Showing 19 results for Oratory
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Although faculty members’ job satisfaction has received remarkable attention over the last two decades, there has been a long-lasting lack of a questionnaire to measure it in the Iranian context. Thus, the present study purported to develop and validate a questionnaire with adequate psychometric properties to measure Iranian English faculty members’ job satisfaction. To this aim, two samples of faculty members for the first pilot study (n = 62) and the second pilot study (n = 254) were selected from Ayatollah Borujerdi University and Lorestan University through a random sampling method. Based on the past literature, a pool of items (n = 74) was extracted and subjected to an eleven-step systematic procedure: content analysis and sampling; creating an item bank; running the first pilot; creating item pool one; expert judgment to evaluate the sub-scales; running an interview and think-aloud protocol; running Cronbach’s alpha; running the second pilot; running exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Cronbach’s alpha; creating item pool two; and expert review. Results yielded a 60-item questionnaire with 6 sub-scales: 1. payment and rewards (10 items); promotion (7 items); supervision and interaction (17 items); job security (7 items); facilities of universities (7 items); and work nature (10 items). The hope is that the present questionnaire can be used for research and educational purposes in the future.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
The Ministry of Agriculture Jihad in Iran implemented contract farming (CF) for wheat in 2021 to address marketing issues. This study compares agricultural sustainability for farmers participating in and not participating in CF. Agricultural sustainability was assessed by applying a combined index approach that considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The required data came from 620 wheat farmers in Golestan province, sampled using the multi-stage randomization technique. The data were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and clustering methods. The findings indicated a significant difference in the performance of economic and environmental sustainability dimensions between two groups of wheat farmers. For the participants, 14.2% were deemed unsustainable, 47.7% were considered partially sustainable, and 38.1% were classified as sustainable. For non-participants, the figures were 38.7%, 47.7%, and 13.5%, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested to provide more opportunities for participation in this program and expand it to other key crops. Additionally, authorities should provide more information about the benefits of the CF plan.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2023)
Some bacteria can survive in conditions in which even extremophiles cannot survive. In this study, the conditions of contamination of mine-waste extremophiles with other bacteria was studied on the laboratory scale. At the first step, the acid-producing extremophile bacteria were isolated from mine tailings and characterized using a biochemical protocol. The extremophiles survived at the pH from 0 to 8.5 and temperature from ‒ 70 °C to 90 °C. After the complete growth and isolation of active colonies of the acidophilic bacteria in solid medium, their pollution possibility were examined in the laboratory. The characterization of contaminating microorganisms was performed through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and 16s rRNA gene sequencing. The polluting bacteria were isolated from the acid-producing bacteria using a nutrient broth liquid medium in a sterilized condition for 1 week, which reached an anaerobic condition after a while. The significant growth of acidophilic bacteria in an anaerobic condition required the 9K medium containing Fe2(SO4)3 and elemental sulphur. The results showed that the contaminating bacteria of extremophiles included Bacillus cereus (strain 1), Bacillus sp. (TS3) and Bacillus oryzaecorticis (WJB138), enduring the anaerobic conditions in a nutrient broth medium.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata is one of the major insect pests of potato. Toxicity of spinosad, as a bio-rational insecticide, was investigated against various developmental stages of this pest. Bioassays were conducted by using the eggs, neonates, first, second, third and fourth instar larvae and adults. The potato leaves were impregnated with different concentrations of spinosad and applied for the adults and different larvae bioassays. The eggs were tested through dipping its masses into the insecticide solutions. LC50 values of neonates, first, second, third and fourth instar larvae and unsexed adults after 24 hours were 2.06, 3.19, 4.75, 6.46, 20.24 and 11.97 ppm (of commercial formulation), respectively. Results show that spinosad did not possess any ovicidal effects and the fourth instar larvae and neonates were the most tolerant and the most susceptible stages, respectively. Susceptibility of the neonates (up to 24 hrs after hatching) was significantly higher than that of first instar larvae (24-48 hrs after hatching). Developmental stages of Colorado potato beetle responded differentially to this insecticide. Since the control of L. decemlineata mostly relies on early season measures against the most susceptible stage(s), by considering no ovicidal effect, our results propose a limited interval, for avoiding the highly tolerant larvae.
Dāwood Emārati Moghadam,
Volume 4, Issue 15 (12-2011)
This article studies the role of “Rhetorical Situation” in the formation of genres. Accordingly, the article discusses the concept of genre in rhetoric which includes a variety of fields ranging from the ancient oratory to the communication studies in 20th century. Unlike literary approaches which define genre mostly on the basis of textual features (form and content), rhetorical approach defines genre according to the extra-textual features such as situation and audience. Before 20th century, the concept of “situation” was very much static and limited to some specific and clear-cut situations and the speaker and audience only had to passively respond to these situations. In 20th century, the theories of Bakhtin and Carolin Miller turned this concept into a dynamic one. According to these theorists, a genre comes to existence in a communicative process and with the participation of speaker and audience. This article first addresses the theories of genre in ancient rhetoric, and then goes on to show that the definition of genre as social action makes genre a tool for production and reproduction of social values and ideological assumptions in different cultures. Finally, the article mentions some of the consequences of rhetorical approach for literary studies.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Aims: The challenges toward transition to sustainability require profound structural changes made in socio-technical configurations. Urban living laboratory(ULL) is identified as a platform for utilizing the potential of citizens' lived experience and realizing their participation. Regarding the wholeness principles in landscape architecture, the present study is to show the implementation of ULL using the potentials of ritual landscape as a daily landscape, will facilitate the transition to cultural sustainability and thus urban green contemporization.
Methods: With an overview of theoretical foundations based on highperformance architecture theory, documents relating to Jamaran neighborhood were studied. In-depth interviews were conducted with the influential stakeholders of the neighborhood to obtain an adequate awareness of the area. Then, by applying the categories derived from coding the interview sessions and analyzing them by the grounded theory method, the strategies for implementing a ULL in the context of Jamaran neighborhood were investigated.
Findings: The findings in Jamaran neighborhood identified categories that during the theorizing process, confirmed the role of ULL as structures in the daily living context of residents in using the potential of ritual landscape to facilitate the transition to sustainable development and thus urban contemporization.
Conclusion: the results indicate that the implementation of a ULL in the traditional Iranian neighborhoods requires full recognition of the decision-making power of locals in processes related to the ritual landscape as a routine procedure and it facilitates the transition to sustainable development. Also, the ULL’s effects on the recognition of indigenous and their tacit knowledge are to be considered.
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2021)
In order to engage students in higher-level thinking, cognitive activation (CA) strategies have been advanced and utilized in mathematics. CA develops when learners are challenged, confronted with conflicts, asked to think and explain clearly on their learning, and realize connections between new and previous content. Extending the theme to English language teaching (ELT), this study investigated Iranian English language teachers’ knowledge and practice of cognitive activation writing strategies (CAWS). In so doing, a model was proposed based on a questionnaire that was developed and validated in the present study. Through this scale, knowledge and practice of CAWS by 213 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers were explored. During a pilot phase, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be .78 for the knowledge section and .81 for the practice section. Two items in each section were removed after conducting exploratory factor analysis. Ultimately, the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the proposed model was fit for the data. Five components were confirmed as constituents of CAWS for the knowledge section, and four components were identified for the practice section. The findings revealed that Iranian EFL teachers were already familiar with the CAWS and purportedly practiced them in their writing classes. Using the scale in the process of writing instruction can provide ELT practitioners with a helpful platform for relating to CA strategies and empowers learners to accomplish tasks such as problem-solving in their writing assignments, similar to what is practiced in mathematics.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2023)
The high rate of extensive changes in the contemporary environment creates more difficult conditions for organizations and disrupts their performance. Therefore, the ability of organizations to maintain proper performance has become important in recent years despite the crises that have occurred. One of the important issues in this situation is how can improve the reliability of organizations or the ability to maintain their proper performance in crisis conditions. Organizational reliability has two hard and soft areas that the dimensions of its hard area have attracted the attention of researchers for several decades but the dimensions of its soft area have been less addressed. In this way, despite the scope of wide application and the recent theoretical attention focused on the dimensions of the soft area of organizational reliability, still the dimensions and components of this type of reliability have not been identified and formulated in a way that can help its implementation in organizations. Therefore, this research has tried to extract main and sub-themes and codes which were renamed the soft dimensions, components and indicators of organizational reliability by using the sequential exploratory mixed research design based on semi-structured interviews and review of published articles and using thematic analysis method (qualitative research) and in the second step, use confirmatory factor analysis to determine construct validity. The obtained result is a valid measure for measuring reliability in organizations.
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2013)
During the past two decades, suction caissons have become an increasingly viable alternative to traditional offshore foundation such as gravity based foundations and piles. The pull-out performance of conventional suction caissons (with upright walls) has been previously investigated by a number of researchers. However, less attention has been formerly paid to tapered suction caissons. This paper reports some results from an experimental investigation into the pull-out performance of tapered suction caissons. The 1g experiments have been carried out on eight small scale suction caissons. The aspect ratios, (length/diameter) have been 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the diameter has been constant and equal to 80 mm. Four specimens have had upright walls while the other four had a positive wall slope of 10%. The caissons have been installed in a soil tank containing very fine saturated silty sand. The caissons have then been subjected to vertical pull-out loads with different speeds. The effects of variations in soil density and pull-out rate on the pull-out capacities have also been investigated. In general, tapered caissons have been noticed to present enhanced pull-out capacities as compared to those from their equivalent upright caissons. The enhancement rate has been found to be more significant in suction caissons with higher aspect ratios. With both upright and tapered caissons the pull-out capacity increases by an increase in the pull-out rate. The pull-out rate effects are more significant with upright caissons in comparison to the corresponding tapered caissons. The density effects, however, are more significant with tapered caissons as compared to their equivalent upright caissons.
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2022)
In today’s world of education, a successful teacher can be assumed to be the one who benefits from Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), which demands consideration of teachers’ beliefs about tasks. The present paper takes into account developing a questionnaire regarding teachers’ beliefs about tasks. To this end, 300 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers from Mazandaran province participated in the study. The raw items for the questionnaire were collected by randomly interviewing 15 participant teachers and the related literature on teacher cognition research on TBLT. Then the items were factor-analyzed to develop the final version of the Teachers’ Beliefs on Task Questionnaire (TBTQ). Employing Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) resulted in a six-factor structure including TBLT and teacher education, TBLT and the learners’ expectations, TBLT and challenges with Present-Practice-Produce (PPP) approach, TBLT and teachers' time limitations, TBLT and teachers’ characteristics, and the feasibility of TBLT resources. Findings revealed that although TBLT has been considered as an innovative approach due to its inspiration from Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), teachers’ attitudes towards TBLT implementation appear to have been taken for granted according to the components emerged from the factor analysis. It is suggested that TBTQ can be used in both foreign and second language contexts in order to identify different categories that can shape teachers’ beliefs about tasks and provide further pedagogical insights into designing and implementing tasks more effectively
Volume 14, Issue 5 (12-2023)
Professional learning community (PLC) has been a generally recognized model for promoting teacher development, including EFL teachers’ writing assessment literacy, intercultural teaching competence, digital literacy, and so on. However, research on whether the changes in beliefs of teachers engaging in a PLC affects their teaching competence is relatively scant. To fill this gap, the present study investigated the extent to which a PLC with intercultural components changed EFL teachers’ beliefs in intercultural teaching, which in turn affected their intercultural teaching competence. In doing so, adopting an exploratory sequential method, qualitative data from teachers and a questionnaire from students were collected and analyzed through NVIVO 12 and SPSS 26.0. The data analyses revealed significant changes in the EFL teachers’ knowledge construction, motivation inspired by peer interaction, and reflection on intercultural learning and teaching practices. These changes led to the transformations in their beliefs and practices concerning intercultural instruction, although individual orientations were observed in their pedagogical approaches. Furthermore, the study’s findings were supported by evidence of corresponding changes in students’ learning outcomes in the development of intercultural competence. The study highlights the significance of PLCs in enhancing EFL teachers’ intercultural teaching competence and their professional development.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)
Burning rate is a determinate Parameter in Performance Prediction of Solid Propellant motors. Any error in determining the burning rate directly affects the prediction of thrust and burning time. Small-scale rocket motors are widely used by space and military industries to carry out burning rate measurement. The use of Subscale motors has many advantages over more simplistic, such as strand burners. Effects like: Two phase flow, radiation, and erosive burning effects are present within a subscale test whereas strand burns are not capable of capturing these parameters. The biggest problem with subscale burning rate motors however is determining appropriate times for when the propellant grain has lit and burned out. Accurate and consistent selection of start and end points is crucial to determining the burning rate of a given propellant. Investigation of Developed and modern methods to obtain burning rate from motor test according to the primary methods in Iran's aerospace industries is the main objective of this study. In this study, using designed laboratory solid rocket motor, 26 tests was Performed. Reproducibility of the methods available in universities and defense companies worldwide has been considered and with Common Tangent bisection method has been compared. Results show the high quality of industrial Methods subset the Thickness-time Method, Hessler-Glick, and mass balance method with comparing to low reproducibility of tangent bisection method
Volume 15, Issue 12 (2-2016)
In this paper, the adaptive second order sliding mode (SOSM) controller is designed for two input - two output (TITO) uncertain nonlinear systems and the robustness properties are ensured in the presence of uncertainties and bounded external disturbances. The objective is to design a controller that ensure stability and path tracking despite the effects of coupling. To this end, the system model is divided into two subsystems, and the coupling effects between such subsystems are considered as uncertainties. The sliding mode approach with PI sliding surface is used to remove the offset and converge the steady state error to zero. To avoid chattering phenomenon, Second order sliding mode method is proposed. Using adaptive switching gain, a new method is presented which unlike other methods, does not require the upper bound of the system uncertainties in the design procedure. Robustness properties against system uncertainties and external disturbances is shown by the Lyapunov stability theorem. Finally, the proposed method is used to control azimuth and elevation angle of as a laboratory helicopter with two degrees of freedom. Simulation results show performance of the algorithm in the presence of perturbations.
Volume 15, Issue 60 (11-2018)
Reviews which have been ever done on the texts remained from oratory have shown that there are common features in such texts. Despite common features and structures, there are always some indications in literature which reveal differences in persons’ individual style. In the present research, features of oratory have been distinguished according to the framework described in books of Principles of Speech by Mohammad Ali Forooghi and Aristotle Sermons. Each of methods used by the orator, either hortative or persuasive is investigated under three stages of speech production – meaning creation, hybrid speech, oratory – in the contexts of Seven Sermons (Majales-e Sabe) and Mobkiat in order to reveal some similarities and differences in individual style of two authors. The present study aimed at extracting the individual features style in tow survived texts from oration with help of analyzing and comparison of known features of the literary kind. The more of details that are revealed from the differences between texts the more kinds classification with more detail and accuracy will be implemented.
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Reflective beaches requires a combination of lower waves, longer periods and particularly coarser sands. They are typically steep in beach profile with a narrow shoaling and surf zone, composed of coarse sediment. Coarser sediment allows percolation during the swash part of the wave cycle, thus reducing the strength of backwash and allowing material be deposited in the swash zone
The Swash zone, as extreme area of inner surf zone, influences coastal area and coastal structures. It defined as the part of the beach between the minimum wave run-down and maximum wave run-up. It constitutes a beach area where waves dissipate or reflect their remaining energy after traveling towards the shore. The role of Swash zone is influenced by incoming waves from surf zone, the geometry of beach face and the interaction between beach groundwater and surf zone.
The review of Laboratory researches indicated that wave height and period, beach slope, grain size distribution of beach material, still water level (SWL), beach groundwater level, the hydraulic conductivity of beach influence on the evolution of sand beaches. In a few laboratory researches, experiments is designed with One Factor At a Time method (OFAT) and the qualitative effect of parameters of regular wave height and period, SWL and beach groundwater level, and beach slope are investigated on nearshore evolution.
In this research, experiments are designed using Central Composite Design (CCD) of Response Surface Method (RSM). CCD is a type of response surface design that present very good predictions in the middle of the design space. Important properties and features of CCD are orthogonality, rotatability and uniformity. The quantitative effects and interactions of irregular wave height and period, beach groundwater level and SWL, and beach slope on beach profile evolution is examined in a sandy beach by 50 experiments designed with CCD. The experiments are carried out in laboratory flume in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University with high accuracy. The experimental setup is designed to simulate varying beach groundwater level and SWL and course sand (d50=0.8mm) is selected for beach material. Analysis of hydrodynamic data of the experiments indicated that the type of breaking waves is plunging wave and the hydrodynamic status of the swash zone is intermediate condition. The starting position of swash sedimentation (SWS) is extracted from mean of the beach profiles evolution.
By analyzing of experiments' SWS using CCD, a cubic model is suggested with %95 confidence level and predicted R-squared of 0.86. The results of model revealed that groundwater level has no significant effect on SWS. Wave height is the most influential factor affecting SWS and increasing wave height result to this position moves to upper beach rapidly. In addition, increasing beach slope causes the movement of SWS toward the beach. Increasing sea level lead to the displacement of SWS toward the sea.
This model indicated that the effect of wave height on SWS depends on wave period strongly and there is significant interaction between them. In addition, there is slightly interaction between the SWL and wave height and these variables influence on the role of each other in SWS.
Volume 18, Issue 6 (12-2018)
Because of the existence of concentrated forces and high bending moments at the junction of pile and raft in structure with high load using the non-connected pile raft foundation can be an appropriate option for the foundation of the mentioned structures. In this system, the piles and the raft are not connected and a cushion is used between the piles and the raft to redistribute the this state load transmit from raft to pile by arching mechanism that forming in cushion layer. The behavior of pile raft because of the interactions such as: pile-pile, pile-soil, pile-raft, raft-soil is very complicated. The pile use in pile raft for two purpose: 1- reduce the settlement and 2- increase the bearing capacity. In this study, a series of experimental tests were conducted on a non-connected pile raft located on a sandy soil in order to investigate the effect parameter such as cushion height (H) and pile spacing (S) in forms of non-dimensional (H/B & S/D) on load-settlement behavior, share of piles and raft from total load and axial stress and frictional stress in center and corner piles. For this purpose, states H/B= 0.17, 0.34, 0.5 and S/D=2, 4, 6 were investigated. The axial stress in piles measured according to strain gauges that installed in perimeter of piles. The results shows that in three state S/D=2, 4, 6 optimum state occur in H/B=0.34. With increase the H/B the forces applied in pile is decrease and then the share of piles from total load decrease. The maximum share of piles from total load occur in H/B=0.17 and the minimum occur in H/B=0.5. In low level of load major of load protected by raft that with increase the load level, share of piles from total load increase and stable in a specified value. Due to the fact that part of the load is transmitted to piles by the soil around the pile, the maximum force applied to the piles does not occur at the tip of the pile and a negative friction is formed in the upper part of the pile. In the upper part of the pile, the displacement of the soil is more than the displacement of the pile, resulting in the formation of a negative friction and the formation of a positive friction in the bottom of the pile. With increase the H/B the value of negative friction is increase and neutral axes (a location of piles that displacement of soil and pile are equal) move down. In various pile spacing (S/D=2, 4, 6) and in three state (H/B= 0.17, 0.34, 0.5) maximum bearing pressure observed in S/D= 4. In S/D=2 maximum interaction effect (pile-pile) and minimum Enclosed of sand and in S/D=6 minimum interaction effect (pile-pile) existed and enclosed of sand has few effect because of high distance of piles. In three state H/B= 0.17, 0.34, 0.5 minimum share of piles from total load in S/D=6 and maximum share of piles in S/D=4 observed. Maximum negative friction in S/D=6 and minimum negative friction in S/D=4 observed. In all state in corner piles negative friction is more than center piles.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (9-2022)
Regarding the importance of knowledge-based capital in the modern economy, this paper aims to measure this kind of capital in Iran’s manufacturing sector using the exploratory factor analysis method. Data include active firms in Iran’s manufacturing sector at the 2-digit ISIC level over the period 2002-2018. The results indicate the existence of a factor in the manufacturing firms with a positive and increasing trend of knowledge-based capital accumulation. The findings also show that the accumulation of this type of capital in Iran’s manufacturing sector is in the early stages of development and highly depends on the literate labor force.
Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2022)
During the construction of steel structures, the executive groups often fabricate some stories and tighten the connection bolts, defined as the snug-tightened bolt in this research. The lower stories, in which the connection bolts are snug-tightened, will be pre-tensioned at least to the level of preloading based on design codes, called pre-tensioned bolts, in this paper. The connections will be complete, while some upper stories will have snug-tightened bolts. As a result, the stiffness of the bolted connections varies throughout construction, and the structural characteristics change with time. So it is necessary to investigate the seismic behavior of bolted extended end-plate moment connections in both snug-tightened and pre-tensioned bolts while constructing high-rise structures. Bolted unstiffened end plate moment connections are one of the most usable connections used as prequalified connections in special steel moment frames. According to the AISC design code, this connection can be considered one of the most important parts of moment-resisting frames with enough bolt pre-tension levels. In this paper, using three full-scale bolted unstiffened end plate moment connections designed according to AISC, the effects of bolt pre-tension levels have been examined experimentally under SAC cyclic loading protocol. Bolt pre-tension level has been defined as α coefficient to show the pre-tensioning level in three specimens. The bolts of the first specimen are not pre-tensioned, called snug-tightened bolts, and is reference connection. The bolt pre-tension levels of the second and third specimens were created in accordance with AISC and Iranian National design code and more to Fu of bolts, called pre-tensioned and fully pre-tensioned, respectively. The bolts' moment capacity, total energy absorption, initial rotational stiffness, ductility of connection, and stress and strain variation are investigated. According to the results, an increase in bolt pre-tension level would significantly improve the cyclic behavior of connections. Further, an increase in bolt pre-tension led to the initiation of the inelastic deformation from a minor rotation, and the ductility of the connection improved. The results show that the increase in moment capacity and energy dissipation in the pre-tensioned compared to snug-tightened is 27 and 23%, respectively. However, In comparison with the pre-tensioned, the fully pre-tensioned specimen has increased by 11 and 9%, respectively. As a result, the connection with bolt pre-tension level, under design regulations in comparison with the reference connection, can be considered a connection of a special moment resisting frames. So bolt pre-tension level higher than the value mentioned in the design code is better but not needed.
Volume 25, Issue 3 (10-2021)
Social resilience is one of the most important tools in the context of decent urban governance to reduce tensions and the negative consequences of various crises. In order to make Ardabil resilient, we need to deepen our understanding of the current situation and move towards more sustainable solutions that can provide a good starting point. Linking a decent governance approach with social resilience helps to prevent spatial, social, economic and other vulnerabilities in cities and to increase capacity to deal with slow and sudden changes. Looking to the future can be important and necessary in order to recognize the appropriate drivers and scenarios to increase the social resilience of Ardabil city.
Research Methods:
The present research is applied and descriptive-analytical in terms of method, which is in line with the basics of futuristic science with an exploratory and an analysis of the state of social resilience in Ardabil city. In this regard, the collection of data in the theoretical part by documentary method and in the practical part by survey, were based on Delphi technique. Mick Mac software and Wizard scenario have been used to analyze the data.
Analysis and Research Findings:
In the present study, considering that the goal is to identify the most important determinants and influential factors in increasing the social resilience of Ardabil city within the framework of proper urban governance, effective variables (because they are the most influential indicators), risk variables (because high capacity to become key system factors) and regulatory variables (which have the potential to become risk variables and secondary targets) are used as the most important determinants, for a total of 12 key factors. Of these 12 factors, two variables of "participation of civil society and the private sector in planning" and "participation of civil, social and cultural institutions in policy making and resource planning" are merged, due to the thematic similarity, in a variable called "participation of public institutions and the private sector in planning, resource planning, and policy making”. Finally, 11 key factors were identified that after identifying the most important factors, different situations (possible situations related to key factors) for each of the different situations were considered about improving social resilience in Ardabil within the framework of proper urban governance. The number of these situations is designed to fit the circumstances of each factor. In fact, these situations related to each of the factors can be considered as drivers and strategies to improve the social resilience of Ardabil city and are likely to occur. Finally, 31 possible situations for the future of social resilience in Ardabil were considered within the framework of proper governance, of which 17 were possible favorable conditions; 6 were possible static states and 8 were possible critical states.
Given the output of MicMac software, which shows the extent of the system's instability, it is best to take steps to resolve critical situations so that the system moves towards stability and the factors influencing the first scenario have a positive impact. Facilitating the intervention of citizens, increasing the number of urban NGOs and forming volunteer organizations are among the highest values of compatibility related to key factors in the future of social resilience in Ardabil.