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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Every country has different languages. Some are standard, while others are non-standard. This research looks at how often people in Iran use standard and non-standard language. It also looks at other factors like age, gender, education, occupation, and income. It also looks at how people feel about different language groups. The data were collected from 314 people in 10 Iranian ethnic groups living in Tehran. They were analyzed using SPSS software and Foucault's theories of power and discourse silence. The results show that people over 50 use their native language or dialect more because they have more social power. Men have replaced non-standard language with standard language. As education level rises, people use less non-standard language.  Non-criteria type is more common among retirees than other occupations. Those with a strong financial status have replaced non-criteria type with the criterion type. Those with a weak financial status have the most non-criteria type speech silence. Speakers of languages with strong attitudes toward language use are less likely to speak up in many social situations. They often use non-standard language instead of standard language.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Image schemas are macrocognitive patterns and structures that form the basis of our linguistic, mental and perceptual processes; and their function is based on the metaphorical-analogous relationship between visual experiences and frequent and everyday abstract concepts. In proverbs, like pictorial schemas, the use of metaphor-simile to convey a familiar mental concept between the speaker and the listener based on people's lived experiences is evident. Evans and Green have researched about image schemas and separated them into 8 types. One of these is the image schema of power. Since the precision in the structure of visual schemas can reveal the mental and cognitive structure of the users of a language, in the present research, the visual schema of power in Birjand's proverbs has been investigated in a descriptive-analytical way. Based on the results, out of the total of 1291 proverbs of Birjand, in 314 of them there are 7 types of visual schema of power; Most of them are of the type of blockage, enablement and counter force, which is proportional to the nature of the power schema; and found that between the frequency of the origin and destination areas of these schemas and cultural-environmental factors, and tools in removing obstacles, the importance of food and economic affairs to maintain survival, lack of plant diversity, desert and semi-desert climate of Birjand region has had a significant impact on the formation and continuation of proverbs with the schema of power, which emphasize the target areas of human relations, ethics and economy.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study investigated the relationships between self-esteem, empowerment attitudes, and perceptions of classroom justice among EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Relative stratified sampling was used to choose the 329 participants that make up the research sample. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. This study used path analysis within the framework of structural equations, using a descriptive-correlational methodology, to analyze data and test research hypotheses. Software such as AMOS22 and SPSS22 were used to analyze the collected data. The results showed a significant correlation between students' perceptions of classroom justice dimensions and their feelings of empowerment and self-worth. The implications extend beyond the confines of the classroom, pointing towards a holistic approach to education that considers both the interpersonal dynamics within the learning environment and the individual empowerment of students.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

The present study was conducted to identify the empowerment dimensions of female-headed households in rural areas and their effects on food security in Iran country. Statistical population was including 495 women based on the data collected from Statistical Center of Iran. 216 women were selected by using Cochran’s formula. A questionnaire was designed by researchers and its validity and reliability was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach method, respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to compare associations. The results confirmed that grouping work and communication skills, creativity and solving problem, commitment and responsibility, information and specific knowledge, technical skills and operational work, psychological factors, social factors, political factors, economic factors, managerial factors and educational factors had significant effects on food security. Commitment and responsibility, economic factors and grouping work had highest effects on food security, respectively. Job empowerment predicted 75.00% of variance of food security and it is suggested considering job empowerment of female-headed households in rural areas for decreasing food insecurity

Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2011)

Empowerment has high impact managerial and organizational efficiency and effectiveness. On the other hand, the role of entrepreneur people to create competence advantages is undeniable. The advantages of the workplace spirituality (innovation, organizational commitment and so on) can make our organization an effective organization. So relationship between psychological empowerment, workplace spirituality and entrepreneurial behavior is the aim of this research. The conceptual model of research has been designed using these three variables. For this purpose, six hypotheses were tested. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship among three variables (psychological empowerment, workplace spirituality and entrepreneurial behavior).

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The foreign policy of Saudi Arabia in the international system is, above all, the result of this country's competitive view of the Islamic Republic of Iran and security equations in the West Asian region. The present study, through documentary research and reflective analysis technique aims to explain how Saudi Arabia, in order to shape strategic depth, controls international waters, influences the political structure of African countries, and creates a stream of Salafi groups in Africa, and how it seeks to reduce Iran's power, pose a threat to Iran, and increase its offensive capacity. Saudi Arabia believes that Iran has a high offensive capability in the region and can easily become a country with aggressive and war-initiating power. By shaping the policy of expanding geopolitical and strategic depth, interventionism and dominating the cultural discourse of Saudi Arabia in Africa, it is trying to turn the security equations into acute security threats for the Islamic Republic with trans-regional balancing.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2009)

Keywords: Revolutionary Situation, Power-oriented explanation, General pattern, Theoretical perspectives, Types of explanation . In this Article, in order to offer a pattern of political (power-oriented) explanation of revolutions, after clarifying its central concept- namely "revolutionary situation"- through cross-cutting of three main theoretical standpoints and two principal types of explanations, we attempted to introduce six important explanation perspectives of such explanations. Then, after remarking the three levels of analysis, we separately introduced the main variables of each explanation. Finally, we mapped their schema in detail and synoptically.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

  The present research is carried out in the field of human resources management. Through a process of past literature review and a review of previously conducted research on human resource empowerment, we designed a theoretical framework. Next interviews with experts were conducted and a research questionnaire including measures and indicators of all available variables of the designed model was completed. The questionnaire was then validated by human resource experts and the academia. After completing the subsequent stages of validation, the questionnaires were distributed among a sample of 500 respondents drawn from among the experts, managers, and consultants of knowledge-based organizations. In the data analysis stage, statistical techniques such as ANOVA, single- and multivariate regression, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model were used. A review of the results clearly indicates that among factors affecting strategy empowerment, the “strategic dimension” factor with a mean ranking score of 2.11 has the greatest impact on employee empowerment; the next factor with a score of 2.08 is “the structural dimension,” and finally the “individual dimension” with a mean ranking of 1.81 has the least affect on employee empowerment.  

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

The present research entitled the design and development of a strategic model of human resource empowerment is carried out in the human resource management field. The authors develop into the research background and literature of human resource empowerment and offer a theoretical framework. They then proceed to develop a questionnaire based on the research background and interview with experts. The questionnaire was then face validated by industry experts and academics. After completing the subsequent stages of validation the questionnaire was distributed among a sample of 500 respondents drawn from among the experts, managers, and consultants of knowledge-based organizations. In the data analysis stage, statistical techniques such as ANOVA, single- and multivariate regression, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model were used. The “strategic dimension” factor with a mean ranking score of 2.11 has the greatest impact on employee empowerment; the next factor with a score of 2.08 is “the structural dimension,” and finally the individual dimension with a mean ranking of 1.81 has the least effect on employee empowerment.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)

The purpose of this research is to present a model for evaluating knowledge management empowerment based on Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). First, the initial model was compiled based on the review of the literature. After presenting the initial model to the experts, empowerment factors and their indexes were chosen by the Delphi Fuzzy Technique according to experts’ revisions and inputs. Culture, Structure, Information Technology and Leadership were confirmed as dimensions involved in empowerment. In order to gather information and extract FIS’ rules according to experts’ knowledge and experiences, interviews were conducted. With FIS outputs, knowledge management empowerments’ status would be determined. This evaluation helps managers perform the gap analysis between the existent knowledge management empowerment levels and the desired ones and helps them in decision making. After system design and evaluating its’ credibility, a questionnaire was used for measuring knowledge management empowerment factors and their indexes (FIS inputs) at Pasargad Bank.  FIS outputs show that the knowledge management empowerment situation at Pasargad Bank is at medium levels. Finally, in order to improve the firm’s current situation, certain solutions were provided. According to the literature review, evaluating knowledge management empowerment factors in the banking sector and using the Fuzzy Inference System for the evaluation of the knowledge management empowerment factors were innovations of this research.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)

The purpose of this study is Understanding status and relationship between empowerment and contextual performance with job satisfaction of employees of Islamic Azad University Dezful Branch. Empowerment based on Bowen and Lawler of model (1992), contextual performance based on Van Scotter and Motowidlow of model (1994) and job satisfication based on universal model of single question measured. Proportion with purpose of study, two main hypothesizes and ten secondary hypothesizes codified. Statistical social of this study was 355 personals of this university branch. Tools used in this study to collect data was questionnaire. This questionnaire has three sections that one section is job satisfication based on universal model of single question, second section is empowerment based on Bowen and Lawler of model (1992) in four dimensions which includes information sharing, trust, training and reward and third section is contextual performance based on Van Scotter and Motowidlow of model (1994), which includes two dimensions of facilitation of interpersonal relationships and dedication work. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was approved by them. Meaningful relationship and coefficient correlation between empowerment and performance and each dimensions of their with job satisfication were investigated. Then structural equation model was used to test the theoretical model and the direct and indirect effects of these factors on job satisfaction of employees were found. Results of tests impress that each of components empowerment and contextual performance with job satisfication have meaningful relationship and had seen among of dimensions of their only training with job satisfication has not meaningful relationship.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)

This paper presents a new control methodology for active power filters that provide an adaptive online harmonic estimation with partial and selective harmonic reduction schemes, which has been implemented within an integrated controller. The proposed approach is to provide partial and selective reduction of those individual harmonics which exceed the recommended levels as set by regulatory bodies reduces the rating of active power filters thus leading to cost savings. This approach contrasts with existing techniques in which the objective is to reduce all possible harmonic components to zero. Performance evaluation of the proposed technique for harmonic estimation for time-varying non-linear load is carried out when the simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control strategy provides a new alternative for harmonic reduction in power system.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)

The graphical technique for nonlinear circuits was described that enable us to optimize circuits to obtain maximum output power, maximum efficiency or minimum intermodulation. According to this method a high power amplifier in the Ka band was designed. Using a nonlinear model of the transistor, optimum slope for load-line was determined so that maximum power at the output was obtainable, then the output matching circuit was synthesized. Finally, the nonlinear network of the high power amplifier was analyzed by the harmonic balance method and the output load cycles were optimized by modification of the bias point or output matching network.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (12-2019)

Knowledge is power (quoted from Ferdowsi), knowledge is really the ability. Science, economics and power affect each other. The interactive influences of science and technology, economy and power, are vital and widespread. The power of science, social contexts, economics context has revolutionized political thought and military power and crosses the natural boundaries and transformed the weight of the country's geopolitical.
Identifying the relationship between knowledge, economic situation and power has always been particularly importance. Studies show that in the term of economy, power, science and technology of each country are placed in a different position, and according to this position, their goals and policies are variable. In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the links between science and technology, economy and power of countries and tries to identify the relationship between the complements of science and technology, economy and power.
The research method of this paper is descriptive-analytic and data collecting method including the use of statistical resources and the study population included 37 countries which in a period of 9 years 2010 to 2018 in the form of three components were compared and evaluated.
The results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the indices of science and technology of countries and economic power, and there is a direct relation between economic power and political power of countries. In addition, countries that have a good position in terms of science and technology have a favorable position in terms of power.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (12-2020)

One of most important requirements for every state in the political management of the national space is development of national and international transportation networks as one of criteria of development. National transportation is in connection with information, thoughts and human movements throughout different regions of the country and also with global system. The main question of the research is that “what is the situation and ranking of the states in the national and international transportation network and which strategies should Iran take regarding its position in this system?” The research method adopted here is descriptive-analytic and data gathering procedure is based on library findings. EXCEL is used to measure the states performance in national transportation network using Matrix and SAR methods. In national transportation, four modes of railroad, road, sea and air are selected, and 6 variants are selected for each of the modes, totally 24 variants. The data are collected for 180 states and then are analyzed. Based on the findings, in national transportation the states are categorized into five categories. Iran is ranked in third category (with global rank 53) and has a middle performance and is ranked 4th in regional level.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Determining landslide size could be a difficult and expensive task. In this research, size parameters of 142 landslides recognized in Tajan River Basin, northern Iran, have been assessed. The dataset was prepared through the extensive field surveys and using the satellite imagery available via Google Earth. Dependence between landslides area (A-m2), volume (V-m3), and depth (D-m) was appointed by the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) at 0.05 and 0.01 levels. Then, the relation between the area and volume variables has been investigated using 10 curve estimation (CE) models. Coefficient of determination (R2), F statistic, and RMSE were calculated to compare the models with each other. Results showed that the power law fit the data better than other CE models. Although, the quadratic and cubic relationships have represented high R2 and low RMSE, they have resulted negative estimated volumes, and also their F statistic is less than its value in power law. To achieve a better result, the estimated volumes were compared with the observed ones using paired test. Results indicated that the estimated volumes were in conformity with the observed ones and there was no statistically significant difference between them (R2=0.801, sig=0.633). Although, the estimated depths were significantly different from the observed ones. The mean depth was estimated 5.5 m which was close to mean of the actual depths (5.53 m).

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2019)

In this study, sonochemical synthesis was used to prepare nanostructured HZSM-5 catalysts. The three most effective ultrasound related variables including ultrasound power, irradiation time, and sonication temperature were investigated. The combined effect of these variables on relative crystallinity and mean crystal size of HZSM-5 nanocatalysts was studied using a central composite design. Higher crystallinity and lower crystal size were obtained by increasing ultrasound power, irradiation time, and sonication temperature while there was an optimum range for mentioned variables. The maximum relative crystallinity and minimum mean crystal size were obtained as 55.51% and 62.37 nm, respectively, under the optimal conditions of ultrasound power (231 W), irradiation time (21.18 min), and sonication temperature (42.68 °C). The results confirmed that sonochemical method considerably increased crysatllinity and reduced crystal size of HZSM-5 nanocatalysts at lower time. Hydrothermal method produced catalyst with full crystallinity and mean crystal size of 893 nm with 120 min aging and 48 h crystallization in autoclave while sonicated HZSM-5 catalyst with 21 min sonication and 4 h crystallization has 55.51% crystllinity and 62.37 nm mean crystal size. On the other hand, no HZSM-5 phase was formed in hydrothermal method with 120 min aging and 4 h crystallization in autoclave. These results strongly suggests that a catalyst with smaller crystal size, higher crystallinity and BET surface area at lower crystallization time can be obtained by using ultrasound instead of aging step in HZSM-5 synthesis
Fa'zel Asadi Amjad, Yasser Zolfiqari ,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2009)

Among contemporary playwrights, screenplay writers, and film directors, David Mamet is undoubtedly one of the best and most famous, especially in America. This study tries to analyze Glengarry Glen Ross, the best-known work of Mamet, which received Pulitzer Prize. We have chosen New Historicism as our main approach and we resort to Foucault's views and ideas in order to have a richer conceptual framework. The main concern of this paper is to analyze the concept of gender identity, the direct interrelation between power and sexuality, and the trace of this interrelation in social and business challenges. This study also discusses the traces of American capitalism as a circulating and dominant discourse and the way it exercises its power over different classes. Furthermore, it tries to give an account of David Mamet's attitude on gender roles. Finally, the paper deals with the question of language as a means of linking and signifying gender and power.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (3-2022)

Today, sports are an essential part of the diplomatic tools of countries. As a desirable tool, the sport can shape the preferences of others through soft power. Therefore, the researcher decided to identify the political functions of public diplomacy and soft power in sports and tourism in Iran. This research was conducted in the framework of a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The statistical population of the study was experts in the field of politics, sports and tourism, including five sports faculty members, five tourism faculty members, seven political science faculty members, and five people with executive work experience in the tourism and cultural heritage organization, and athletes with a history of participating in international competitions. The data collection method was a previous research study and an in-depth and open interview. In order to measure the reliability of the research, an intra-subject agreement was used. The average level of intra-subject agreement was reported as 89%. Based on the findings of the semi-structured interview, the most important political functions of public diplomacy and soft power in Iran's sports and tourism were six components: political character, foreign policy, domestic policy, political awareness, combating isolation, information and communication. According to the results of the research, it is suggested to use the advantage of sports, which is a common language between nations, to increase international communication and political awareness of sports ambassadors because of the benefits of the negotiations of athletes and coaches in sports events compared to official politicians; Diplomacy and communication are spontaneous and will face fewer restrictions.

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