12/22 | Published: 2010/03/8

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