Volume 3, Issue 11 (2010)                   LCQ 2010, 3(11): 87-116 | Back to browse issues page

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Bayat H. Literary criticism: The centrality of female heroes in folk tales. LCQ 2010; 3 (11) :87-116
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-4068-en.html
Abstract:   (27299 Views)
In many of the Iranian and the world stories, both force and guile are operating events comprise the story. Investigate and psychological and symbolic compare of those popular legends which good and evil forces in their beloved reaching over, shows that in these works, however, appear to benefit the beloved hero acts in subtle and cagey narrative infrastructure And before taking functions based on deception, this battle will be in Median dose and involvement of the opposing forces will conduct their own profit. In such stories, the central character is not the brave prince nor vicious Dave, but the beautiful girl that wishes marriage with the hero and have her own child. In this way, despite the apparent physical disability, using various scheming like secrecy, feminine and magical elements, and even sometimes to hire antiheroes, the real initiative and is available on the course of events towards their desired ending. The joint adventure stories generally setup for this peak point and the common ending: they are well and happy years together they live. " This paper uses views of Northrop Frye, Joseph Campbell, and Bruno Bettelheim. regarding the fundamental structure, number forty Farsi folk tales and that compared with a drop of evidence shows that such a common infrastructure indicative of mental concerns of women in patriarchal times and the women place the narrator or audience of this tales, dreams sweet Dream that are impossible in real life were often deprived of it, the story of a woman in the story of the hero in imaginary world have stories appear. Considering the existence of this feature in ancient stories and romances, these tales may have roots in old narrative structures that can lead them to myths about Matriarchy period.
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Article Type: Theoretical | Subject: Street literature
Received: 2011/05/13 | Accepted: 2011/08/2 | Published: 2011/08/2

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