Showing 6 results for Wolf
Volume 7, Issue 29 (3-2011)
Fareshteh Rostami
This paper tries to find out textual methodology of perception theory in the novel “Del-e-Fulad (1369) of Maniro Ravanipour.
Presumably, the aim is to know the significant difference between reading this text in its year of publication comparison to reading the same, years later. In the course of its assessment, the research found that apart from purport “war” that prevailed in 1990, an imprint of other meanings could be seen in this novel in 2010. Purports such as woman writer, individual and temporal dictatorships, society, power history etc and comprehensive “anticipated horizon” can be examined in the folds of this novel during the time span of about two decades.
The proposed paper is based on descriptive-analytical method as well as library studies. Since, this method was not applied for “Del-e-Fulad” so far, it is believed that the proposed report could prove effective in the way of making it “creative” and “reading-centric”.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2020)
World literature is a reaction against unfulfillment and diminished satisfaction hereby national literature to be existed so. The vivid fulfillment is a solid world people and hidden one is a superiority and national excess as a matched hope of aims in this way. A solvtion of result is a coefficency among world literates to be gained by colture instrument beside of language and literature.
Goetheś aspects in this view of
world literature is a reaction of thoughts, aims and events through his days of life hence, those are many and much continuously canged. The essay to be fronted is trying to survey these Goetheś aspects towards world literature and his demands fulfilled from world literature as his situation to be matched by borders and know how to be accomplished
Mohsen Sadeghi,
Volume 9, Issue 35 (10-2016)
In some romantic stories and legends, the pair seeker initially appears as a beast and after marriage, will restore its human face. The stories of animal-groom in the West are influenced by Keivid and Psike by Apolis, and in Iran by Zahhak marriage to Jamshid’s sisters. In accordance with the principle of myth displacement, the base of animal-groom in the Islamic period of time has been adapted to the conditions and religious characteristics and has found a place to remind future generations in mind by expression in the Mystical stories. This story is included in the book of Hezar Hekayat-e Sufeyane and its central theme is the marriage of a wolf to a human girl.
In this paper, initially the the structures of the story is assessed by the story of Zahhak’s marriage to Jamshid’s sisters in Shahnameh Ferdowsi and some Iranian legends of animal-groom. Then, the symbolic aspect of the wolf is checked. In Iranian mythology, this animal is harmful and one of the manifestations of evil, but on the contrary, it is the totemic ancestor of some neighbors and enemies of old Iran. According to the findings of this study, marriage of the human daughter to a werewolf in the mystical tale is linked with exogamy tradition.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2022)
Johan Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), a reflective thinker and speaker from Germany, firstly announced the world group of literature words in May 1827. His speech in demand of world literature has become an essence for writing and speaking among those world philosophers who were researchers of literature in that time. There are many gaps to be fulfilled on this subject matter. In the same way, the original demand of his direct willing in making world literature has not been reached to a certain result. At last, the following research on the bases of disputed conversations, biographies (self-writing and others), letters, and his essays could be the sources in the fulfillment of Goethe’s point of view about world literature. It is no doubt that Goethe's point of view and other thinkers and speakers from Germany in the decades of 18th and 19th centuries could be a means for other nations and countries in the way of gathering world literature considering awareness, sympathy, and preservation of the great combination of world literature basically in relation to Europe and Germany in that time. In the following research, considering a historical creation in the way of comparative literature, the original demand of Goethe about world literature was investigated
, Ali Azarpira,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (5-2017)
Influenced by Phenomenology, Iser and Jaus propounded Aesthetic Reception Theory. They believe that literary texts have no potential or fixed meanings, and it is the reader who discovery the meaning by his reading. Iser attempts to formulize the meaning discovery process primarily, by presenting the Gaps and Blanks in literary texts, he makes the readers participate in interpretation the texts as much as the producer of the same texts. In Iser viewpoint, by filling the blanks in literary texts, readers revive those texts. Then by presenting and expanding Omission and Highlighting, Hypothesizing, reading/reader strategy, and expectation horizons, Iser and Jaus pave the way for explaining the meaning discovering process. This paper attempts at analyzing the poem, AY ADAMHA, and its various interpretations in the light of Aesthetic Reception processes. Therefore, considering the introducing and classifying the various interpretations of this poem, readers Reception is analyzed, and the blanks of the texts is scrutinized
Volume 10, Issue 43 (9-2022)
Adab Al-Harb va A-Shaja’ah is a valuable and specialized book in the field of war and war etiquette, which unfortunately has not been studied much. During the main topics of the book, which is militarism, we can find issues related to popular culture, customs, and folk beliefs. Due to the existence of various popular beliefs in this book, this study aims to focus on only a few specific beliefs related to wolves, ostriches and lions, which are rare and underused. Beliefs about ankle bone and bowstring are examined in the wolf debate, fire-eating beliefs in the ostrich debate, and fear beliefs in the lion debate. Extensive studies have shown that none of these beliefs have been studied so far, and in this article, as one of the first attempts, evidence from other texts and sources are examined. So far as research method is concerned, first, the book was carefully studied and different public beliefs and folks were extracted, then some specific beliefs were selected and described based on different sources.