Volume 9, Issue 36 (2016)                   LCQ 2016, 9(36): 143-163 | Back to browse issues page

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Toghiani I, Faiez M Z, Agha Hosaini H. Critical notion and ironic discourse in “announcement of earth’s Inheritance”. LCQ 2016; 9 (36) :143-163
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-3913-en.html
1- University of Isfahan
2- University of Esfahan
Abstract:   (9995 Views)
Irony after the Socrates and Plato onward has created too many subjects but still there is not a general consent about the definition of it which could specify it. But all the scholars agree that irony presents kind of concealment which is something against the real idea of the poet. Irony is an overview of the world which from one hand consists of literary words such as: allegory, satire, sarcasm, scorn, paradox and criticism and from other hand it can tie two opposite sentiment of laughing and crying in a way that no other literary devices can do such a thing. In this way Bakhtari who is considered as one of the successful poets had used irony in his poetry as a skillful poet in a way that it both reflects the above mentioned literary devices and laughing and crying sentiments too. This paper tries to analysis the “announcement of earth’s Inheritance” which is the only collection of Bakhtari and shows the real life pain and problems of Afghanistan people who lost their lives and were under the presure of Taliban government. Bakhtari by reconciliation of the opposits and by an ironic look at the social, cultural, and religious issues shows how much the poet can be successful in using irony as a device to criticize social and political status of Afghanistan.
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Article Type: practical | Subject: Street literature
Received: 2016/07/21 | Accepted: 2016/12/21 | Published: 2017/01/25

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