Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Azad University, Ramhormoz
Abstract: (11257 Views)
In this article,first,postmodernism and its most important components, such as ontological theme, revalation of novel techniques,short circuit,indeterminacy,time disturbance,shift of narrator and point of view, rebellious characters,multiple endings,are shortly described.Then the existence of some of them in two short stories of Abootorab Khosravi( PELEKAN and HUZUR) is demonstrated,using some examples of the texts.Although these two texts have some of the elements of modernism ,ontological theme, which is the dominant element of postmodernism,can be seen in these texts; therefore they could be considered as postmodern texts.
Article Type:
practical |
Street literature Received: 2008/06/27 | Accepted: 2008/08/4 | Published: 2008/08/26