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Showing 37 results for Representation

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study aims to investigate the representation of gender and intercultural competence in the images and texts of 15 Iranian secondary school English coursebooks, published over six decades. Gender representation was investigated using the framework proposed by Dahmardeh and Kim (2020), and the scale developed by Solhaug and Kristensen (2020) was used as the criteria for investigating intercultural competence. The data were coded and counted using manifest content analysis. The results showed that Iranian English coursebooks mentioned males and females unequally in their texts across different decades, with one gender being represented more in each decade. Regarding gender representation in the images, males were represented more than females in almost all decades. The representation of males and females in the books published in the 1970s was almost equal, followed by extreme and sudden changes in gender representation in the 1980s. However, the books published in and after the 2000s presented a balanced picture of males and females. The coursebooks dealt with intercultural competence in their texts and images very rarely, limiting this concept to religious issues and neglecting other aspects. In fact, the coursebooks addressed only one category out of the 11 categories. Finally, the study ends with implications for coursebook authors, materials designers, teachers, students, and teacher trainers.
Abolfazl Horri,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2008)

This paper examines the Quranic stories in a narratological approach.First the problem of the research is explained and the hypothesis is raised that there is no relationship between the Quranic stories and narratology.The paper then reviews the literary on the litrary approaches to the Quran and the Holy Book.Then the genealogy of the words related to Quranic stories is given.In the next part,the components of narratology i.e. story and text levels are described and then some Quranic stories are studied in a narratological approach,using these components.Finally,more than 10 findings are proposed as the results and the paper concludes that there is a positive relationship between the Quranic stories and narratology.
Elham Haddadi,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (3-2009)

The narratological approach in studying the fictional narrations structure provides an organized ground and a systematic pattern for analyzing the main elements of the narrative text, i.e. story and text. In the present research, the Do Donya (Two Worlds) is analyzed in a narratological approach and the first hypothesis of the research about the possibility of applying the structural of narratology for the modern fictional narration of Do Donya is tested. The reason for choosing the Do Donya fiction in the matters of deep structure, time, place and focusing is the conflicts and discrepancies which exist between death and life. The results indicate that the narratological approach with its componenets (including story level elements, such as time elements consisting of order, continuation and frequency; place elements consisting of fiction place and text place; characterization covering direct and indirect characterizations (action, speech, visual figure, environment and names deductions); focalization (internal and external); aspects of focalization conceptive, psychological and ideological)); narrating (the narrative levels (metafictional and subfictional), the narrative layers (internal and external)); representation of speech and thought (narration, crucibles (scenario, merely briefed scenario, indirect repetition of content, free indirect speech)) can present a structural analysis of all aspects of the narration of Do Donya story.
Abolfazl Horri,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2009)

This paper examines the correlation among different aspects of speech and thought representation with a focus on free indirect discourse. The paper first examines Genette’s views regarding speech and thought representation and then focuses on the analysis of various types of speech and thought ranging from the most mimetic to the most autodiegetic. I will then focus on the free indirect discourse and try to shed light on it by resorting to the theories of Bally, Toolan and Machill. Our analysis demonstrates the fact that the linguistic features of FID can represent the thoughts and ideas of characters and narrators of story in a special way while they also bring about a kind of discourse replete with irony and ambiguity.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)

The subject of the grammatical category VID in Russian language and its equivalent “verbal representation” in Persian Language is of special importance. Each of these languages, as per its own structural and linguistic features, employs specific media of expression. Actually, the category of aspect does exist in every language. In fact, all concepts and meanings originate from within the human mind that, in order to manifest such concepts in the form of language, utilizes plentiful of linguistic structures specific to its own implicit and explicit attributes.  That is why linguists believe that such structure does exist generally in all languages of the world with the only difference in their medium of expression (grammatical and non-grammatical) and the concept and meaning they convey. The results of the comparative studies conducted in the field of “verbal representation” in Persian and Russian languages reveal that the major difference is in their method of expression. The current research is an attempt to study the subject of verbal representation in Russian and Persian languages through the practice of imperfect verbal representation.  

Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2021)

Women's political participation in major areas of political decision-making such as legislation or parliamentary representation is one of the components of political development. To this end, most countries, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran, seek to strengthen women's participation in the power structure and political decision-making in order to move towards political development; However, since the establishment of the Islamic Republic until today, the spatial (geographical) distribution of women's representation in the Islamic Consultative Assembly has not been uniform and in some constituencies women have been elected in most constituencies, but still in some constituencies, no woman has been elected to parliament. Therefore, the question is what factors do affect the geographical distribution of women's representation in the Islamic Consultative Assembly? To answer this question, the Delphi method and the Shannon technique were used and the researchers collected the views of 10 experts in the field of election geography through interviews and questionnaires and then the data obtained from the consensus of experts using the Shannon technique. The findings showed that "multi-member constituencies", "larger cities", "areas with higher populations", "economic welfare" and "areas with a higher level of education" are among the most important factors influencing the geographical distribution of women's representation in the Islamic Consultative Assembly.

Volume 4, Issue 16 (9-2007)

Allegory represents a type of thinking and world view as well as a style of speech in Molavi’s works, Masnavi in particular. In Molalvi’s “allegoric philosophy”, what makes necessary the use of this approach – as the principal narrative style of the tales – is the necessity to carry ideas over into sense impressions. Molavi presents the theoretical foundations of this thought in Fihe-ma-Fih, and practically portrays the thought in the Masnavi.   This allegoric philosophy which is based on the two-dimensional nature of allegory – narrative surface structure and intellectual deep structure – furnishes the tale with a double structure; one functioning as literary allegory and the other as spiritual and philosophical allegory. In the writer’s narrative style, this leads to the reduction of some essential elements of a story such as suspense. It could be seen that in the Masnavi’s stories the two structural dimensions mix along the narrative line of the story in a form known as “representation building”. Another manifestation of allegory in Molavi’s works is “allegoric interpretation”, used to describe the coded and implicit themes of stories, whose main function in all its forms is “to teach”. 


Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Since the literary language disrupts mimetic and common framework, the relationship between imagination and reality should be featured. The richness of imaginative representations is also in the light of the literary representation. The literary representation of a place creates another place in the mind and some non-visible virtual spaces are activated. Figures of speech show the literary characteristics of architecture, as well as dialectical relationship between real and imaginary architectural space. So the vocabulary of emotion and the experience of the "I" of several French authors which are selected from the eighteenth century onwards, faced with Iran's architectural spaces will be studied; because, through the different perceptions of subjects, these spaces expand in the literary world. Also, the entrance of time into the world of discourse, cause confusion with the place and the production of meaning.The specification of the relationship between the architecture and the subject, involves examining the space-time architecture in the works of the selected authors. Thus, the need to strive to preserve aesthetic beauty is highlighted, and the plan for the reconstruction of some architectural spaces is to be obtained beyond this reading. This study is aimed at building a symbolic network of Iranian architectural space. Explore of beyond the symbolic architectural spaces reveals the authors' personal myth, and it brings a new identity to the world of work and the architectural spaces in which it flows. Such a study requires a reliance on geocriticism and documentary method, with descriptive-analytic processing.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2001)

Seyyed Hossein Safai Professor, Dept of Law, Tehran University Mohammad Issaei Tafreshi Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Tarbiat Modares University Jalil Ganavati Ph.D. Student, Department of Law, Tarbiat Modares University In English Law, where an act is done purportedly in the name or on behalf of another by a person who had no authority so to do that act, the person in whose name or on whose behalf the act is done may, by ratifying the act, make it as valid and effectual as if it had been originally done by his authority, whether the person doing the act was an agent exceeding his authority, or was a person having no authority to act for him at all-the English jurists name it as agency resulting from ratification. This idea has not been accepted in Iranian and Islamic law. All Islamic jurists other than some Hanafi scholars, and all Iranian jurists other than one or two of them do not believe in "representation resulting from ratification". Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law believed that ratification of a legal act, like an unauthorized sale (Bai-e-fozooli), only validates and ratifies the legal act and does not confer the "representative position" to person who has no authority so to do that act. This article considers and analyses English law and compares between this legal system and Islamic and Iranian legal systems. As a result, the article criticises the theory of "agency resulting from ratification" and accepts and approves the "ratification of legal act" which does not confer the position of representative to an unauthorized person who has no authority to do the act.

Volume 5, Issue 14 (6-2017)

SARAY" is part of the intangible heritage of the Azerbaijani people rooted in the culture, mentality and attitude of the people. So, it has been represented in oral literature, music, stories and poetry. In this study, the intangible cultural heritage is considered a cultural property, which pave the way to represent will, resistance and individual arguments of actual community activists to pass the crisis social and cultural contexts. The conceptual representation belongs to notion of Plato emerging in the idea and practice of recent intellectuals in the field of spiritual heritage which is now the main academic subject. This study was conducted qualitatively and has a descriptive and phenomenological research methodology. The purpose of this study is to investigate the permanent character of spiritual values or their representation in the urban life of the inhabitants of Ardebil by studying the spiritual heritage of Saray in the modern life of women in Ardabil. Intangible cultural heritage contains the historical, cultural, spiritual, scientific, and aesthetic values of current era, and can contribute to the growth and mobility of shared values and representations of values in everyday life. On the other hand, it refers to the existence of the culture of resistance and ethics of the region, and today it can be represented in the renewal of moral values, the commitment to the family for the present generations and future.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The aim of this paper is to understand youth representation in popular cinema after the Islamic Revolution with comparison of two periods of reform (1997 - 2005) and fundamentalism (2005 – 2010). To achieve this goal, the advent of cinema, popular cinema and cinema as a mass communication has been studied. In the following, the theories of representation, semiotic, Stuart Hall's coding theory, and theories of young people would be discussed. Finally, a conceptual framework is presented based on the representation theory and Hebdige's view about the representation of youth. Semiotics is the method of the present paper that is based on Selby and Cowberry’s patterns for analysis of the technical codes, and the patterns validity and semiotics of Barth for analysis of cultural codes. By focusing on these patterns, the three movies from Reform period (Under the City's Skin & Party & Me, Taraneh, I Am Taraneh, I Am Fifteen Years Old) and three movies from Fundamentalism period (Tambourine & About Elly & Pay Back) have been chosen purposefully to be studied and analyzed. In addition, at the end of every chosen scene from these movies, we explain for more understanding by using the considerate codes of Fiske. The results indicated that popular films (the movies with top selling) at these two periods are representing the different vision of young people. In each of these two periods, the conflicting references have been seen to word the young people. At the Reform period, young people have been shown by some concepts like "adherence to the structure", "hope for the future", "self-confidentce", "audacity", "accountability", "idealism", "law-abiding", and "democracy and freedom". In opposite, at the Fundamentalism period, young people have been represented as "anarchist", "show-off", "no Identity", "antisocial", "confused between tradition and Modernity", "lawbreaker", and "risk-taker". Therefore, we can say that about the representation of young people at the Fundamentalism period, kinds of media panic in the popular cinema have been exposed.  

Volume 6, Issue 3 (8-2015)

In this study, we attempt to investigate the representation of sexuality in the images of English language teaching books (Four Corners (2) – American English File (2) – Interchange (2)) based on visual - social semiotics according to Halliday’s Functional linguistics and clearly followed by Kress and Van Leeuwen 2006 (1996).  Creating text, as an example image, is a discoursal and as a result a social action. This social action on textbooks which have been written for non-English language learners works at higher level. It works in intercultural level. As a result, there is always a constant problem: Is it possible that the central culture (English language society) creates discourse via the texts of the textbooks in which non-English speakers are considered strangers and they themselves are considered natural and familiar? This research via investigating images, texts , verbal titles and the margin of those images searches how English language teaching books portray English culture as evident, natural and inevitable and others as foreigners who only lose their alterity if they are attracted by this culture. The main goal of this research is to analyze English language teaching books and investigate their different discoursal, social and cultural outputs .Also this research tries to investigate the role of images in intercultural discoursal context. Cultural differences and their reflection in English language teaching textbooks with ideological outputs of images and modality in the images of textbooks are other marginal goals of this research.  

Volume 6, Issue 19 (5-2018)

This article analyzed the woman´s place in Turkish proverbs by using Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis model. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate woman´s representation in Turkish proverbs. 166 proverbs were gathered through purposeful sampling from two books: Sorudlir (1393) and Ostevar (1392). Findings showed that the number of positive and negative representation of woman was almost equal and in most cases woman´s representation was neutral. There was not any discrimination or gender inequality in these proverbs. Power was divided not only between male and female but also among women according to their roles in the family.

Zainab Saberpour,
Volume 6, Issue 23 (10-2013)

In this essay, the novel Raz'haye Sarzamine Man (The Mysteries of My Land) has been analyzed due to the issues of gender representation, using the critical discourse analysis methods and Simone de Beauvoir's notion of gender. This, has led to the conclusion that portraying female characters in this novel, has two significant aspects: first, the Transformation of binary opposition of Innocent Girl/Prostitute (Athiry /Lakkateh) that has been illustrated by Hedayat, into Revolutionary Mother/ Royal Prostitute in this novel; and second, the emphasize placed on the political role of women in the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the importance of this role, and the portrayal of these women as powerful, visionary and open mind characters. Here, the hidden ideology of the text, has changed the problem of women and presumptions and judgments about them into a political and class-related one and so, has effected the writer's concept of the history. It has been shown here also that the metaphor of the homeland as mother has shaded the text in the form of a mythical thought.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (10-2018)

According to the important role of linguistic factors in reproducing social power and controlling the mind of subjects by redistribution of ideologies the present research tries to explore the underlying levels of surface aspects related to the structural organization of the discourse which can be led to appearance of a new and deep insight. Thus, mastering discourse concepts is an appropriate instrument for a realistic analysis of group’s minds and ideologies. According to the Discourse- Society- and knowledge , Van Dijk (2006) concludes that, each human being, in order to reach the goal of persuasion of the audience, tries to magnify and emphasize his positive actions and minimize the opposing party's attributes. In parallel to this effort, he tries to mitigate its negative qualities and the positive features of the other party. Strategies used to this end can be classified as: actor description, categorization, comparison, euphemism, disclaimers, evidentiality, example/illustration, generalization, number game, hyperbole, irony, populism, norm expression, national self-glorification, negative other representation, metaphor, implication, presupposition, lexicalization, victimization, vagueness, positive self-presentation, polarization/ Us – them categorization,  Burden and Authority. By naturalizing the text and studying structures, critical discourse analysis tries to eliminate the power relations, discourse-based elements of texts and hidden ideologies in entrance to the concrete layers of language, human wants to select between options and alternatives. Each selection between alternatives shows the actors ideology, knowledge and attitudes. One of these linguistic tools is the manner of social actor’s representation. Each manner of naming shows the users’ attitude about the named actor. In this research writers tried to study the manner of naming family court actors by divorce demanding women. To do this, we attended 20 meeting of the General Court and family counseling center of Zahedan- Iran and recorded the divorce demanding women’s Statements. With regard to the prohibition of the use of audio and video equipment or any kind of electronic means in the court environment, only a written record of women's statements has been limited. After collecting, data were studied based on Van leeuwen (2008) theory to sort different types of actor’s representation. After that in order to study the goal of each type of naming and representation, each class of representation was studied according to Van Dijk (2006) theory. Research results showed that divorce demanding women represent the others by three type of naming. The first was relational identification, the second was passivation and the third was mitigating the others negative properties and magnify positive characteristics of themselves


Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2006)

According to English legal system, misrepresentation is actionable when before the conclusion of the contract and with the intent to induce the other party, the misrepresentator makes a false statement as to material facts of the contract. In Iranian legal system which is derived from Islamic law, misrepresentation is actionable provided that the misrepresentator deceives the other party and the latter –because of deception – enters into the contract. Generally, in Islamic law, all kinds of acts and omission and nondisclosure which lead to the deception of other party may be actionable misrepresentations. However, there are some exceptions in these two legal systems: statement of opinion and puffery are not actionable misrepresentations. The bases of actionable misrepresentation in English law are common law, equity and Act of 1967, while, in Iranian law, the bases of actionable misrepresentation are rule of Tahzir, Ghorur and civil code.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2023)

The purpose of this article is to critically examine two plays, namely Cambises (1569) by Thomas Preston and The Sophy (1641) by John Denham, through the lens of Edward Said’s theoretical framework. These works, although relatively unfamiliar in our country, offer valuable insights into the prevailing political and cultural discourse of Renaissance England, during which the nation's expansionist policies were beginning to form. In line with the prevailing tendencies among writers of their era, Preston and Denham, whether deliberately or indeliberately, practiced Stereotyping and Othering, because their knowledge of the East was neither objective nor direct; it was merely a reproduction of the stereotypical images in previous texts. Through misrepresenting the East and its people, their works became a part of the broader political and cultural discourse of their country, reflecting a thirst for superiority. It is crucial to recognize that such cultural misrepresentations played a significant role in shaping public sentiments, laying the groundwork for expansionism and colonialism. Through a contrapuntal reading of these dramatic works, we can uncover the intricate relationship between cultural artifacts and the underlying power dynamics at play, which provides us with a nuanced understanding of their impact.


Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Imagology is an approach to comparative literature and aims to study worship representations. The image given of the society viewed through descriptions by a viewer may well reflect the cultural differences and mismatches that exist between the two cultures. The first Iranian modernists, Akhondzadeh and his fellow travelers, among others, tried, by combining literary art and social criticism, to highlight this cultural gap and thus encourage their readers to accept alterity. To this end, they have created literary genres that best adapt to the representations of their society and those of the ideal society. In this article, with the aim of making an imagological analysis of the works of these authors while taking advantage of the theories and approaches of imagology we will study the stylistic and structural properties of the texts of Akhondzadeh and A Traveler tells. We will also analyze the reasons why these authors succeeded in transmitting their message and how they mentally prepared their readers to accept a cultural transposition.

Volume 12, Issue 55 (3-2024)

Many ideas and beliefs in a society are rooted in religion. How religion is reflected in society and culture is one of the interesting topics in the field of sociology of religion. The system of beliefs and values of the society is reflected in the literature and oral culture of the society. Proverbs, as one of the most important elements of oral literature, can be a reflection of the beliefs and attitudes of the society. In this study, an attempt was made to provide a relatively clear picture of how religion and its dimensions are represented in the popular literature of Gilan by examining Gilaki proverbs. This study was a descriptive and analytical study in which, while analyzing the content of 4562 proverbs in the East and West areas and the center of Gilan, 209 proverbs related to religion were selected. The data was categorized into several categories based on content and concepts. Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that the reflection of the four dimensions of belief (43%), rites and rituals and customs (24%), morality (16%) and Shariat (16%) are shown in the parables. It shows that in the popular culture of Gilan, besides paying attention to religious phenomena and rites and rituals, attention and emphasis is placed on the religious aspects and the functionalist role of religion in the society and the institutionalization of the spirit of religiosity and religious ethics in the society.

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