Showing 51 results for Zal
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2003)
Those elements effective in eloquence and elegance of Sa'di's Ghazals is both worth surveyving and comparing with other lyric poems in order toreveal This fact why his Ghazals are Supposed tobe more delightful than theothers.
Analysing The syntax of his words, one might show his unquestion able command and intellect in laguagu and literature.
The Exist of more than one Verb in Each Verse and The frequenc of material verb, denotes Eloquenc Ellipsis and motion.
The couple verb has found rhetorical Application in various way.
For grounding, paradox, ambiguity, synecdoche, metafore and personification are the most impartant figures of speech and retoric usingverbs in Sa'di's Ghazals
Volume 1, Issue 4 (6-2003)
The closed texts are among the texts being definitive in meaning and lucid in language. In other words they are monophonic and so, easy to understand. On the contrary, the open texts are polyphonic suggesting a possibility of different interpretations. Meanwhile, their language is implicit and ambiguous.
The hypothesis of the present article is that in the 8th century the open texts were developed widely in the Persian literature and for the very reason the poetry of the time is so brilliant tending to a kind of perfection in its lyrical form (Ghazal). The elements and factors involved in creating the open texts such as polysemicity, plurality, conciseness, making use of the original and everlasting subject matters, as well as taking advantage of the capacities of Persian language are discussed to be the origin of ambiguity, holistic point of view and the creating a possibility for these literary figures involved in polysemy of the text.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2022)
Is Meinongian dicopulation justified? This is the main problem in this paper and our hypothesis is that Meinongian dicopulaism is counterintuitive. This is despite the rich list of syntactic and semantic features that Meinongian advocates of the double copula strategy attribute to the Meinongian (internal/encoding) mode of predication in contrast with the ordinary mode of predication. That is what we demonstrate in this paper. We argue that neither of the requirement that Meinongian formulas (i.e. those containing the Meinongian mode of predication) must be monadic; nor that they resist lambda abstraction; nor that logical closure governs them; nor that they can be incomplete (or inconsistent) and nor that they are no way contingent, may succeed in discriminating Meinongian from ordinary predications. Nonetheless, dicopulaistic semantics support our intuitive understanding of abstract objects as sets of properties only whence they embrace the counterintuitive conception of multiple denotations; of either copulas or (abstract) objects. Meinongian dicopulaism does not work.
Volume 2, Issue 5 (9-2004)
The article is a study of the structure of "Zal and Roodabeh" (in Ferdowsi's Shahname). To do so, it presents a description of the story at first and then of its structure. It continues to seek for these features in the texts of "Zal and Roodabeh" by presenting some proves while analyzing these elements of structure and determining the appropriateness of them. The conclusion is that the text is narrated – dramatized in which the story elements are used for promoting the story. A design including cause relations of it from the beginning to the end and strengthen it.
Hossein Ali Ghobadi,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2009)
Among the various critical approaches to literary works, psychoanalytical criticism is of special eminence. Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was able to introduce a new reading of literary and mythical texts as well as art works to his readers, based on his new and innovatory perception of human mind and his discoveries of new aspects of human existence. His tendency to analyze the author's psyche through his/her work(s) is his greatest achievement in this field. After him, psychoanalytical criticism was subject to many developments. Jung, Adler, Ernest Jones, and Erik Erikson were amongst those whose activities have had magnificent effects on the development and evolution of this critical method. As a result of these developments, the practice of analyzing the characters of a literary work from a psychoanalytic perspective was pursued by Freud's pupils, and in particular by Ernest Jones and this critical approach became one of the most remarkable methods of literary work analysis.Due to its dynamic and structured nature, the method still remains a pre-eminent and well-known trend in modern psychoanalytical criticism. Thus in this study we have tried to analyze and scrutinize the character of "Zal" in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh from a psychoanalytical viewpoint in order to shed light on his psychic features. We have chosen Alfred Adler's psychoanalytic speculations on the inferiority complex, superiority, and compensation as our methodological guideline.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (11-2012)
Plants infected by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can tolerate and recover more rapidly from different biotic and abiotic stresses such as soil water deficits than uninfected plants. Thereby study of the dominant mycorrhiza species in the fields under drought stresses is very useful for increasing crop productivity in these conditions and promising for biological fertilizer production in the future. The objective of this research was to study the variations in morphological and molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and identification of dominant AMF in wheat and barley fields of some arid and semi arid regions of Iran. For this purpose, about 66 samples containing root and rhizospher soils of wheat and barley plants were collected from some arid and semi arid regions of Iran (Isfahan, Tehran, Ghazvin, Arak, Tabriz). After trap culture of observed mycorrhiza in the samples, they were identified using morphological and molecular techniques. The ITS-rDNA of AMF in root DNA extracts of wheat and barley amplified with the primer pair LSU-Glom1/SSU-Glom1 as specific primer for AMF and ITS4/ITS5 as general primers in the first and second reactions of PCR (nested PCR), respectively. Aliquots of the positive second PCR products were cloned. Positive colonies were digested with Taq1. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of digested samples were compared and 1-3 representatives of each pattern at each cloning reaction were sequenced. Morphological and molecular diversity of AMF showed that more than 90% AMF observed in the regions belong to genus Glomus which coordinates with morphological studies and followed by G. intraradices. Also these studies confirmed presence of following species in some regions: G. fasciculatum, G. geosporum, G. sinosum, G. constrictum, G. macrocarpum and Glomus sp. and Acaulospora (Acaulospora sp.). It is important to note that the species G. etunicatu and G. dimorphicum were not detected in the morphological studies and Glomus mosseae was the most dominant AMF species in the all studied regions.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2015)
Maulana J'alalu·'d-din Muhammad Rumi and Walt Whitman are two of the greatest and most influential poets of the world. Nicholson considers Rumi as the greatest Sufi poet of all time, and the United Nations (UN) has named the year 2007 after him. Walt Whitman, on the other hand, is the poet who is entitled the father of the American Free Verse, and forms the third column of the trinity of American transcendentalism along with Emerson and Thoreau. Despite linguistic, cultural, temporal and spatial differences, both poets consider language an insufficient tool for the expression of the transcendental and mystical thoughts; hence, their readership is invitation for silence. Undoubtedly the poets have some differences in silence motif, which is rooted in their culture and language. Rumi denies language courageously to the extent that some of his ghazals end in silence. Whitman, too, expresses his concern for silence spasmodically; however, the real silence in his poetry happens when he invites the readers to be united with nature. In this paper, the authors have investigated the silence motif in the poetry of Rumi and Whitman using the theories “analogies without contact” and “Rapprochemen” within the domain of comparative literature.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)
The Ghazals of Hafiz and the Canzoniere of Petrarch (1304–1374) have at least three common characteristics: (a) from the qualitative point of view: Each of these two works is at the top of the medieval love poetry: one in the Persian literature, and the other in the European literature; (b) from the chronological point of view: These two books of poetry have been written during the fourteen the century A.D. (8th century AH); (c) from the quantitative point of view: The ghazals of Hafiz contain near 4092 distichs or bayts (i. e., 8184 lines or mesra') and the Canzoniere of Petrarch contains 7784 lines. So, they are contemporary, contain a similar number of lines and are at the top of the medieval love poetry. The description of the beloved's eye is one of the principal common places of these two poets: Petrarch mentions the eye 263 times in the Canzoniere and Hafiz 216 times in the Ghazals. Moreover, Hafez writes about the Narcissus-a metaphor of the eye-in 44 distichs. This paper shows, with the comparative-contrast method, the common and different characteristics of the beloved's eye in the Hafiz and Petrarch's poetry.
Volume 3, Issue 9 (3-2006)
Mashhadi. M.A.,PH.D
The metrical pause of Persian Poem is based on syllables and phonemes. When the poet uses one long syllable instead of two short syllables, he has applied metrical pause. A pause in used at any part of a line except in the beginning. A pause is particularly effective in the middle of line to change the rhythm. This research approves that the number of metrical pause (in the middle of lines) in Khaghani's lyric poems is as five times as compared with those of Anwari. The reasons are as follow:
1) The language of Anwari's lyric poem is simpler and he has taken advantage of shorter rhythms but,, the language of khaghani's lyric poem is more sophisticated and he has taken advantage of middle, long and alternating rhythms.
2) Anwari had a happier spirit than Khaghani in his personal life.
3) Khaghani's pseudonym and the necessity of its being used at the end of his lyric poem is one of the reasons for pause high frequency in his lyric poems.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2015)
The antibiotic properties of eight cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) species from Anzali Wetland was investigated on several bacterial species through vacuum distillation and simple mechanical methods. The result showed that Anabaena sp., A. variabilis, A. flos-aquae and Aphanizomenonflos-aquaehad negative effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureusandA. flos-aquaeand A. oscillaroideshad negative effects on the growth of E. coli. The growth of Candida albicans yeast was greatly reduced by Aphanizomenonflos-aquae, A. variabilis, and A. oscillaroides. Among the investigated algae only A. oscillaroides could reduce the growth of Pseudomonassp.
Volume 4, Issue 17 (12-2007)
H. Qobadi.PH.D
The stories in Mathnavi are full of optimism and hope; to the extend that it can be said Rumi believes that happiness and exuberance are regarded as original and essential issues.As a matter of fact the human spirit is based on hope, while despair, sorrow and misery, and sadness are phenomenal and temporary.
This paper is written using the attributive method and reasoning; interpreting all the elements, specially the contents and characterization of the stories. It intends to reveal this concept; that hope fully exists in the depth of Rumi's poetical stories in a manner that one fails to separate them from the essence of these works. Also the pictures in his poetries are full of concepts related to hope and its devices. In addition to the mentioned features, happiness, vitality and avoiding any sorrow is clear-cut in his poetries. Rumi’s view towards nature indicates hope too. Even when he speaks of Autumn, he regards it as rebirth, and resurrection of spirit and finally a preparation stage for Spring. Along with all that, Rumi relates to spring as the re-growth of nature. Despair, sorrow and sadness do not have a considrable share in his poetries.
Studying the external, the internal and also the marginal music of Mathnavi Maanavi reveals that he is the poet of hope. Even abundance of intonation-emphasizing happiness and life in creating rare or new intonation- in Rumi’s Ghazals(sonnets), show a mind having tendency towards innovation, while he regards despair as a means for devastating the mind.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2025)
Atheists often believe that modern science supports their viewpoint. Some claim that the metaphysical basis of contemporary science leaves no room for religious beliefs, asserting that there is a fundamental incompatibility between science and theism. However, a couple of philosophers argue that this claim is misguided and that there are actually compelling reasons to see a profound compatibility between theism and science. In this paper, we will demonstrate, based on Alvin Plantinga's epistemology on one hand and Al-Ghazali's hermeneutic theory on the other, that not only is there no serious conflict between science and theistic beliefs, but we can also view them as interdependent.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2017)
Growth, sex ratio and age of 188 specimens of Tench, Tinca tinca, from Anzali wetland were recorded during Nov. 2013 to June 2014. The age range of fish was 0+ to 6+ years. Male to female sex ratio was 1:1.7 that differed significantly (P<0.05). Maximum total length (TL) and weight (W) was 40.7 cm and 1000g, respectively. The b value of the length-weight relationship was 2.70 that showed negative allometric growth (p<0.05). The growth performance index (ϕ) was calculated as 2.61. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were (L∞= 47.48 cm, k= 0.18 yr- and t0= -1.07 yr). Tmaxwas calculated 16.41 years. Also infinity weight (W∞) was estimated as 1261.43 g. The present investigation provides basic information about population structure of Tench (T. tinca) in Anzali wetland.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)
Wisdom is a complex concept for which an accepted definition has not been presented yet. However, experts generally agree that wisdom consists of knowledge, insight, reflection, and the combination of an individual’s interests and others’ welfare. Due to the mysterious nature of wisdom, it has been the focus of research in different times, places and cultures. Since wisdom has a close relation with culture, and no clear definition of wisdom is available in Iranian culture, the present study analyzed and discussed wisdom and wisdom features in Shahnameh through the comparative study of characteristics of wisdom behavior in Zal based on Ardedt’s three-dimensional model. The population of this qualitative study included Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. Through purposive sampling, Zal was selected for further analysis. Shahnameh’s content was analyzed through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Findings showed that wisdom features include religiosity and ethics, thinking/ awareness, perception of facts and lack of subjectivism and projection, empathy / affection and support/ service, communication and acquisition of cultural experiences and values. Furthermore, results showed that it is possible to express wisdom in five different dimensions, including spiritual, cognitive, reflective, emotional, social and cultural dimensions.
Volume 6, Issue 8 (9-2021)
Lefevere considers translation as a kind of rewriting that is informed by the extra-systemic limitations like ideology and intra-systemic limitations like poetics. Adopting a descriptive-analytical approach, this research seeks to study the chebli’s rewriting of the ghazal 10th and 12th of Hafez The final result of this research, shows this rewriting is influenced by Poetic limitation and ideological . Manifestations of Lefeverechr('39')s view can be seen in the form of poems and manipulating the rhythm, music,inverting the use of pronouns, increasing some words, and domesticating,with the mystical attitude oon the rewriting of monastic symbols , and feast (bazm). Sometimes it is far from Lefevere ‘s view by exaggerating, unclear meaning and the same reception of "Pir" and "Sheikh".
Majid Bahrevar,
Volume 6, Issue 21 (3-2013)
The never-ending magical discourse of Hāfiz of Shiraz has become an artistic puzzle and through the analysis of his words, many have provided with recurring themes. Particularly, the ghazals of Hooshang Ebtehāj (H. A. Sāyeh) bear the rich textual and extra-textual resemblances to the ghazals of Hāfiz and declare a historical and inmost dialogue with the Hāfizian art and thought. In this paper, I aim to present dialogism to put Mikhail Bakhtin's literary-social theory of the text in practical use by application of a Persian poetical tradition, "Javāb-Gooyee" and Sāyeh's approaching to Hāfiz. By this we can also criticize some remarks on the decadence and imitational style of his poetry. In general, the Sāyeh’s dialogical Hāfiz-oriented ghazals will be studied intertextually and discursively on the basis of some views of structuralists as Roland Barthes and Julia Kristeva. I should conclude briefly that Sāyeh's dialogism haunts between the text and the community. On one hand, his intertextual references are often restricted to the syntagmatic axis, especially to reproduction of lingual codes, rhetorical devices, and prosody of Hāfiz and on the other hand, his historical discourse, especially on three characteristics namely society, human, and love take a polemical stand against discourse of Hāfiz.
Roya Yadolahi Shahrah,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2013)
A Study about the evolution of Vahhab's Character in the context of love in Khane-ye Edrisiha Based on Joseph Campbell's Theory of Hero's Journey Khane-ye Edrisiha, the symbolic novel by Ghazaleh Alizadeh, has good potentials for symbolic reading. One of the appropriate methods to comprehend this symbolic structure is an analysis based on "Hero's Journey" that Joseph Campbell suggests. the present research aims to show how the scheme of evolution at the context of love for Vahhab, one of the main characters of the novel, adapts with "Hero's Journey" pattern. This adaptation shows itself through analyzing the novel. This pattern doesn’t apply to the novel only in these stages: Atonement with the Father and the stages that come after the Magic Flight. The omission of the latter stages depends on the general plot of the novel and the writer's decision for the ending section, but the omission of Atonement with the Father stage and almost deletion of Vahab's father in this novel is an important and significant issue that needs another psychosocial study. Key Words Kane-ye Edrisiha, Ghazaleh Alizadeh, Joseph Campbell, Hero's Journey, Love
Volume 7, Issue 4 (9-2019)
Aims: Ferula L. is one of the largest genera from Apiaceae family with about 180 species, which grow in semi-arid rangelands. One of the challenges associated with this genus in their natural habitats is drought and additionally in case of Ferula haussknechtii H. Wolff ex Rech.f. species is allelopathy caused by companion with Artemisia persica Boiss.
Materials & Methods: The present study aimed to investigate the roles of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the growth, physiological characteristics, nutrient uptake, and survival of Ferula haussknechtii H. Wolff ex Rech. F. grown under the interactive influences of drought and allelopathy stress conditions. Four levels of allelopathy stress, three levels of drought stress, and two mycorrhizal treatments (AM and Non-AM) were applied to the pots in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement.
Findings: Based on ANOVA results (p≤5%), the survival capacities of the Non-AM inoculated plants were significantly less than those of the AM inoculated plants for all allelopathic and drought stress levels. The maximum values of survival capacity were seen in AM×FC×A1 treatment as 75% and the lowest survival capacity was observed in Non-AM×30%FC×A4 as 29%. In general, AM fungi inoculation significantly increase the root:shoot ratios and mycorrhizal dependency values (p≤5%). Based on ANOVA results, the highest and lowest values for root:shoot ratios were observed as 0.71 and 0.27 for Non-AM×30%FC×A4 and AM×FC×A1 treatments, respectively. Drought stress and allelopathic conditions have a destructive effect on total chlorophyll content. The maximum and minimum proline content (0.21 and 0.04) was observed in treatment of AM incubated with highest level of drought and allelopathic and in Non-AM incubated with lowest level of drought and allelopathic, respectively.
Conclusions: AM fungi inoculation had a significant positive effect on total nitrogen and phosphorus content in plant tissues but a significant negative effect on total nitrogen and phosphorus content was observed in drought and allelopathic stress treatments.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (9-2019)
Aims: Monitoring and zoning of water resources are one of the important principles in environmental planning and management. Therefore, considering the issues raised and the importance of Anzali wetland monitoring, the assessment of effective factors in zoning (GIS) along with TSI p, TSI n, and NSFWQI indices and the study of land use effects justifies the necessity of this study.
Materials & Methods: In this study, physicochemical parameters of water (phosphate, total nitrogen and total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, acidity, electrical conductivity, and BOD5 properties) and water quality indicators (TSI p, TSI n, and NSFWQI) were modeled using GIS interpolation functions. To determine the effect of land use, the partial and Pearson correlations coefficient were used.
Findings: According to zonation maps of annual mean values of qualitative parameters, the lowest dissolved oxygen content was in the eastern part of the wetland, the highest electrical conductivity, as well as BOD5 observed in the center of the north, in the east and north of the wetland, respectively. A survey of the total phosphate zonation map revealed the increasing trend from west to east of the wetland. The partial correlation analysis showed that the electrical conductivity, acidity and total dissolved solids were directly affected by inputs and effluent from the land use (p<0.05; p<0.01).
Conclusion: Based on the coefficient of determination, about 70% of the pollution derived from the use of wetlands surrounding and entering wastewater from agricultural fields, industrial and urban.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2016)
The Realistic and Historical Approach in the novel of (alzalzal) for Tahir Wattar Abstract Algerian society throughout long history has experienced different revolutions, for example Revolution in 1962 against the French colonial history, the agricultural revolution and the process of land reform in 1971. Obviously, committed scholars try to write the events of Algeria in his view. Tahir wattar (1936-2010),one of the largest Algerian novelist, attended to some of the most important historical society in the novel "Alzlzal" a with realistic look. Socialist ideas in novel social issues such as discrimination, lack of peace and security, and oppression and to find a way to solve these problems and historical events the socialist revolution. This research try to explore the approach in the novel. Due to the adaptation of the novel "Alzlzal" with a lot of features of historical-realistic novel, it looks, we can assign it, a historical - realistic novel.