Volume 6, Issue 23 (2013)                   LCQ 2013, 6(23): 149-170 | Back to browse issues page

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hasanli K, naderi S. Boof - e - koor by Sadegh Hedayat's readout based on cultural, sociology and historical geography Rey. LCQ 2013; 6 (23) :149-170
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-3356-en.html
1- Professor University of Shiraz
2- young researchers and elite club,fasa branch, islamic azad
Abstract:   (8752 Views)
Sadegh Hedayat is one of the most famous Iranian author's. Novel, "Boof –e- Koor" is the most important posts. His historical geography and climate in various areas of studies has various Iranian cities. These studies can be clear in some of his works, including "Boof –e- Koor". The "Boof –e- Koor" Much has been written about yet. But this focus has been Descriptions similar to situations where old stories in "Boof –e- Koor" Rey, three to seven centuries AH. Applicable Ray Old Town Historical Geography descriptions "Boof –e- Koor" as documented for the first time this has been done A sign of the attention is directed at the payment and confirming the words of his novel "Boof –e- Koor", is full of techniques, and the book is accurate." Despite the complexity of the story of The "Boof –e- Koor" and innovative elements of the real world that is reflected back to the severance of the third and seventh centuries AH Ray has... In this paper descriptions of the same place, "Boof –e- Koor" with historical geography Rey, based on five main elements: the structure of the city, and Cultural characteristics of the city, City Brand Positioning, topographic features of civic, social and cultural elements that have been reviewed and adaptive recognition.
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Article Type: practical | Subject: Semiotic Criticism
Received: 2013/04/28 | Accepted: 2013/06/27 | Published: 2013/09/23

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