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Showing 98 results for Gender

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

In semiotics, the denotative relationship is established between the three aspects of the sign, the object, and the interpretation of the same sign, and symbolic processes find endless meanings and this relationship classifies the symbolic, indexical and iconic species. Proverbs are taken from the context of a linguistic community that form multiple meanings and show gender construction. with semiotic studies, the significations of the opposition between man and woman in proverbs can be investigated. In this article, the concept of gender in proverbs of Tati language is investigated with Peirce's semiotic model in order to evaluate and analyze the reflection of their linguistic elements in all kinds of signs. Based on the result, Tati proverbs are mostly in the form of symbolic signs. The highest frequency is objectification and then otherness. The symbolic contrast between male and female gender and the discourse order and hierarchical position of this concept in the form of ideas of superiority/inferiority, value/worthless, human/animal, authoritarianism/weakening, center/periphery, self/other, norm/abnormal, friend/ Enemy and Dominant/Dominant have been classified and conceptualized. This opposition represents the idea of the otherness of the female gender and the superiority of the male gender over it as a dominant discourse. Based on this, the gender structure of this concept can be shaped in relation to the language type of Tat tribes of Northern Khorasan.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Abstract: This paper investigates the polysemy of the Persian word /širin/ from the perspective of cognitive sociolinguistics. It starts with introducing the principles of cognitive sociolinguistics, then investigates the polysemy of the Persian adjective /širin/ within the framework introduced by Robinson (2010), (2012a), (2012b), and (2014), to show that polysemy cannot be reduced to a static state, one and the same for all speakers of the language. In fact, social variables like age and gender affect the way people perceive different senses of the polysemous word. The data is gathered using documentary and field method(library research, interviews, and questionnaires). The research method employed is mixed(quantitative and qualitative). The statistical population is all monolingual Persian speakers living in Tehran, and the sample includes 200 subjects, 100 male and 100 females, in four different age groups of under 18, between 18 and 30, between 30 and 60, and above 60 years old. The results show that different senses of the polysemous word do not have the same distribution among different speakers, both male and female, belonging to different age groups, and are not accidental but explainable in terms of gender and age of the speakers. The results also indicate that cognitive sociolinguistics is more adequate in giving more exact explanations concerning meaning variation in polysemous words and the effect of social variables of age and gender on the number and salience of each sense.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aimed to investigate the effect of gender on the L1-L2 syntactic processing in balanced bilinguals who learned their L2 at the age of seven. Using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (ER-fMRI), Turkish-Persian balanced bilinguals (15 women and 15 men) performed an auditory grammaticality judgment task with an alternating language switching paradigm. Based on the Bilingual Dominance Scale, no significant difference was observed between the participants' proficiency in their L1 (Turkish) and L2 (Persian). Imaging results demonstrated strong neural similarity between men and women in two left-lateralized syntax-specific ROIs (Pars opercularis and posterior superior temporal gyrus), supporting the indistinguishable gender performance during L1-L2 syntactic processing. In addition, in EF-specific areas in right-hemisphere (planum temporale, supplementary motor area, superior parietal lobule and superior frontal gyrus), we did not observe differences in hemispheric recruitment by men and women, evidencing empirically for gender sameness in lateralization. Therefore, the present task and sample are not consistent with the previous claims that women show (a) superior language performance and (b) less lateralization. In general, our findings suggest that L1 and L2 syntactic processing in balanced bilinguals is not affected by the gender parameter.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The aim of the present study was to examine whether Metacognitive Intervention (MI) in their first language (L1) had any significant effect on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ Working Memory (WM) in listening comprehension when they received it. In addition, it measured whether gender had any effect on EFL learners’ listening comprehension when they receive MI through L1. To this end, 60 Iranian EFL learners were selected through a Quick Placement Test and were assigned into two male and female experimental groups. These experimental groups received an eight-week intervention program, designed by the pedagogical cycle proposed by Goh and Vandergrift (2022). After the metacognitive intervention in L1, two posttests including a working memory capacity test and a listening comprehension test were administered. The findings indicated that there was a significant effect on EFL learners’ working memory in listening comprehension after they received MI in L1. It was also found that gender had a significant effect on the EFL learners’ working memory and listening comprehension when they receive MI in L1. The findings might contribute to assisting language instructors to adopt strategy-based approaches to teaching listening. Furthermore, curriculum designers and ELT policymakers might consider metacognitive intervention as an effective teaching approach and add it to EFL learners’ curriculum.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The prototype of any category is the member or set of members of a category that best represents the category as a whole. Not everything fits perfectly in a category. Categories are defined by an intersection of properties that make up their members. The language is set of different categories and we should attend to categories in language teaching. Gender and mother language are among these components that should be considered in the teaching and learning process. Research about prototype is necessity because no basic prototype study, and the impact of gender and mother language on the formation of this concept have not been made among farsi lernears. As a result, one group of forty speakers who were learning Farsi selected. Each group included 20 men and 20 women. Men from Hojjatieh school and women from the Bent-Alhoda center were selected, both under the supervision of the Almustafa international university. In the category of domestic animals, 41.17% of men chose cows, while the same percentage of women chose sheep, horses, and dogs. In the field of sports, in addition to the first choice, the second and third choices of women and men were completely different, men have chosen shooting and cricket, and women have chosen volleyball, football and walking. Also, in the category of vehicles, although both sexes chose airplane as their first choice, their next choices were different, men chose train and car while women chose bus, car and bicycle.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study aims to investigate the representation of gender and intercultural competence in the images and texts of 15 Iranian secondary school English coursebooks, published over six decades. Gender representation was investigated using the framework proposed by Dahmardeh and Kim (2020), and the scale developed by Solhaug and Kristensen (2020) was used as the criteria for investigating intercultural competence. The data were coded and counted using manifest content analysis. The results showed that Iranian English coursebooks mentioned males and females unequally in their texts across different decades, with one gender being represented more in each decade. Regarding gender representation in the images, males were represented more than females in almost all decades. The representation of males and females in the books published in the 1970s was almost equal, followed by extreme and sudden changes in gender representation in the 1980s. However, the books published in and after the 2000s presented a balanced picture of males and females. The coursebooks dealt with intercultural competence in their texts and images very rarely, limiting this concept to religious issues and neglecting other aspects. In fact, the coursebooks addressed only one category out of the 11 categories. Finally, the study ends with implications for coursebook authors, materials designers, teachers, students, and teacher trainers.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

The present study was conducted to identify the empowerment dimensions of female-headed households in rural areas and their effects on food security in Iran country. Statistical population was including 495 women based on the data collected from Statistical Center of Iran. 216 women were selected by using Cochran’s formula. A questionnaire was designed by researchers and its validity and reliability was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach method, respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to compare associations. The results confirmed that grouping work and communication skills, creativity and solving problem, commitment and responsibility, information and specific knowledge, technical skills and operational work, psychological factors, social factors, political factors, economic factors, managerial factors and educational factors had significant effects on food security. Commitment and responsibility, economic factors and grouping work had highest effects on food security, respectively. Job empowerment predicted 75.00% of variance of food security and it is suggested considering job empowerment of female-headed households in rural areas for decreasing food insecurity

Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2009)

Abstract Sexual discrimination is one of the most important problems that can threat social discipline, development and even political constancy of society. Sexual discrimination appears by such factors as individuals' life situation and prevailed culture. The main aim of the present work is to study about the sexual discrimination of families in rural areas. According to the developmental process, the role of women as half of the active work force, can not be neglected. Thus the present study was mainly accomplished for the reasons that may affect sexual discrimination emotions in the villages of Gilan province in 2007. To do so, different ideas have been investigated of which both sexual discrimination theory and sexual discrimination theory of Bloom Berg were used in this work to understand the sexual discrimination in village women. The sample population consisted of all the women who lived in all villages of Guilan province. 300 of these women were chosen by means of accident – classified method, Literature review and survey. The results showed that over half of these women felt the sexual discrimination.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Spending leisure time under the influence of economic-social developments and global values ​​is one of people's concerns. This research aimed to compile the political relations of serious leisure with the intention of travel and mediation of place attachment among men and women trekking Tehran's Tochal Mountain. The research method was a descriptive correlation implemented in the field. The statistical population of the research is trekking tourists who stay 12 nights a year at the resorts of this mountain. PASS software was used to determine the sample size. Finally, 275 samples participated in the research. In order to collect data, the questionnaires of Gould et al. (2008), Ramkinson et al. (2013) and Zhang et al. (2016) were used. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used using SPSS version 25 and Lisrel version 8.8 software. The results showed that the two changes of serious leisure and place attachment could predict approximately 24% of the acceptance change related to travel intention. For this reason, one of the important factors for increasing people's intention to travel for leisure activities is place attachment. Also, the findings show no difference between male and female trekkers of Tochal mountain in terms of serious leisure, place attachment and travel intention score.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

Abstract this research is going to examine amount of adaptation or no adaptation of formal gender identity between ethnics, and to analysis it, wants to answer this question that do material and nonmaterial resources of identity relate with adaptation of formal gender identity or not? and is there any difference between these 3 ethnics in amount of adaptation or no adaptation of formal gender identity? for answering the questions of research , experiential method has been used statistical population of project is 377 persons of girl & boy students from 18 - 29 years old that are ( first or second year) in bachelor's degree among 3 ethnics of Kurd/Lor/Turk that were resident in Tehran universities dormitories. sampling method was quota and questionnaires have been tools of information gathering . The results of analysis indicated that there is relation between identity resources and amount of adaptation of formal gender identity. Among identity resources, religiosity , ethnic gender stereotype and gender explained the most changes of dependant variable .Kurds had the least and Lors had the most adaptation of formal gender identity.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

This research is going to examine the amount of adaptation or non - adaptation of formal gender identity among the different ethnics and to analysis this, it wants to answer these questions that ''Do material and nonmaterial resources of identity relate with adaptation of formal gender identity or not''? And is there any difference between the ethnics of Turks, loves and Kords in the amount of adaptation or non- adaptation of formal gender identity? Experiential method was used for answering these questions. Statistical population of the project is 377 girl and boy students aged 18-29 years. The were in the in Bachelor's degree from among the three ethnics of Kurd/Lor/Turk residing in the dormitories of Tehran universities. The Sampling method was quota and questionnaires have were tools of information gathering. The results of analysis indicated that there is a relation between the identity resources and the amount of adaptation of formal gender the identity. Among identity resources, religiosity, ethnic gender stereotype and gender explained the most changes of dependant variable. Kurds had the least and Lors had the most adaptation of formal gender identity.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Unwillingness-to-communicatation in a foreign language (UTC) on the part of learners, which is a tendency to avoid oral communication, is one of the main problems of language teachers. In a way, if the source of this unwillingness is determined, language teachers can decide better about those students who seem reluctant in the communication and usually avoid interactions. Yet the extent of this unwillingness is not constant among different individuals and it can be the result of many diverse factors. This study has focused on the relationship between the students' personality traits and their UTC, and the role of gender in the levels of UTC. In so doing, two highly validated measures of NEO Five Factor Model (NEO-FFM) and UTC scale of unwillingness to communicate were administered to 250 participants from four universities. The results of step-wise multiple regression showed that, from the five factors of personality (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness to experience and agreeableness), extraversion was the best predictor of UTC. The second and the third predictive variables were neuroticism and conscientiousness, respectively. While extraversion and conscientiousness had a negative relationship with UTC, neuroticism had a positive correlation. Moreover, the results of t-test proved no significant difference between the two groups of males and females with respect to their levels of UTC. In the end, drawing on the relevant literature, the results of the study have been discussed and the importance of findings has been explicated for teachers and language teaching practitioners.
Fa'zel Asadi Amjad, Yasser Zolfiqari ,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2009)

Among contemporary playwrights, screenplay writers, and film directors, David Mamet is undoubtedly one of the best and most famous, especially in America. This study tries to analyze Glengarry Glen Ross, the best-known work of Mamet, which received Pulitzer Prize. We have chosen New Historicism as our main approach and we resort to Foucault's views and ideas in order to have a richer conceptual framework. The main concern of this paper is to analyze the concept of gender identity, the direct interrelation between power and sexuality, and the trace of this interrelation in social and business challenges. This study also discusses the traces of American capitalism as a circulating and dominant discourse and the way it exercises its power over different classes. Furthermore, it tries to give an account of David Mamet's attitude on gender roles. Finally, the paper deals with the question of language as a means of linking and signifying gender and power.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2012)

The present research is a case study of gender differences of language usage in a pair of non-identical twins (a boy [Arsham] and a girl [Arshida]), performed on their using in Farsi Lexicon. The descriptive-analytic research is based on Mac-Arthur-Bates’s Communicative Development Inventories (CDI), according to which the twin’s lexicon has been divided into 22 categories, to which two extra categories are added. The language corpus is the twin’s recorded daily speech including 2535 words, categorized based on the framework. The frequency of each lexical group is evaluated throughout the research, together with the analysis of data accomplished by dependent T-test. The T-test results illustrated that there is a significant difference (p< 0.05) between the average of the twin’s usage only within the groups of 6, 10 and 16 as well as on their score of total scale (diagram 1 and table 26). This is while their average is near to each other in all other groups. Arsham’s average is higher than Arshida’s in any case of significant difference, showing his better doing in some groups. In the groups number 2 and 13, their doing and average is the same. Other similarities and differences in their lexicon can be summarized as follows: 1) Verbs in their lexicon have the highest frequency; 2) Abstract words have the least frequency; 3) Broadness and variety in the boy’s lexicon is more than the girl’s (of the whole corpus, 56.25% is devoted to the boy and 43.74% to the girl).

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Method and Materials: after epistemological collapse of rational-technocratic planning which resulted in professional collapse, urban planning theory have got new capacity to study the sociological urban changes and analyze the influence of different discourses on constructing urban spaces. Based on this postmodern understanding of urban planning as a main product of historical challenges in “theology-gender” field of contemporary Iran, urban space seems to be the ground of conflicts between two forces: feminine social force VS theology of gender governance.
Goal: after literature review of planning theory evolution in past decades, this paper is going to study Ne’matollah Fazeli’s theory of “feminization of city” in the context of theological discourses of governing gender urban spaces, after Islamic revolution 1979.  
Findings: from the perspective of theology of urban planning, it looks that we should segregate between two different discourses in revolution: Veiling and Piety; the former traditional discourse willing to hold women at home out of masculine public sphere while the latter, revolutionary discourse advocates of women political participation in a respectful, cleaned from sexual harassments. Conclusion: Iranian urban space from a gender sensitive view is construction of contestation between these two discourses of veiling VS piety, embedded by two different forces of feminization of urban spaces and patriarchal reaction. A prominent example is the Holy Shrine in Mashhad which includes two opposite spaces: in the new build hall of “Imam Khomeini Ravaagh” we confront an unsegregated space of male and female attendance, while the old part of Holy Shrine is the chambers assigned for men, making walls to veil women from the main part.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)

The present study aimed to provide a comprarative analysis of the performance of Persian monoligual and Azari-Persian bilingual adolescents in comprehension of Persian proverbs. The study has been made on the basis of the constraint satisfaction model, within which the effect of the variables of “linguistic context”, “familiarity” and “gender” is examined on their “speed of comprehension”. The corpus includes 142 high school students in two groups of monolingual and bilingual individuals. The proverb comprehension test has been provided as a testing software­ in which the data are saved in the textual format and the response timing is saved in milliseconds. Data analysis was performed by a two-way analysis of variance. The research findings illustrated the significant effect of the variables studied, that by itself supports the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction model, as its theoretical base, in the comprehension of Persian proverbs.  

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)

This study attempts to evaluate one of the language use differences among women and men according to the Dominance Theory. The main purpose of the study is thus to investigate speech interruption as the participatory dominance factor based on the Dominance Theory in the Persian community and three affecting factors on interruption (direct statements, subject deviation and verbs and adverbs of uncertainty). Speech interruption and three affecting factors on interruption have been evaluated in the single and cross-sex societies. The data required were obtained from 40 two-stage interviews (10 men and 10 women students in the age range of 18-24 years). The men and women of this study in single and cross-sex societies, based on speech interruption factor, showed different linguistic behaviors and the linguistic representation of gender-based attitude in the Persian community was tangible. The relationship of each affecting factor on interruption with interruption was determined. The findings suggest that the framework provided by Dominance Theory in Persian community is inefficient.        

Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2018)

The present study, aiming to discover the relation between social variable of gender and the language characteristics of women writers, seeks to investigate gender markers in two novels named “Aashaqoni” (I Love Myself) by Sanaa Shaalan (The best Jordanian feminine novel in 2013) and “Parandeye Man” (My bird) by Fariba Wafi (The best Persian feminine novel in 2002) based on Lakoff pattern using a descriptive-analytical method. The results show that nearly one fourth of the words in “Aashaqoni” have feminine language characteristics, and women language in over a quarter of the words in “Parandeye Man” indicates a feminine narrator. Since the writers of both novels are women writing about women, the frequency of feminine jargon is high in the novels. Employing exact and specific delineation and using diverse color terms are other feminine language features of these novels. Due to low confidence resulting from living in a masculine world, women in both novels use adverbs indicating doubt, uncertainty, and intensity more and employ a polite language in their conversations through avoiding taboo words and using indirect requests that indicates the language structures of cautious and base narrators. 

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)

Gender archaeology is a branch of social archaeology, which was born in the 80s.Itfocouses on the investigation of gender identity and role as social issues in different societies. The Sasanian dynasty was one of the empires of ancient Iran, dating back to 224 - 651 A.D. (Frye 274: 2001). The research investigates the social inequality between men and women in Sasanidempire, Iran. The exertion of some kinds of gender discrimination and men superiority has appeared in archaeological records and Sasanid texts. The presentation of women in the archaeological evidence such as visual arts are rare,in comparison to men. The research follows a comparative method in data analyzing. Based on the above mentioned evidences, this research examines women’s social status and their role in Sasanid society in comparison to other gender groups such as men and children.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Aims: The main goal of the upcoming research is to explain the principles and spatial qualities of campuses based on the environmental preferences of female students.
Methods The nature of the research is qualitative and exploratory based on the methodology of content analysis and semi-structured in-depth interviews with a total of 40 female students of the faculties of literature and humanities and basic sciences in each of the two studied universities of Tehran and Shahid beheshti is done.
Findings: According to the narrative of female students, eight criteria of urban location, university campus structure plan, faculty architecture plan, likeability, university brand, attention to the dignity and rights of female students, the attractiveness of university activities and events, and the importance of hangout in the university are among the environmental qualities. It is effective in improving the presence of female students in university campuses.
Conclusion: Based on the environmental preferences of women, in addition to physical factors, non-physical factors are also effective in the presence of women in university campuses. In addition, the space may have a suitable physical quality, but it is gendered in a way that gives the woman the feeling of being subjugated and under control. For this purpose, the physical qualities of university campuses are necessary and not sufficient to promote the presence of girls.

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