Showing 399 results for Sign
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
In the sign-semantics of discourse that has a process function, unlike constructionist semiotics in which pre-made and non-fluid meaning is considered, the meaning is born of a dynamic and destabilizing tension between the linguistic levels of form and content; The fluidity and plurality of meaning in this attitude is due to the comparative interaction of feeling, perception and recognition of signs and meanings. The dominant discourse on the two poems "Ali.. Ghassan Kanfani" by Al-Fituri and "Marg Nazli" by Shamlou, relies on extensive and compressed communication; Since this discourse is born in the coexistence of sensory-perceptual and aesthetic functions, it inherits tense-emotional characteristics. The aim of the present research is to analyze these functions and explain the sign-semantic characteristics that dominate them in order to explain the meaning production conditions.This research is aimed at using, to show how the narrators of these two poems, through their special performance, in Dissociation from the limited personal me and attachment to the collective and transcendental me have been placed, and with the mechanism adopted by the speaker, the personal and private me of the agitator has been cut off from himself and connected with the transcendental me, and by extending the domain of presence Mythological heroes from a limited and historical time and place have caused the stabilization and expansion of their "presence" and "wide-ranging and decisive influence" in the world of the text; Also, the object by referring to a semiotic system has ensured the prismaticity and polyphony of the text.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The sign-semantics approach, which brings together structuralist semiotics and narrative discourse analysis, addresses sensory and perceptual factors in the process of meaning production. This approach has evolved out of a series of developments in semiotics in the twentieth century such as Peirce’s philosophical semiotics, Saussure’s linguistic semiotics, Greimas’ discursive semiotics, and phenomenology. It provides a precise framework from which to analyze the process of meaning production. According, it can be used to analyze scriptures, particularly the holy Quran. In current Quranic studies, unlike the past, a holistic approach which considers this holy book as a coherent and integrated whole wherein there is an organic connection between verses and chapters is utilized by scholars. This study, drawing on pot-Greimasian sign-semantics semiotics (tensive model) as practiced in Iran by Hamidreza Shairi, analyzes the process of meaning production in Shams Surah. The study finds that the process of meaning production is based on “intensite” and “extensite” patterns.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The efficient and systematic design of language education programs through deploying instructional strategies and techniques and with the knowledge of learners’ cognitive make-up and their environment helps develop increasingly effective and capable language learners. Effective instruction begins with effective educational design which involves a wide range of practices, the most important of which is informed and structured material development. In line with these, the present study was carried out to analyze exercises in Arabic textbooks for public junior high schools in Iran based on Nation and McAllister’s (2010) principles of format and presentation of learning materials and activities. The research employed a descriptive design using qualitative content analysis and to achieve more valid and reliable results, Shannon’s entropy for weighting codes and statistical tests of homogeneity of variance, univariate analysis, and Kruskal-Wallis were used. The population and the statistical sample of activities considered in the study were the same and included all the exercises in the selected Arabic textbooks for the 1401-1402 AH / 2022-2023 academic year. Content analysis was done following a researcher-made scheme based on the layers proposed in Nation and McAllister’s (2010) principles, i.e., meaning-oriented input, form-oriented input, meaning-oriented output, and form-oriented output. The validity of the scheme was verified through expert opinion and its reliability was calculated using Pearson correlation. The results of the research showed that in these textbooks, there is no four-way balance in the activities and no harmony between the expected four types of activities on form, meaning, input, and output.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (8-2024)
Damage of both building and non-building structures (including the space structures) against earthquake is of great importance for civil engineers, because collapse of such large structures may have significant casualties and economic losses. Space structures are classified as large-scale structures and can cover a large space without columns. Seismic behavior of these structures is different from building structures. There are different types of space structures considering the geometrical aspects, which are effective in the damages causing economic and life losses. A space structure has three-dimensional behavior, and their higher-mode effects are remarkable. On the other hand, the weight of these structures is relatively low that may cause an unrealistic reduction in the calculation of seismic force in a static analysis. Therefore, the static analysis cannot capture their structural response effectively. Traditionally, the dynamic analysis is utilized for seismic design of space structures due to their complex structural behavior. Thus, in this paper, seismic design of two single-layer domes is performed using two dynamic analyses: time history analysis and response spectrum analysis. Although there are some studies on seismic design of domes, further investigations are required due to the structural diversity of different domes and the difference in their seismic behavior. Here, the ribbed and Schwedler domes under gravity and seismic loads are analyzed dynamically. The parameters of the design response spectral acceleration are based on ASCE7-16, and the site class (based on the soil type) is selected as “D”. Both horizontal and vertical components of seismic excitations are utilized in the dynamic analyses, because all these components are effective in design of a dome structure. The damping ratio is assumed to be 2% in the dynamic analyses based on the relevant literature. In the response spectrum analysis, the vertical seismic load is expressed in terms of dead loads in the response spectrum analysis. In the time history analysis, seven ground motion records are selected based on the seismic zone. These ground motion records are scaled using both amplitude scaling and spectral matching approaches. The vertical components are scaled to the specific vertical design spectrum obtained from ASCE7-16. In this study, seismic design of the ribbed and Schwedler domes with a span of 36 meters and a height of 6 meters are carried out with some limitations on the member stress ratios and top nodal displacements. The structural designs based on the time history analysis and the response spectrum analysis are compared. The same cross-sectional areas are used in designs of the dome structures to compare the effects of these dynamic analysis methods better. In general, the top node displacement and stress ratios of the dome obtained using time history analysis is larger than that obtained using spectral dynamic analysis. Accordingly, the results indicate that the structure designed with the time history analysis is heavier than the structure designed with the response spectrum analysis. Obviously, although the time history analysis provides a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the structure, it requires much higher computational cost than the response spectrum analysis.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (8-2024)
The significant wave height is a critical parameter in the design and analysis of marine structures, as well as in their operational use. Consequently, predicting this parameter greatly contributes to improving the design and analysis of marine structures. Various modeling approaches for wave characteristics include numerical, empirical, and artificial intelligence models. This study employs the SWAN model, which is a third-generation model for the simulation and estimation of wave characteristics. Furthermore, soft computing models, including individual and hybrid artificial intelligence models such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Emotional Artificial Neural Networks (EANN), have been utilized for wave height prediction, using data from the Amirabad buoy for validation purposes. In this research, the model inputs consist of wind speed, while the outputs are the wave heights. The analysis of the different models was carried out using statistical metrics, including bias, root mean square error, coefficient of variation, and coefficient of determination. The evaluation of the models using these statistics indicates an acceptable agreement between the significant wave heights estimated by the SWAN model and the buoy data. Additionally, each of the three artificial intelligence models mentioned demonstrates a relatively accurate capability in predicting wave height. A comparison of the results from the artificial intelligence models revealed that the Support Vector Machine model exhibited higher accuracy than the others. The Support Vector Machine model serves as an alternative method to the SWAN model or other numerical techniques, enhancing modeling outcomes when wave height data is unavailable or lacks the necessary statistical quality.
Volume 0, Issue 3 (9-2008)
one of the most important purposes of studying Persian painting is to discover the mysteries of
these traces and proving their relation with other Iranian and traditional art literature and with a
special point of view showing their connection with the layout and grammar design in the past
time. The growing of this art isn’t separated from the life of the adherents. And it’s to be
effective on producing all traces of Persian painting, and always have related to the rich contents
of Iranian literature; and to make available space for growing and raising the culture of this
Traveilling through this way has created a wonderful force on personality of the painters,
so that connected their mind with the principle source, away from the world powers.
For studying and analyzing the structure of the two masterpieces of Persian painting of
manuscript books (Shahnameh - Baysonquri and Haft Orang - Jami), the article is trying to point
out and explain about the grammar design of these paintings and the way that these scientific
method can be used in the new graphic arts
Volume 1, Issue 1 (7-2014)
The problem of optimum assignment of base station to users in cellular network has been considered extensiveley in recent years. In this thesis we consider base station assignment problem in cellular network. The outcome of this thesis is two heuristic algorithms. First algorithm is for solving optimum base station assignment in downlink of WCDMA Network which in this algorithm we consider radio condition and capacity of each base station and fainess is considerd in decision making. This problem will be explained in form of MMKP problem that is a NP-Complete problem. So major object of this algorithm is making maximum connectivity between users and network throw the base stations such that connections between users and their assigning base stations provide a good Transactionmission environment with minimum resource consumption. Second algorithm is for a GSM network that in this algorithm we include free channel of each base station in decision making of base station assignment problem such that consult to reducing blocking probability of users requests.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)
Contextualism refers to an approach to urban planning, which considers the city in its totality. It also emphasizes on the role of social, cultural, geographical and historical influences on individual development, because of the increasing interest in understanding environment in post-modernist architecture. It is also the degree to which new architecture is sensitive to its site and location. It farther varies from building to building and place to place. Moreover, architecture in context is neither a brief attention nor a radical innovation; rather it is a strong and expressive visual relationship to the surroundings. Individual building is always seen first as a part of the whole. Creating places and spaces that enrich the lives of the people who use them is the foundation of architect’s work. Every building can and should engage in a dialogue with the history, beliefs and needs of a particular place and time. In fact, current architecture in metropolitans of Iran including Tehran has an attitude based on ignoring the environment and the context of projects, including climate, history, geography, culture, etc. This attitude leads contemporary architecture to a sort of chaos and disorder. It also brings about contemporary architecture to lose its distinctiveness, besides increasing tendency and willingness of young generation of architects to imitate foreign works and projects without any attempt to adjust them to the context and environment of local projects. It means that this attitude can face contemporary architecture with a serious danger and threat, which enjoys no identity and character. The aim of this paper is to elaborate how correct and effective designing approaches in contextual architectural design can be obtained in architectural studios in order to provide designing with a dialogue to their context and environment, to have more successful designing, and also to illustrate a clear vision for contemporary architecture. Design studios in Iran, where architectural design lessons are being taught, are the main and fundamental part of architectural education. Considering that most of undergraduate students in Iranian architectural departments are ignoring the context without paying attention to its influences in their designing, we are going to figure out how context can be reflected and used in architectural designs in this paper. For this purpose, architectural designs in 4 different studios including Educational space, Cinema, Hospital, and Residential Space in Sooreh University in two semesters during a year (2009-2010); were evaluated among 20 groups, which were divided into two controlled and uncontrolled units. The evaluation was based on 9 examinations, which the authors had already extracted from the architectural designing principles. It is worth mentioning that the only difference between those two units (controlled and uncontrolled) was the constructed site model that the controlled units could adjust and adapt their designing to. Final evaluation, which was the average score of each designing group in each examination, showed that controlled unit’s designing gathered higher score; consequently, their approach in designing was more successful and effective. It means that contextualized approaches in studios can improve architectural designing and result with architecture in context. In addition, professors at architectural departments should pay more attention to the context and environment and their role in designing process. They further should integrate their teaching with contextualism. To this end, they may utilize many innovative solutions including a model of the project site.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)
The adjective "sustainable” is used for worldwide explanation where both human and nature can live up to their present needs, sustain the rights of future generations and protect the environment without the existence of destructive effects. Use of natural resources accordingly to provide today’s human needs and not to become dangerous for future’s human needs is the issue that leads architects to follow the principles of sustainable development. In this investigation, improving of climatic technology and use of climatic condition and natural resources in traditional architecture of Iran and contemporary architecture will be studied. It is often forgotten and even ignored that architectural traditions are rich in content, given that they have found the right harmony between the necessities of living, the environment, material resources and ideas on the use of space. Using these criteria, contemporary architecture could take a direction where cultural continuity and adaptability not only take pride place but also provide guidelines for climate-adapted and sustainable architecture. However, during the last decades, the impact of socio-economic and cultural changes on traditional environments has become obvious. Contemporary design is increasingly depending on the mechanically controlled environments in order to maintain comfort, hence, increasing energy consumption. For achieving this goal, first, the importance of climatic traditional architecture of Iran and its principles of designing will be noticed. In other words, we will find how climatic architecture can influence sustainable development by using renewable energy resources like wind and solar energy and climatic condition. In this part, the paper focuses on the role of climatic responsive design, building situation in a site and angle of sunlight, building form, building roof, interior thermal comfort and natural air ventilation. In the second part, we will study the role of new and smart technologies in achieving sustainable development goals. As we know, time is passing and human knowledge develops every day, so it is necessary to pay attention to new and smart technologies behind the climatic responsive design until we can design buildings in respect of human comfort that are conformable with sustainable development as well. So, according to revolution have been existed by nanotechnology. It is noticed to Nano smart Technology and using of renewable energies. Undoubtedly, nanotechnology can provide many opportunities for architects and engineers for enhancing the construction material and decreasing their weak points and increasing their advantages. Buildings have the main role in balancing energy consumption. Solar energy, which is known as Photovoltaic energy can provide energy without using fossil fuels. Due to the importance of photovoltaic energy for improving of the efficiency and flexibility of solar cells, they have been widely studied. In this case, Nano- technology has made some progress in providing energy from wind and sun in micro scale. The main goal of this article is to study on climate design and usage of new technologies. Climate design refers to the principles that we follow in traditional architecture, where the materials are clay and brick. However, now that the material and construction technology have been improved; the question is how we can have a conformable architecture with sustainable development?
Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2020)
Based on the mental health comprehensive plan of development expression in 2015, mental disorders owned the second place of illnesses in Iran and residents of urban areas are the majority of the groups that most had been suffering from mental disorders. Therefore, urban living is a risk factor for residents’ mental health. While the issue of mental health and health is finding an acceptable place in urban design knowledge in global research, only in the last few years this study field has been considered in Iran with respect to the physical aspect of health and the psychological dimension of health remains neglected. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between mental health and urban environment and to propose a conceptual framework aimed at promoting mental health through urban design. In the present qualitative study, the data collection is done through desk study of related valuable scientific papers, and qualitative content analysis is used to extract the urban design qualities related to mental health. The validity of conceptual framework is done through interviews with experts in the fields of urban design and psychology, and completing the questionnaire and data analysis has been done using descriptive statistics. The results show that qualities such as "safety and security", "access to green-blue space", "permeability and walkability", "public realm quality", "place attachment", and "environmental cleanliness" in the substantive dimension and "social interaction and engagement" in the procedural dimension are related to residents’ mental health.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2020)
Aims: The border areas are the most deprived ones due to their remoteness from the capital and marginality. Therefore, border development is essential. This development can be realized through establishment of custom and border marketplaces, which will provide convenient shopping and leisure facilities, along with other infrastructures for importing and exporting goods, as well as entrance and departure of passengers. The goal of the present study was to develop a conceptual model for designing customs and border marketplaces.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study has been conducted in two steps. In the first step, the design qualities of border marketplaces were extracted based on theoretical literature and were evaluated by a semi-structured interview with 10 participants by using snowball methods. In the next step, the theoretical model was developed by a questionnaire, based on the principles of the Delphi method with the help of 10 experts in the field of design sciences.
Findings: The results indicate that some approaches such as urban tourism, passive defense, city branding, and urban design are effective in developing the border areas.
Conclusion: A conceptual model including economic, social, legal and physical dimensions with an emphasize on some principles such as passive defense, accessibility, variety, inclusiveness, vitality, infrastructures, legibility, identity and local architecture, context-museum, sustainability, visual character, continuity and coherence, compatibility with nature and environmental cleanliness, can be used by urban planners and designers in the development of border areas.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2020)
Forming urban heat islands is a serious challenge of the present age and a concern of academic communities. Attention to this issue has increased tremendously in scientific articles and researches, particularly in the last decade. With regard to the importance of the issue, the aim of this study is to form a systematic review and thematic analysis of articles and other researches in this field. Moreover, the content of the key articles was analyzed and the most important factors affecting the formation of urban heat islands were represented in a diagram and each of them was analyzed separately. As examined, urban heat islands are affected by climatic and urban construction factors. The climatic factors include sunlight, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, soil moisture, air humidity, precipitation, latitude, seasonal topographic variations, and the proximity to the river and the sea. Although these factors are almost uncontrollable in the existing cities, they have enormous importance for deciding new towns location and making the decision for city development direction. The second group of factors mainly related to the design of cities is controllable. Among these factors, the most important one is the amount and quality of vegetation in the city. Other factors such as land use, urban density, type of materials used on the facade of the buildings and streets, form and geometry of the city, and also transportation mode could influence the intensity and extent of urban heat islands.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)
Aims: Urban spatial planning may be defined as the spatial planning in the geographical location of the city, based on the approach of providing the needs of inhabitants within the geographic spaces, following the recreation of the roles and functions of urban elements. By planning identity signs in urban spaces, it is meant to make the safety and security of the city sustainable. By identifying the emotional, psychological, and educational needs of citizens, visual discipline is created; by planning the identity signs of city’s index and planning the signs, vitality is created for citizens; and in completion, with city architecture, facade and urban landscape will be managed in such a way that the citizens' mental and objective needs are met. Given the role of signs in the city, the question of this study is in what situations, will signs meet the need for security and self-awareness of the inhabitants? In what situations, are vitality and beauty transmitted to the citizens and affect the city's atmosphere? Applying a descriptive-analytical method and using library studies as well as available documents, this study examined the planning of urban signs to achieve the main function of the sign.
Conclusion: Signs in urban spaces with appropriate planning can have positive effects and meet citizens' needs for self-awareness, security, education, etc. In this regard, convergence should be created among decision makers, urban managers, and culture, community, economics, politics, and geography of the urban space of citizens.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2020)
The quality of urban spaces and the presence of residents are some of the primary issues of current urbanism, as the dominance of vehicles has diminished the commuting opportunity for different social groups and the liveliness of urban spaces. This is especially true for urban spaces where once acted as children’s playground and now have turned into vehicle routes, pushing their former function to the sides. In the dense landscape of district 10, with its insufficient open urban spaces, this issue is even more pronounced, doubling the need for creating urban spaces accommodating children. Tactical urbanism is a general term describing such urban interventions regarding different qualities (e.g. the scale of the project, provisional measures for reusing the unused potentials of cities, providing privileges and support, unofficial actions within legal bounds, or attention to and revitalizing abandoned spaces) and has been further extended in specific academic fields such as traffic engineering
Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2020)
Nowadays, countries are required to develop the architectural plans by using vernacular and climatic architectures so that they can provide comfort to residents in addition to protect them from adverse climate factors such as wind, cold, and extreme heat. Vernacular architecture in both Nepal and Iran is seen as a precious model of climate adaptive design. The cold and mountainous climate of these two countries has created special conditions for residents. The purpose of current paper is to record the climatic design patterns of the two countries and to compare them in order to present new approaches derived from the vernacular architecture. From this point of view, this article provides a great help to researchers and designers in this field. Moreover, the present research is derived from library, documentary and statistical sources in an analytical and research method and finally, the conclusion is comparative to the promotional approach and to the practical goals. The results were obtained after collecting, recording, and adjusting the climate design patterns of the two countries. Finally, Nepal's vernacular architectural solutions, which were in line with vernacular and climatic architecture, were presented to guide the vernacular architecture of Iran for the benefit of residents. It is hoped that by using these solutions, we can take a step forward in protecting the environment and saving energy.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2020)
Smart City Master Plan Smart cities, at the first stage had been defined as cities that adopt ICT in all aspect of urban spaces. However, during the last three decade, the approach of urban initiatives turned into employing ICT as one of the main infrastructure of cities. Reviewing the literature around the phenomena of smart cities along with smart city projects experiences indicate the new generation of smart cities. Novel paradigms and concepts are emerging through the development of technology that directly affect urban initiatives. Therefore, the definition of smart cities have a dynamic character though to its integration with technology.
Accordingly, with the evolution of smart cities, urban planning, urban design and urban government had been affected ultimately, which result a new approach into smart cities and urban initiatives as adopting collaborative cities and intelligence cities. Therefore, this research aim to review definitions of smart cities during the last years within academic literature along with urban projects experiences to explore the definition of new generation of smart cities. To do so, smart cities definition had been explore through academia and experiments and the new concepts emerged in the urban literature been clarified in order to shed the light on how urban design and planning have to reform in Iran to meet the new centuries requirements.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2012)
The purpose is examining factors that promote satisfaction for student in the school. This research is fundamental both quantitative and qualitative in nature. In this study, two methods have been used: a) Survey research methods (survey) b) Correlation method. For a multistage cluster sampling method was used. In order to assess the individual's perspective, creating table of contents based on studies and interviews with architects and experts, will be discussed. According to this table question naive was designed and distributed among the population. After classifying data using the software SPSS, the analysis is discussed. Five factors were extracted on patient satisfaction. These factors include: physical comfort, perceived environmental, psychological security, environmental attractiveness, sense of belonging. Operating resultant T-test analysis was located. Finally, it was found that 95% of the sample mean is greater than from average. At least 70% percent of the population had an agreement with the agent.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (12-2020)
Urban space is combination of two parts including form and meaning. The signs in the urban space together with its codes form the part of urban space meaning. Signs are the part of the visual media which are presented for the citizens, So the citizens discover code's meaning by decoding of internal concept and are influenced by it. The question is that the signs which are presented to citizens as a visual media what relations they have with national identity elements? Urban signs can have meanings of national identity elements into their codes. It is notable that prominence of some elements and factors rather than others has role in formation, reinforcement and representation of national identity. Therefore in this research an attempt has been made to evaluation of relations between the signs meaning in urban space and elements of national identity factors in the 6th, mural district of Tehran as a case study by using of qualitative analysis and the basics semiotics. The results of this research in the 6th district of Tehran indicated that urban signs are influenced by national identity factors and they have meanings and concepts of it inside themselves. Also prominences of some national identity features rather than other features lead to formation of national identity and also play the important role in reinforcement and representation of national identity by repeating the meanings influenced by national identity.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)
One of the constant concerns of urban design circles is to search and analyze the causes of the failure of urban development projects. In other words, the question is usually asked why such projects, which are sometimes based on theories and by the elites of the profession, have not led to the production of desirable products in practice? Exploration and analysis of the causes of failure of urban design projects and the very high importance of time and how to implement the plan in these projects, caused the attention of experts to the urban design process, because it seemed that the solution to this problem in the causal relationship between Process quality and product quality. Also, some researchers introduce criteria and indicators affecting the feasibility of urban design, the most important of which, which are also addressed in this study, can be planning and design factors, factors Managerial, economic factors, social and cultural factors, legal factors, ethical factors mentioned. This research is a review of articles and theories in this field.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (2-2019)
Due to increase in global demand of propylene, many extensive studies and research have been done to find alternative method for lower energy consumption and efficiency. In this research, gamma alumina is used for molybdenum catalyst base in oxidative dehydrogenation process of propane, in order to produce the propylene. The catalysts are prepared based on wet impregnation method. The analysis of FTIR, XRD, BET, SEM, and XRF are done to evaluate and determine the characteristics of prepared catalysts. Central composition method is employed to study the influence of reaction temperature, molybdenum loading percentage, oxygen to propane ratio, and the effect of interactions between them in propylene production. The molybdenum in the range of 4-16%, propane to oxygen ratio in the range of 1-3%, and temperature in the range of 380-540 ºC are the input parameters of the central composite method. Finally, according to reactor test and analysis of the results of the Design expert software, it is shown that the predicted models for propane conversion, propylene selectivity, and efficiency persentage of oxidation dehydrogenation are about 95%. Maximum of efficiency percentage with a value of 14.02% is obtained at 487 ºC, 11.22% molybdenum percentage, and propane to oxygen ratio of 1.5, which in experimental results, achieving an accuracy of 94% is possible as compared to the optimal design of the test design model.