Showing 8 results for Obstacles
Naimeh Aghanouri,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (12-2016)
Resistance literature, a type of political literature that comes with the popular resistance against tyranny and aggression description, as elemental efficient, pays Bydargry and justice. Analyzing the different aspects of this type of literature, the development of research in the field, particularly since the Islamic Revolution was on.In the field of literature, lasting until the end of 1390 more than 400 original research that the quality and quantity of resistance literature, and not marginal issues that have been detected, but despite little growth management, there are obstacles in the way of researching this area.In this study, the research deviations stability in the pathology literature and removing barriers, attempts to answer this question is that:
Which management deviations ranging from fallacy and confiscation of literature in the field of sustainability have been there? The distortions of what literary trends or challenges in this area have created a false?have created a false?
Volume 11, Issue 20 (12-2007)
It’s well known that today’s organizationsens counter the national, regional and international dynamic and complex changes.The survival and development of all organizations require to provide some new methods, alternatives, innovations (new products and services)processes and so on.
Since Corporate entrepreneurship involves promoting the entrepreneurial behaviors in an organization, therefore, the organizations have to consider the "corporate entrepreneurship" as a critical success factor.
In this paper, the authors atlempted to recognize the corporate entrepreneurship obstacles. Thus, organizational culture, supervision and control, attention to short & long term profits and the ways of giving rewards were studied. The obtained results based on the statistical analysis showed that the conservative organization al culture, close supervision and control, attention to short term profits, and giving unappropriate rewards are the fundamental obstacles of corporate entrepreneurship.
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2012)
vindication have been presented, which are mainly considered as some significant tools for the defendant and, by their assistance, the verdict may be issued in his/her favor. However, none of the concepts mentioned in the Civil Procedure Law have not been well defined and separated from each other. In one comparative survey with jurisprudence in France and Arab countries, it was distinguished that obstacles of trial from the separated objections in cases which, because of the existence of the obstacle, the claim basically is not actionable, issuing the order of not auditing the claim has been predicted and proposed. Sometimes, because of the existence of the trial obstacle, there would be no need for the defense of the defendant in the nature of a claim and issuance of the abatement of action. Therefore, it is better that the legislator separates this way of defense in the law of our country as a method of defending the objections in order to reduce the number of the propounded claims to the courts predominantly.
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Volume 16, Issue 4 (6-2016)
In this paper, kinematic and dynamic model of planar cable-driven parallel robots are introduced in general form which are verified for a constrained cable-driven parallel robot in Sim-mechanics. Path planning based on artificial potential field approach is considered to prevent collision between dynamic obstacle, end-effector and cables in order to achieve collision-free path. As well as to reduce energy consumption, cable tension constraints have been involved in optimization of path planning. This method is proposed to control a cable robot. Therefore, obstacles are distributed randomly in order to have a complex environment. By this way, cable tension constraint is studied as one of the most crucial challenges for cable driven robots. Moreover, Fmincon function of Matlab is applied in order to take into account the required constraints and maintain the limits for cables tension. The latter leads to solve the redundancy resolution which is a definite asset in controlling a cable-driven parallel robot. Finally, a four-cables driven parallel robot is controlled by using the so-called computed torque method for tracking the desired and optimized path. The method is explained and obtained results indicate the efficiency of the proposed approach.
Volume 17, Issue 3 (11-2013)
This is the main question was how the combination of primary and secondary obstacles facing spatial planning? For this purpose, were used of the Delphi technique and AHP. Findings show that is highlighted at the primary and secondary obstacles, the role of administrative and structural obstacles among the six obstacle studied (Economical, geographic and territorial, political and security, Research, Social and Cultural and the Administration - Structural). For example, among the 60 sub-obstacle studied, were at first to fourth place Ignore to land use planning by managers during management changes with final weight (0.109), lack of coordination between responsible organizations for land use planning in the preparation implementation and monitoring with final weight (0.078), lack of clear strategy in trustee organizations to implementation of proposed scenarios projects in preparation of weak regulatory foundations with final weight (0.061) and weaknesses of of the regulatory bodies final weight 0.055. Among the other primary and secondary obstacles has been an economic barrier of the preference.
Volume 17, Issue 4 (6-2017)
In this article, mixing in the combined electroosmotic/pressure driven flows of non-Newtonian fluid in a microchannel with rectangular obstacles and non-homogeneous ζ-potential has been studied numerically. The non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid is considered for the flow field using power law rule. Also, the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation is used to model the distribution of ions across the channel and the electric potential. Numerical solutions of coupled equations of momentum, electric field and concentration field are performed by means of finite element method. In this study, the effects of various parameters such as pressure gradient, rheological behavior of the fluid and the geometrical and physical parameters of obstacles on the mixing quality are investigated. The results indicate that applying adverse pressure gradient to the flow, the dilatant behavior of the fluid, as well as the height of barriers, are highly effective in the enhancement of the mixing quality within the microchannel. It is found that for microchannels with heterogeneous ζ-potential, increasing the length of obstacles significantly increases the mixing efficiency while for the microchannels with homogeneous ζ-potential, barrier length has a slight effect on mixing efficiency.
Volume 17, Issue 6 (8-2017)
In this paper, according to flight devices categories, advantages and features of quadrotors and its performances are investigated. Then, the main challenges in quadrotors control and stability in the presence of obstacles have been considered in such a way that the system crosses the maximum number of obstacles in the best distance and time. For this purpose, the equations of motion of the system are derived and a controller for command tracking is designed without obstacles based on sliding mode method. The simulation results of the controller performances are given in the paper. In continuous, trajectory planning for crossing the system from the obstacles in alternative positions is presented and the quadrotor with the designed control system are simulated using the designed trajectory. The preference of the proposed trajectory planning is that the system can cross the number of obstacles in alternative positions in minimum time and using fewer sensors. Because of free shape of designing method and alternative initial velocity, the proposed method are applicable for piecewise trajectories. As a result of considering the drag force, the proposed approach is more successful in the various problems.
Volume 18, Issue 3 (9-2018)
Turbidity currents account for transporting sediments into reservoirs, seas, and oceans. Therefore, understanding dynamics of these currents for sedimentation and erosion is very important. In this paper, the effects of two obstacles on the behaviour of turbidity currents investigated experimentally. An 11 m long rectangular channel (11 m×0.6 m×1.0 m) with the bottom slope of 0.25% was used to run the experiments and a 3 m3 tank along with a constant head tank were served as the turbid water supplier. Two triangular obstacles were installed at predefined locations from the sluicegate. Then the experiments were carried out and the results compared with those from without obstacle condition. Velocity and concentration profiles at the upstream of first obstacle and between the first and second obstacles are measured by Vectrino at quasi-steady conditions and compared to those of without obstacle conditions showing a significant decrease of velosity in the presence of the two obstacles specially between the two obstacles and also at the downstream of the second obstacle. Fluid volume discharge per unit width and suspended sediment transport rate are calculated based on measured velocity and concentration. Also, the effects of inlet Froud number on the fluid volume discharge per unit width and suspended sediment transport rate was investigated. The results show that presence of obstacles introduces new regions to velocity profiles and two ponds of turbidity currents are formed at the upstream of the first obstacle and between the two obstacles. The hydraulic conditions at these ponds make a suitable condition for the suspended particles to be trapped and hence the sedimentation. Variation of the suspended sediment transport rate and the fluid volume discharge per unit width depend on obstacle location. These parameters at the upstream of the first obstacle are directly in proportion to the inlet Froud number while at the downstream the second obstacle and between the obstacles are inversely proportional. By decreasing the inlet Froud number, the volume discharge per unit width increases at the upstream of the first obstacle wheras, the amount decreases between the obstacles. Also, as the inlet Froud number decreases, the suspended sediment transport rate increases at the the upstream of the first obstacle but the value decreases between the obstacles and downstream of the second obstacle resulting the increase of the trap efficiency. The obstacles become more effective in controlling the turbidity currents when the inlet Froud number decreases. The first obstacle is 1.8 times more effective on reduction of local sedimentation rate than the second obstacle. These parameters at the upstream of the first obstacle are directly in proportion to the inlet Froud number while at the downstream the second obstacle and between the obstacles are inversely proportional. By decreasing the inlet Froud number, the volume discharge per unit width increases at the upstream of the first obstacle wheras, the amount decreases between the obstacles. Also, as the inlet Froud number decreases, the suspended sediment transport rate increases at the the upstream of the first obstacle but the value decreases between the obstacles and downstream of the second obstacle resulting the increase of the trap efficiency. The obstacles become more effective in controlling the turbidity currents when the inlet Froud number decreases. The first obstacle is 1.8 times more effective on reduction of local sedimentation rate than the second obstacle.