Showing 116 results for Research
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The study of scientific articles, as the main genre of scientific productions and an important means of information exchange among the members of the scientific community, has received increasing attention during the past few decades. In scientific discourse study, textual structure and coherence require the writers to use various meta-discourse markers, including interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers, and their appropriate strategies. In the current research, the category of interactive meta-discourse marker based on Hyland's model is studied. We use a corpus-based approach to analyze Persian scientific research articles in the field of humanities and to find out the importance and role of interactive meta-discourse elements in Persian scientific papers.
For this purpose, we randomly select and analyze 800 abstracts of scientific research articles from 16 fields of humanities from the Comprehensive Portal of Humanities. Examining the data reveals the importance of the use of meta-discourse in the text in such a way that approximately one marker of interactive meta-discourse marker is found among every 15 words. Also, the analysis of the corpus indicates that frame markers are the most frequently used interactive meta-discourse marker in the corpus, and transition and code glosses are in the next rank with a little distance from frame markers. Endophoric and evidentials markers obtained the lowest frequency in the corpus. At the end, suggestions and corrections are provided to make Hyland’s concept more compatible with the discourse features of Persian scientific articles.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Translation Studies seems to have succeeded to establish itself as an area of enquiry for scholars. Patterns of flourishing this discipline with its diverse audience is not well studied, though. The present study used scientometric and bibliometric analyses to identify and assess topics and trends of Translation Studies over time, as evidence of evolution over the course of time. Documents (from 1931 to 2021) were extracted from Scopus to examine relevant indicators; document types, top journals, authors’ networks, institutes/universities, organizational support, countries and interdisciplinary contributions. In addition, VOSviewer, network and cluster density visualization and word co-occurrences were utilized to analyze and evaluate the development of the field. Trend analysis was considered at three intervals. The analyses showed that over a 90-year time span (1931-2021), 13916 documents were published by 21509 authors from 16323 institutes/universities that contributed to the scientific mobility of Translation Studies. Authors’ cooperation from 124 countries emerged in four clusters led by the US, the UK, Spain and China. In its course of development, Translation Studies witnessed a remarkable proliferation of documents since the 2000s onward. Relevant topics were shown by keywords analysis, and interrelationships of Translation Studies with other disciplines were explored. The findings offer analyses of trends and topics in Translation Studies, as evidence of scientific evolution, attested by the interdisciplinary contributions and bibliometric findings.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Over the past decades, research on language teacher engagement in action research (AR) has received a surge of interest. However, little research is available on how teachers’ experience contribute to their development of agency and professional performances through their participation in an AR program. Accordingly, this study explored the role of experience in five novice and five experienced language teachers’ development of agency and practice before, during, and after their engagement in an action research engagement program (AREP). To this end, we collected data via semi-structured interviews, reflective journals, and classroom observations. The findings revealed that novice and experienced teachers’ development of their agency and professional practice undergo similar trajectories. Moreover, the study argues that although experience affects teacher-researchers’ agentive role and performances, novice and experienced teachers go through similar paths as they engage in AR. However, the novice teachers became more oriented towards reflection-in-action during and after their engagement in AREP. Moreover, the novice teachers chose more AR tools and drew more on their AR experience which, in turn, facilitated their professional growth through tool transformation. We conclude the paper with implications for teacher education to better understand the role of AR in teachers’ agency development and professionalism.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
This study employed a comprehensive scientometric analysis of scientific publications within the Journal of Language Related Research from 2012 to 2023, encompassing 871 journal documents. Utilizing VOSviewer software, quantitative tools were applied to analyze research output, authorship, collaboration patterns, thematic trends (past, present, and future), and geographical distribution. The analysis revealed a significant increase in the number of publications in recent years, though citation rates displayed variation across the timeframe. Visualizations based on co-authorship, bibliometric coupling, and citation data unveiled a dense network of collaboration among authors. The authors with the highest number of publications were Golfam (n =17) and Pishghadam (n =16), while Derakhshan (78) and Shakki (65) were the two authors with the most citations. Analysis of "authors' keywords" and "keywords plus" co-occurrences within the network pinpointed prominent thematic areas within the journal's knowledge domain and context, including "Persian language," "critical discourse analysis," "semiotics," and "cognitive linguistics." The study concludes with a discussion of the findings and their broader implications.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
Education and research are fundamental pillars of educational systems, including agricultural higher education institutions. However, an inadequate balance between these components can lead to a deviation from the primary goals of these institutions. This study aimed to conduct a pathological analysis of the equilibrium between education and research in the higher education system of agriculture in Iran. “Three-pronged pathology model” was utilized, comprising components of “context” (including knowledge, moral, individual-psychological, satisfaction, and the thematic nature), “behavior” (including planning, coordination, control, and monitoring), and “structure” (including demonstrative, diversity, consequence, and political). This quantitative study is applied in purpose, non-experimental in design, retrospective in timing, survey-based in data collection, and descriptive-causal comparative in data analysis. The data collection instrument was a researcher-developed questionnaire, with face and content validity confirmed by experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was established using Cronbach's alpha for each variable (0.704 ≤ α ≤ 0.902). The statistical population comprised faculty members from agricultural departments of public universities in Iran (N=3335), with a sample of 307 selected. Results indicated a tendency among faculty members towards research activities. The greatest gap and imbalance between education and research were observed in the areas of context, followed by structure and behavior. This indicates that the existing context and structure push faculty members towards research activities for their sustainability and advancement in the agricultural higher education system. This poses a serious issue that must be addressed by policymakers and decision-makers.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of the Syrian type 2 diabetic females and the way they control it. Methods: A qualitative design based on the content analysis approach was used to collect data and analyze the females' experiences with type 2 diabetes. Semi-structured interviews carried out with 12 females who had visited the Diabetic Center in Lattakia from March to December 2011. Finding: Seven major themes emerged out of the study as strategies for diabetes control: responsibility taking, illness confirmation, acquiring diabetes knowledge, self-care, sociofamily support, hopefulness and religious beliefs. Conclusion: The findings of the study can be used to empower Syrian diabetic population and can provide nurses and other health professionals with more profound understanding of how the Syrian with diabetes view their lives and their sources of strength.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2023)
More than two-thirds of the world’s population is likely to reside in urban areas by 2050. Rapid urbanization contributes to many contemporary challenges that confront cities. Sustainable urban development (SUD) is a widespread area of investigation that can be considered from various attitudes, such as environment, economy, society, technology, culture, and so on. This paper aimed to perform a bibliometric analysis of “sustainable urban development” research during 2002-2021, considering source types, subject areas, document types, affiliations, journals, countries, authors, and keywords. Also, Social Network Analysis was applied to recognize mapping trends, status, and hot spots in SUD research and to discover co-authorship relations and international collaborations among countries worldwide. The results of this study showed that the number of SUD-related publications has remarkably increased by more than sixteen times over the study period. Social sciences” (24.6%), “environmental science” (21.2%), and “engineering” (13.4%) were the three major subject areas. China, with 539 publications (20.3%), was the most productive country in terms of the number of publications. The most independent rate of the publications belonged to India (76.5%), while Hong Kong ranked 1st in cooperator publications (61.6%). The “Sustainability” published the most related articles, followed by “Journal of Cleaner Production” and “Sustainable Cities And Society.” Among the top ten productive institutes and organizations, five affiliations were from China. “Deep learning,” “circular economy,” “big data,” “air pollution,” “spatial analysis,” “urban resilience,” “urban heat island,” “system dynamics,” and “cultural heritage” were the most increasing keywords in recent years, based on the author keywords analysis.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Managerial researches emphasize an organizational contingency elements rule at improving the performance. Although, few theorical and empirical researches were implemented upon the influencing elements at organizational performance.
This paper is an effort to fill gaps of corresponding issue. For this, exploration and searching the literature and expert interviews (DELPHI) resulted in formulation of 14 contingent elements which impact the military organization performance. Then, an importance- performance analysis technique based on experts needs and expectations was used to prioritize the elements performance. This technique also presents weakness and strength of influencing performance elements.
In this paper, to improve the validity and practical aspects of importance- performance analysis technique, experts and personnel of mentioned organization were interviewed.
Then, two quantitative and qualitative techniques multiple regression and DEMATEL final values as integration of implicit and explicit importance respectively are used to extract the importance rates.
Finally, the performance rate extracted through interviews based on likert values as well as importance rate applied to build the importance- performance matrix in four quadrants which based on two axes (importance, performance) to analysis the feature of located elements in each quadrant.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)
The present study was set out to investigate the generalizability of the findings of quantitative research studies in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) context. To this end, the researchers, first, examined the general characteristics of the people who had participated as study subjects in quantitative ELT research studies during the last ten years. Considering the subjects’ age and the research sites, it appeared that the participants in previous quantitative ELT studies belonged to 11 groups of people. Subsequent analyses revealed that more than 60% of previous research studies had been carried out in academic settings and on university students. About 20% of the studies had focused on language learners in private language institutes and students in junior high schools and high schools. Pre-university centers had participated in only 7% of previous studies. Highlighting the possible causes of the imbalanced focus of previous studies, the researchers then discussed the limitations that this skewed distribution impose on the generalizability of previous ELT studies.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Goals: The emergence of new issues in various economic, social and political fields, physical and environmental issues in cities, forces urban management to respond effectively and actively. Extensive developments in the Tehran metropolis have led to more attention to urban green space as green infrastructure , and planning for managing the development and protection of urban green areas has been put on the agenda. Therefore, the development policy of this field or use in the future has been in the focus of attention. Therefore, with the aim of identifying the driving forces affecting the future of Tehran's green spaces, this research tries to take an effective step in this direction by using the intellectual base of future research and foresight.
Methods: This study is analytical and exploratory in nature and uses the environmental scanning method based on the STEEP model, document study, holding brainstorming sessions and distributing questionnaires among experts and elites.
Findings: In this research, 32driving forces affecting the future of Tehran's green space in 6 categories, including 3 driving forces in the technological field, 6 driving forces in the demographic and social field, 8 driving forces in the environmental field, 6 driving forces in the economic field, 4driving forces in the political-institutional field and 5 drivers were identified in the field of physical and urban development.
Conclusion: The results of this research show that the environmental, economic and demographic and social axes have a more effective role in the future of the green space of Tehran.
Volume 5, Issue 21 (12-2008)
Qolam Reza Rahmdel. PH.D
Soheila Farhangi
During the last decades, interdisciplinary researches has been of serious notice in several world research centers and universities; as an approach in which the researchers create interaction among different fields of study and interlink them together in order to find a proper and suitable pattern for solving a variety of issues.
This paper intends to familiarize the interdisciplinary research approach, in addition to introducing some of these researches which are related to literary researches. This essay offers an accurate and precise definition on interdisciplinary researches and its various kinds in literary studies, while the grounds and reasons for a keen interest in these researches and the basic principles of interdisciplinary researches are surveyed. Then samples of works which have analyzed the Persian literary texts through this approach are introduced and surveyed. Studies reveal that during the last decade, Persian literary texts are analyzed through the interdisciplinary approach to a very high extent and as a matter of fact, this considerable increase and development has led to both the rereading and serious consideration of Persian literary works through a fresh attitude.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
The objective of study was designing a structural model for organizational mindfulness: A mixed research. This study was an explanatory sequential design and an applied research. In qualitative part, population were experts of management schools of public universities of Tehran, and sample were 14. In quantitative part, population were the management faculty members of management schools of public universities of Tehran (351 members), sample were 226 using two-stage cluster sampling and targeted available were implemented. Organizational mindfulness, professional learning community and transformational leadership questionnaires were distributed and gathered in 2014-2015. Analyses showed accepted reliability and validity. In qualitative part for collecting mindfulness indicators, content analysis and open coding were used. The quantitative statistical methods were exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The structural equation modeling contained one exogenous construct of transformational leadership; two endogenous constructs of professional learning community and organizational mindfulness. Results demonstrated transformational leadership had significant and direct effects on professional learning community and on organizational mindfulness. There is direct and significant effect of professional learning community on organizational mindfulness. Results also showed transformational leadership (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration) had direct effect on professional learning community (collective responsibility for learning, collaboration focused on professional learning). Transformational leadership also has direct and meaningful effect on organizational mindfulness (rapidity and agility, flexibility, accountability, conditional learning and development of recognition, trust and openness). Also professional learning community has direct effect on creation of organizational mindfulness.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2015)
This article analyzes the sources which have been cited in articles of Language Related Research. The research method is citation analysis, and data analysis was performed by Excel software. The results showed that in this period of time, 213 articles were published. 162 papers were presented as team work and the rest were individual studies .The books with 3112 citations and journal articles with over 1258 citations were more than from other sources. Among the cited sources of the Persian, 79.45 percent of the books were written and 20.54 percent were translation. Also, 97.49 percent (506) of the Persian journals articles were written and 2.50 percent (13 cases) have been translation.The highest cited author and translators were respectively, “Hamid Reza Shaeir” with 44 and “Farzaneh Taheri” with 10 citations. The highest cited book in Persian was “Semiotics of discours analysis” with 13 citations. The highest cited journals in Persian and English were the “Journal of Language Related Research” and “Language”, respectively with 76 and 29 citations.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
This paper is aimed at proposing an appropriate e-business model for Iran banking industry using mixed research (qualitative -quantitative) methodology. For this purpose, after examining e-business models for financial services 10 experts and managers in the banking industry of the country at various levels during were interviewed in qualitative phase. Gathered data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis and a questionnaire was prepared and used as the basis of quantitative phase of study. The quantitative data was collected and then analyzed for descriptive and inferential statistics. Based on results final model of the research was determined. The results of the research show that the proposed e-business model for banking industry is comprised of four main dimensions including: provided value, customers, suppliers and financial management. Generally speaking, the main components were classified as 10 main categories, i.e. product/service, target customers, distribution channels, customer loyalty, insurance, resources and competencies, cooperation network or partners, cost structure, revenue structure and electronic intermediaries. At the end, as per the obtained issues and scope, some policies and research proposals are presented.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2018)
Aims: Health and behavior are closely related subjects because lots of diseases are rooted in individuals’ unhealthy behaviors and habits. The current study aimed at identifying barriers and strategies of overcoming barriers in healthy nutritional behaviors in women.
Participants and Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2014 based on content analysis. The participants were 50 married women with the age range of 18 to 50 years old referring to 4 healthcare centers in Sanandaj, who were selected by purposive sampling. Using semi-structured interviews, the data were collected through group discussions and individual in-depth interviews. A thematic analysis approach was applied for data analyses and MAXQDA 10 software was employed to analyze the data.
Findings: Of the total interviews and discussion groups, 200 initial codes were obtained and they were grouped into 4 categories, including individual barriers, social barriers, overcoming individual barriers, and overcoming social barriers. Lack of awareness and healthy cooking skills, unhealthy diet of parents as a negative role model, laziness of wives and women, lack of time, lack of mental relaxation, illiteracy economic issues, and the role of government were mentioned by the participants as individual and social barriers.
Conclusion: Barriers in healthy nutritional behaviors from women's perspective are devided into individual and social barriers and some strategies are mentioned to overcome these barriers, including learning required skills in terms of healthy diet/nutrition, raising awareness, time management, monitoring the contaminated foods by the government, providing public information, training through media, and resolving economic problems.
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Volume 6, Issue 21 (3-2013)
In the most of recent Iranian literary researches which use statistical analyses, only a specific part of statistics, i.e. descriptive statistics, is used. It seems that another important part (inferential statistics) is missed in these researches. SPSS is a powerful software package used for statistical analysis in social sciences.This software , at first, is designed for statistical analyzes at social sciences but for it's easy environment , it spread between users and With the increasing needs of users, the abilities of software increase too. One of the most important capabilities of it is doing inferential statistics. Almost all kinds of statistical analyses may be done by it. This paper tries to introduce SPSS to the researchers of literature and show the weaknesses of some literary researches and suggests to this group of researchers to use the methods of inferential statistics which are more accurate than the methods of descriptive statistics.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2017)
The field of entrepreneurship research is now approximately 30–40 years old and has become a significant field of intellectual activity involving thousands of scholars in different countries. Therefore, it is vital to systematically analyze the main strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of entrepreneurship research within the field. Hence current research undertaken with aim to analyze strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT) of entrepreneurship researches and formulate appropriate strategies for this system. By depth literature review, 55 external factors (25 opportunities and 30 threats) and 48 internal factors (19 strengths and 29 weaknesses) are identified. Then weighting and ranking of the factors ranging from 1 (unimportant) to 4 (very important) took place by using the viewpoints of group of 31 researchers and faculty members in the field of entrepreneurship. Final score of external factors for entrepreneurship researches is 2.881. This implies that entrepreneurship researches couldn’t benefit from opportunities factors or avoids threats factors. Moreover final score of internal factors for entrepreneurship researches is 2.789. This implies that effective internal factor for entrepreneurship researches are strength. Regarding cell number five in internal and external matrix, conservative strategies are accepted in strategic planning for development of entrepreneurship researches. Finally by QSPM technique attractiveness of strategies is specified.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2019)
Aims: Despite the importance of adherence in increasing efficacy of treatment, controlling osteoporosis, and reducing costs of treatment, compliance with osteoporosis medications is less than expected. The aim of this study was to determine treatment adherence among women with osteoporosis.
Participants and Methods: This qualitative research was conducted in Sanandaj, Iran in 2016.
Participants were chosen through purposeful sampling method. Fifteen women with age 50 years and over, diagnosed with osteoporosis for at least 6 months, T-score below -2.5, and previously prescribed osteoporosis medication were selected. To understand the women’s views, semi-structured interviews were recorded, typed, and analyzed using content analysis. Criteria of credibility, confirmability, dependability and transformability were used in order to verify the accuracy and consistency of the data.
Findings: From data analysis, two main themes (Factors related to adherence and factors related to non-adherence) and 10 sub-themes (Social supports, motivational factors, symptomatology, medication side effects, psychological characteristics, economic status, cultural beliefs about illness and treatment, patient’s dissatisfaction, lack of knowledge, and medication factors) were identified.
Conclusion: Treatment adherence is multi-factorial including individual, psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors. Improving health literacy and increasing awareness about the benefits of medications may promote greater medication adherence and improve clinical outcomes for patients with osteoporosis.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2019)
Aims: Schools health education can ensure the health of society and encourage health behaviors among the students. This study was carried out to explain the barriers of health education from the viewpoint of the school health trainers, using qualitative content analysis.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study was conducted at the schools of Sanandaj, located in the west of Iran in 2016. Using purposive sampling, 15 school health trainers with health education experience were included in the study. The data were collected through individual interview, group discussion, observation, and field notes, and were analyzed by conventional content analysis. To ensure the accuracy and consistency of data, the acceptability, confirmability, and transferability parameters were taken into account.
Findings: The results yielded 5 major categories, including “shortage of educational facilities”, “poor educational planning”, “student’s challenges”, “trainer’s problems,” and “poor administrative system”.
Conclusion: Considering the barriers to health education programs at schools, authorities are required to pay more attention to promotion of health and inter-sectoral and extra-sectoral collaboration, as well as emphasizing the close relationship of home and school.