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Showing 11 results for Functional Linguistics

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2014)

In the present study, which has been done from critical discourse analysis perspective, the authors focus on the media news, since it is the media that puts as a topic of discourse analysis more than other texts. The general purpose of the present paper is based on an analytical framework in order to study the order of the contemporary media discourse. The authors intend to analyze the nonverbal factor influences on the choice of words used in the media news. In general, the data, which have been used in this research, are Persian news of four radios including Iran, USA, Farda, and Israel. The authors are going to analyze them in the framework of the strategies such as lexical generalization, address forms, and over lexicalization. The methodology of the research is comparative  in which the shared news of the studied radios are compared to each other.

Volume 6, Issue 6 (12-2015)

Sa’di’s Gulistan has always been considered as one of the most important sublime masterpieces of Persian literature. Regarding to stylistic researches on Gulistan, one of the peculiarities of Sa’di’s artistic techniques is to select the verbs in such a way to reflect the influence of didactic qualities. In Halliday’s systemic functional grammar, the verb category is also considered as a process of transitivity system (grammatical ability for representation of experience in language), ideational and experiential meta-functions. The study of the types and frequencies of the processes leads to the achievement of the author’s mental status and style. In the stylistic study of texts, transitivity system makes it possible to select the processes systematically and to represent the author’s intentions. The goal of this article is to study the main components of masterpieces like Gulistan and to describe its features. To attain this goal, having explained the processes and its types, seven parts of Gulistan (the first seven Babs) and their frequencies are studied at the first step. The study reveals that Sa’di has paid attention to the selection of the processes and the capability of the simultaneous artistic repetitions besides meaning and rhythm. Since most Sadi’s examples are of behavioral nature, it is concluded that the main concentration of Gulistan is on humans, social relationship and the didactic principles.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2016)

One of the prevalent questions in the realm of Persian sonnet is related to its cohesion. The present article, using Halliday and Hassan's systemic-functional approach to cohesion, tries to analyze and describe the presence of cohesion in Persian sonnet. Henceforth, after using their proposed model in cohesion, defining the principles of non-structural cohesion and differentiating it from the structural cohesion, this article takes on a descriptive approach towards the analysis of a sonnet by Hafiz. Accordingly, this article tries to analyze the ways in which cohesion comes to existence in a sonnet by Hafiz, and at the same time provide the reader with a methodology for analyzing non-structural cohesion in Persian sonnets. However, the author proposes three new-found principles which could be of high importance in such a model, that is, epithet, and figurative connectedness in contiguity axis as well as similarity axis 

Volume 8, Issue 6 (3-2017)

In Systemic-Functional linguistics, language is a system of meanings along with forms through them, meanings are recognized. In Halliday's Systemic-Functional linguistics, beside the Experiential and Interpersonal meta function, which are based on the experiences and expressing interpersonal relationships, there is another semantic component, called textual meta function, which is in complementary distribution with the basic meta functions. In this meta-function, the chains and sequences in discourse are formed and as the words go forth, the continuity of the speech flow is also organized. Language makes a communication between itself and the texture and according the context and its specific characteristics, create the text. The present study makes an attempt to analyze and consider the linguistic features of Ruzbehan Baqli in one of his books, Abhar al-Asheqin,based on the textual meta function of language to discover semantic system of the text and the manner it establishes the relationship with the readers. To this end, some parts of this book were selected to find out what kinds of themes are used by the writer to keep the text coherent and what kinds of the themes helped him adhere to the principles and rules of Persian grammar and the order of the grammatical components of sentences. Then, by determining the percentage of the themes and the frequency of them, it became clear that the percentage and the frequency of textual themes is more than interpersonal ones. It shows that coherence and harmony in Abhar al-Asheqin is high enough so that it makes the logical and semantic relation between the clauses in this book. While, the interpersonal theme shows attitude, emotion and judgment of the speaker in relation to the message. Using continuous, structural, and additional themes, play an important role in the conjunction of the words and the cohesion between the textures and the extension of the concept in the interconnected sections. Also, using experiential theme shows that the writer has focused on that specific part of the text.
Hossein Razavian, Vajiheh Ehsani,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (3-2015)

Scholars have different methods for grouping or determining the style of the literary works. So it sounds inevitable to have disagreement on how to determine the style of a work. In this paper we do not seek to confirm or reject common stylistics methods; rather we are proposing a new criterion as an indicator of style, namely, the metaphor of transitivity as a grammatical metaphor. To this end, Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni are studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The metaphors of transitivity from these works are extracted and compared. The frequency of such metaphor in Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jennicompared to Modir-e Madrese is much less. In Golestan these metaphors represents the conversion of mental processes to the existential ones and then the mental to the relational processes. In Modir-e Madrese, however, there is a unique employment of the metaphors of transitivity that represents the conversion of relational processes to the material ones and then the verbal processes to material.  Our study presents a model for using grammatical metaphor as a stylistic unit. In the chosen works, there is a significant difference between both the frequency and the type of metaphors of transitivity.        

Volume 11, Issue 1 (12-2023)

As an effective instrument in functional linguistics for examining the factors affecting the inference of meanings, situational context probes the relationship of words and sentences to instances outside the language system. The study of this context leads to an understanding of the meanings of literary techniques, including epithets. epithets are the artistic use of adjectives in the speech that has different meanings in the context of literary speech. With a descriptive-analytical method and the American school of comparative literature, the study seeks to analyze the semantics of epithets in the poetry of Hafez Mousavi (1954), the contemporary Iranian poet, and Wadī‛ Sa‛ādah (1948), according to Halliday’s Functional Linguistics. The results showed that the meanings of the epithets in two poets’ poetry could be divided into two categories-- dark and light. The frequency of dark epithets was higher than light ones due to the depiction of social issues. However, there is often a glimmer of hope throughout their poetry. Narrativity and appropriate verbs are the most prominent features of the stylistic epithets in the two poets’ poetry. The poets’ choices as the prominent participants in the clauses caused their direct presence in the poetry space. The Notification mood is frequent in the clauses, inducing the concept of probability and commonality in the form of the dependency aspect element because the two poets choose epithets as an arena to express their biographies and societies.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (10-2020)

Difficulties of the legal language is something that everyone has heard something about that and may have ideas about the problem. It is being said that the way to solve the problem with the legal language is that we try to write the articles of the codes in an easy language and method and to use editing instruments. From a linguistic point of view it is not just the matter of easy writing but it is a problem which needs some basic theoretical hypothesis to show us a scientific method to deal with the problem. In this study, subject matter analysis is done through the functional approach as proposed and outlined in Halliday’s approach. The author believes that it is not enough to consider the linguistic character of the articles of the legal codes or the texts of law, but we needs to consider instead the communicative aspects and the way the legislator convey the massage.
This paper aims to study how the Criminal Procedure Code of Iran to convey meaning and to communicate and transfer message to the audience based on Halliday’s functionalism regarding communicative and functional roles of language.  Based on that approach, the Code is expected to communicate with the audience and convey meaning and message through a variety of linguistic functions. Each article in the code contains a variety of actions and topics which the legislator tries to convey to the audience using linguistic and metalinguistic factors. In this paper an attempt is made to represent the three experimental, interpersonal and textual metafunctions in the articles of the Code.
Legal mechanisms, expressed through language propositions, are subordinate to the contextual and structural requirements of language for meaning. Functional theory defines three metafunctions as contextual and structural requirements for expressing any linguistic contents. To consider the empirical-logical, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions is necessary to analyze the difficulties of the legal language in general and the language of the law in special. The key question is: what is this difficulty? The functional hypothesis is that this difficulty lies in the way information is presented by the text and in the way the text to communicate. By focusing on Articles 1 to 7 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 2013, The present paper showed that in these articles, passive structure of the verb, substitution of the subject with the abstract expressions and conversion of concrete verbs to ideational create a huge amount of interpretation imposed on the reader. It has implicated the role of judicial authorities in the exercise of power in the form of constructive and empirical and material constituent elements in cases where they must be held accountable. This form of information gives a dominant position to the judicial authorities against the accused in contrast with the protection of civil rights enshrined in Article 7.
Findings confirmed the desirable performance of the functional theory in the field of the articles of the Code. Halliday’s Functionalism shows that the main problem in respect with the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code is not just restricted to the linguistic features but the main problem arises from the communicative strategies which the legislator uses to convey meaning to the audience. In this way the interpretive implications have the most parasitic role which do not let the audience easily communicate and direct with the message being conveyed. The results of this study showed that a proper packaging of Information, regarding the functional aspects, is a useful way to achieve the goals of an easy writing movements too. Proper packaging of information, will help us resolve the difficulties in both sides of writing and communicating.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2021)

The present paper on the reverse flow of Grammatical metaphor has surveyed the usage of grammatical metaphor in two varieties of Scientific articles- medical academic articles and medical popularized articles- with the same topics.
This subject was chosen to be studied aiming to discover the differences between language structures that scientific journalists and academic authors use to transfer scientific ideas and issues in their articles. Grammatical metaphor is the concept that Halliday uses in Systemic functional grammar and it means changing one grammatical category to another; in this process verbs and adjectives change to noun and clauses to nominal groups as well. This process leads to increase of lexical density and also complexity and abstraction of the text. Findings of this study show that authors of popularized scientific articles to publish their writings in mass media, usually simplify the grammatical structures in addition to lexicon. To reach this aim and also to justify simplified texts with the normal and congruent process of transferring meanings via language, avoid using grammatical metaphor in their texts.
  1.  Introduction
The language used by experts in scientific journals and programs to maintain scientific credibility is a specialized and Technical language that may be incomprehensible to the general public. To facilitate understanding way, the media and science reporters and journalists build bridges between professionals and the general public using appropriate language structures. One of the linguistic tools available to scientific journalists in implementing this serious matter is changing  some grammatical structures to another; The structure that is considered here is the phenomenon that was named "grammatical metaphor", which is how its effect on the simplification and popularization of the language of science is examined in this article.
2. Methodology
Grammatical metaphor is a metaphor that replaces a grammatical structure with another and conveys a similar meaning. In other words, replacing one grammatical form with another grammatical form is called grammatical metaphor.
The main manifestation of the grammatical metaphor is nominalization. Nominalization is the most common type of grammatical metaphor at the lexical level that increases the density of information.
This structure, which is considered as one of the features and characteristics of the language of science, increases the lexical density and, consequently, the semantic complexity of scientific texts.
According to the studies that have been done in this field so far, grammatical metaphor is of special importance in the evolution of scientific writings and is a characteristic feature of this type of discourse.
In this research, the authors also try to examine and compare the corpuses  that has been selected from technical and popularized Persian scientific texts and answer the question of whether the use of grammatical metaphor in these two styles of same linguistic species is different, and how can this be explained if there is a difference?
The data of the present study in the specialized scientific language section are taken from one hundred technical medical articles in the fields of cardiovascular diseases, neurology, breast cancer, diabetes and MS published in scientific-research journals approved by the Ministry of Health. Also, in the mass media section, one hundred articles with similar topics to technical articles have been selected from the scientific pages of widely circulated newspapers and the scientific sections of cyberspace databases.
After collecting the data, it was necessary to measure the frequency of using grammatical metaphors in data from scientific-research articles and popularized scientific articles in the field of medical disciplines mentioned.
The aim is to investigate the differences in the frequency of usage of grammatical metaphor in scientific-specialized texts and popularized scientific texts and also to examine the results of these differences in recognizing the characteristics of grammatical metaphor in different linguistic types.
To achieve this goal, first the sentences of one hundred scientific-research articles and one hundred popularized scientific articles with similar topics were identified. then sentences and clauses containing grammatical metaphors in both types of articles also were recognized.
In the next step the congruent expression corresponding to each of them was reconstructed and the lexical density of each of these two types of expression was measured to reveal all the aspects of reverse flow of grammatical metaphor.
Then the results were statistically, analytically and descriptively reviewed to provide an appropriate answer to this question that what is the use of grammatical metaphor construction in two different types of Persian scientific language and how grammatical, lexical and discourse consequences related to this difference affect readers' understanding of science.
After analyzing the data of this research, it was found that the authors of technical scientific articles used 44.53% grammatical metaphor in expressing their content and the authors of popularized scientific articles used about 10.94% of this construction.
The frequency of grammatical metaphor in the technical and popularized article

For this reason, readers often have difficulty understanding the content of specialized articles with a high rate of usage of grammatical metaphor, which leads to the formation of long sentences with high lexical density.
This is due to the different nature of the two figures in expressing the same meaning. The scientific language used by experts often results in a different interpretation of the experience by changing the structure of the adaptive language, and the use of grammatical metaphor is one way to achieve these different interpretations. For this reason, readers often have difficulty understanding the content of specialized articles with a high rate of grammatical metaphor - which leads to long sentences with high lexical density -. The reverse flow of grammatical metaphor that occurs in the writing of public science articles is an effective tool for conceptualizing science for the general public.

Volume 18, Issue 73 (10-2021)

A deep understanding of literary texts strongly depends on understanding the factors that contributed to their creation. One of these factors is how an author is inspired by the intellectual poetics of other literary figures. The present study seeks to use a functional linguistic framework to investigate the influence of Shahriar’s language and mind on Hooshang Ebtehaj’s ghazals and closely analyze the latter’s tendency towards Shahriar’s poetic style. These influences can be divided into three types: imitative (based on repetition), combined (based on repetition and intra-process change), and interpretative (based on repetition and extra-process change). Our findings suggest that Ebtehaj tends towards change and creativity instead of mere imitation. The factors contributing to Ebtehaj’s inspiration from Shahriar’s poetics include his love of Shahriar and his works, the popularity of Shahriar’s works, and the role of audience as well as the historical context.

Volume 19, Issue 76 (4-2022)

A deep understanding of literary texts strongly depends on understanding the factors that contributed to their creation. One of these factors is how an author is inspired by the intellectual poetics of other literary figures. The present study seeks to use a functional linguistic framework to investigate the influence of Shahriar’s language and mind on Hooshang Ebtehaj’s ghazals and closely analyze the latter’s tendency towards Shahriar’s poetic style. These influences can be divided into three types: imitative (based on repetition), combined (based on repetition and intra-process change), and interpretative (based on repetition and extra-process change). Our findings suggest that Ebtehaj tends towards change and creativity instead of mere imitation. The factors contributing to Ebtehaj’s inspiration from Shahriar’s poetics include his love of Shahriar and his works, the popularity of Shahriar’s works, and the role of audience as well as the historical context.

Volume 31, Issue 2 (5-2024)

Objective: This study aims to find the most suitable type of oral narrative for assessing the transitivity system used by hearing-impaired students studying in ordinary schools with their hearing counterparts.
Methods: Three types of oral narratives, including personal narration, storytelling, and story improvisation were collected. The participants were eighteen hearing-impaired students (selected as an available sample) along with eighteen hearing students. Oral narratives were transcribed and analyzed using Halliday's transitivity system framework. And data analysis was carried out using SPSS 26 and based on the normality of the data in each of the transitivity indicators, two-independent samples t-tests and U Mann-Whitney tests were conducted.
Results: Findings revealed that all three types of oral narratives of hearing-impaired students contained transitivity indicators lower than average, this difference was significant for processes (p=0.047) and participants (p=0.029) in improvisation, and for circumstances only in Personal narrative (p=041). However, in the total three types of narratives, the median difference between the two groups is significant in all transitivity indices (p= 0.24, p=0.022, and p=0.001 for processes, participants, and circumstances respectively).
Conclusion: In light of the results of this research, the storytelling task, which is the most widely used form of assessment in communication disorders, cannot capture the narrative weaknesses of hearing-impaired students enrolled in regular schools, and it is necessary to use more spontaneous narrative tasks such as personal narration and improvisation of narrative in evaluating and rehabilitating these children.

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