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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

In spite of the potential merit of technology-enhanced education in offering an innovative educational game in the arena of English teaching and learning, they have not garnered much momentum in terms of practical research, particularly in ELT speaking domain and their potential role in the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic eras. This constitutes a substantial gap in the extant corpus of literature, which will be addressed in the current study by exploring the short- and long-term impacts of immersive virtual reality  and space team ESL games on the speaking abilities of Iranian EFL learners. To this light, 54 basic EFL students from private language institutions in Urmia were selected through convenience sampling and an intact group design. Three classes were randomly exposed to two treatments, encompassing virtual reality, space team, and a control group receiving traditional instruction. The participants were pre-tested with the IELTS speaking test before receiving the treatment, and the same instrument was utilized for post-tests and delayed post-tests. In contrast to the traditional group, the results demonstrated that both immersive virtual reality and space team games enhanced students' short- and long-term oral performance. The findings of this study could be well-regarded as an important proposal for considering game-based instruction as an integral component of ELT classrooms and a technique for promoting language proficiency in non-native contexts.In spite of the potential merit of technology-enhanced education in offering an innovative educational game in the arena of English teaching and learning, they have not garnered much momentum in terms of practical research, particularly in ELT speaking domain and their potential role in the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic eras. This constitutes a substantial gap in the extant corpus of literature, which will be addressed in the current study by exploring the short- and long-term impacts of immersive virtual reality  and space team ESL games on the speaking abilities of Iranian EFL learners. To this light, 54 basic EFL students from private language institutions in Urmia were selected through convenience sampling and an intact group design. Three classes were randomly exposed to two treatments, encompassing virtual reality, space team, and a control group receiving traditional instruction. The participants were pre-tested with the IELTS speaking test before receiving the treatment, and the same instrument was utilized for post-tests and delayed post-tests. In contrast to the traditional group, the results demonstrated that both immersive virtual reality and space team games enhanced students' short- and long-term oral performance. The findings of this study could be well-regarded as an important proposal for considering game-based instruction as an integral component of ELT classrooms and a technique for promoting language proficiency in non-native contexts.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study aimed to unravel the EFL students’ technology acceptance toward implementing Technology-Mediated Syntax Learning (TMSL) and unveil its impact on EFL students' learning autonomy and English Syntax (ES) learning achievement. Therefore, the quantitative study was operated through descriptive analysis and pre-experimental design. The descriptive analysis was done to scrutinize the EFL students' technology acceptance and learning autonomy toward implementing TMSL. The pre-experimental study was conducted to know the effect of TMSL implementation on ES learning achievement. The participants of this study were 121 students who joined the English Syntax course in the English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training at a public university in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the participants highly accepted TMSL and depicted high learning autonomy scores. The statistical calculation proved significant differences between participants' ES Pre-test and Post-test scores, meaning that TMSL implementation significantly affected ES learning achievement. However, previous studies' distinct results of technology acceptance and autonomy analysis suggest further investigation, including applying different research approaches. Hence, this study suggests that a technology integration model gains positive output and outcome for the EFL learning context.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This research is aimed to capture EFL teachers’ use of technology in Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) by focusing on the variety and intensity of tasks in teaching reading. Driven by the survey research, the data were collected from 71 teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia and analyzed descriptively. The findings show that the EFL teachers perceived that the use of technology in TBLT in teaching reading is important and it can enhance students' language learning experiences. Technology offers engaging materials and activities that aid reading comprehension. Furthermore, EFL teachers' use of various  tasks and resources may indicate a need for continuing professional development to improve digital literacy skills and pedagogical strategies of English teachers in EFL context. Although the findings of this survey give an insight into the data of English teachers’ use of technology in TBLT in terms of variety and intensity in teaching reading, this survey has its limitations with regard to the numbers of participants. This research highlights the dynamic relationship among technology, TBLT, and reading instruction in the EFL context, and suggests the need for continued research and exploration of best practices in this area. The current study succeeded in adding new empirical studies related to the variety and intensity in pre-reading, whilst-reading and post-reading activities of EFL teachers enacting teaching reading with the use of TBLT. 

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

This study aimed to identify the optimal red currant cultivars for mechanized harvesting by evaluating the bush's morphological structure and the berries' mechanical parameters. Fourteen red currant cultivars were assessed during the 2021-2022 season, and their berry quality indicators and mechanical parameters, including separation force (Fs) and crushing force (Fc), were measured. The results showed that the cultivar plays an important role on the bush's morphological structure, while the berries' mechanical parameters impact the efficiency of harvesting process. The high correlation between Fs and Fc allowed for predicting the optimal harvesting periods of the cultivars. Among the cultivars, 'Rolan', 'Jonkheer Van Tets', 'Rovada', 'Red Lake', 'Asya', 'Vika', and 'Niva' were considered as technological cultivars and suitable for mechanized harvesting. This study emphasizes the importance of considering genetic and morphological factors when selecting red currant cultivars for mechanized harvesting and provides valuable insights for breeding and developing new cultivars adapted to mechanized harvesting.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)

The adjective "sustainable” is used for worldwide explanation where both human and nature can live up to their present needs, sustain the rights of future generations and protect the environment without the existence of destructive effects. Use of natural resources accordingly to provide today’s human needs and not to become dangerous for  future’s human needs is the issue that leads architects to follow the principles of sustainable development. In this investigation, improving of climatic technology and use of climatic condition and natural resources in traditional architecture of Iran and contemporary architecture will be studied. It is often forgotten and even ignored that architectural traditions are rich in content, given that they have found the right harmony between the necessities of living, the environment, material resources and ideas on the use of space. Using these criteria, contemporary architecture could take a direction where cultural continuity and adaptability not only take pride place but also provide guidelines for climate-adapted and sustainable architecture. However, during the last decades, the impact of socio-economic and cultural changes on traditional environments has become obvious. Contemporary design is increasingly depending on the mechanically controlled environments in order to maintain comfort, hence, increasing energy consumption. For achieving this goal, first, the importance of climatic traditional architecture of Iran and its principles of designing will be noticed. In other words, we will find how climatic architecture can influence sustainable development by using renewable energy resources like wind and solar energy and climatic condition. In this part, the paper focuses on the role of climatic responsive design, building situation in a site and angle of sunlight, building form, building roof, interior thermal comfort and natural air ventilation. In the second part, we will study the role of new and smart technologies in achieving sustainable development goals. As we know, time is passing and human knowledge develops every day, so it is necessary to pay attention to new and smart technologies behind the climatic responsive design until we can design buildings in respect of human comfort that are conformable with sustainable development as well. So, according to revolution have been existed by nanotechnology. It is noticed to Nano smart Technology and using of renewable energies. Undoubtedly, nanotechnology can provide many opportunities for architects and engineers for enhancing the construction material and decreasing their weak points and increasing their advantages. Buildings have the main role in balancing energy consumption. Solar energy, which is known as Photovoltaic energy can provide energy without using fossil fuels. Due to the importance of photovoltaic energy for improving of the efficiency and flexibility of solar cells, they have been widely studied. In this case, Nano- technology has made some progress in providing energy from wind and sun in micro scale. The main goal of this article is to study on climate design and usage of new technologies. Climate design refers to the principles that we follow in traditional architecture, where the materials are clay and brick. However, now that the material and construction technology have been improved; the question is how we can have a conformable architecture with sustainable development?

Volume 1, Issue 2 (4-2021)

The notion of the characteristics of an ignoble human being in Gabriel Marcel's thought revolves around components such as establishing an "I - s/he" relationship with others, unpreparedness and unopenness in relations with others, and presence in the realm of "having." To that end, it will become clear that by establishing an "I-you" relationship, being present to other human beings in the realm of "being" becomes noble, but by examining Marcel's ideas it became clear that the dominance of science and technology over human beings paved the way for the formation of a mass society and further, it intensifies the functional view of human, and as a result all these factors, increases the intensity and speed of ignobility of contemporary mankind. In this study, which aimed to explain the factors of nobelity and ignobility from Gabriel Marcel's point of view, it became clear that he believes to emerge from unoriginality. a human being should be able to freely choose, to accept responsibility, to communicate with the secret and to have characteristics such as love, loyalty, faith and hope.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (12-2019)

Knowledge is power (quoted from Ferdowsi), knowledge is really the ability. Science, economics and power affect each other. The interactive influences of science and technology, economy and power, are vital and widespread. The power of science, social contexts, economics context has revolutionized political thought and military power and crosses the natural boundaries and transformed the weight of the country's geopolitical.
Identifying the relationship between knowledge, economic situation and power has always been particularly importance. Studies show that in the term of economy, power, science and technology of each country are placed in a different position, and according to this position, their goals and policies are variable. In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the links between science and technology, economy and power of countries and tries to identify the relationship between the complements of science and technology, economy and power.
The research method of this paper is descriptive-analytic and data collecting method including the use of statistical resources and the study population included 37 countries which in a period of 9 years 2010 to 2018 in the form of three components were compared and evaluated.
The results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the indices of science and technology of countries and economic power, and there is a direct relation between economic power and political power of countries. In addition, countries that have a good position in terms of science and technology have a favorable position in terms of power.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)

In this study, first using documentary research method, the nature of language in the web-based electronic communication, besides different methods of improving communicative and linguistics competence in teaching languages online, were investigated. Then considering the importance of language faculties' familiarity with the role of computer-based teaching in the development of linguistic competence and communicative skills necessary for translating or teaching all foreign languages (esp. Persian to non-natives), a descriptive survey method was used to investigate the familiarity of foreign language faculties with the strategies and technologies used in e-teaching-learning process applied in teaching languages online. The results of the 68 questionnaires filled in by English, French, German and Persian faculties of seven universities offering classical and virtual programs indicated that most of language faculties are not familiar with web-based strategies and techniques in teaching or learning foreign languages. Considering the need of our country for the experts who are able to communicate with the scientific scholarly networks in the world to obtain or transfer related knowledge and those who are able to use at least one international language of their fields thoroughly, planning an online faculty training program can be an essential measure to improve teaching or translating foreign languages at the academic level and also lead Persian language to find its proper position in the cultural, educational and scientific world networks.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

    This study is aimed to design and examine a model for situational antecedents of IS/IT user satisfaction in administrative organizations. In this regard, questionnaires related to research variables were prepared and after ensuring the reliability and the content validity, were distributed among 379 employees as a sample. In order to test the hypotheses, first of all, measurement models were estimated and tested. Then, the data were fitted to structural equation. Results showed that all of situational factors, except IT Infrastructure of IS/IT, had positive meaningful effects on perceived ease of use in %99 confidence level. Moreover, perceived ease of use had a significant positive effect on user satisfaction. Among the situational factors examined, only task-technology fitted and technical support had a significant positive effect on perceived usefulness of information technology; however the significant effect of perceived usefulness on user satisfaction was not confirmed. Finally it was revealed that among mentioned situational factors, it is user involvement that has a direct positive effect on user satisfaction. Also, based on the result of the side-study, perceived usefulness of IT/IS has a moderating effect on the impact of IS/IT ease of use on user satisfaction.  

Volume 3, Issue 10 (9-2022)

Today, adopting new technologies is one of the challenges in organizations, especially sports organizations, which has received little attention. The fit between the organization's strategic resources and information systems based on information and communication technology generates creativity in processing operations and, as a result, provides new products and services. The current research was conducted to investigate the impact of information and communication technology on the empowerment of managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Kermanshah province, taking social capital and self-sufficiency into account. The research method was descriptive-correlation and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the research included 320 managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah province, and 175 people were selected as a statistical sample using the stratified random method based on Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was the use of standard questionnaires. This research used Smart PLS software to examine the relationships between the model's components from the structural equations and to analyze the data. The results showed that information and communication technology had a positive and significant impact on the empowerment of managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah province, taking into account social capital and self-efficacy, and based on this, information and communication technology had a positive effect on the capital social with an impact factor of 0.76 and a t-value of 803.19, information and communication technology on self-efficacy, with an impact factor of 0.67 and a t-value of 501.11, social capital on empowerment, with an impact factor of 0.35 and a t-value of 527.2. And self-efficacy has had a positive and significant effect on empowerment with an impact factor of 0.42 and a t value of 310.3. Also, information and communication technology has the most impact on social capital, with an impact factor of 0.76, and social capital has the least impact on empowerment, with an impact factor of 0.35. It is suggested that managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah province synchronize information and communication technology in sports organizations with topics such as empowerment, social capital, and self-efficacy to create effective and productive outcomes.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)

According to Iran’s visions "Iran is a country achieved the first position of economy, science and technology in Southwest Asia, with emphasis on the software and science." Since the base line of this vision is knowledge core, in this study is conducted in Science and Technology sectors considering being knowledge core. Therefore developing such strategic model with accordance to Iran’s 20 years period vision was perused. Knowledge core consists of three layers, humans, organization and society. Each of these layers have different dimension. For each of these dimensions, indicators has proposed and to confirm those indicators, a six steps process has conducted. Cultural, economic, social, political, scientific, financial, indicators totaling 2,100 were identified. Doing analysis, 1178 indicators were extracted and grouped in 20 categories. 313 indicators considered based on meaningfulness analysis approach and 40 of them selected using focus groups. Selected indicators ranked based on frequencies. In this research content analysis, Delphi, interview and questionnaire have been used. Collected data analyzed using statistical softwares by chi-square test. According to the results, the wise man, the wise organization and the wise community formed the main aspects of the research model.   According to Iran’s visions "Iran is a country achieved the first position of economy, science and technology in Southwest Asia, with emphasis on the software and science." Since the base line of this vision is knowledge core, in this study is conducted in Science and Technology sectors considering being knowledge core. Therefore developing such strategic model with accordance to Iran’s 20 years period vision was perused. Knowledge core consists of three layers, humans, organization and society. Each of these layers have different dimension. For each of these dimensions, indicators has proposed and to confirm those indicators, a six steps process has conducted. Cultural, economic, social, political, scientific, financial, indicators totaling 2,100 were identified. Doing analysis, 1178 indicators were extracted and grouped in 20 categories. 313 indicators considered based on meaningfulness analysis approach and 40 of them selected using focus groups. Selected indicators ranked based on frequencies. In this research content analysis, Delphi, interview and questionnaire have been used. Collected data analyzed using statistical softwares by chi-square test. According to the results, the wise man, the wise organization and the wise community formed the main aspects of the research model.              

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Innovation network is one considerable approach for innovation development in countries. This approach is applicable in high-tech development. Identifying noticeable aspects in innovation development can help planning and policy making for industries. Important factors of innovation network development in information technology sector obtained reviewing the literature. The research goal is to assess current situation of these factors and their indicators and compare them with each other. Therefore, after gaining experts opinion, a survey has been conducted in seven states of Iran about information technology corporations. The dimensions consist of corporation enablers, embeddedness, adjutant environment, self-organization, learning, interaction quality, innovation and network effectiveness. Obtained results of these dimensions have been analyzed. Based on the results, current situation of each dimension has been determined which can be used in poly-making processes.  Results highlighted that there is significant differences between the situations of these dimensions.    

Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2023)

Aims: Urban spaces in the age of technology are changing in all dimensions due to the addition of connected users, and neglecting to recognize these developments has distanced us from the current content of the urban space and deprived the city planners of the possibility of efficient planning and appropriate use of technology. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to explain the changes made in public spaces based on the dimensions of the urban space of Carmona under the influence of modern communication and information technologies.
Methods: This research is looking for the theories of public space in a historical process and by adopting an interpretative approach and benefiting from qualitative content analysis in the context of Atlas analytical software to analyze the changes of public space in the age of technology according to the six dimensions. Carmona urban space.
Findings: findings indicate that the impact of the technology paradigm was not the same in all aspects of the urban space. Among the most important ones, we can mention the transfer of social interactions from the space of place to the space of flow, the flexibility of the functional space, the formation of an independent perceptual system, and the weakening of the concept of access.
Conclusion: The results show that because of technology in urban areas, although all dimensions of urban spaces have undergone changes in some way, but the most changes have taken place in functional and social areas. Based on these changes, a redefinition of public spaces has been explained and presented in accordance with the characteristics of the technological era.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)

With the instrumentation of Mass Spectrometry (MS) and advances carried out in bioinformatic tools and databases, along with birth of nanotechnology in 1990s, biology experienced a dramatic revolution and new perspectives were found in molecular biology and medicine, agriculture, environmental sciences and pharmatiuticals. The most important one is systematic look at the entire organism and solving biological problems at the level of entire system viewed as an integrated and interacting network of genes, proteins and biochemical reactions (Systems Biology). In addition, :union: of biology and nanotechnology result in creation of nanobiotechnology. This paper provides an easy-to-read guide to the concepts of some of the major topics in today’s biology. Topics discussed here, include fundamentals of proteomics and systematic descriptions of the various types of studies in proteomics. After a brief review on the physical principles of nanotechnology, the application of one of its products, known as quantum dot in biology and particularly, proteomics studies, were discussed. This account covers the general principles and applications of new emerging fields in biology.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2000)

Behrouz Akhlaghi Associate Professor of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Tehran University Hossein Beyabangard Ph.D. Student of Private Law, Tarbiat Modares University Technology transfer, a procedure based on which, sciences, technologies, skills and Scientific and technical abilities, owned or controlled by a foreign country or foreign company are transfered to a country or company, demanding them, constitutes one of the basic subjects of the foreign direct investment. Technology transfer is one of the most essential and fundamental subjects in foreign direct investment. Obtaining new technologies innovated by developed countries and the multinational companies is a principal goal of the developing countries. Technology Transfer from the standpoint of the analysis of it's nature within the legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is already entailed in Article 10 of Iranian Civil Code. Technology as an immaterial commodity is transferable, both commercially and non-commercially. Joint-ventures, some times interpereted as legal participation or commerical participation, is considered as important and efficient method for the commercial transfer of technology. Among the different methods of advanced technology transfer, the foreign direct investment by way of establishing joint venture companies is of the autmost importance. For on the one hand, the foreign investore due to it's partnership in management and ownership usually present acceptable Technology. On the other hand, on accounts of local partner's awarnece of internal circumstances the Legal, economic and political sensitivities are minimized.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (11-2014)

Regarding the importance of inhibiting VEGF and unique features of VHHs as a new generation of antibody-based therapeutics, the present study aimed to generate VHHs against the receptor binding domain of VEGF, thereby blocking of VEGF binding to its receptor. After preparing the gene repertoire of VHH fragments from an immunized camel, a VHH phage display library was constructed. We adopted a stringent successive biopanning to isolate the phages displaying VHH with high affinity to VEGF-RBD.A significant enrichment of phages that specifically bound to the target protein was obtained after six rounds of panning. Of the specific clones with high binding affinity screened by monoclonal phage ELISA, 52% shared the same VHH sequence, showing its high enrichment. Using molecular simulation of antigen-antibody interaction based on the crystallographic information of VEGF/VEGFR2, molecular dynamics simulations and MM/PBSA free energy calculations, we provide a reliable picture of the binding site of antibody on antigen. The key residues in the VEvhh1-VEGF interface were dissected and the energetics was analyzed by MM/PBSA. The results of studies revealed that VEvhh1 binds to the receptor binding site of VEGF with high binding energy and showed the highest affinity to the residues of VEGF which are responsible for VEGF binding to VEGFR2. Also the antibody potently covers these key functional residues of VEGF, thereby inhibiting VEGF binding to its receptor and probably abrogating its biological activity. This study may represent VEvhh1 as an anti-VEGF and anti-angiogenic candidate.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2015)

The development of technology and modern industrial foundations has faced new matters to contemporary human societies. Technology is rapidly changing lifestyles, social interactions and even modern human worldview about him (her)self and existence. Technology-the unavoidable reality of modern world- represented itself as a phenomenon of expanding. The modern techniques have become quite different from the past. Contemporary human involvement with technology is expanding so that a comparison with the former meaning in traditional societies as a means to solve life problems. Technology is changing dimensions of our world and it forces us to ask questions about its relationship with man and society. And this is taking every explorer mind under the question of technology quiddity, method of incidence and quality of its connection with human beings. This study is about to frame below questions to give an explanation about proper relation between technology and human: Can still believe that our attitude and worldview determine the direction of technology? What is the relation between technology and society? Can human and social responsibilities attached to technology? What phenomenal and cognitional quality is technology divulging in its current definition and framework? Is technology an essential reality, and as a purposive structure, does it impose its roots to humans? Or does it have an implemental and neutral relation with them? So that, human will and worldview shape its functions? Is, equating technology and technical artifacts, giving a meaningful definition of it? Or, is there any particular concept traits through technical symbols that should be discovered? What is the relation between human and technology in our (Iran) religion, culture and society? Should we accept technology or say “no” to it? Which way can we choose? Since the advent of new technology in industrial societies, the important issue is the question of how it relates to human. Many schools discussed about this issue and described its damages and ways to solve them. Some of this viewpoints, such as traditionalists think that the influence of modern technology is destructive for human due to killing the spirit of objects and relationships. Others, such as technocrats believe that technology is the spirit of our age and its acceptance is inevitable and also useful. But in the middle of these two approaches, other viewpoints related the acceptance or rejection of technology to structures, like Marxists that based on ideological concepts, or like Phenomenologists that seek to understand and penetrate into essence of Tech. But acceptance or rejection and even criticizing, will not open all the dimensions of this phenomenon. Comprehension of technology’s relationship with knowledge and awareness can cause of rupture the dominance of it on society. We can classify these viewpoints in three groups: Those who believe in surrounded life by technology and innate autonomy of it. The other group who believe in that technology is a tool in human’s hand and has no valuable content. But coping with each of these approaches puts us into passive position that without cognition of our situation in technological world, we released ourselves from its recognition. Establishing an active relation with technology is depend on knowledge and to get out of constructed framework of technique. According to its purpose, the study based on basis – analytical research that collecting library data, analysis and descriptive conclusions from them, are its roots. The basic framework of the study has formed in based of gathering the viewpoint of various schools in philosophy of technology. In this context, schools have been selected that more attention has been paid to their opinions and written sources in our country (Iran). In a comparative study has been evaluated the main elements of these schools with Islamic thought in a pathological approach. The results, come from comparative analysis of different schools view, showing that not only technology can’t be understood as neutral phenomena but also finding the theoretical basics, meaning and function of It, is inevitable for the explanation of relation between self and technology. Unilateral approach can’t help us to know the answer of technology question and acceptance or negation of such phenomena.Rather, it should be viewed as a result of distinguishing between phenomenal and existential quality of technology and technical artifacts. Looking into thoughts around technology and analyzing various religious views in the standards of Islamic – Iranian culture, this study attempts to survey theoretical basics and its acceptance manner in our current society. So that with the recognition of structures and the manner of true realization of this phenomena, knowing its defects and can be using it as a possibility to improve human physical and spiritual life. The Conclusions of analytical evaluation of different opinions about technology and its relation with the current technology in societies explain that technology in the contemporary world is different from industrial technology because of the link with data and information. This link give a fluid and flexible trait to technology that makes it able to penetrate through all levels of human relations and social institutions. Rupturing totality and internal unity of technology develops it to human as an opportunity to inaugurate the world and discover new concepts. This interaction depends on getting away from templates and get out of progressive network that will violate the human will and consciousness. The superficial presence of technology in society without a social function and proportion with real needs in developing countries is one of the challenges that could harm the public reception of this phenomenon. Modern technique in terms of physical and conceptual, have fundamental differences with traditional technology. In the past, technology could not be master of human dignity in terms of small-scale and fragmentation, while the contemporary human lie upon an entirely technologic atmosphere. Finally, solutions are given based on results of the research according to cultural and social situation of the country. So that, in addition to avoiding harms and defects of technology, a valuable concept can be explained the late for the sublimation of human in connection with technology.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Knowledge-based firms are driver of knowledge-based economy that play a key role in development of it. These firms cause synergy in science and wealth, development of knowledge-based economy, achieving scientific and economic goals and commercialization of research and development in the field of high technologies .In literature, terms such as knowledge society, intelligence, learning or knowledge-based organizations are used more often. Related to these concepts, organizations should act intelligently by learning. But theoretical knowledge and review of the literature show that concept of knowledge-based firms are related with the concept of SMEs, start-ups, high-tech industries, new technology based firms and Spin-Offs firms. In this paper we try to identify the main approaches in definitions and provide proper classification of them according to the definitions provided in the literature and using content analysis method. Based on content analysis of the definitions proposed by various researchers and the features offered in several studies, Following Criteria are main characteristics of knowledge based firms: be technologically new, emergence of new industries in the form of definition of sector and medium or high technology, young firms, size of firms, independence of firms, subject of firms –that implies exploitation from new know-how or new technology and a focus on R&D, and founder characteristic.  

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Increasing complexity and turbulence of environment, are requiring quick response and proper reaction of organizations. These conditions have increased the need of organizations to think and act beyond just solving their current issues. In today's competitive and changing environment, being and acting smart are the best guarantee for any business to success. Present study seeks to answer the question of what the processes are and what factors are necessary for smart organization. This paper is based on descriptive- survey methods, and of purpose is fundamental - applicable research. The statistical population is consist of 3531 people from manufacturing firms in a company and 347 of them were chosen as a sample. Data was gathered using a questionnaire and Delphi technique was used. To analyze the data, partial least squares method used by Smart PLS software. Test results showed that all variables had a significant and positive impact on the smart organization, except group work, and the effect of all variable together is significant. Also found out that flexible communications has greatest impact on the smart organization.

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