Showing 109 results for Identity
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Every person in society has a perception of reality and the translator is no exception. Identity construction is somehow related to reality construction. So the main issue is not how the narrative is constructed as a text, but how the narrative acts as a mental tool in constructing reality and, consequently, identity. Like the controversial issue of language-thought, it is not easy to deal with narrative discourse and narrative thinking, since the reality existed in the mind, depends on the spatio-temporal framework of the culture. Eelaborating on the concept of narrative identity, and Goffman’s Frame Analysis and its applicability in the mentioned concept, this paper shows how society, as a cultural frame, forces the translator (or the publisher) to retell the narrative and to reconstruct the identity, and why this identity formation will be more pronounced in the paratextual elements (translatorial & authorial prefaces). Analyzing the frame, along with literature and media, it proposes a hybrid model based on Somers’ features (Paul Ricoeur’s Mimesis), and Goffman’s Framework for the concrete manifestation of renarration, and the incorporation of the core conception of identity formation, to indicate how orientalism concepts have been renarrated in translatorial and authorial prefaces of Edward Said’s Orientalism, affected by structure or agency during 80s in Iran, and how these prefaces play a role in framing readers interpretation. Finally, it has concluded that, regarding structure/agency, and the involvement of multiple agents in translation, different author-functions and identities have developed through the presentation of the prefaces in question.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Pre-service teacher education programs play a pivotal role in the formation and evolution of teachers' identities, wherein both formal and hidden curriculums exert significant influences (Beauchamp and Thomas, 2009). This qualitative study delves into the development of Language Teacher Identities (LTIs) among student teachers at Farhangian University, with a particular focus on the reformed curriculum.A qualitative research method was used. A total of 27 female student teachers shared their experiences through individual and focus group interviews. Thematic analysis was used for analyzing the interviews. The findings revealed mismatches between the student teachers’ envisioned identities and the curriculum’s expected identity, leading to feelings of cognitive unpreparedness. The study also highlighted the significant roles of both formal and hidden curriculums in shaping teacher identity, with both positive and negative changes observed in cognitive, social, and emotional aspects. The implications drawn from the study’s findings provide insights into curriculum design and teacher education programs, offering guidance on how to effectively support the construction of teacher identity and raise student teachers’ awareness of this transformative process.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Considering EFL teachers’ identities and emotions as discursive practices through a post-structuralist lens offered by the concept of navigation of emotions, this study sought to explore EFL teachers’ emotional experience in online classes during online education to examine the way their emotional navigation helped them negotiate their identities. The participants, including 17 Iranian EFL teachers, working at universities in the West, North, and East of Iran, were chosen using purposeful sampling. To generate data, in-depth interviews and personal documents were used, which were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. The participants spoke of the experience of mixed emotions, creating the sense of ambivalence, which offered the possibility of dialectic thinking for reconciling contradictory views and questioning the existing dominant and preconceived ideas. Moreover, they navigated their emotions through emotional reflexivity and positive reframing. While emotional reflexivity, as a process of self-confrontation, consisted of relational struggles and agency, reframing, as an example of deep acting, entailed emotional resonance or a sense of aliveness and connectivity as well as a possibility for stressing the transpersonal attachment, as a novel concept to be addressed in teaching English. The role of positive emotions in enriching language learning processes, which is mainly ignored in language education, was underscored because the cultivation of positive emotions in English language learners increases their intrinsic motivation, enhances their engagement, and creates a sense of belonging to the target language.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Despite extensive research on factors influencing Critical Pedagogy (CP) from a positive psychology perspective, the interplay between Emotion Regulation (ER), Psychological Well-Being (PWB), and Cultural Identity (CI) remains underexplored among Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This study investigates the mediating role of CI in a novel model linking ER to PWB, with CP as the dependent variable. It addresses how these variables contribute to advocating for social justice in Eastern educational contexts. Using the quantitative design and Path Analysis (PA), 243 Iranian EFL teachers completed four electronic questionnaires: the CP scale (Roohani & Haghparast, 2020), the CI scale (Taheri, 2013), the PWB scale (Dagenais-Desmarais & Savoi, 2012), and the ER Sscale (Gross & John, 2003). Data analysis via AMOS 26 software revealed strong fit indices indicating robust model fit. Findings indicated that CI partially mediated the relationship between PWB and CP. Both direct (ER to CP) and indirect (PWB to CI to CP) effects were significant, contributing to a significant total effect of ER on CP. It is implied that integrating CI into teacher development programs can promote CP globally by enhancing educators' emotional resilience and commitment to social justice initiatives. This approach supports policymakers seeking inclusive learning environments that advocate for equity in diverse settings.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2009)
The identity of a society is a tool for distinguishing different nations from each other based on a common concept or predetermined concepts. The strong sense of identity can be considered as a social capital. In addition, social capital and social identity are the result of tangible social relationships, which are understandable by the society. They Also have strong affects on each other. With respect to this relationship, this paper verifies the relationship between identity and social capital. The data were gathered from the world values data of 70 countries according to the definitions of the variables. The results by logistic regression showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between social identity and social capital.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)
Aims: Urban spatial planning may be defined as the spatial planning in the geographical location of the city, based on the approach of providing the needs of inhabitants within the geographic spaces, following the recreation of the roles and functions of urban elements. By planning identity signs in urban spaces, it is meant to make the safety and security of the city sustainable. By identifying the emotional, psychological, and educational needs of citizens, visual discipline is created; by planning the identity signs of city’s index and planning the signs, vitality is created for citizens; and in completion, with city architecture, facade and urban landscape will be managed in such a way that the citizens' mental and objective needs are met. Given the role of signs in the city, the question of this study is in what situations, will signs meet the need for security and self-awareness of the inhabitants? In what situations, are vitality and beauty transmitted to the citizens and affect the city's atmosphere? Applying a descriptive-analytical method and using library studies as well as available documents, this study examined the planning of urban signs to achieve the main function of the sign.
Conclusion: Signs in urban spaces with appropriate planning can have positive effects and meet citizens' needs for self-awareness, security, education, etc. In this regard, convergence should be created among decision makers, urban managers, and culture, community, economics, politics, and geography of the urban space of citizens.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)
Introduction: Place is the center of geography and identity is the manifestation of culture in place. Regarding the belonging to different places, people have different actions, approaches, and tendencies. As a political event, parliamentary election plays an important role in the representation of voters’ place identities. Affected by its location, Iran, throughout history, has had a wide variety of place identities; parliament election plays a key role in revealing the diversity of identities and, consequently, the diversity of spatial pattern of voting. The present research, which has a descriptive-analytical nature, relies on the hypothesis that place identities, resulted from the diversity of dialect and the feeling of rejection due to the distance dimension, have affected the spatial pattern of voting in the form of heterogeneity of votes, dissipation of votes, and spatial conflicting relationships in Meymand district and Firoozabad constituency. To collect the data, library research method (using books and journals) and field study (questionnaire) were used.
Copnclusion: Spatial conflicts and distances from the central core of the Meymand district led to the heterogeneity of votes, the dissipation of votes, and the dispersion of votes; this spatial pattern of voting is accompanied by reducing the Maymand's influence on the overall results of the constituency.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (2-2021)
Urban spaces have been best place for public arts such as Tazieh science old ages. People can be gathered in urban spaces for sighting and social interactions. Iranian Traditional urban spaces have been had special characteristics such as pedestrian-orientation and physical proportion that Iranian and Islamic public arts have been done in its spaces. But these qualities were threatened by modern buildings, traffic and spaces that affected tradition urban space. The aim of this research is study relation between Iranian and Islamic public arts and physical and social dimensions of urban spaces. Tazieh is one of the most important types of Iranian and Islamic public arts that are done in urban spaces. These dramas need central public space which peoples can be gathered around and tazieh is done in center of place. Other ceremonies such as local games and competitions, religious ceremonies also need human conditions, physical proportion. Order of Tabriz historic bazaar in social and cultural, economic and physical Dimensions can be extended to explain the features of the identification and analysis, planning and decision-making will be used. Hojreh system based on Hojreh spatial and physical Tabriz, Iranian-Islamic culture; Tabriz cold climate, politics, growing gradually over time and tailored to the needs of his time and in harmony with its surrounding context etc.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (12-2020)
Urban space is combination of two parts including form and meaning. The signs in the urban space together with its codes form the part of urban space meaning. Signs are the part of the visual media which are presented for the citizens, So the citizens discover code's meaning by decoding of internal concept and are influenced by it. The question is that the signs which are presented to citizens as a visual media what relations they have with national identity elements? Urban signs can have meanings of national identity elements into their codes. It is notable that prominence of some elements and factors rather than others has role in formation, reinforcement and representation of national identity. Therefore in this research an attempt has been made to evaluation of relations between the signs meaning in urban space and elements of national identity factors in the 6th, mural district of Tehran as a case study by using of qualitative analysis and the basics semiotics. The results of this research in the 6th district of Tehran indicated that urban signs are influenced by national identity factors and they have meanings and concepts of it inside themselves. Also prominences of some national identity features rather than other features lead to formation of national identity and also play the important role in reinforcement and representation of national identity by repeating the meanings influenced by national identity.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (6-2010)
The present study was designed to examine the identity status of high school adolescents in the city of Ilam (Iran) using the survey method. 215 high school students were selected as a sample through random sampling method. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on
Giddens' theory. To analyze the obtained data, T-test, Pearson coefficiency and multiple regression methods were used.
The results indicated that educational level has a positive and significance relationship with individual identity, while socio- economic status only has a significance relation with ethnic identity. Among the other identities, it has just more coefficiency with individual identities rather than collective identities. The results of multiple regression method showed that the group and individual identities have more effect on the social identity among the high school dolescents.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)
this research is going to examine amount of adaptation or no adaptation of formal gender identity between ethnics, and to analysis it, wants to answer this question that do material and nonmaterial resources of identity relate with adaptation of formal gender identity or not? and is there any difference between these 3 ethnics in amount of adaptation or no adaptation of formal gender identity?
for answering the questions of research , experiential method has been used
statistical population of project is 377 persons of girl & boy students from
18 - 29 years old that are ( first or second year) in bachelor's degree among 3 ethnics of Kurd/Lor/Turk that were resident in Tehran universities dormitories. sampling method was quota and questionnaires have been tools of information gathering . The results of analysis indicated that there is relation between identity resources and amount of adaptation of formal gender identity. Among identity resources, religiosity , ethnic gender stereotype and gender explained the most changes of dependant variable .Kurds had the least and Lors had the most adaptation of formal gender identity.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)
This research is going to examine the amount of adaptation or non - adaptation of formal gender identity among the different ethnics and to analysis this, it wants to answer these questions that ''Do material and nonmaterial resources of identity relate with adaptation of formal gender identity or not''? And is there any difference between the ethnics of Turks, loves and Kords in the amount of adaptation or non- adaptation of formal gender identity?
Experiential method was used for answering these questions.
Statistical population of the project is 377 girl and boy students aged 18-29 years. The were in the in Bachelor's degree from among the three ethnics of Kurd/Lor/Turk residing in the dormitories of Tehran universities. The Sampling method was quota and questionnaires have were tools of information gathering. The results of analysis indicated that there is a relation between the identity resources and the amount of adaptation of formal gender the identity. Among identity resources, religiosity, ethnic gender stereotype and gender explained the most changes of dependant variable. Kurds had the least and Lors had the most adaptation of formal gender identity.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2020)
In the contemporary Middle East, the Kurdish problem, as the largest stateless people, has consistently had the potential to challenge regional security. This article tries to examine the dimensions of the subject from the perspective of a constructivist approach and relying on material and semantic elements. The question that the researcher faces in this research is what is the ratio of the possibilities and limitations of the separatism of the Iraqi Kurdistan region and which one weighs more in the continuation of this path of identity seeking? The author assumes in this study that the increase and expansion of ethnic demands related to the Kurdish issue in Iraq are not in line with the geopolitical and security coordinates of both Iraq and the actors involved in the region, nor was it accompanied by serious and genuine support from trans-regional actors. Finally, by examining the possible scenarios related to the issue of Iraqi Kurdish independence, it has been concluded that the Kurdish crisis will continue in the future, and no clear and insecure solution has been found by the actors involved.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2021)
Aims: This research deals with the delicacies and complexities of recreating the historical cemeteries of cities. In this regard, it tries to know the obvious, hidden dimensions, layers and components in the deep levels of perception by reviewing lived experiences.
Methods: This research is qualitative and has a phenomenological approach. In this way, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted in Kusenbach's innovative method and in five axes, and also supplementary questionnaires were distributed to record, receive and analyze the meanings of the lived experiences of the landscape visitors.
Findings: The lived experiences of historical landscape cemeteries were studied in five axes: "Reference, ideal image, activity, improvement and mental dimensions" and showed that historical cemeteries have multidimensional qualities and a great variety, multiplicity and complexity in the perceptual layers.
Conclusion: If the role of the cemetery is reduced to the necessary urban infrastructure and becomes only a place for burying the bodies, then the connection between the world of the living and the dead is cut off, and turning it into a landfill for urban waste outside the city. Because of having valuable structures and elements, originality and hidden values that show the interaction of culture and nature over time, and these values preserve the identity and collective memories and historical memory of society, the protection of the historical landscape is very sensitive. Therefore, it is impossible to re-read these features in the re-creation of the cemetery without analyzing the deep perceptual layers hidden in the soul of this place.
Volume 2, Issue 5 (3-2021)
This study investigated the structural model of the effect of perception and attitude on social responsibility, organizational identity, and organizational citizenship behavior in sports and youth departments. The methodology was a descriptive survey that was conducted in the field. The statistical population was all employees of sports and youth departments of Khorasan Razavi province (180 people). The sampling method was counting. The research tool was Barrantes's (2012) research questionnaire. Twelve professors of sports management confirmed the face and content validity of the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole questionnaire was 0.83, which indicates the appropriate reliability of the measurement tool. A structural equation modeling approach with PLS 2 software was used to analyze the data. Based on the results, the perception of social responsibilities has a positive and significant effect on social responsibility, organizational identity, and organizational citizenship behavior. Also, the attitude towards social responsibilities positively affects organizational identity, which has a positive and significant effect on employee citizenship behavior. According to the results, performing social responsibility and creating a positive perception and attitude towards it in employees can effectively strengthen the organizational identity of employees and their organizational citizenship behavior.
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2021)
Volunteers are an organization's most complete human resource to hold a successful sporting event. Maintaining a volunteer workforce and motivating volunteers to continue their activities is one of the most important tasks of sporting event managers. This study aimed to investigate how volunteers' involvement in the 14th Sports Olympiad for University Students in Iran affected their behavior. For this purpose, 157 volunteers present at the 14th Sports Olympiad for University Students in Iran were randomly selected as the research sample. Researchers collected data using the Zitsmal et al. (1996) Modified Scale of Behavioral Intentions, Doherty's community involvement scale (2009), and Zaichkowsky's Event Involvement Questionnaire (1994). In order to test the hypotheses, structural equation modeling was used. The results showed that the measurement model has appropriate internal consistency, convergent validity and Discriminant validity. It was confirmed that all variables used in the study were accurate. In the structural model results, the index for determining the coefficient of behavioral intentions was 0.44. Showed that social participation and event participation had a moderate and positive correlation with each other (0.40), and community involvement and event involvement, respectively, with path coefficients of 0.45 and 0.34, had an effect on behavioral intentions, so it can be concluded that understanding the psychological and behavioral aspects of volunteers, such as types of involvement, helps sports organizations in attracting volunteers. In this way, they can maximize the willingness of volunteers to involvement in the future.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Background: Entrance spaces are one of the most important parts of buildings, public utility complexes and cities, which in addition to the function of traffic, control and supervision, show the identity of that complex. In the past, most of the cities and public buildings in the entrances included entrances with distinctive and visual and cultural identities derived from the native background. Nowadays, some public complexes, such as universities, have a design entrance, and many buildings and complexes lack quality without an entrance or entrance portal.
Failure to pay attention to the necessity of designing and constructing the entrance gate and its qualitative requirements in the development of public utilities is a problem of this research.
Objectives: Therefore, the present article aims to explain the position of the entrance gate in the identity of public buildings and the do's and don'ts of designing them and examining the relevant criteria in the desirability of Tabriz University gates.
Method: This article has been done with descriptive and analytical research method and field survey with interpretive strategy and logical reasoning and interdisciplinary studies and with library and documentary study methods.
Result: The results indicate that the entrance space is the main and inseparable element of the building, especially public complexes, and the larger the scale and generality of the user, the more prominent, appropriate and distinctive the entrance needs. In designing the entrances, it is better to use the background ideas of the circuit related to the culture and function and the relevant native environment. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the qualities of efficiency, responsiveness, readability, socialization and event management, memory and symbolic and symbolic aspect. The results of the field study indicate that in general, in terms of experts, safety and security criteria, identification, strong signs and symbols, and ease of access have a high coefficient of importance in the desirability of ports. The head of technology and information was ranked at the top and the main head of the head was ranked at the bottom, which indicates that the head of technology is relatively high.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Statement problem: Today, due to contradictory approaches and lack of proper orientation, it has unfortunately created inappropriate urban facades and destroyed physical identity in Iranian cities.
Aim: To evaluate the factors affecting the identity of the anatomical views in the historical area of Tabriz city.
Methods: The analytical-inferential method was used. The statistical population was two groups of building users and experts. Structural equation method with Smart Pls software was used to collect information. Results: According to the users, the greatest impact on the physical identity of the facades of the historical context of Tabriz city is related to the destruction of historical facades and personal taste, order and harmony, and the least is related to the corner and the connection line to the ground. According to experts, the most effective is related to human scale and size, facade materials and personal taste. The lowest is related to the corner and connecting line. In the end, both groups were unanimous in the field of least impact, i.e. the criterion of the corner and the line connecting to the ground.
Conclusion: All the examined components have been effective on the anatomical identity of the historical fabric of Tabriz city. Considering the close relationship between physical identity and urban views, it can be said that with proper management of views, tangible physical identity can be achieved.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2022)
Aims:One of the most important issues and challenges facing developing societies is the physical identity of buildings and urban facades. Cities, under the influence of modernity, have an identity problem, and the concept of urban identity in the process of cognition and perception presents a multi-dimensional and complex phenomenon. The physical identity of cities has become an influential category in city lifeThis article is based on the question that - How can a solution or a guideline be formulated to improve the formal identity and exterior appearance of architecture in the capital and a metropolis like Tehran, which is in line with today's tastes and intellectual level? Methods: The research method in this research is qualitative survey and research of applied type, and to answer the research question, first from the library method to examine the effective factors in the formation of physical identity, then through the questionnaire asked from the experts and professors of architecture. is placed
Findings: The statistical population consisted of 273 architecture professors, and finally, among the effective factors with the highest priority among the effective factors in the physical identity of the buildings, the combination of traditional and modern facades, the use of details and decorations in the facades, the use of sustainable materials, the spirit Nowadays, using the past model and paying attention to diversity and avoiding uniformity and homogeneity has had the greatest impact.
Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences between different respondents in their attitude towards facade parameters (mass and joint, openings, architectural details and materials). These results show the multiplicity and variety of trends in the practice of architecture for different jobs. It is also clear that the main reason for the significant difference between the averages is related to the fact that the respondents believe that these parameters had a significant impact on the continuity of the architectural identity.