Showing 33 results for Play
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
In this study, 30 mental states were suggested to 50 theatre actors. They designed a specific physical form for each mental state. In this process, 2000 images from actors’ gestures were collected. Images was surveyed by 321 accidental audiences; and among all images, images achieving the highest rate were selected. Reliability and validity of selected images were evaluated by a software designing for mind-reading's test though body. This study achieved its results mentioned below through preparation, design, implementation, analysis, record of results of a mind-reading’s test.
According to statistical results, the body has an ability to convey the mental state. We can figure out individuals’ mental states through body forms. Based on Baron-Cohen’s study, 30 body forms were determined. The relation between mind-reading through body and eyes was analyzed. Selected images for designing a mind-reading’s test through body were identified, and its reliability and validity were confirmed.
In this study, the first archive of images representing mental states through actors’ bodies has been designed and prepared. In comparison to men, women have a better function in understanding of mental states. Furthermore, bodies can represent mental states better than eyes.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2021)
Thoughts Kierkegaard, one of the leading pioneers of existentialist philosophy, has greatly influenced Sartre's existentialist ideas and his literary and theatrical works and prominent filmmakers in the history of world cinema and other artists in other fields. In this article, organized in three parts, we aim to examine the reflection of Thoughts Kierkegaard's on categories such as "truth, forgetfulness, domination of popular beliefs, existential and non-existent human beings, individualization and liberation from Intermediate, and freedom and Selection." Sepehr Hasti and ... " are among the factors that Sartre's literary works are completely influenced by and in artistic forms and forms and the form of images and dramatic phenomena in dramatic and literary works, Sartre's screenplays are skillfully, creatively, and attractively reflected. Has found. In the form of fascinating visual events, stories, and adventures, these phenomena have woven and implemented the abstract ideas of existentialism in such a way that its created characters, as if living in their natural life and in a completely real way, disappear. Sartre's plays The Flies, a historical work adapted from the Greek playwright Euripides, The Noble Prostitute, the subject of contemporary American society, and The Infected Gangs, whose adventures and events take place. Concerned with World War II and the French resistance movement, it has received the most influence from Kierkegaard's philosophical thought. In this article, we have shown the extent of Sartre's influence on Kierkegaard by examining these plays.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-2011)
Comparative literature pays attention to the study of literature confluence literature in various languages and its complex relationship in the past and present as well as its historical relationships in term of effectiveness in the field of arts, literary schools, intellectual current issues and people. From this respect, comparing eastern oriented works with western ones as two opposite poles enjoys a particular importance. The present paper proposes the hypothesis that the play King Lear, a work of Shakespeare, is rooted in Iranian legends. After showing the possible relationship of King Lear with East, We has tried to compare the story of King Lear with several Iranian stories and myths such as Fereydoun myth, Indian GOl Bekavoli, devine story of Zatol Sour cast, story of tried, drunk Mirza and the story of king and his three daughters. By decreasing the King Lear to nine fundamental stories and comparing with them western samples, it was made clear that more than ninety percent of the King Lear stories are similar to the Iranian ones. Researches like this in the field of literature studies in modern Iran are not unprecedented. So as far as the authors know, no independent research on Shakespeare’s King Lear based on the above - mentioned hypothesis has so far been carried out.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2015)
One of the functions of the comparative literature is examining the analysis of relationships and similarities between language literature and different nations. Adoption is also one of the most important issues of comparative literature studies, in which the author interprets or recreates another art work. Tofigh Alhakim and Gholamhossein Saedi are two famous play writers in the field of Arabic and Farsi literature who have, respectively, written "Bejmalion" and "Pygmalion" plays adopted from Greek mythology of Pigmalion; however, the quantity and quality of the elements of their play are different. The purpose of this study is describing and analyzing these two works based on the elements of play, comparatively. The results showed that Tofigh Alhakim had a better performance in this regard. Integrating a few myths, entering secondary characters, creating new themes, comprehensive and meditative dialogue are considered as positive points of Pygmalion. But Saedi, in Pygmalion, not only did not add anything to the origin of the myth, but also was not successful in observing the elements of play. Not using the subgenre topics and new characters, which help to advance the main events of the play, not providing information and introduction of characters and events of the work, content-less and marginal dialogues, which have no effect on play, are defects of this work.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)
One of the most promising strategies in cancer therapy is to induce apoptotic pathway. For this purpose, several constructed agonists of Death Receptor 5 (DR5) are in clinical development. Extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis pathways of various cancer cells are primarily induced through the activation of the proapoptotic DR5. The extracellular domain of DR5 is comprised of several functional domains, among them the cysteine-rich domains (CRDs) play a critical role in TRAIL-DR5-mediated apoptosis. It has recently been shown that the binding of agonistic monoclonal antibody to another N-terminal domain of DR5 could mediate its activation and apoptosis induction. Variable domains derived from heavy chain antibodies (hcAb) called VHHs or nanobodies are robust, efficient and smallest antigen binding fragments. These unique features of VHHs make them potential therapeutic and diagnostic candidates. In the present study, using phage display technology, a library containing VHH genes was generated of an immunized camel with hapten-peptide 1ITQQDLAPQQRA12 and used to isolate the binders of this peptide. Through screening the phage library, three binders with high binding ability to desired epitope in the NTR region were obtained. Considering to the key role of this epitope in apoptosis inducing, these selected binders could be potential candidates to trigger apoptosis in various cancer cells.
Mohammad Jafar Yousefian Kenari,
Volume 4, Issue 16 (12-2011)
This paper analyzes communicative style of dialogues in Akbar Radi’s Melody of Rainy City (1998), using Grice’s ‘cooperative principle.’ The word ‘Gilan’, the name of the main character of the Melody of Rainy City, refers to a female name and also a province in the northern Iran. The play reveals the contradictions which can be naturally seen in the gap between the traditional culture and the imposing elements of modernity. Examining the cultural differences of characters, this paper deals with their hesitation to defend or dispose their individual values. Gilan’s nervous instability symbolizes the cultural chaos the province is facing. She is the young girl of an old caretaker who works for an aristocratic family. Gilan is in love with a youngguy who has just completed his academic education and returned home from the West. The socio-political debates of family members during their daily talks and their quarrels over the legacy of father, basically, have made these cultural gaps to be largely explicit. By using a cultural approach for the analysis of the relationship between characters, this article reveals how these paradoxical behaviors have been especially prevalent among the middle class of Iranian society. This paper finally presents a stylistic reading of dramatic dialogues as the conversational behavior of social characters.
Ibrahim Khodayar, M. Jjafar Yuosofiyan, Maryam Elhamian,
Volume 4, Issue 16 (12-2011)
Debate is one of the literary prose types prevalent in Persian. In prose debates, two or more characters are presented in dialogue writing with each other and ultimately the authorsummarizestheir language and reaches a conclusion. The structure of these debates is mostly based on dialoguewriting. During the Constitutional era of Iran, these kinds of debates were regarded as ‘objectwriting’ or ‘theatrical writing.’ With respect to their formal structure and particularstyle of dialogue writing, it can be asked whether they can be read from a dramatic point of view. The dramatic tone and language, dialogue-based dramatic action, conflict, time and place are some of the identifiable aspects that are studied in this paper. The aim of this paper is to introduce a dialogue-based model for the study of the dramatic aspects of these debates. This model is proposed on the basis of a comparative study of dialogue in prose and drama as well as identifying commonalities between these two types of literature.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (11-2014)
Regarding the importance of inhibiting VEGF and unique features of VHHs as a new generation of antibody-based therapeutics, the present study aimed to generate VHHs against the receptor binding domain of VEGF, thereby blocking of VEGF binding to its receptor. After preparing the gene repertoire of VHH fragments from an immunized camel, a VHH phage display library was constructed. We adopted a stringent successive biopanning to isolate the phages displaying VHH with high affinity to VEGF-RBD.A significant enrichment of phages that specifically bound to the target protein was obtained after six rounds of panning. Of the specific clones with high binding affinity screened by monoclonal phage ELISA, 52% shared the same VHH sequence, showing its high enrichment. Using molecular simulation of antigen-antibody interaction based on the crystallographic information of VEGF/VEGFR2, molecular dynamics simulations and MM/PBSA free energy calculations, we provide a reliable picture of the binding site of antibody on antigen. The key residues in the VEvhh1-VEGF interface were dissected and the energetics was analyzed by MM/PBSA. The results of studies revealed that VEvhh1 binds to the receptor binding site of VEGF with high binding energy and showed the highest affinity to the residues of VEGF which are responsible for VEGF binding to VEGFR2. Also the antibody potently covers these key functional residues of VEGF, thereby inhibiting VEGF binding to its receptor and probably abrogating its biological activity. This study may represent VEvhh1 as an anti-VEGF and anti-angiogenic candidate.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2015)
The Dialogic beats make up a significant portion of a play as concrete manifestations of language paying attention to reader’s mind. This paper aims to study on features of linguistic arrangements find an answer for the main research question i.e. analysis of Dialogic beats in “technique of playwriting” by Mohammad Yaghoubi and their function in linguistic structure in discussed samples. The theoretical framework derived from linguists’ ideas in field of literature and drama such as Paul C. Castagno and Vimala Herman enables qualitative analysis of samples and achieving objectives of the research. The research method is descriptive – analytical. The findings suggest the fact that Yaghoubi, as one of the Iranian contemporary playwrights, uses different arrangements in writing dialogue and applies dialogic beats in wide levels of linguistic and meta-linguistic implications as a mean for “emphasis”, “suspension”, “interruption” and also effecting on ending methods of the work. The difference is that function and the way of using these linguistic arrangements has been more specific and more harmonic with the theme of work.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)
In this research, it has been attempted to investigate how the point of view in story and drama is perceived. For this purpose, two case studies are considered: the short story Snail Cracker (by Shahryar Mandanipour) and the play “Hovel of Trauma& Agony"(by Mahmoud OstadMohammad). The similarity between two case studies is the fact that in both, the audience finds out viewpoint of absent characters, through the statements of present figures in the story and drama worlds. To understand how it works, a combination of the linguistic approaches of McIntyre, based on “Deictic Shift” and Ryan's notion of “Possible Worlds” are adopted as the theoretical framework of the study. The main problem of the article is to discover narratological capabilities of the point of view in creating dramatic or narrative hidden spaces. The main goal of this article is to investigate the construction process of the absent character's viewpoint in the main scene of the events. The research findings are being analyzed based on the narratological indices of McIntyre and Ryan. Research methodology is descriptive –analytic. The results reveal that despite discrepancies between the story and drama worlds, they have some features in common: their figures can develop narratological perspectives and absent persons' viewpoint through linguistic markers which effect on the dialogues, they are also able to influence on assumed audience’s (reader’s) perception.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2020)
George Gordon Lord Byron,a British poet of 19th century, was heavily influenced by Oriental and Persian literature in his works. The poet’s life coincided with beginning of the “Victorian age”, and “romanticism” style emergence and the beginning of the European literature’s impressionability presentation from Iranian literature and Persian language; hence he is known as an outstanding person and European renaissance’s symbol and among the Persian literature’s impressed ones.
In This research attempt to clarify the “Manfred” Play’s contribution among Lord Byron’s works in Persian literature’s impressionability through library and documentary tools and relying on an analytical and comparative method. The result is that the above work is influenced strikingly by the works of Persian literature and language, Oriental myths and culture in “symbols”, “concepts”, “fantasies” and even “lexical” terms, which are collected due to Byron’s studies in his subconscious. Also research data show that the two categories of “Zoroastrianism” and “mysticism”, in effectiveness of Persian literature, had the largest share which are presented under two total categories: character-making level and
space-making level.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (8-2019)
The Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xcc) is causal agent of bacterial citrus canker which is major disease of citrus throughout the world. The pthA bacterial effector protein is presented within the infected plants and indispensable of canker. The scFv antibodies are valuable tools for diagnosis and suppression of pathogens within plants. The present article describes developing and characterization of specific recombinant monoclonal scFv antibodies against pthA effector protein. For this aim, the gene encoding pthA protein was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and used for screening of Tomlinson phage display antibody library to pinpoint specific single chain variable fragment (scFv). In each round of panning, the affinity of phage towards pthA was checked by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The data was indicative of about 50% of the monoclonal phages to be reactive strongly against pthA protein. Among the positive clones, 5 samples (A12, B8, C1, H8 and G8) were capable of detecting Xcc-infected plant samples and recombinant pthA protein. Restriction fragment length polymorphism showed similar banding pattern for all 5 scFvs as renamed to pthA-scFG8. HB2151 E. coli cells were infected by the phage bearing pthA-scFG8, and the expression of the peptide was induced by IPTG to produce a 30 kDa recombinant molecule. I-TASSER was used for homology modeling of both scFv and pthA and docking was carried out by Hex program. The latter demonstrated binding energy of −784 kcal/mol in scFv-pthA.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1-2009)
Increasing real time services in multimedia environments has initiated a new phenomenon in data communication. This paper analyzes delay in multimedia environments focusing on multi-point to point communication [1]. We separate the playtime delay in a point-to-point transmission and propose an optimization scenario for each part. It is proved that sum of the normalized path delay for point-to-point connections is invariant and based on this property, the playtime for delay-sensitive media has been minimized. We have shown that in transmission media, priority queuing is an effective solution where in the receiver side, waiting time for playtime scheduling and queuing discipline are two main factors. It is shown that there is a compromise between packet loss and packet departure time in the receiver side where the acceptable packet loss can adjust the playtime delay adaptively. Theoretical analysis for priority assignment, queuing technique and performance evaluation in different classes of queuing with different playtime scheduling are given.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2021)
Aims: Balance is one of the key components of most physical activities. To control balance and choose a balanced strategy, vision plays a crucial role in processing visual inputs. The present study aimed to design and implement a game-like exercise protocol and determine its effectiveness on the static and dynamic balance of children with visual impairment.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study consisted of all 6-11-year-old children with visual impairment referring to the counseling centers Yazd province and done in the summer 2020. A total of 35 visually impaired children were selected using the purposeful convenience sampling method. After matching, the samples were assigned into an experimental group (n=18) and a control group (n=17). The experimental group received 24 sessions in 60min training. The required data was gathered using the Stork Balance Stand and Timed Up and Go tests for visually impaired children. The collected data were analyzed using ANCOVA by SPSS 20.
Findings: The obtained results showed a significant difference in the means of the static balance test (p<0.01) and the dynamic balance test (p<0.01) between subjects of the experimental and control groups.
Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of the game-like exercises on improving children's balance with visual impairment, these games are suggested to be implemented daily at home.
Volume 9, Issue 39 (6-2021)
Of all the ritualistic forms of drama in Iran, Shabih-khani is the most sophisticated one. It sums up in many ways the entire dramatic forms and ancient Iranian rituals. It consists of some dimensions of other art forms, such as painting and architecture, and, most significantly, includes aspects of music and poetry. On the other hand, there is little doubt that the most overarching historical trend in Iran pivots around Sufi philosophy and literature. Sufi themes and moods as well as its mystical philosophies have largely characterized the most notable works of poetry and prose in Persian literature. The predominance of Sufi philosophy in literary works notwithstanding, Sufism can be traced in many of the existing art forms in Iran, not to mention in its quotidian culture. In this article, it is aimed to demonstrate some of the impacts of the Sufi and mystical philosophies on Shabih-khani. Our research illustrates that in Shabih-khani, we face much less a representation of historical reality than a popular interpretation of history intertwined with such discourses as Sufism. Having focused on the play which dramatizes Imam Hossein’s martyrdom, we have attempted to lay bare the most important forms of these interpretations.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2022)
Up to this date, regardless of whether the writers or poets are from different geographic regions which period of history they belong to, they have always written about the world of women and they may even have created the same and similar ideas in their works. In this comparative study, first, the place, role, and characteristics of women and their needs and desires in a society and family are examined in the literature of Iran and Spain. In order to narrow down the research field, the short story of "Pink Nail-Polish" by Jalal Al-e-Ahmad and the play of "Yerma" by Federico Garcia Lorca have been studied as two famous works written by professional authors in both countries. First, a brief overview of the history of life and socio-cultural activities of both writers has been presented, then woman, her place, desires and needs have been studied separately, and finally the two works are compared.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2009)
This research was performed to evaluate the potentials of Landsat MSS data for map-ping land features in arid zones of southeastern Esfahan, Iran. Databases of the area were formed using all available relevant maps and reports which were supported by fieldwork. A supervised image classification approach was used and thirty-two training areas were applied. Separability of the spectral classes was examined using feature space plots of im-agery data and self-classification of training areas. The accuracy of the classification was examined by using test and random pixels. The results show the potential of Landsat data for the discrimination of landforms and zones of the playas. Sand deposits (deflated sands and Barchans) expressed different spectral reflectance which could be due to mineralogy of these features. Soil classes differing in moisture content and salinity located on the soil line and limestone classes located along the soil line. The applied imagery data disable to discriminate Barchans from Bare soil I and Andesitic fans from Grey limestone. After image classification the spectral classes were merged to form landforms. The main land-forms were mountains, piedmonts, sand dunes, valleys and playas. The results indicate that integration of field observation and supervised classification can compensate for the lack of detailed topographic maps in some areas.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2021)
Discourse space is a key element in conveying concepts in a play text. This article will look forward to answer this question how metaphors could be used in discourse about social and historical problems and their usage in play texts as a linguistic form. Hence we will use George Lakoff and Zoltan Kovecses views and then we will show how metaphors which are the building blocks of Language and Culture, are used to help form the discourse space. Lakoff and Kovecses look to discourse space, as a result of interaction between mind, body and type of the culture that interactors live within. Hence in a play text, we will face a complex interaction between writer’s / audience mind in one hand, and experience and physical and mental abstraction on the other hand. Also the context where the play text is formed in, and the context where it is comprehend, are the key elements. This article will show how by using metaphors and cultural and historical contexts, Akbar Radi has managed to create a complex and deductive discourse space in Ofool text. So at first, we are facing linguistic metaphors which act in text structures (dialogues, atmospheres and characterizations), and in higher level, we are facing conceptual metaphors which act by making connection between play text origination and audience experiences that merge contextual discourse space into audience mind space which will result in a new discourse space.
Discourse space is one of the key elements in conveying concepts in any dramatic text. This article seeks to answer the question of how metaphors can be the subject of discourse on social and historical issues and what function they play in the play as a linguistic form.
Based on this statement, we have used the ideas of George Lakoff (1941) and Zoltan Kovecses (1946) and shown how metaphors, which are rooted in language and culture, help to shape the space of discourse. Lakoff and Kovecses see the space of discourse as the result of an interaction between the mind, body, and cultural context in which actors are present.
Thus, in a Dramatic text, we are faced a combination of the interaction between the writer's mind and the audience, as well as both physical and mental experiences and abstractions. Also, the context in which the play is formed and the context in which the play is understood are an essential element.
The results obtained in this article show that Akbar Raadi, using metaphors and cultural and historical contexts of the text, has created a multi-discourse and inferential atmosphere in the Ofool Play.
In this way, on one level we are confronted with linguistic metaphors that operate in the structure of the text (dialogues, atmosphere and characterization), and on a higher level we are dealing with conceptual metaphors that operate through the relationship between the objectivity of the play and the audience's experiences. It integrates the text into the audience's mind and creates a new discourse.
One of the contexts of discourse is culture. Culture is a set of our shared understanding of the world, and frameworks form a major part of that understanding.
Based on the results obtained in this study, frameworks have emerged from the interaction of metaphors and structure our perception of events. Metaphor in meta-historiography is not an array or literary industry, but a linguistic and discourse capacity.
In this respect, we are faced two spectrums of metaphor that represent one category of non-linguistic concepts (related to context and culture) and the other category of linguistic concepts (discourse space).
In the play entitled “ofool” by Akbar Radi , the native context and culture of Narestan are considered, by default. On the other hand, the discourse space in the play is the result of time, mental spaces, parts of culture and texture.
From a discursive point of view, parts of speech and actions play an essential role in the interpretation of events and the formation of concepts. Radi has made dramatic use of confrontations in the direction of discourse about the present and the past, and has tried to construct a form of discourse from different mental spaces, without seeking orientation toward a particular idea.
The basic atmosphere in the play of”ofool” is a broad historical and social context that is not even limited to Narestan or the climate of northern Iran.
The conceptual metaphors of "action is power" and "failure is ignorance", "understanding is freedom", "fighting against nature is oppression", "happiness is obedience" and similar metaphors are concepts that do not remain limited to the text of the play and they can be studied from a cognitive point of view and in the form of any other historical phenomenon in Iran.
As the conflict between Emad and Ascension is a metaphorical reference to the failure of the idea of reform in the history of Iran. Meraj seems to have devoted all his efforts to building the school until the end of the play, but it is Emad who, by "transferring" the property to Kasmai, shows the main action (moving forward) and that he simply surrenders to the situation. Yes, Jahangir is Ascension.
Thus, the passive intellectual who until then had urged the people to wait, to come out of their "dark cocoons" and to use their "terrible power" is doomed to failure.
The evidence presented in this article shows that conceptual metaphors are more culturally and sociologically determined, and that the play, as a text that engages the audience's mental space more dynamically, is a mechanism between understanding abstract concepts and performing them
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2021)
Classroom discourse refers to the language and interaction used by the teacher and the students to communicate and shape learning in the educational context. The present study focused on Iranian EFL teachers’ classroom discourse by observing their dominancy, teacher talk, question types, and interactions in their classes. To do so, through a non-experimental, descriptive research design, 20 female experienced teachers with the age range of 30-40, teaching at an upper-intermediate level in different language institutes in Isfahan, Iran were selected based on the convenience sampling. Two classes of the teachers were observed, the sessions were recorded, and their classroom discourses were transcribed and later analyzed. Moreover, to increase the validity and reliability of the research, a semi-structured interview was conducted with volunteer participants; their reflections on their communication with the learners and discourse types were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics in terms of frequency and percentages. The findings of the study showed that the teachers made use of specific discourse to ascertain their dominance and control in their classes. The findings also revealed that the teachers used more monologic discourse patterns in their classes rather than dialogic ones. Teacher talk far exceeded student talk, Initiation-Response-Feedback pattern dominated the classroom discourse; and display questions were used more frequently than referential ones. These findings could benefit teachers to be more conscious about type of CD and its effect on student-to-student and teacher-to-student interactions. It could also serve the purpose of critical classroom discourse analysis
Volume 12, Issue 55 (3-2024)
Considering different definitions of game, one can categorize them into different types. Inevitably, games have influenced everyone's life at different ages. Games not only entertain individuals, but also reflect the concerns and problems of life. Furthermore, players both repeat such concerns and transmit them, too. ''Poetry'' is one of the most important means of transmitting elements. This element can be changed based on the time and place and it can be compatible accordingly. This research has been done based on descriptive- analytical method and it has classified and considered the play-songs of the people of Fars. The results show these songs used in those games with two or more groups of audiences and mostly considered as non-actional/ verbal games which are constructed on four principals of repetition, dialogue, teasing and consonance. Also, they were counted in counter side of actional games. This spectrum of play-songs (verbal to action) also fits with the element of age because the tendency of young people is more towards verbal games as they get older, they move towards action games. Another point is the poem which is the game and is not part of it, that it is in the four initial categories of game. It is underlined that poem is so dominant in the folklore life. Another is that many of the action games have rules and frameworks in poems and these rules are included in seven groups such as: calling out for game, role calling, choosing the head of the game, starter and fellow, selecting the fired one or the reserved one, punishment, not paying the penalty and announcing the end of the game. The players should accept and perform the rules. The order of these rules and in general, all the songs of the game played a big role in the socialization of the players.