Volume 11, Issue 44 (2018)                   LCQ 2018, 11(44): 81-115 | Back to browse issues page

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Seyedan M. The method of Narrating in Seyar al-molook by Khajeh Nizam al-Molk (According to Some Parts of the Structuralism Theories). LCQ 2018; 11 (44) :81-115
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-25520-en.html
Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature in Sharif University of Technology , seyedan@sharif.edu
Abstract:   (9878 Views)
In the cultural history of Iran, some didactic books have been written to rulers. These books not only have so many linguistic and historical values, but also reveal theoretical topics in the area of politics as well as the practical ways of using them. In addition, one can recognize the political and social moralities of rulers, by these books. Narrating was the most common way of expressing the meanings which the writers of these books wanted to share. Seyar al-molook (Siyasat-nameh), created by Khaje Nizam al-Molk, is one of the most important Adab al-molook (royal more)s in Persian, has been written in the 5th century. This book chiefly includes the numerous tales which the writer expresses some policy and ethical recommendations among them, for Saljuqian rulers. In this article, it has been studied on the tales of 39 chapters of the book, according to some parts of the Criticism of Structuralism. First, it is indicated some parts of the Structuralism Criticism which are used in this article. Second, the tales was separated with numbers. third, it is discussed about the time, mood, voice, the structure of actors and plot, according to Structuralism theory. Forth, the writer has written the conclusions.
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Article Type: Qualitative Research |
Received: 2018/09/26 | Accepted: 2019/04/30 | Published: 2018/05/15

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