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Showing 10 results for Epistemology

Volume 1, Issue 1 (11-2009)

This paper is focused on fuzzy theory of democracy. Here, it has been argued that the theory of democracy provides a two-valued description of political order (democratic or non democratic).However, this account of democracy is not consistent with the scientific truth. Democracy is characterized by fuzzy truth. Thus, following a critical discussion on the epistemology of critical rationality, a fuzzy epistemic apparatus has been formulated. Considering the fuzzy epistemology, it has been claimed that on this epistemic horizon, every thing is relatively calibrated and truth is something between zero and one. Also, in the mentioned apparatus, the black and white truth transforms into a gray truth and all follow the principle of uncertainty. Consequently, in the fuzzy epistemology, the membership function of zero and one will be generalized to a fuzzy membership based on a range of zero and one. To support the above mentioned epistemic apparatus, the writer of the paper has provided an empirical argument. The evidences the writer provides indicate that democracy as a truth represents values in the range of zero to one. The value of zero represents a completely non democratic country and the value of one represents a full democratic one. Any other value between zero to one is an indicator of a mixed category consisting of both democratic and non democratic aspects. Finally, based on the empirical evidences, it has been concluded that the U.S.A, England, Japan, Turkey, India, France, and Iran (1998-2003) are of democratic countries, albeit the kind and degree of democracies vary

Volume 2, Issue 2 (11-2022)

Criticizing the history of philosophy and epistemology definitely requires great courage, because the effects and consequences of this can lead to dangerous results. When we ignore any metaphysical and superhuman beings and generally explain any epistemological issues in the explanation of our knowledge strategy, then the result can lead to nihilism, absurdism, disorder and anarchism. It can be dangerous and toxic both for the individual and for the society. While we expect to encounter such nihilistic thought in Rorty's thought, on the contrary, the philosopher in question claims that his thought will not be led to what was mentioned. Rather, it seeks pleasure, happiness and happiness for humans, because although there is no longer talk of truth and goodness, but by expanding the solidarity between human "us" as much as possible, it seeks to change this road and move towards a human utopia. Our purpose of writing this article is to investigate and analyze the position of the epistemological foundations of ethics in Rorty's thought.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2025)

Atheists often believe that modern science supports their viewpoint. Some claim that the metaphysical basis of contemporary science leaves no room for religious beliefs, asserting that there is a fundamental incompatibility between science and theism. However, a couple of philosophers argue that this claim is misguided and that there are actually compelling reasons to see a profound compatibility between theism and science. In this paper, we will demonstrate, based on Alvin Plantinga's epistemology on one hand and Al-Ghazali's hermeneutic theory on the other, that not only is there no serious conflict between science and theistic beliefs, but we can also view them as interdependent.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2025)

The Noble Quran states some epsitemic effects for gratitude as a moral virtue. Rosponsibilist approach in virtue epistemology can answer why there are such effects. Among virtue epistemologists only from Roberts' moral and epistemic ideas we can obtain necessary basis for this kind of answer. We firstly give a definition of gratitude from the Quranic perspective. Then comes Roberts' definition of gratitude. Next we compare these two definitions. We secondly give a definition of gratitude as a moral virtue from the Quranic perspective. Then comes Roberts' definition. Next we compare these two definition. We thirdly distinguish between five categories of epistemic effects of gratitude in the Quran: gratitude and sign, gratitude and faith, gratitude and guidance, gratitude and epistemic faculties, gratitude and wisdom. Then comes Roberts' epistemology and on that basis epistemic effects of gratitude. Next we explain epistemic effects of gratitude in the Noble Quran on the basis of Roberts' epistemic ideas.


Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2025)

My problem in this article is to examine the point of view of Browne, Rypka, Levy, and Arberry, who consider Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī to be an immoral traitor. By philosophical analysis and adopting an epistemological approach, I show that his historical argument has three major flaws. First, some premises include value concepts/judgments. Second, they have drawn a conclusion containing value concepts/judgments. Thirdly, the historical reports mentioned by them are not accurate and complete, nor are they considered in the context of that time, nor are they even mentioned with regard to the entire works and life of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī. A historical look leads us to the conclusion that presenting such a view of has two main reasons. First, until 1968, many and detailed researches about Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī and his history and era had not been done. Second, not only Tūsī is a complex and interesting character, but also the time and events of his period.

Volume 6, Issue 7 (3-2015)

Among the linguistic tools that can assist researcher in investigating the relationship between the speaker and the audience, are the linguistic "modalities" which are manifested usually in the form of affective speech acts. Some kinds of texts in which are manifested more colorful the speaker’s mentalities, feelings and values, imply the affective acts; also in Masnavi  that benefits from  the literary diversities, this feature allows the speaker to use language as a social reality and on the way to create communication with the audience, the diversity of linguistic modalities is undeniable.
Due to the linguistic characteristics of mysticism, studying those linguistic modals that reflect the ontological and epistemological aspects of text is important. This article aims to show how the speaker by the use of modals known as logical modals, can successfully form his ideas and states into words and by this way informs the audience on his intellectual and value system. For this purpose, this article refers to the provided classifications of the various linguistic modals; hence first it explains the relationship between the modal semi-auxiliary verbs and the epistemological system governing the text and then analyzes the text in accordance with these tools.
Ayoob Moradi,
Volume 14, Issue 55 (10-2021)

Ever since Brian McHale emphasized the modern epistemological and ontological element in the separation of the modern novel from the postmodern novel, the subject of the dominant element has been considered in most postmodern research. McHale believed that in modern novels the dominant element is epistemological issues. Postmodern novels, on the other hand, pay more attention to ontological issues. Epistemology is a part of philosophical knowledge that has gained special importance during the last three centuries and its subject is the study of the issue of cognition and its characteristics. McHale believed that modern novels address questions in both content and structure that revolve around the issue of cognition. Questions such as how is cognition achieved? Where is the scope of awareness? What is the structure of knowledge? The novel "The Great Magician's Conversation with the Queen of the Colorful Islands" tells the story of a day in the life of a teenager named Rahi who becomes a guest of a family that has lost its child. In this work, the author has made the subject of cognition the subject of narration both in content and structure. The present study has used a descriptive-analytical method to study the dominant epistemological element in this novel. The results show that in this work, Khanian has examined the characteristics, conditions and scope of cognition by using approaches such as the function of linguistic signs in the matter of consciousness, the issue of intentionality and the subject of dynamics in consciousness.
Extended abstract
Problem statement: Bryan McHale believes that in distinguishing modern novels from postmodern novels, we must return to the subject of the "dominant" first raised by Roman Jacobson, who considers epistemology to be the dominant theme of modern novels and the dominant theme of postmodern novels. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the dominant epistemological issue in the adolescent novel "The Conversation of the Great Witch with the Queen of the Island of Colors" by Jamshid Khanian. Jamshid Khanian is one of the writers of the age group of children and adolescents, who in his works, in addition to using new writing techniques, reflects new concerns and ideas. The current research, in addition to providing a practical model for recognizing the characteristics of the dominant epistemology in literary works, will show some of the semantic capacities of the novel "The Great Wizard's Conversation with the Queen of the Island of Colors". The present article has been done in a descriptive-analytical method
Research findings:
 Jamshid Khanian is one of the writers of the age group of children and adolescents who in the process of creating his fictional works pays attention to both formal and content issues. “The Great Wizard Conversation with the Queen of the Island of Colors” focuses on cognition both in design and content. The epistemological concerns in the text of this novel have a special expression in the form of content issues and the form of narration. Khanian, both in the whole narrative and in the dialogues of the characters, has considered the subject of linguistic signs and its components, namely the signifier and the signified, as well as the quality of the relationship between these two components. In his view, linguistic signs, as the main tool available to human subjects in representing facts, are by no means expressive; But humans have no choice but to use these signs. According to this author, children and adolescents use more initiative in the process of assigning signs, i.e., written and written forms to meanings, i.e. mental forms, and this issue in naming different phenomena, places and emotions by the main character that is, "Rahi" is observed. The book is also devoted to the process of formation of consciousness in the minds of subjects. Taking into account the phenomenological approaches of the famous contemporary philosopher Edmund Husserl, the author has depicted the subject of different effects and multiplicity of phenomena according to the type of attention and also attention of the subjects to these phenomena in the form of story events. In different parts of the story, we see situations in which the hidden attention and intentions of the cognitive actor cause different manifestations of things and phenomena. The issue of constant change in consciousness is another issue in the field of epistemology that has been considered in this story. Apart from the contextual attention to this major approach in the category of cognition, the structure of the narrative in this novel is designed in such a way that the reader's consciousness is constantly subject to change and transformation. This story is narrated in 54 separate sections. The individual parts begin and move forward when Rahi's character enters Ms. Parsa's room, and the couple parts are dedicated to narrating the events from morning to noon on the day of the story. This special type of narration has caused the reader to face topics and conversations in the individual sections that s/he is not aware of, and it is in the process of reading the couple sections that s/he becomes aware of the history of the conversations. This makes the reader's consciousness always change; As in the initial encounter with the conversations between the characters, a mentality is formed in him, which changes as the narrative progresses. This situation leads the reader of the novel to conclude at the end of the reading that believing in certainty in the subject's understanding of the phenomena can have harmful consequences.
The results show that in this work, Khanian has examined the characteristics, conditions and scope of cognition by using approaches such as the function of linguistic signs in the matter of consciousness, the issue of intentionality and the subject of dynamics in consciousness.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (10-2012)

The term paradigm has become a central issue in philosophy of science. Increasing attention to paradigm in public administration, as a branch of social science, is also highlighted. This paper attempts to analysis seven paradigms in public administration research and to study ontological, epistemological, methodological, rhetorical and axiological assumptions of the each paradigm. Finally, we briefly offer some potential areas of public administration that can be informed by seven research paradigm.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2016)

While the era of spiritual education for children in the West is developing as an academic field of enquiry but attention to it in educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in academic researches is inconsiderable; The lack of models and theories for addressing spiritual development in the context of education span development theories that did not include the spiritual. So, there are theoretical gaps to be filled. Accordingly, this research suggests and designs an Islamic model for children's spiritual education based on philosophy of education of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic teachings. For the purpose, in the first section of the paper, the concept of spirituality is explored based on Philosophy of Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran and then three main worldviews in relate to spiritual education for children in the West are explored and critiqued. So according to the theoretical foundations of formal and general education of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the concept of children's spiritual education is explored in dimensions of ontology, epistemology, axiology and anthropology. In the second section of the paper, its educational principles and methods using the Frankna induction is derived.

Volume 28, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Feelings of spiritual hollowness and fading away spirituality are characteristics of the present century. Also, the emergence of false spiritual schools has led to the collapse of spiritual life. Since the innate needs of man can be met only with true spirituality and obedience to the commands and prohibitions of the God almighty.  And by obeying those commands and prohibitions, spirituality takes root in human beings and the thirst of human nature will be quenched by the refreshing spirituality hence, taking care of spiritual life is one of the essential anthropological necessities of human beings. The purpose of this research is to analyze Imam Mohammad Ghazali's views on "spiritual life" and the study of the components of this life from his perspective. To achieve this goal, there is need to examine and explain the verses of Holy Qur'an and refer to the interpretations on the one hand and explaining Ghazali's approach in the books Al-Ehya Ulom al-din and Kimiya-e- Saadat. This is done by a descriptive method and the analysis Al-Ghazali's views in the form of documents. The result of research is aimed at: promoting the knowledge of God and institutionalizing duties of worship and creating motivation for the growth of genuine religious spirituality. Among the feasible successes is the allegiance to the prophetic tradition, repentance and return to glorious God, cultivating virtues and repelling vices and fighting vile desires.

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