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Showing 1 results for Chivalrous Character؛ Characterization؛ Samak E Ayyar؛ Dash Akol؛ Qeidar

Najme Hosseini Sarvari, ,
Volume 10, Issue 39 (12-2017)

To study the excursion of presence and evolution of chivalrous characters in Persian literature, this article is examined three stories, “Samak e Ayyar”, “Dash Akol” and “Qeidar”, in terms of similarities and differences among characters and characterizations. mentioned stories have been selected because “samak e ayyar” is the first story in which the role of knights (“Ayaran”) is bolder than kings or heroes; “Dash Akol” is the first manly (“Dash Mashti”) character in modern Persian literature and “Qeidar” is the last one. This study indicates that in all three works, the distinction between protagonist and antagonist is clearly distinguished based on chivalry characteristic nevertheless the protagonist in “Samak e Ayyar” and “Dash Akol” is similar to antagonist in terms of facial features and behavioral characteristics while the antagonist of “Qeidar” is different from protagonist in this sense. Furthermore, “Amirkhani” appends the component of belief in Islam to the constitutive elements of chivalry characteristic, however, in spite of facial features, it is fully similar to “Samak e Ayyar” in terms of organizing events toward highlighting typical characteristics of chivalrous character.

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