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Showing 9 results for Initiation

Volume 7, Issue 1 (11-2008)

In this paper, an experimental investigation of fatigue crack growth behavior and fatigue life of Coach Peel (CP) specimens is reported. In this investigation, the CP specimens with 1 and 1.5 mm thickness and from mild steel are used. Specimens are tested by a 25 kN capacity INSTRON 8802 servo-hydraulic fatigue test machine under constant amplitude but various level loadings. During loading, the crack length and cycle numbers are measured accurately by a 100X light microscope. Initiation and propagation of spot weld specimens are measured by drawing vertical displacement of the specimen’s vs cycle’s curves. Results show that initiation and propagation of cracks often occur in the plate with less thickness. Also in low level loadings, cracks propagate longtitudinaly, but in high level loadings, usually nugget pull out and joints, fail catastrophically. The crack lengths during propagation, are nearly unique in both plates with the same thickness.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (10-2008)

In this paper, an experimental investigation of fatigue crack growth behavior and fatigue life of Coach Peel (CP) specimens is reported. In this investigation, the CP specimens with 1 and 1.5 mm thickness and from mild steel are used. Specimens are tested by a 25 kN capacity INSTRON 8802 servo-hydraulic fatigue test machine under constant amplitude but various level loadings. During loading, the crack length and cycle numbers are measured accurately by a 100X light microscope. Initiation and propagation of spot weld specimens are measured by drawing vertical displacement of the specimen’s vs cycle’s curves. Results show that initiation and propagation of cracks often occur in the plate with less thickness. Also in low level loadings, cracks propagate longtitudinaly, but in high level loadings, usually nugget pull out and joints, fail catastrophically. The crack lengths during propagation, are nearly unique in both plates with the same thickness.

Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)

Abstract- In this paper, the effect of gas and liquid inlet velocities and for the first time the effect of liquid hold up on slug initiation position are studied experimentally. Empirical correlations are also presented based on the obtained results. The tests are conducted for three liquid hold ups (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75) in a long horizontal channel made of Plexiglas with dimensions of 510 cm2 and 36m length in Multiphase Flow Lab. of Tarbiat Modares University. The superficial liquid and air velocities rated as to 0.11-0.56 m/s and 1.88-13 m/s, respectively. The obtained results show that as αl=0.25, slug initiation position is increasing monotonically with Usl and Usg. During αl=0.50, slug initiation position is increasing with Usl and Usg but the slope is smoother than αl=0.25. For αl=0.75, slug initiation position is decreasing monotonically with Usl and Usg. In the case of equal void fraction of phases, slugs are generated weakly (low pressure). However, for the unequal void fraction of phases strong slugs (high pressure) are formed.

Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)

Delamination is one of the main defects in composite materials. Studying the initiation and propagation of delamination is useful for the design and production of high quality resistant materials. Therefore understanding the behavior of delamination damage and having enough knowledge about that will be helpful. In this study, generated acoustic emission signals from two types of glass/epoxy composite specimens at different layups, [0,90]5s and [0]10, is recorded. After that signals were analyzed by applying strain energy function. The results indicate that specimens at different layups have different stiffness behavior toward damage initiation and growth. Using strain energy function method initiation and growth of delamination can be evaluated. The obtained results provide useful information for the design and production of high quality resistant composite materials.

Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)

In this paper, the fracture trajectory in blunt V-notched specimens under mixed mode loading is investigated by using two numerical approaches: 1) the extended finite element method (XFEM), 2) the incremental method. The first approach is an extended form of the finite element method in which the fracture takes place and grows according to the cohesive zone model. The second one is also an increment approach which the fracture initiation angle for notched specimen is first determined according to the concept of the maximum tangential stress (MTS) criterion. Afterward, a small crack is added to the notched specimen along the fracture direction and then a new cracked specimen is generated. In the next step, the fracture initiation angle is calculated from MTS criterion and another small crack is again added to the cracked specimen. These steps are continued until the crack reaches to the back boundary. To evaluate these methods, the fracture paths of the rounded-tip V-notched Brazilian disk (RV-BD)specimens under mixed mode loading are predicted by both XFEM and incremental method. It is shown that the incremental method can provide estimates more accurate than XFEM for the fracture initiation angle of the notched samples. It is also demonstrated that both methods can predict the fracture trajectory in good agreements with the experimental results
Hadi Dehghani Yazdeli,
Volume 16, Issue 62 (10-2023)

Myths and rituals are fundamental elements of human life and culture, reflecting people's desires and fears. The confrontation with death and the consciousness of death is one of the most fundamental themes of mythology and its rituals. Contemporary narratives are one of the most prominent formats that can be used as vehicles for mythological and ritual themes, including death consciousness. This article is based on the mythological approach, using a descriptive-interpretive method and aiming to reveal the inner effect of confronting death and reaching the consciousness of death formed by the ritual of initiation, in order to examine the structure and depth of the story "Fal -e Khoon" by Dawood Ghaffarzadegan. the story "Fal -e Khoon", which highlights the theme of death consciousness, is obviously based on the structure of initiation; Expulsion, mystery learning and mystery education. The main character of the story, a budding soldier, is confronted with various phenomena and events on his mission to achieve his goal. These events form the basis for the rookie to pass his most difficult and final test. The most difficult test of the main character in the story is to become aware of death and to accept death as part of one's existence. This theme, which was one of the first and constant concerns of mankind, is juxtaposed in the story with mythological elements such as mountains, trees, numbers, cows, names and huts, so that it gives a mythical tinge to a modern story and conveys an ancient ritual. In this way, modern art, literature, and ideas cannot only be separated from ancient mythological and ritual strains; ; Rather, these strains, by blending with human's constant reflections, such as death, provide the context for the richness and brilliance of today's narratives.
Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
A person, in their living world, does not take their actions and thoughts from the same source. A person's existence is multifaceted and these multiple strains provide different formats for his mentality, thought and behavior. One of the most important components that shape human thought and action are myths and then mythological rituals. The rituals, in the first stage, are the manifestation of the influence of the myth in the life and social world of the human personality; when the rituals have mythological themes, they, like myths, influence the formation of human mentality and actions. Hence, the myth and rituals arising from it have the same functions. Myths and mythological rituals express people's wishes, fears and desires (Guerin et al., 2005, p. 183). In a world where the sense of existential loneliness does not leave a person, myths and rituals are a tool for understanding one’s situation in the world, reducing their fears and sufferings as well as fulfilling their wishes, though in a symbolic form. Narratives are one of the most prominent human creations, and the myths and rituals arising from them, play a distinct role in shaping its structure and texture (Bressler, 2012, p. 132).

2. Methodology
The present article deals with the role and function of the myth and the ritual of initiation in revealing the theme of death in the short story "Fal -e Khoon" by Davud Ghafarzadegan. In an artistic and distinctive way, " Fal -e Khoon " has used the themes and the structure of the mythological ritual of initiation in its narrative to depict the phenomenon of death. For this reason, it is necessary to examine this story from the mentioned point of view. This article aims to reveal the role and function of the structure of the ritual of initiation and its mythological elements in shaping the narrative of " Fal -e Khoon" and its main theme; That is, facing death and death-awareness, to answer the following questions with a descriptive-interpretive method: Which of the mythological elements create the texture and structure of the narrative of "Fal -e Khoon"? How does the ritual of initiation advance the events of the story? How do the mythological elements and the ritual of initiation create the basic theme of this story, i.e., facing death and death awareness?
The source of life, birth, survival (Guerin et al., 2005, pp. 200-201) and the death and destiny of a person (Campbell, 2010, p. 168) are among the topics that a person always faces in the world of his thoughts and reflections; and to reach their understanding, he has benefited from the myths and rituals. "Rituals, emotions and myths mutually affect each other" (Whitehead, 2017, p. 29); Therefore, mythological rituals and customs are the objective and external continuity of those mythical beliefs and mentalities that are useful for the consistency and continuity of social order. The ritual of initiation is one of the rituals that has its roots in the world of mythology. In this ritual, the immature teenager is prepared to leave the world of immaturity and step on the path of maturity. Maturity of the teenager provides him with independence that starts from geographical mobility; It means that the teenager starts moving away from home (Richards, 2011, p. 136).
The ritual of initiation is based on three stages of separation (repulsion), transformation (mystery learning) and return (mystery education) (Guerin et al., 2005, p. 190). In this ritual, the immature teenager becomes aware of the mysteries of existence. Death, the understanding of man's mortality and encountering with death are among the fundamental elements of the mythological themes that the teenager, as a novice, should be informed about within the initiation ritual (Eliadeh, 2011, p. 195).
3. Discussion
The narration of "Fal -e Khoon" is the longest story in the book "21 Stories" by Dawood Ghafarzadegan. This story is divided into six chapters. Each chapter contains events whose basic actions and functions are created and discussed by the three main characters, soldier, lieutenant, and lieutenant assistant. The function of the characters ultimately goes in such a direction that they prepare and preface the final and fundamental action of the soldier.
The story of "Fal -e Khoon" is obviously about the different aspects of a person's encounter with death; It relies on ignorance, fear of death and death awareness. The theme of death and its related components are the most basic intermediate and organizing link in the episodes of the "Fal -e Khoon" narration; As an example, on pages 284 and 307 of the story, apart from the propositions related to death, the narrator mentions the word "death" four and three times, respectively. Each of the characters of the story reveal different actions related to these strains. The character who the story is formed around his external and internal actions is a soldier who must come to the understanding of death and face it consciously through the stages of discovery and secret learning, and finally face it freely and without any fears. In facing death and accepting it in his existence, he must go through the stages before and after his secret learning - just like the worlds he lived in - so that he can become aware of death and learn the secret.
4. Result
The author of "Fal -e Khoon" has been able to use the theme of facing death and death-awareness through the use of the structure of the ritual of initiation. The main character of the story, who takes action in the form of a novice soldier reaches maturity through the stages of being driven, secret learning and secret-educated. The maturity of the soldier is his being secret-educated in the conscious face of death. In tests and difficult events, he accepts death as a part of his existence, and thus he is freed from the fear of death and extinction. The story of "Fal -e Khoon" uses the theme of death-awareness in the structure of the initiation ritual and in association with mythological elements; Like a tree, a mountain, a name, a cow, and a hut, and with its artistic structure and its fusion with mythological elements, conveys the theme of death awareness to the audience of his narrative in today's horizon and context. Based on this, it seems that a person, in the horizon of modern literature and art, will never be empty and useless of ancient and mythological themes and rituals.
5. References
Bressler, Charles E. (2012). Literary criticism: An introduction to theory and practice. (5th Edition). Pearson: New York.
Campbell, Joseph (2010). Ghodrat-e Osture. Translated by Abbas Mokhber. 6th edition. Tehran: Markaz Publication. [in Persian]
Eliade Mircha (2002). Osture, Ro’yā, Rāz. Translated by Roya Monajem. Tehran: Alam Publication. [in Persian]
Ghafarzadegan, Dawood. (2005). "Fāl-e Khun". Dar Bist-o Yek Dāstān. Tehran: Rozaneh, pp. 267-352. [in Persian]
Guerin Wilfred L. et al. (2005). A Hand Book of Critical Approaches to Literature. (5th Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Richards, Barry. (2011). Ravānkāvi-ye Farhang-e Āme; Nazm va Tartib-e Neshāt. Translated by Hossein Payandeh. 2nd Ed. Tehran: Sāles Publication. [in Persian]
Whitehead, Alfred North. (2015). Tahavol-e Din. Translated by Amir Rezaei. Tehran: Āshiān Publication. [in Persian]

Volume 18, Issue 8 (12-2018)

Coatings are used in various industries in order to improve the surface properties of materials. Delamination of coatings from their substrate, at the root of channel cracks, is one of the common failure modes in these structures. In this paper, discrete element method is used in order to simulate the initiation and propagation of damages, caused by the mismatch between the thermal expansion coefficients of coating and substrate. Coating and substrate are considered to be brittle elastic in which, substrate is stiffer than the coating, but the thermal expansion coefficient of coating is considered to be much greater than substrate. The interface properties are also considered to be the geometric average between the coating and substrate. Temperature reduction is applied to the whole structure as loading. The effect of elastic mismatch and coating thickness was investigated. The results showed that, by increasing the elastic mismatch and decreasing the coating thickness, the temperature reduction, need to delamination initiation at the interface, increased. Also, changing in the damage propagation pattern was happened by changing in the elastic mismatch. In coatings with high elastic mismatch, damage propagation was happened inside them but by increasing the stiffness, damage propagation happened at the interface.

Volume 18, Issue 9 (12-2018)

In this study, the effect of delamination interface fiber angle orientation on the initiation and propagation fracture toughness of plain woven composites with stacking sequences of [012//012], [011/30//0/011] and [011/45//0/011] under mode I loading were investigated. These stacking sequences are chosen in order to eliminate the effect of the remote ply orientation on the delamination behavior of the double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens. Samples were manufactured by the wet hand lay-up method and fracture tests were conducted on specimens using the universal testing machine (SANTAM STM-150) according to ASTM standard. The experimental results showed that the interface ply orientation had a negligible effect on magnitudes of the initiation and propagation fracture toughness of plain woven composites due to delamination propagation in the resin-fiber interface of delamination interface. Experimental investigations of the fracture surface have shown the effect of different mechanisms on the delamination propagation, which crack propagation in the resin-fiber interface is one of the main mechanisms for increasing the fracture toughness in these specimens. In addition, the experimental evidence revealed that the fiber bridging was not the main mechanism of increasing fracture toughness during the delamination propagation, unlike the unidirectional DCB specimens.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (4-2019)

In sheet metal forming processes, one of the most important limitations relates to the elastic recovery after punch unloading, which usually leads to spring-back phenomenon. Production of precise parts without spring-back controlling is not possible. Hence, the main aim of the present research is to minimize the amount of spring-back as well as to prevent the crack initiation during bending process of Aluminum A1050-H14 sheet. For this purpose, firstly, the sheet metal bending process was numerically simulated in ABAQUS finite element package. Then, the effect of friction coefficient and punch velocity was investigated on elastic recovery and von Mises stress in order to minimize the spring-back as well as to prevent the crack initiation. In this regard, python programming language was utilized. Then, by linking multi-objective genetic algorithm and finite element method in modeFRONTIER software, the optimum values of the process parameters were determined. It should be mentioned that for validation purposes, the simulation results of the present study were compared with the experimental data available in literature, showing a 3.14% relative error between the numerical and experimental results.

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