Showing 76 results for Memory
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The aim of the present study was to examine whether Metacognitive Intervention (MI) in their first language (L1) had any significant effect on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ Working Memory (WM) in listening comprehension when they received it. In addition, it measured whether gender had any effect on EFL learners’ listening comprehension when they receive MI through L1. To this end, 60 Iranian EFL learners were selected through a Quick Placement Test and were assigned into two male and female experimental groups. These experimental groups received an eight-week intervention program, designed by the pedagogical cycle proposed by Goh and Vandergrift (2022). After the metacognitive intervention in L1, two posttests including a working memory capacity test and a listening comprehension test were administered. The findings indicated that there was a significant effect on EFL learners’ working memory in listening comprehension after they received MI in L1. It was also found that gender had a significant effect on the EFL learners’ working memory and listening comprehension when they receive MI in L1. The findings might contribute to assisting language instructors to adopt strategy-based approaches to teaching listening. Furthermore, curriculum designers and ELT policymakers might consider metacognitive intervention as an effective teaching approach and add it to EFL learners’ curriculum.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Over the past decades, empirical studies regarding the application of data-driven learning (DDL) and its’ role in second and foreign language learning have increased. At the same time, several studies have investigated the association between working memory (WM) and different aspects of L2 and found that WM plays a significant role in the language performance of L2 learners, as SLA processes rely on cognitive resources. Nevertheless, the findings of such research are inconclusive. The role of WM in the relationship between DDL and second/foreign language learning is also a neglected area. Drawing on data from 84 Iranian female EFL learners, aged between 20 to 24, on three different measures of WM capacity (digit span, number-letter, and flanker), the findings of the present study showed that first, DDL was a significant predictor of English academic lecture comprehension. Second, regardless of which WM measure to use, WM was not a significant predictor of English academic lecture comprehension; and the interaction effect between DDL and WM was not a significant predictor of the students’ English academic lecture comprehension. That is, WM did not moderate the effect of DDL on the students’ comprehension of English academic lectures. Altogether, the results suggested that learning L2 at high levels of English academic lecture comprehension was mostly contingent upon automatic processing. The findings of this study may have implications for research and practice in second/foreign language teaching and learning, and more specifically in the application of DDL for L2 learners.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The present study is an effort to know the place of translation aid tools among students or graduates in French Language Translation as well as professors of French translation courses in Iranian universities. We surveyed these two groups on the reasons and frequency of their reference to each tool and its impact on the speed and quality of their translation, while measuring the effect of factors such as experience in professional translation, judgment and awareness, the need to speed up work, Internet access, knowledge of the English language and the CGPA of students, graduates and professors on the nature and frequency of their reference to these tools. The method used in this research is the cross-sectional survey of Priscilla A. Glasow (2005), the questionnaire being the means of sampling. Fifty students or graduates and twenty professors participated in this survey. General dictionaries, online translators and contextual dictionaries turned out to be the most popular tools within participants, dominating translation memories, forums and speech-to-text converters. We also know that online translators and translation memories provoke controversial opinions among them. In addition, most of the participants practice post-editing in order to increase speed, quality and productivity in translation and the desire to translate.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (7-2021)
The subject of this article is to study the factors and criteria of urban street desirability and citizens' expectations from them. The problem of research is the lack of accurate knowledge of the components of urban street utility in its various sequences. The theoretical proposition of the research is that the existence of quality in the physical, spatial, semantic-symbolic and activity-social components leads to vitality, memory, safety and flexibility as dimensions of citizens' expectations of the urban street. . The research method of the article includes descriptive-analytical and survey methods. Data collection method Interview is an open and semi-structured questionnaire. The statistical population of citizens is three sequences from Valiasr Street.
The results of the research show that vitality and memory play an important role in meeting the expectations of citizens from the city street. The two dimensions of flexibility and safety play a lesser role than these other two dimensions. The proximity of the importance of the four components leads to greater desirability. For the desirability of an urban street, the role of physical, spatial, semantic and activity components is very different according to the nature of the street sequence, but the effectiveness of all four components in creating desirability and creating a unique street character is very important. Physical and spatial components lead to greater vitality and safety, and semantic and activity components lead to greater memory and flexibility.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2013)
The message recall effects consist of the primary effects, middle effects and recency effects. People who recall the first part of the list are affected by the primary effects, those who recall the middle part are affected by the middle effects, and those who recall the last part are affected by the recency effects. The present research is to investigate the recency effects of Persian verbal radio commercials on the memory of their listeners. Also the study is to represent the effects of using short sentences and slogans in Persian radio commercials. The research methods are the field study and experimental. To perform the trials, six out of the 50 Persian radio commercials were chosen, which were broadcasted from Iran, Javan and Payam radio channels in February and March, 2011. Six blank-sentence tests were designed according to the commercials. 71 participants (44 men and 27 women) were randomly selected. Listening the commercials twice, they wrote the missing words in the tests they recalled. The results suggest the recency items with minrank (2/77) of a Persian radio commercial have more effects on the listeners’ working memory and are recalled better than the primary (2/16) and the middle items (%1/06). Also short sentences and slogans (99/79) have more effects on the listeners’ working memory and they are recalled well than the others (41/80). The results are suitable for Persian radio commercial programmers, goods producers and service institution administrators to take the listeners’ attractions to introduce their goods and services better. Linguists and psychologists can also use these results to study the effects of sentence positions on people's memories.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2014)
The current study investigates the land reform in the collective memory of people who experienced the event. Social cadres of collective memory and presentist approaches were used as theoretical approaches of the study. 20 samples were chosen based on theoretical sampling. Technique of data gathering was deep interview. All the samples were from Talesh township in Gilan province (Iran). The results showed that «class status» was the important social cadre of the samples’ collective memory. The collective memory of the samples with previous landlord and serf class status was different in terms of execution and infringement during the program accomplishment. The past serves recall it as fair and emancipated event. On the contrary, the past landlords remember it as a programme that did not consider minority of the local people’s ownership condition. After class statuas, religion and education were the important social cadres, respectively. The samples who had high religiosity at the time of land reform remembered that it was pretty against religious law. The educated samples had the most comprehensive and holistic view of the event.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2014)
The current study investigates the land reform in the collective memory of people who experienced the event. Social cadres of collective memory and presentist approaches were used as theoretical approaches of the study. 20 samples were chosen based on theoretical sampling. Technique of data gathering was deep interview. All the samples were from Talesh township in Gilan province (Iran). The results showed that «class status» was the important social cadre of the samples’ collective memory. The collective memory of the samples with previous landlord and serf class status was different in terms of execution and infringement during the program accomplishment. The past serves recall it as fair and emancipated event. On the contrary, the past landlords remember it as a programme that did not consider minority of the local people’s ownership condition. After class statuas, religion and education were the important social cadres, respectively. The samples who had high religiosity at the time of land reform remembered that it was pretty against religious law. The educated samples had the most comprehensive and holistic view of the event.
Mohammad Ghaffary,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2013)
The essay "Discourse Analysis of Imposed War Memories; case study of Da Memory" by Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh and Seyyed Mohammad Ali Sohofi has had the potential for becoming a good and acceptable essay because it adopts a new approach to a controversial text that has bot been analyzed from such viewpoints yet. However, this potential has not been realized. As it is mentioned in the "Introduction" of the essay, the primary objective of the researchers has been to examine the discourse of Da based on Norman Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis and with regard to the way gender roles are represented in this text. Nevertheless, and this is the weak point of the essay, the authors do not fulfill what they promise at the beginning of their writing, and the result is not "critical discourse analysis" but a simple analysis that at best appears silimilar to Feminist or gender criticism.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2016)
The present research is aimed to evaluate the working memory (WM) in Persian words (as a L2) in comparison to it in Chinese words (as L1) in Chinese Persian learners. Thirty learners at Dehkhoda institute were chosen as the study sample. Sampling has been relied on the available subjects who took part in the visual n-back task which was specifically designed to measure WM. The participants had to press the congruent key (predetermined number 1) if the stimulus was the same as the one presented just before, and pressed incongruent key (number 2) if it was not. Then they took part in the stroop test. In psychology, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. the stroop test here included 40 stimuli- a pseudorandom selection of 20 Persian words and 20 Chinese words, selected among four main color which was written with incongruent ink. The participants had to press the key predetermined the color of the word- not ink-. Accordingly, the score of their WM “accuracy”, WM “mean respond time”, attention bias “accuracy” and attention bias “mean respond time” have been calculated separately for both languages and compared with paired samples T test. Results illustrate a meaningful difference between L1 and L2 among the selective attention mean respond time, WM accuracy and WM mean respond time, and didn’t illustrate meaningful diference between L1 and L2 among selective attention accuracy.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (4-2015)
The current study investigates the land reform in the collective memory of people who experienced the event. Social cadres of collective memory and presentist approaches were used as theoretical approaches of the study. 20 samples were chosen based on theoretical sampling. Technique of data gathering was deep interview. All the samples were from Talesh township in Gilan province (Iran). The results showed that «class status» was the important social cadre of the samples’ collective memory. The collective memory of the samples with previous landlord and serf class status was different in terms of execution and infringement during the program accomplishment. The past serves recall it as fair and emancipated event. On the contrary, the past landlords remember it as a programme that did not consider minority of the local people’s ownership condition. After class statuas, religion and education were the important social cadres, respectively. The samples who had high religiosity at the time of land reform remembered that it was pretty against religious law. The educated samples had the most comprehensive and holistic view of the event.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2024)
Research Subject:Drilling operations frequently encounter numerous challenges that can lead to significant financial, human, and environmental losses. Therefore, predicting potential problems before they occur and implementing necessary preventive measures is crucial to minimizing risks. In this context, this study investigates the impact of employing artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to forecast drilling complications using real-time mud logging data collected from existing wells in an Iranian oilfield.
Research approach: A hybrid architecture combining Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Fully Connected neural networks was developed for the identification and detection of anomalies such as kicks and stuck pipe. Given the scarcity of these anomalies in the dataset, which could adversely affect model accuracy and performance, the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) was applied to balance class distribution and enhance the overall effectiveness of the network. Furthermore, the influence of varying hyperparameters on reducing network error was systematically analyzed.
Main Results: Various network architectures and structures were examined. The experimental results indicated that the optimal model achieved an accuracy of 94.45% on the testing dataset with the following hyperparameters: a lookback of 7, a learning rate of 0.001, a dropout rate of 0.2, a batch size of 32, and a four-layer network architecture with 512, 256, and 256 units in the first, second, and third hidden layers, respectively. This configuration yielded higher accuracy and fewer false alarms in anomaly detection compared to other tested models. Based on the obtained results, this approach demonstrates significant potential for real-time anomaly detection in drilling operations.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2017)
Working Memory Capacity and Learning L2 Structures under Explicit and Implicit Condition: The Effect of Type of Linguistic Structures
Working memory capacity (WMC) is shown to be correlated with explicit learning conditions, but not implicit (Reber, Walkenfeld, & Hernstadt, 1991). However, recent study shows that the relationship is more complicated (Tagarelli, Borges-Mota, &Rebuschat, 2015) and some other factors such as linguistic complexity can mediate the relationship between WMC and learning condition. This study investigated the relationship between WMC and acquisition of two English linguistic structures with varying degree of complexity, namely past simple tense and relative clauses under explicit and implicit learning conditions. Fifty-nine intermediate Persian learners of English took part in this study receiving either explicit or implicit instruction on two grammatical structures defined as easy (simple past tense) and difficult (relatives) at classroom setting. Their ability to use these structures was measured at three times; once before treatment and twice after it through a timed grammaticality judgment task and an elicited oral imitation task. Complex listening span task was used to measure their working memory capacity. The results of the two-way repeated ANOVA revealed that explicit and implicit instruction were significantly effective in development of easy and difficult structures. The results of correlation for working memory capacity and learning condition revealed that there is no significant relationship between WMC and learning under implicit condition. This result hold true for both simple and difficult linguistic structures. However, under explicit condition, differential results were found for different linguistic structures. Whereas no relationship was found for simple linguistic structures, the relationship between WMC and learning difficult linguistic structures under explicit condition was found to be significant.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2020)
Aims: The purpose of the present study was to identify the effectiveness of computer games interventions in improving attention and working memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Participants & Methods: This semi-experimental study was pre-test/post-test with the control group and the statistical population was the second to sixth grade students in Najafabad City in the academic year of 2018-2019. Among them, 20 students were purposively selected based on diagnostic interview and screening score using Swanson et al. questionnaire and were randomly divided into two 10 experimental and control groups. Data were collected using SNAP-IV (Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham; 2001) questionnaire, Digit Span Backwards Task (Wechsler; 2008) and Corsi Block-Tapping Test (Corsi; 1972). Computer game interventions consisting of 20-minute in 18 sessions run just for the experimental group. Finally, data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance.
Findings: Results showed that computer game interventions had a positive effect on improving spatial visual attention and working memory, but there was no significant effect on verbal memory (p<0.05). Also, 74% of the differences in the groups were due to the impact of the intervention (p<0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results, computer games as a cognitive intervention have been effective in increasing attention and spatial memory in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In addition, it is suggested that new methods such as computer games can be used to improve cognitive skills and reduce students' learning problems.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)
Aims: This study was done to investigate the Effectiveness cognitive effect of visual and auditory memory on improving cognitive flexibility of children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder.
Participants & Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental one which was done by pretest-posttest with control group. The statistical population of this study was all students with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Kermanshah in the academic year of 2018-2019. The sample consisted of 34 people who were selected by randomized sampling and replaced in two equal groups of experimental (17 subjects) and control group (17 subjects). The research tools were: SWAN Qquestionnaire and Stroop Color-word Test. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation of Levine test and homogeneity of slope from regression and covariance analysis for study the research hypotheses.
Findings: The results of this study showed that cognitive effect of visual and auditory memory could improve the cognitive flexibility with effect size 0.45 in children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder at the significant level (P<0.01)
Conclusion: It can be concluded that cognitive of visual and auditory memory training may enhance certain skills in ADHD children, but more research is required to generalize the positive effects of these programs to the other clinical features of ADHD.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Learning strategies are amongst the tools that learners use to learn languages. In other words, learning strategies are widely introduced as techniques or methods that students often use to improve their learning skills in second language. Despite the importance of strategies and their role in accelerating and effective learning, few researches have been conducted on the impact of strategies on the success of learners in learning language skills. Also no reliable research has been done so far to study the effect of strategies on the success of non-Iranian Persian speakers. Therefore, due to the impact of using strategies on learning language skills, this study examines the impact of memory, cognitive and compensation strategies on the success of Persian language learners in writing skill. To this end, the following questions were raised:
- Is there a significant relationship between using memory strategies and the success of non-Iranian Arabic language learners in writing skills?
- Is there a significant relationship between using cognitive strategies and the success of non-Iranian Arabic learners in writing skills?
- Is there a significant relationship between using compensation strategies and the success of non-Iranian Arabic learners in writing skills?
- Is there a relation between applying total direct strategies (cognitive and compensation strategies) and the success of non-Iranian Arabic learners in writing skills?
- Is the contribution of using each of the direct strategies the same in predicting the success of non-Iranian Arabic-speaking learners in writing skills?
According to the above questions, the following hypotheses are considered:
- Hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship between using memory strategies and the success of non-Iranian Arabic language learners in writing skills.
- Hypothesis 2: There is a significant relationship between using cognitive strategies and the success of non-Iranian Arabic language learners in writing skills.
- Hypothesis 3: There is a significant relationship between using compensation strategies and the success of non-Iranian Arabic language learners in writing skills.
- Hypothesis 4: There is a relation between applying total direct strategies (cognitive compensation strategies) and the success of non-Iranian Arabic learners in writing skills.
- Hypothesis 5: The contribution of using each of the direct strategies is different in predicting the success of non-Iranian Arabic-speaking learners in writing skills.
The sample of this study consists of 42 non-Iranian Arabic-speaking Persian learners (men and women) who were in age range of 18-20 years old. These learners were learning Persian language in advanced level in the fall semester 2016. Oxford Language Learning Strategies Questionnaire (1990) is used to measure application of strategies, and the students' scores in the course of writing were used to determine the relationship between language learning strategies use and Persian learners' success in writing skill. The analysis of the hypotheses was done using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression and the results of the Pearson correlation coefficient test showed that there is a significant positive relationship between the use of memory strategies with success in writing skill. In addition, according to the results of correlation coefficient, there is also a significant positive correlation between the use of compensation strategy and success in writing skills. This is despite the fact that according to the findings, there is not a significant relationship between the use of cognitive strategies and learners success in writing. Regression analysis also indicated that among direct learning strategies, two types of memory and compensation strategies, causes success of Persian learners in is writing skill. And among these strategies, compensation strategies are more effective than memory strategies on success of Persian learners. Finally suggestions for teaching strategies in the classroom were presented.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (5-2019)
Using visual-memory to memorize Quran's quotes is accepted as one of the best ways of doing so. Working memory is related to visual information, so, in this paper, Quran's text is analyzed by concepts such as word length effect and list length effect to answer the following question: is there any special discipline in visual structure of Quran quotes in a way that it leads to a better, quicker and easier quote memorizing? To collect data, in this research, The Quranic Arabic Corpus was selected as database and proposed methods in text-data-mining (PHP software, strlen function) and statistical methods were used for data analyzing. The results of each section were compared with word length effect and list length effect criteria and finally Quran readability was determined based on Flesch–Kincaid readability formula (1948). Results show that: 1) the verses length ranges from 1 to 129 words. In this case, the frequency of verses in the range of 2 to 20 words shows a significant difference with other verses. In this range, verses with 4 words are the most frequent ones. In general, by increasing the number of words in each verse, its frequency of repetition decreases, and a general degradation trend is observed, which is consistent with the criterion of list length effect, because as the number of words in one verse increases, its level of difficulty also increases. The average length of the verses is 12.47, which is considered to be the same as the simple level in terms of the text difficulty level; 2) the number of letters of the Quran's words varies between one and maximum eleven letters. By increasing the length of words (from one to four letters), the frequency of words increases and after four - letter words, and the frequency declines sharply. The most frequent are four-letter words, and words shorter or longer than four letters are less abundant. This implies that throughout the Qur'an the effect of the word length is clearly evident. In other words, it contributes to visual memory and facilitates the learning and memorizing of verses; 3) The study of the relationship between the length of the verses with the length of the words used in them suggests that, although the length of verses increases significantly, the length of the words with an average of 4.25 does not show a significant difference; 4) As the number of surah increases, the amount of its content decreases, this means that the very pith of information is in the initial chapters, and thus the ordering of the surahs is not one to be expected in a text that is from simple to the difficult one. Overall, findings support the idea of visual structure, such as words and quotes' length is in line with word length effect and list length effect and text difficulty is in its simplest levels which makes visual-memorizing simpler.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (5-2022)
Aims: This study aimed to assess the long-term effect of SBY on the academic performance of adolescents and their gender.
Materials & Methods: Repeated measure design using purposive sampling was adopted and 324 adolescent boys and girls practicing Superbrain Yoga for three years from Mysuru District, India were involved in the study. Academic scores of adolescents from 2013 to 2016 were analyzed using Repeated Measure ANOVA by SPSS 21.
Findings: A significant increase in academic scores of adolescents in their performance (F=168.324, p=0.001) was noticed. Girls outperformed boys in Science (F=5.263, p=0.006, ηp2=0.02), second language (F=5.832, p=.004, ηp2=.02), and total performance (F=4.534, p=0.014, ηp2=0.02) with a minimal effect size.
Conclusion: The long-term practice of Superbrain Yoga showed a positive impact on academic performance among adolescents and the gender difference in academic performance is found minimal. The cognitive enhancement practice of SBY can be implemented in educational settings.
Volume 10, Issue 5 (11-2019)
The significant role played by women struggling during the Pahlavi era-in shaping and accelerating the movements let to the 1979 revolution- has given them a special historical status. Awareness of this prominent position has undoubtedly been effective in getting some of them to record their life experiences in the form of autobiographies. By accepting autobiography as a way to represent self-identity and self-narration - which is based on gender – the research seeks to examine-using interpretive hermeneutic approach within the conceptual framework of Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity-on one hand the place of language and time at the level of narrative and, on the other hand, how to reflect feminine identity in narrative formats redefined in the aforesaid theory, relying on the memories of Pahlavi-era women in political arena. By recognizing the instability of identity, the study has assumed it a linguistic and temporal matter constructed by the narrators that has represented in the form of narrative, and we have made use of the most relevant theory to understand how this identity constructs. In other words, based on the conceptual framework of Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity to interpret the text of political women's memoirs, we seek to answer the following questions:
1. What place do language and time occupy at the narrative level?
2. How has feminine identity been redefined in narrative formats?
The presence of 9 women in the Left discourse and 3 women in a subgroup of Islamic ideology and the reflection of gender identity and concerns in the context of organizational identity, appropriately illustrates the dominance of the campaign discourse and organizational ideology over the female gender identity of these autobiographers, that should be considered as the data and obvious hypotheses of the study.
Of course, we are seeing that leftist militants are more explicit to represent their gender identity than Muslim militants. Narrative coherence, nonlinearity of the narrative, and the existence of a "synchronous" and "simultaneous" relationship between the time of life and the time of narration are other research results that should be noted. The continuity of story chains and the detailed description, including details of the characters involved in shaping the narrator's identity, are among other things related to the analysis of the aforementioned works. Also, the language used in the narrative is influenced by the time of the narration of the work, as in the narratives in the context of the event we see the use of slogan, emotional, and idealistic vocabulary, while in the narratives made with a temporal distance from the event, there is no place for these sentiments.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2020)
The nature of metaphor, metaphoric understanding, and its functions have been recognized as three main issues in research and theoretical formulations on metaphor and metaphor processing. In general, metaphor is defined as understanding and experiencing one thing based on another. Metaphor can also be considered as an expression that has two conceptual domains in which one of the domains is experienced and understood according to the other. These two conceptual domains are known as target domain and source domain. In this study, we examine the relationship between conceptual metaphor and formation of a schema in short texts regarding target and source domains.
The main tools of the study were the texts written in fluent Persian and divided into two categories of metaphorical texts and their equivalent non-metaphorical versions. Both texts have had a shared schema. Furthermore, the number of words were equal in both texts. For this purpose, 3 metaphorical and 3 equivalent non-metaphorical short texts were designed in Psychopy software in 2 visual and auditory versions and 47 people were exposed to the short-term recognition after reading/listening to it. There were eight texts including 3 metaphorical and 3 non-metaphorical ones plus 2 texts that were used as filler texts which were excluded from the final analyses. The texts were organized in such a manner that the metaphorical text played before its corresponding non-metaphorical text with an interval. At the next round, the non-metaphorical text was played before its metaphorical version.
The sample was selected through convenience sampling which included 80 twenty to twenty-five-year-old students of Foreign Languages School and Management School of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran. Since variations in memory capacity can affect the test results, they were given a Persian word recognition test to ensure relative consistency among all participants' memory capacity.
The test processes in the visual and auditory tests were the same except in the method of presenting the texts on the screen or playing through the headphone.
In this study, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used for analyzing the data and providing tentative answers to the research questions. All the analyses were implemented SPSS V.23 software. To analyse the data in each of the visual and auditory tasks separately, Friedman non-parameter test was used. For comparing the data of the visual and auditory tasks, Mann-Whitney test was used.
Results indicated that in metaphorical texts, there are traces of the non-metaphorical text`s main schema. This finding brings us closer to the assumption that it is source domain`s schema that projects on target domain in metaphors and makes it more understandable.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (4-2023)
Aims: Knowledge and skills significantly affect the learning performance of vocational students. However, adding ability without enhancing memory can reduce learning effectiveness, which ultimately affects learning performance. This study was done to investigate the effect of learning engagement and self-confidence on learning performance, mediated by repetition of educational materials. The goal is to improve the learning process and increase students' memory retention during exams.
Participants & Methods: This study was conducted on 179 respondents from health vocational schools to analyze knowledge, skills, and expertise after learning using four variables: learning engagement, self-confidence, repetition strategy, and learning performance from August to December 2022.
Findings: The results indicated that learning engagement and self-confidence directly affected learning performance. The Repetition strategies mediated the relationship between learning engagement and self-confidence with learning performance.
Conclusion: Therefore, implementing rehearsal strategies for students is essential in the learning process to establish optimal learning performance. Repetition strategies can help students maintain and strengthen their memory, leading to better exam performance and educational evaluations.