Showing 44 results for Pari
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)
There are many similarities in the ups and downs of social and literary life of Nizar Qabbani, Arabic poet, and Ahmad Shamlu who is Iranian poet. This article examine concept of freedom in the poems of these two poets to consider differences and similarities of thought of the poets in this issue. People and rulers share in the acquisition and preservation of liberty, which these two poets have focused on both of them, using the symbol and the combination of lyrical concepts and political and social concepts, have presented their subject. Shamlu praises the freedom-loving people and defines “poverty” as lack of freedom. Qabbani tries to summon the people of the Arab lands to reform their affairs. he blames the heads of Arabic countries more, but does not name a certain person and notes the danger of the Jews. Ahmad Shamlu and Nizar Qabbani believe that gunfight is one of the ways which can be achieved freedom through it. So, they loathe silence of people against cruelty, autocracy and injustice, and they blame or chide and sometimes humiliate people for that. Both poets condemn autocracy and additionally they show their unique talent and genius in describing “freedom”. Clarity and simplicity of Nizar’s poems and mysterious and elusive words in Shamlu’s poesies are the characteristics of these two poets in the concept of freedom.
Volume 2, Issue 9 (12-1998)
Mohsen Esmaeily
Ph.D. Student in Private Law, Tarbiat Modares University
This Article is an Islamic and comparative law study about offer and ways of it’s termination. It contains an introduction and two chapters.
First chapter is titeled “General” and discuss about definition, Meaming and kinds of offer. An offer is a statement of the terms by which the offeror is prepared to be bound. It may be made to a definit person or the whole of world, i-e. generally, then anyone may accept. what is the role of offer in forming of acontract? This is an important question that is also replied in this section,.
Ways of termination of offer is the subject of second chapter. Revocation (with drawal of the offer by the offeror) is the most important factor, and then Death of either offeror or offeree before acceptance, Incapacity, Insanity. Lapes of time, Rejection and connter - offer are other important ways. Some of these, are new matters in the world of low and this article try to discuss them in the comparitive study.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2001)
To measure soil water content (or soil matric suction) in thin layers of about 30mm,
conventional gypsum blocks are not suitable. To carry out the task, mini-gypsum blocks
were constructed using plaster of Paris in an innovative fashion. A power relationship was
found between the soil water content and the mini-gypsum blocks’ readings in kΩ. The
calibration results showed that readings of mini-gypsum blocks were sensitive to temperature.
A normalized resistance deviation method was adopted to compensate for the effect
of temperature on the sensor readings. After calibration, the high coefficient of determination
obtained ensured the use of the mini-gypsum blocks for further experiments.
Masoume Ebrahimi ,
Volume 3, Issue 11 (12-2010)
Abstract The essential aim of this study is mythologic review of supernatural creatures in one of the well –known Persian tales as named Salim Javaheri tale. In this article at first is tried to present main theories about myths and legends, then analyzed each of them based on mythological as well as folkloric aspects and to discover mutual relationships, because some theoretician believe mythologic review of folk tales is inappropriate and has no any credibility. On the other hand, literature review, specially mythologic review in texts of oral literature is not common in our country, so in some parts of the article extended capacities of oral literature, as an appropriate ground to use mythologic review, have been described. At last, a well-known Persian tale, Salim Javaheri, as an example has been used for a sample of mythologic review for first time. The elements of such review have derived from this text of oral literature. The new idea of this study, can be a beginning of later long studies for interdisciplinary recognition of oral literature texts. Keywords: mythologic review, folk tales, Salim Javaheri tale, hamzad, ghoul, pari, davalpa, nasnaas, gav-e daryaee
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2013)
Semantic is one of the most important features in the study of native language learning process. The study of what children know about meanings in different levels would be away for achieving how the human becomes a speaker of a language. The aim of this study is evaluating children’s understanding of semantic contribution of the universal quantifier “every” at the across-proposition level. Investigating children’s computation of the across-propositional meaning relations involving the universal quantifier “every” would thus not only be the next valuable step to consider their knowledge about the semantics of “every”, but also would make a significant contribution toward a new aspect of children’s semantic competence. In this study, a new experiment evaluates the children’s ability in inferences between entailing and entailed sentences. For sampling, 28 girls aged 3-6 years were selection randomly. Finally, the results confirmed that the competence of children is like adults with regard to the semantics in the composition and comparison of sentential meanings.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Aim: Health-promoting lifestyle (HPL) not only prevents diseases but also improves the individual’s general health and well-being. Global burden of women’s health problem in the postpartum period is enormous while few studies have been undertaken to examine the role of parity difference in women's lifestyle. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of parity on HPL among women in the first year after childbirth.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in governmental health centers in Zanjan (Iran) in 2016 on 310 women. A proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select the participants. The questionnaire consisted of two parts; the first part assessed the socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics, and the second part was the “Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile II” (HPLP II). The data were analyzed using the SPSS software (ver. 22). Data analysis included the percentage, arithmetic average, and ANOVA tests.
Findings: The results showed that 53.9% of the women had one parity, 36.1% had two parities, and 10% had three and above parities. The mean total HPLP II was 131.28±15.37. The highest and lowest mean scores were dedicated to spiritual growth (25.64±4.50) and physical activity (14.68±3.41) domains, respectively. The women who had two parities had a higher score in health responsibility (25.63±4.39) and physical activity (15.41±3.66) domains than the other groups.
Conclusion: The health behavior of women was moderate. A statistically significant correlation was found between the number of parities and the health responsibility, nutrition, and physical activity, which are the domains of HPL.
Volume 4, Issue 14 (3-2007)
Zolfaghari. H.,PH.D
One of the stories of Nezami’s Haft Peykar is named Bahram Goor and his female slave "Fetneh" in hunting-ground. Nezami has extracted this story from very simple, short, schema-scheme and temporal Ferdowsi's narration and developed it and has added the second part to it. After Nezami, Amir Khosro Dehlavi (752-651) has mentioned this story in Hasht Behesht and Abdi Beyk Navidi Shirazi (988-921) has brought it in Haft Akhtar. Both of them are the imitation from Nezami's Haft Peykar. Amir Khosro has brought the middle part of story with little changes in comparison with Nezami narration and Abdi Beyk has added the range of changes.
By comparing and analyzing of these Four Narrations, we find out that Nezami's skill about narrative elements, motifs and moral, mental aspects has preference over the other narrations.
This comparison has been done with the view of the narrative structure not verbal aspects and expressive, stylistic devices. At the end of this article, for example, we only narrate the description of female slave from Four Narrations, so that the reader compares oneself.
In the beginning of the paper, not only do we introduce four works and reports of Four Narrations, but also present the narrative motifs, and consider the aspects of similarity and difference of narrations with the use of a chart.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (11-2014)
Abstract Sharks are relatively large sea creatures by an extensive cartilaginous skeleton. The shark cartilage is a rich source of bioactive molecules including collagen protein and glycosaminoglycan. In the present study, Cetyl Piridinium Chloride cationic salt was used for extracting of glycosaminoglycans from dryed cartilage of Carcharhinus dussumieri and their anticoagulant properties were examined. FTIR spectrum was also used to identifing and structurally compare with heparin. The total amount of the extracted glycosaminoglycan was 42.8 mg/g of the dry cartilage. Also, FTIR spectrum results confirmed the presence of heparin- like compounds in the extract. Finally, the anticoagulant properties of extracted glycosaminoglycans was examined by the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time anticoagulant test (APTT) method in 410, 763, and 1250 concentrations, and Prothrombin Time (PT) method in the 1250 concentration on the human plasma. The anticoagulant time was 43, 50, and 85s in 410, 763, and 1250 concentrations of extracts, respectively, which extended the coagulation time 1.3, 1.5, and 2.5 folds.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2017)
principles and values of the era and their religion sins and reward them invokes the punishment and Padafrah they speak. Due to the distinct practices and mention them with reward or punishment is given to the special function of the coordinates of a Ardavyraf. In contrast Altvhm Ardavyraf a sin and reward are not separate, significant and lasting psychological torment of their physical Zabhay. Meanwhile, preaching and spiritual Tavylhay other features that affect the structure and content of the author's worldview is influenced observations. In terms of structural characteristics, descriptive and literary Altvhm Zybatraz Ardavyraf a more coherent and discussed. Seeking perfection and ascension of the steps are the same wonderful man, is evident in both, the one that belongs to the collective unconscious of mankind, regardless of the particular religion that has Hrsr. Both Ascension accordance Razamvzy rites of passage are seven stages and come to full brightness. an
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Love in and traditionally wellness of soul mate in all around the world is pleasurable. It seems that soul mate of all poems and lovers is common in one feature: i.e. beauty ; the various characters of beauty will be different from land to land and from eyes to eyes ; Iranian and Arabic culture , with common origins, in many of literatures such as soul mate description, have great similarities. As far as meeting with love and beauty of soul mate looks and individual and personal object; the issue of effectiveness and impact between Iranian and Arabic culture are drawn. This effectiveness will be more clear by comparing two poems , especially the wars such as Noz’hat al-Majales by Jamal Khalil Shirvani on farsi in 7th century and Loving and beloved and the Musk and Brew by seri al-refah , in 4th century.
this work surveyed common themes in aesthetics and imagery of soul mate hair in Arabic and Farsi poem, by descriptive – analytical approach and comparative studies.
It is clear the in this assessment, our final achievement is not only comparing the work’s content and the minutes related to any bit , but also is expected pursuit of quality and expression and reflection of one of soul mate lover in both Arabic and Farsi poem. In fact, we have tried to ensure that how Iranian poet and writer deal with Arabic themes and works and how had concept, select, and seizure themes and imagery of hair.
Volume 5, Issue 19 (6-2008)
Q. Qolam Hosseinzadeh.PH.D.
Hamed Norouzi
The relation existing among the sentences of any text has a vital role in its final perception. Due to this reason a number of linguistics have devoted a large share of their theoretical discussion to the analysis of this relation. One of these theories is Holiday’s ‘Role Tendency’, in which he has made cohesion among the conceptual, verbal, syntactic and the rational sentences of any individual text. Through this attitude, coherence has factors such as; 1. reference. 2. subordination and omission. 3. vocabulary cohesion. and 4. Connection.
Since this discussion covers a wide domain, the writers of this essay chose to survey one of these factors; which is reference. By reference, as a relation, the interpretation of one of the partners of reference, in other words the presupposing element, does not actually take place based on its conceptual characteristics. Instead, for doing this process, it is referred to the other party of this relation; in other words the referent. Reference has three kinds; personal, allusive, and comparative. This research only discusses the personal and allusive ones. The personal reference is concerned about the person, while the allusive one points to the place and the extent of its distance; whether far or close. In the Persian language personal reference is comprised of personal pronouns and reflexive pronouns, while the allusive reference includes demonstrative pronoun and demonstrative adverbs.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (11-2024)
Administrative divisions refer to the territorial organization of the country space in a hierarchical manner, which is formed by dividing the land into smaller units along with layers of local government. Since the present situation of administrative divisions in Iran is facing challenges that pose obstacles to the realization of sustainable development and security, and considering the emphasis of the second, fourth, and fifth development plans on reforming the administrative division system, it is necessary to properly identify the weaknesses of this law and make necessary efforts to fix them and turn them into opportunities. To this aim, it can be helpful to review the laws of other countries regarding territorial organization. The present article provides a comparative study of the administrative divisions’ laws of Iran and Indonesia and seeks an answer to the following question: according to the laws of the two countries, based on which indicators and through which processes are the political units established, and how are the responsibilities and authorities distributed among the levels of local government?
The present study is an applied research. A descriptive-analytic method and a qualitative approach were used to compare the administrative divisions’ laws of the two countries. The research data are composed of the legal documents of two countries regarding the system of administrative divisions. The data is collected through library method.
Results and discussion
In the Iranian division system, the quantitative indicator of "population" is dominant in developing and promoting the levels of administrative divisions. Other indicators mentioned in the law (position, homogeneity, sphere of influence, etc.) have not been defined, and no standard criterion has been presented for their measurement. In the Indonesian legal system, two categories of basic and administrative requirements (indicators) have been specified for the establishment of preliminary regions which, after passing the preliminary period, change to a new political region according to the approval of the law. The basic requirements (territorial and regional capacity) are the indicators that a geographical area must possess to promote the level in the division system. The important point is that these indicators have been defined, and their measurement criteria have been specified. Placing these indicators together, a diverse and multi-dimensional set of features is created that a geographical region must possess to be promoted in the division system. The outcome of these features is that a new administrative unit is developed when it has the necessary capabilities for self-reliance. Administrative requirements are, in fact, the prerequisite for starting the process of considering the creation of a political unit in the Indonesian government and parliaments. It shows that one of the indicators required for establishing new administrative units is a serious request on the part of the people, which is approved by the local parliament, the mayor/regent, the provincial parliament, and the governor.
The law of Iran has deferred any abstraction, annexation, conversion, creation, and integration, as well as determining and changing the center and the name of the units of administrative divisions, except for the province, to the proposal of the Ministry of Interior and the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers. The process of establishing political units in Iran is a top-down process. The law does not specify anything about the different stages of this process. In Indonesia, however, provinces and cities/regencies are established by passing laws. Also, any changes in the borders of the regions are regulated by law. Nevertheless, the change in the name of the region, the naming and renaming of a part of the land, the transfer of the capital, and the renaming of the capital are determined by government regulations. The characteristic feature of the Indonesian legal system in this regard is that prior to passing any law about establishing a political unit, a preliminary area must first be created for a trial period (three years) according to government regulation. During this preliminary period, the prerequisites for establishing a new province and regency/city should be provided (e.g., infrastructures, human resources, etc.). During this three-year preliminary period, the government evaluates the status of the preliminary region, and if approved, the new political unit is established according to the law by presenting a bill to the parliament. The law describes the process of creating a new preliminary region at the level of the province, the central government, and the parliaments step by step until the law is approved for establishing a new province or regency/municipality.
Iranian Law of Administrative Divisions adopts a place-oriented approach to political divisions. In other words, the law focuses on the way the land is divided without providing a description of how to manage the division levels. The mentioned law lacks provisions regarding the separation of national affairs from local ones, the responsibilities and authorities of divisional levels, coordination and communication with the central government, etc. In contrast, the Indonesian law of regional government has a space-oriented approach. In this law, regions are viewed as a geographical space with all its contents and relationships. The discussion of establishing new administrative units constitutes only one chapter of the law, and the rest of the law is a detailed description of how national affairs are separated from regional and local ones, the responsibilities and authorities of the central and regional levels, and other issues related to the management of political units, including regional finance, structure and organization, and performance monitoring.
The Indonesian law of regional government has some features that have negative consequences for this country; for instance, the bottom-up process of establishing political units has led to the uncontrolled proliferation of political units, resulting in spatial fragmentation, which has negative developmental consequences, and its pure imitation is not recommended. However, reviewing this law reveals that in order to reform the administrative divisions system of Iran through the approaches taken by laws of the fourth (Article (73)), fifth (Article (186)), and seventh (Article (105)) five-year development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is necessary to amend the Iranian Law of Administrative Divisions so that first, the levels of administrative divisions, including the position of the city in the division system, indicators for establishing political units, and the process of creating political units are revised. Second, it should clearly divide the responsibilities and authorities between the central government and the local government levels, including municipalities. As a result, such a law must necessarily include how to choose/ appoint heads and managers of local governments, responsibilities and authorities of all levels of government, structure, and organization of local governments, how to finance the tasks delegated to local governments, how the central government supervises local governments, etc. Definitely, drafting a comprehensive bill on administrative divisions through such an approach, representing decentralized governance from an administrative and financial point of view, requires revising and merging the laws on definitions and regulations of administrative divisions, the municipal law, the law of city and village Islamic councils, and other relevant laws as of a comprehensive law. Such a law will provide a comprehensive and transparent picture of regional and local governance and, in fact, the way the provinces and their subordinate levels are governed.
Volume 6, Issue 12 (3-2020)
Study and recognition and comparison of the divine names, plays an important role in understanding, translation and interpreting the Qur'an. In this research by using descriptive and analytical method, the eight divine names in the field of creation are examined. Based on Arabic poetry and prose, words of linguists and commentators, linguistic contexts, and succession relations, their exact meaning and their use in different verses should be revealed. "Sanee" means who create with precision, science and power. "Sanee" translated to "Maker". "Khaliq" means who create on the basis of size and creativity. The word "Khaliq" in Qur'an is associated with two names: "Rabb" (The Lord) and Razegh" (The Provider). "Khaliq" translated to "Creator"."Fatir" means who fission the inexistence and signifies God's power and greatness. "Fatir" translated to "Bringer". "Mobde", according to its antonyms [Moiid], means who began the creation. "Mobde" translated to "Producer". "Monshe" means the creator who exalt the creations. "Monshe" translated to "Establisher". "Badiee" implies that the Creator's innovation and his needless from former matter and form "Badiee" translated to "Originator". "Bare" means the Creator who himself and His creations are isolated from all flaws. "Bare" translated to "Shaper". "Zare" means the creator that his creations are vast, wide, and dispersed. "Zare" translated to "Multiplier". Without questioning it must consider the conceptual difference between these names in the translation, interpretation and cite of the verses.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Selco enriching emulsion includes compounds from certain oils with marine and herbal origins. Selco oil produces micro-globules with less than 0.1 micron diameter. In order to generate such stability in original selco chemical emulsifiers have been used up to 3%. In this study, persian gum )Amygdalus scopariaspeech( and salep (Orchis mascula (were used as herbal emulsifiers in synthesis of Artemia enriching for a content of 11% to establish emulsification. The soluble part of persian gum and salep was separated with 30% and 22% content, respectively. Through chemical analysis, the chemical composition of the imported Selco oil was identified. Then the similar ingredients of the commercial brand were combined to produce our synthesized production. In physical computing, the average diameter and distribution of oil phase particles side was obtained as 0.1 micron and the relevant surface tension as 15±5 DIN/cm. Then the synthesyzed enriching oil (treatment 1) with the imported one (treatment 2) were tested for Artemia urmiana enriching with standard conditions. Enriching conducted in 3 repetitions with 0.4 gr/lit of the enriching oils/1 lit of water. Nauplii were introduced as 200000 nauplii/lit. The average of nauplii enriching percentage in treatments 1 and 2 was achieved as 27±2.47 and 23±2.52 percent, respectively. The bioassay results on 500 new feed larvae of trout fish has been shown that treatments 1 and 2 were significantly differed in survival. Therefore, the plant emulsifiers in this study, showed good performances as the chemical and physical properties, in stabilizing the oil emulsion in the aqueous phase.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (5-2021)
Backgrounds: This study aimed to assess antibacterial properties of Artemisia scoparia, Titanium dioxide nanoparticles, and their synergistic effect on clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, 30 isolates of K. pneumonia were collected from patients’ sputum in the microbiology lab of Masih Daneshvari hospital during 3 months. Then biochemical tests were performed for strain confirming. Moreover, genomic DNA was extracted from all the isolates, and hly gene was detected in the isolates via PCR method. The susceptibility of the isolates to 10 antibiotics was evaluated by the disk diffusion method. Then minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of all components (Artemisia extract, TiO2, and their combination) was assessed using the microdilution method against the isolates.
Findings: The results indicated that simultaneous use of hydro-alcoholic extract of A. scoparia and titanium dioxide nanoparticles exhibited a significant synergistic antibacterial effect on 25 clinical isolates in comparison with the use of extract or nanoparticles alone.
Conclusion: It seems that simultaneous use of Artemisia herbal extracts and nanoparticles is beneficial in increasing their antibacterial effect and may decrease antibiotics consumption.
Volume 7, Issue 29 (3-2011)
Alireza Shadaram, PH.D.
Farhad Doroodgryan, PH.D.
Two anecdotes “Tristan and Iseult” and “Vis and Ramin”, despite some varying points, have much similarities. The fiction “Tristan and Iseult” that was written about a century after “Vis and Ramin” is considered the masterpiece of erotic literature in the western world. Since these two works are the primary and foremost love stories of the East and the West, this paper attempts to explain commonality and differences in literature and culture taking into account analytical-comparative methods. For this purpose, after reviewing the origin of the story of “Tristan and Iseult” and counting its similarities with “Vis and Ramin”, the paper studies and analyzes the two works with respect to their structure and contents.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2017)
Microorganisms and plants have high potential for reducing the metal (biosynthesis of nanoparticles) through their metabolic pathways. Apart from the environmental benefits of biosynthesis of nanoparticles, there is the opportunity for production of nanomaterial with new properties in this method. In this study, the fruit aqueous extract of Capparis spinosa L. was used for synthesis of nanoparticles. To evaluate the reducing potential of plant, total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of both aqueous and ethanolic extracts were measured by DPPH and FRAP methods. The aqueous extract showed a lower antioxidant activity than the ethanolic extract; however, it had high potential to reduce the free radicals and metal ions. After preparing the extract, for phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles, 2 ml of extract was added to 4 ml of 1 mM silver nitrate. The extract was used as a reducing and stabilizing agents of the nanoparticles. The effect of determining parameters for optimizing synthesis of nanoparticles such as: pH of reaction, the amount of extract, concentration of metal ion and time of reaction were evaluated using Ultraviolent-Visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) .The spectrum of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) of silver nanoparticles showed the maximum absorbance at 415 nm. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used to identify the possible functional groups involved in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. The Results showed that the nanoparticles were spherical shape and the size of them were about 8-12 nm.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2017)
This study investigated the stable comparison (SC) describing human appearance in the Russian and Persian languages so that it can compare and analyze the languages picture of the word of these two languages through these cultural marked linguistic units which are considered as the total- reflection of the languages picture of the word. The SC are special layers of phraseological unit neglected by the researchers, and it can be said that they reflect their speakers’ lifestyle, mentality and cultural color more than other types of phraseological units . This study was within a cultural linguistics research formwork and was the first attempt to compare and investigate the SC between the Russian and Persian languages. This was a statistical, comparative-analytical study aiming to answer the following question: Is there any difference between the Russian and Persian languages regarding the covert language’s picture of the word of the SC? It tasted the hypothesis that since Iranian and Russian are different with respect to their belief, ethnicity, and geography of their living place, a trivial culture with common ground will be found, and the effect of these factors should generally be observed in their language’s picture of the word. The results of this study were divided into the quantitative and content categories. According to the quantitative results, the distribution of SC was 0.3% showing the low level of cultural common grounds between Russian and Iranian and the significant difference in their cultural linguistic picture which confirms the hypothesis. With respect to the content analysis of the studied samples, the factors such as religious elements, beliefs, and behaviors (Russian: beautiful like God- Persian: like Usef); the characters and figures of mythological and literature (Russian: Koschei, Kolobok- Persian: Rostam, Rakhsh); historical characters (Persian: Omar, Yazid); and geographical climate and living tools (Russian: Kolomna verst- Persian: Moshk Saqa) played the major role in creating the difference in the language’s picture of the word of these ethnics.
Volume 8, Issue 33 (12-2011)
Folk tales are oral narrations that have been cited through the ages among the different generations by word of mouth and now we may find their written forms. It is not far from truth to claim that these stories consist of the most fundamental principles of human thought through times. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries A. D., the genre of folktales has been focused by researchers; and especially with Prop’s method that have been modified and completed by others,a new window was opened in this field.Different theories have been formed about the features of stories and their classification,and these developments progressed to the point that a group of scholars considered one single source for folktales.Comparative literature thatputs its emphasison similar topics in the literature of two languages or nations, with a wide field provided the ground for research and comparison of similar works in different cultures.One of the topics of comparative studies is to investigate the folktales in different cultures. This comparison shows not only the similarities and differences, but also represents the extent of creativity of authors or narrators.
While pointing to the characteristics of folktales and the researches and criticisms that have been developed in this genre, this article introduces folktales shared by Korean and Iranian literature.Moreover, it analyzesthree Korean folktales that have similar versions in Kelile and Demne. Among these three pairs of tales, two pairs have nearly similar themes and actions, and the third pair represents such a strong similarity in both Persian and Korean cultures that persuades us to think that they have the same origin. The comparison and analysis of these tales show not only their similarities and differences but also indicates the structural changes of narration in Kelile'swritten text versus its oral folk version.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2021)
Aims: Experienced bodily sensation with basic emotions seems to be a universal phenomenon, but
cross-cultural differences are expected. This study was designed to determine the topographic map of changes across six basic emotions and anxiety in a sample of Iranian people and to compare their perception of emotion-related bodily changes by sex.
Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 220 Iranians aged 16-55 years. The Persian pencil and paper version of the emBODY application was used and validated during the study. The results were analyzed by SPSS 20 software using generalized linear models to determine the relationship between gender and emotion sensation in 5 main body areas and three main facial parts.
Findings: Anxiety was the most common reported basic emotion, and anger, fear, sadness, joy, surprise, and disgust, respectively, were identified basic emotions in both sexes. GLMs were significant (p<0.05) for bodily sensation changes in the head and neck, upper body, upper and lower limbs, and all three main facial parts. Results also showed a significant gender difference in lower limbs (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The results suggested the consistency of distinct emotion-triggered bodily sensation maps of Iranians with universal patterns.