Volume 10, Issue 39 (2017)                   LCQ 2017, 10(39): 151-178 | Back to browse issues page

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Keshani L. "Two [or more] layering" in Persian allegorical novels. LCQ 2017; 10 (39) :151-178
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-1930-en.html
Ferdowsi university of Mashhad
Abstract:   (10412 Views)
In the field of Persian contemporary fiction, there are novels with realistic context in which some of the elements are unrealistic. The structural feature of these novels distinguishes them from other types of novels. These features include "double layered meaning", "floating between reality and unreality", "fitting with political and historical situations". These features are so much so these novels could be classified as a subgenre of the Persian fiction. The question of this study is analyzing the common element of "double layering". So, the Pragmatics has been used, because it has been Practical for a better understanding of these novels. Political-historical event effect has been said in creation of this work with analysis of said novels with attention to four characteristics of time, place, sender and reader.
As a result, the common element of “multi-layer” in contemporary Persian allegorical novels makes us classify these novels under a sub-genre. This element also makes us distinguish allegorical novels from the other types of novel. This type of novel is also a modern phenomenon which is in conformity with the needs and necessities of modern life that are directly related to political events.
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Article Type: practical | Subject: Street literature
Received: 2017/03/15 | Accepted: 2017/11/22 | Published: 2017/12/14

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