Showing 16 results for Interdisciplinary
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2021)
The present study is interdisciplinary in applying philosophy through its collaboration with psychology and literature. This article examines hope according to the two great thinkers; Rumi, a Muslim mystic and writer, and Gabriel Marcel, a Christian existentialist philosopher. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for the work of philosophical counselors and psychotherapists. For this reason, the views of Richard Snyder, the theorist and founder of hope therapy in contemporary psychology, are also introduced in the present study to bring Rumi and Marcel's views on hope closer to the topics of hope therapy, and the similarities are derived from being used by philosophical advisors. According to the findings of this research, the hope that Rumi speaks of is a clear and guiding hope that, if used properly, can become a positive moral trait in human beings; The hope that arises from man's need for God and will always be the way to man's spiritual progress. Marcel also considers hoping a tool for faith and closeness to the higher being, which causes a person to be spiritually ready to serve other human beings. This spiritual preparation frees man from the snare of the shattered world of which Marcel speaks. By comparing Snyder's theory of hope and Rumi's view of hope, we find similarities between the views of these two philosophers in the components of hope. The examination of Snyder's theory of hope and Marcel's view of hope also reveals the intellectual similarity of the two thinkers on the vital role of hope in life.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Problem Statement: Islamic city and urban planning is an interesting, challenging, and audience-oriented topic. What prioritizes Islamic research and urban planning is an Islamic government and the current Islamic laws in that government. The development of the earth must be in the service of the rational life of man, and the eternal life of man is superior to mere development.
Purposes: The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the existing approaches in Islamic urban planning studies and to introduce the integrated studies approach in Islamic urban planning.
Aims: The present study is about the subject in terms of developmental purpose, descriptive implementation in terms of implementation, and qualitative content analysis of resources in terms of research method. The required data has been collected by the documentary method.
Findings: This article tries to study the basic principles of the Islamic city by re-reading the opinions and works and the views of experts. For this purpose, he examines their opinions according to the proposed categories in a theoretical framework and sees differences in views and expressions of different concepts about the Islamic city.
Conclusion: The results show that the city and Islamic urban planning should refer to the general principles of Islam and not go into details and follow the intellect to form the city. And this principle will lead to the victory of the general principles of Islam over the city. As a forthcoming solution in Islamic urban planning studies, we can refer to the comprehensive plan of Islamic management called Najma, which as an upstream and comprehensive document can enter the field of Islamic studies in various fields and complement interdisciplinary studies.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2016)
Filmmakers, television programmers, experts in literature, and those with an average knowledge in literature, cinema, and television, have different standards in evaluation of adapted movies. Similarly, there are various theoretical foundations in comparative studies of adaptation. Analyzing adapted movies and comparing them with literary sources can be done with a cultural study approach of which nature is interdisciplinary depended more on cultural feedback. From this perspective, examining the relationships between cinema and television regarding One Thousand and One Nights series shows that the adaptations in which the story has been developed according to its very cultural-historical function, succeeded more. These kinds of adaptation were faithful to the structure of the work. The reason why the faithful adaptations to One Thousand and One Nights were successful is that the theme of this book emerges from its structure. Crossing out the theme pattern in adapted movies doesn’t satisfy common addressees of book and movie.
Volume 5, Issue 21 (12-2008)
Qolam Reza Rahmdel. PH.D
Soheila Farhangi
During the last decades, interdisciplinary researches has been of serious notice in several world research centers and universities; as an approach in which the researchers create interaction among different fields of study and interlink them together in order to find a proper and suitable pattern for solving a variety of issues.
This paper intends to familiarize the interdisciplinary research approach, in addition to introducing some of these researches which are related to literary researches. This essay offers an accurate and precise definition on interdisciplinary researches and its various kinds in literary studies, while the grounds and reasons for a keen interest in these researches and the basic principles of interdisciplinary researches are surveyed. Then samples of works which have analyzed the Persian literary texts through this approach are introduced and surveyed. Studies reveal that during the last decade, Persian literary texts are analyzed through the interdisciplinary approach to a very high extent and as a matter of fact, this considerable increase and development has led to both the rereading and serious consideration of Persian literary works through a fresh attitude.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2023)
Two articles published in this journal with the titles of "Conceptual Metaphors of Pain in Persian: A Cognitive Analysis. IJMPP 2021, 6(2):496-501.[1]" and "Understanding Cancer Patients' Lived Experience of Pain through Metaphors: A Qualitative Study. IJMPP 2022;7(3):759-764. [2]". In the first article; the author demonstrated the pain metaphors Persian speakers use for their sorts of pain and its mappings. But in the second-one , the author indicated that dedicated pain mapping that cancer patients are involved with them cognitively and live with them. According to this, they investigated pain metaphors that play an important role between physician and patient. Although these types of metaphors guide diagnosis and treatment, but. in some cases, incorrect pain metaphors distort the diagnosis and the treatment will not be effective. Therefore, more research and investigation are needed in this new interdisciplinary field of study.
Abolfazl Tavakoli Shandiz, , ,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (12-2016)
Today, narrative is one of the most common concepts, not only in literature, but also in non-literary fields such as psychology, social sciences and philosophy, uo tp the point that the concept of " narrative turn" has emerged. This paper is amied at studying the most important approaches addressing narrative, because it is not only important for literary and narrative studies, but at the same time can reveal the deep connections between literature and other disciplines. Obviously, to do this, only only literary references should be consulted, but also other important ideas, especially in philosophy and psychology, should be taken into consideration. In this manner, narrative can be used as a basis for interdisciplinary studies. For this purpose, desk study method has been used study two major approaches towards narrative, i.e. definition-centered and descriptive approacheds. For definition-centered appraoch, the major components and consistuents of narrative have been inferred by comparing such definitions and their contradictions have been brought into surface. In the next section, using a descriptive approach, the nature of narrative and its relationship with culture (social dimension) and understanding and life (individual dimension) will be examined. This will be done by reviewing the ideas of both narratologists and philosophers. The results of theis study indicate that narrative is a widespread phenomenon that is not only important in the field of literature, but also plays a very important role in the culture, understanding, identity and ethics.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (5-2022)
Aims: Nowadays, the acquisition of innovative approaches and techniques that use the Internet is one of the main goals for the development of higher medical education in Ukraine. This paper aimed to describe the effectiveness of blending learning in the preparation of medical students.
Instrument & Methods: The authors designed a course “Medical English for Specific Purpose” and implemented it into the educational process.
Findings: The majority of students and teachers agreed that the developed course should be integrated into the educational process.
Conclusion: From this research, it can be concluded that blending learning is an integral part of modern education with the ability to use collaborative and critical thinking skills. In such kind of education, the role of a teacher changes to the facilitator who involves and stimulates students to go through real problem solving and meaningful lifelong learning experiences.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Comparative Literature and Translation Studies have so far expanded the frontiers of their own disciplines beyond their traditional conventional sense. Individually or in cooperation with the other, either discipline can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of literatures and cultures. The synergy between the two disciplines through bringing together methods and theories from both can result in innovative studies that cannot be properly conducted within the boundaries of either discipline separately. Adopting a historical perspective, the present paper highlighted the points of convergence between the two disciplines in order to identify the fields of research which can benefit most from the cooperation between the scholars of comparative literature and translation studies. Literary history, translation history, and reception studies belong to such fields of research.
Zahra Rajabi,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2018)
In recent years in Iran, the development of interdisciplinary studies has caused a variety of attitudes toward literary topics to be created especially in literary criticism. However, in these studies use of interdisciplinary capacities for a more accurate understanding and creating transformation in other literary fields such as rhetoric and classical aesthetics of Persian poetry has largely been neglected. Therefore, the present research seeks to address allusion topic in rhetoric by a descriptive-analytic approach and to identify and introduce this rhetorical element based on new interdisciplinary studies approaches and literary criticism. The results of the research indicate that allusion despite its apparent simplicity is one of the most complex and multilayer elements of the rhetoric that can be examined and looked up using the modern achievements of various disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, sociology and some theories and discussions of literary criticism
Aali Amene, Hasan Alinejad, Halime Nematolahi,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (4-2018)
The purpose of this research is to analysis the attention to the audience in interdisciplinary studies in the field of children’s literature and suggest criteria for future research. In order to achieve this goal, the position of the audience has been described and analyzed in the structural elements of the research, including: purpose, components, method, and sample. Using Synthesis Research, 38 interdisciplinary research papers, including scientific articles and senior and doctoral dissertations, were selected and then their research structural elements were extracted and analyzed in descriptive tables. Based on the findings, three main goals were considered in these studies: Frequency, Representation, and Component Comparison. The studied components also fall into three areas of knowledge: psychology and education, sociology and culture, and ethics and religion. the number of components in the field of psychology and education is more than the other two. The research methodology of all studies was a content analysis method, and the sample of all of them was the child books, which was determined according to five criteria: year of publication and age group, author's name or particular book, type of story, specific subject, and selected books. Among them, the first criterion has been most widely used. Finally this study outlines the critical areas of research on children’s literature and identifies areas of further research.
Volume 11, Issue 49 (3-2023)
The concept of Comparison has been so long-lasting and durable that they can be taken into account as both humanistic and social tradition. This field of research, which first had a transnational, translinguistic and transcultural nature, was connected with interdisciplinary studies in the 20th century. In the present research study, the authors intend to, with a view toward comparative literature, study the samples of psychology theory of “pyramid of needs” by Abraham Maslow in Persian Proverbs. The purpose of the study is to, through a psycho-literary analysis of this concept; reveal the scope and capacity of each discipline in offering new horizons for future research. The results of this study show that the ideas which are proposed by humanistic psychologist to represent a motivational analysis of human behavior, such as the one proposed by Maslow, have already been considered in Persian literature in an explicit or implicit manner. This study, for the first time in Persian literature, analyzes Persian proverbs based on the 8 needs of Maslow ‘s pyramid and propose two major findings: a) the effectiveness of a psychological theory in relationship to folk literature is proven and b) a better understanding of the value of Persian proverbs in representing mental and abstract concepts is gained.
Samane Refahi, Amir Nasri,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (12-2019)
Each architectural element, in a building, is designed and built for a specific purpose. Using these elements in the usual way will create comfort for users. In The Trial, Kafka tries to express his ideas with paradoxical uses of these architectural elements and with an expressionist view. The first point that appears is the concept of contradiction. In this regard, in the world of The Trial, even the window, the wall, the stairs and other elements have lost their usual uses. Another concept that Kafka expresses with the help of these components, is the concept of alienation and loneliness, which is seen in allover The Trial. It seems these architectural elements are built for others and these common uses will be lost for Josef K. in front of the others. This alienation is a reminder of various aspects of Kafka's personal life. The last but not least concept that Kafka expresses with the help of the architectural elements is being subordination that, with disappearance of the private space of Joseph K.'s life, it becomes more apparent.
Behnam Mirzababazadeh Fomeshi,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (12-2019)
Studies of the reception of a writer in another culture primarily deal with the translation of the works into the target language. Such studies usually ignore the translation of the writer’s image. The present essay focuses on the translation of Walt Whitman’s image into a contemporary Iranian context. In this study, “image” refers both to visual representations, such as pictures or photographs, and the mental conceptions held in common by members of a group, such as is the subject of imagology.
Soolmaz Moeini, Ahmad Razi, Reza Cheraghi,
Volume 14, Issue 54 (7-2021)
The environmental criticism that emerged in response to the environmental crisis, traces the origins of many environmental problems in its cultural roots and by bridging the gap between science and culture, seeks to halt or slow down the growing trend of the environmental crisis. This criticism has attracted the attention of Iranian researchers in the last decade, but it seems that this type of research in Iran is still far from international standards. Due to its connection with political and economic issues and many other complexities, this criticism has its own special capacities, but since less attention is paid to its contexts and fundamental issues in Iran, it has become more decorative and its various principles and dimensions have not been considered. In order to bring the principles of this criticism closer to its global meanings in Iran, this study tries to investigate and survey the problems and shortcomings of this criticism with its strengths and weaknesses by reviewing the perspectives of prominent global theorists and evaluating a number of articles published in Iran on ecological criticism. The result of the study reveals that the lack of proper understanding of the concept of ecocriticism and the environment, ignoring the value and inherent position of the non-human world regardless of the humanistic view, ignoring the interdisciplinary aspects of ecological criticism, the lack of pragmatic and practical dimension of criticisms and the wrong choice of works for this criticism are some of the problems that environmental criticism faces in Iran.
Research Background
Environmental criticism was introduced to the Iranian scientific community in 2008 with a study by Davood Emarati Moghaddam in introducing the book “Ecocriticism” by Greg Gerrard. Later on, some studies entitled “An Introduction to Ecocriticism” and “The Theory of Literary Ecocriticism – An Introduction to New Research Schools in Studying and Analyzing the Form and Content of Literary Works” by Masih Zekavat (2011), “An Interdisciplinary Movement between Environment and Literature” by Mohammad Naser Maududi (2011), “Ecocriticism, a New Approach in Literary Criticism” (2012) and the books “Ecocriticism” (2013), “About Eco-Criticism” (2013) and “Green Literature” (2015) by Zahra Parsapour introduced Ecocriticism and some of its dimensions and contexts.
Objectives, Questions, Assumptions
The history of the presence of nature in Persian and world literature is as old as literature itself and their nexus is inseparable. As a result, many researchers have analyzed this relationship based on the poet and the writer's interest in nature and their impression from the environment, but the problem is that most of these studies have been published under the title “Environmental Criticism”. Now the question is if expressing the interest and respect of a poet or writer towards nature can be considered as an environmental criticism, or whether this is a new problem that has not been addressed before. What kind of approach and perspective towards these works can place them within the sphere of environmental criticism? What is new about this criticism, and what sets it apart from the old approaches towards nature? Are the ecological studies or environmental criticism that is known in Iran correctly interpreted? What are the problems and shortcomings of addressing this criticism in research in Iran and what are the missing subjects in this field?
This study critically examines fifteen articles published under the title of “Ecological Criticism in Iran”, and deals with the problems and shortcomings of such studies in Iran and tries to introduce this type of criticism correctly and offers suggestions for improving the situation of ecological criticism.
The basis of the problems of environmental criticism in Iran is related to the problems of translation and also a group of intellectuals’ presumptions, thinking environmental criticism is not yet a serious issue. First of all, it is required to provide a definition of environmental criticism. In addition, the necessities of environmental criticism should be taken into consideration as well.
If this criticism is a study of the relationship between human and inhuman world in literature, it is necessary to know the essence and the meaning of the inhuman world and the extent of its boundaries in ecocriticism. Ignoring it in many local and foreign studies has made it fundamentally difficult to properly understand this type of criticism. The interdisciplinary aspects of environmental criticism, the intrinsic value of nature, choosing the right work and author for an analysis and being pragmatic and practical are some of the principals that should be considered in environmental criticism.
Studying these fifteen articles published in the field of ecocriticism in Iran reveals that many of these articles have difficulty not only in providing a correct definition and an accurate knowledge of the work, but also in complying with the requirements of environmental criticism. Accepting the environment and nature as an independent entity beyond the humanistic view was not observed in the studies, and although the practical and pragmatic ideals are the two basic features of ecological criticism and a guarantee for saving the environment, they have not been reflected in Iranian environmental studies as they should have been. Translating basic texts and resources in the field of environmental criticism and combining it with indigenous cultural features in the country is essential to recognize the extensive dimension of this framework. It can also pave the way not only for solving the current problems, but also for enhancing the effectiveness of studies in protecting the environment and creating a culture to prevent its destruction.
Volume 15, Issue 62 (3-2019)
Today, one of the challenges of academic research in the field of language and literature is the frequency of using the theory in conducting fundamental research in the field of theoretical and practical critique. Adherents of such an approach, due to systemic and coherent interdisciplinary nature, consider the need for such recursive tools for literary research to be essential as synchronous as the literary researches of the Western world. And adherents of such an approach insist on stereotypes, artificial, superficiality, reductionism and westernization of these researches and according to the policy of negation of theorist, they believe it is necessary to return to the traditional methods of past critics or pioneers in this field.The author believes that at the intersection of the two aforesaid, a moderate route can be found, Therefore, this descriptive-analytical essay emphasizes that While avoiding any kind of extremism in the pursuit of the theory-based research, There are two great ways to retrieve literary texts: First is the combination of scientific and interdisciplinary methods to analysis and evaluation of literary texts And the second is a deep acquaintance with the principles of theorizing and philosophical approaches to produce indigenous theories compatible with the worldview prevailing on Persian literature.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)
Science and technology have had divergent trend in almost a few hundred years ago. However, half through the twentieth century the convergence of science and technology has begun with the advent of the interdisciplinary stream and then at the beginning of the twenty first century with the advent of the emerging science and technologies stream. Understanding this process is the policy requirements. This research attend to find evidences of divergence in priorities by study science and technology emerging trends and science and technology thematic priorities in the three countries: United States, Russia and China with futuristic approach. Research method is qualitative content analysis, statistics samples, and documents that have been published about the emerging trends in science and technology. The research achievements indicate thematic trends in science and technologies are moving towards convergence. The research results declare the convergence at first is created based on "Information Technology", and the next in sequence "Biotechnology and Health", "Energy", as well as "Nanotechnology".