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Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2013)

Women in the prose folk tales have various roles. In contrast to the position of women in official and lyric literature, the living, dynamic, influential and basic role of them in folk tales is noteworthy. Active women with positive character are the initiator of love, heroe’s helper, protector of their freedom and dignity, warrior, heroe’s physician and nurse, against the mandatory marriages, consistent in love, sly, devoted, kind, intelligent and advisor. Women with negative character are sly, witches, malicious, wicked, evil, treacherous, envious and corrupt. Passive women are as a reward for the hero, unsophisticated, beloved or spouse, agree with polygamy and oppressed. This descriptive-analytical paper cheks twenty-two long famouse folk stories and analyzes the popular types of active and passive women's role in them.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2013)

Abstract: The motifs are elemental in keeping the structural, semantic and aesthetic consistency of Persian tales. Multiple and often uncertain origins have been counted for fictional motifs, such as mythical and religious narratives, folklores, history and so on. Over the centuries, the motifs have undergone shifts and variations, and transferred from one domain to another. Having been considered as a multi-dimensional bird for possessing various and often contrasting features and functions, "The Raven" also acts as a multi-functional motif in Iranian culture. The function of the raven in texts and narratives has two main origins: mythical and religious. In the first, the raven is linked with the Sun and light, acting as the messenger of the Sun God, brings good omen, and embodies wisdom and foresight; and the second one makes the raven to penetrate the beliefs and mentalitys of men through the story of fratricide of Cain, and thus symbolize death and darkness. The study of how the function and motif of raven have undergone shifts and variations through myth to religion and folklore is the purpose of this paper. The investigation of the function of raven in texts, tales and proverbs, and the analysis of its stability or alteration would bring to light chief and critical points about the (dis)similarity of myth and religion, and the role of raven in Iranian people's attitudes and folklore.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2013)

 In many of mythical, folklore and fairy stories, the birth of the hero has many mythical and fictional characteristics. The grounding of the birth of the hero traces on the hero’s future life. In many stories, which have the birth function, there are many barriers in the birth process. Among these obstacles, we can name aging parents and their disability to have a child.
The remarkable point in this story is that the child, despite many barriers, is born, and after a dangerous and wonderful life, becomes a hero. The main goal of this article is the psychological analysis and classification of the type of tales.
This research investigates the birth of the hero as a current theme in mythical, folklore and fairy stories, and its conclusion shows that we can classify the different types of birth function in the following groups as: the birth without parent origin, the birth process with one origin (father or mother), the marriage of the king with particular girl (sometimes a fairy), and the birth of the hero in the aging parent time and eating apple condition for mother.

Volume 2, Issue 6 (12-2004)

Vladimir Propp, the Russian folklore expert, suggested that natural sciences study styles should be used in ordinary stories. He believed that classification of stories is the result of many researches at the end of studies but, most of the scholars traditionally classify the subjects and include the working materials in the form of such imposed classification.
            Propp himself studied the morphology of one hundred of the Russian tales collected by Afanasyof. He discovered that all the available works in tales are limited to 31 functions. He thought that type of the tale, which should be discovered, is covered under the disordered appearance of the standards ruling on the tales. It is regarded as the first founding of narratives. He determined a symbol for each of these functions and by putting them together, finalized them and reached the wonder tales.  
            Use of modern methodology criticism in classic literature always faces difficulties. This research is an attempt to examine this model in comparative literature. The material used for this study includes a tales of the ” Arabian Nights ” covering the main story and also three other ones. In analyzing this anecdote not only the Propp’s methodological symbols are used but, other symbols have been used as required and finally morphology model of the story are presented. Applying this method which is regarded as a test for morphology, can separate the annexed tales from the main ones based on the reached structural model.  
Behrouz Mehdizadeh Fard, Nasrollah Emami,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (12-2009)

The narratology, with a relatively vast domain, is the center of attention for many circles of literary criticism. Besides, the relation between narrative elements with other fictional elements has introduced various new perspectives in the field of literary criticism. The aim of this article is to explain and analyze several narrative techniques, and also to show some instances of these techniques in the Masnavi’s tales. The focus of this paper will be on four major concepts, namely narrative past, Material and mental process verbs, narrative proceeding and intercalated narration. In the part devoted to narrative past, the different functions of the tense of the verb in fictional and factual texts is explicated. In the next part, it is discussed that the reporting of the persons’ external verbs like eating wearing running and the like can occur in nonfictional texts; yet, explanation of the internal verbs like thinking, hoping, and etc., is possible only in fictional texts. In the third section of the paper, the linear narrative and interruption of linear narrative will be dealt with. Finally, in the last part of this paper, the concept of intercalated narration is explored. It should be noted that the intercalated narration involves tales in which the narrative framework proceeds alternately between fictional acts and characters’ dialogues.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The geometric morphometrics method was applied to study the morphological differences in 95 specimens of Kura barbel (Barbus lacerta, Heckel 1834) collected from three riverine ecosystems of the Sefidrud basin, viz. Taleghan, Totkabon and Kloraz Rivers.  For this purpose, the left sides of the specimens were photographed. Then, 14 Landmark-points were defined and digitized on 2D pictures using Tpsdig2 software. The landmark data, after generalized Procrustes analyzing, were analyzed by PCA, CVA with p-value obtained from permutation test and cluster analysis. The results showed a significant differences between the populations in terms of body shape (P

Volume 3, Issue 6 (11-2015)

  In modern psychology, “colors” are considered among the standards for evaluating personalities. They could be regarded a great and significant source for subjective readings and the analysis of mental characteristics, both national and ethnical. From the psychology of the applied colors in different literary works in every ethnicity, delicate and spectacular points could be gained and in this way, a bridge, about the characteristics of the same people between psychology knowledge and folklore literature could be created. In this article, along with studying the aesthetical and artistic characteristics of the love songs of Talesh ethnicity, we try to analyze its colors with the eight functional colors of Max Lüscher’s color tests  in order to realize some of the psychic-mental characteristics of the people of this region (Talesh) from the words of the unknown composers of their songs. The research method is descriptive-analytic, and the information gathering method is both field- and library- based. In this study around 50 Taleshian love songs in which different kinds of colors are used, from the most frequent colors to the least used ones, were analyzed. The results indicated the psychic-mental characteristics of the people of the region in exposing beliefs and emotions, pressures, sensibilities, disappointments, joys, etc

Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)

Work songs are readable version of emotions and passions of simple living rural people which indicate wishes, hopes, happiness, sorrows, love and loneliness. Work songs are called “Karnava” which are sang for different purposes and usually formed for describing the type of work, harmony among individuals, creating happy atmosphere in working area, and reducing the difficulties of work. These songs are divided into different subgroups: agriculture, milking, sheepherding, etc. With reviewing, analysis and meaning finding of work songs in each society, the social and cultural atmosphere of that society would easily be understood. In this article, along with reviewing aesthetic and artistic features of types of Karnavas in Talesh tribe, we analyze them in anthropological format in order to find related meaning in cultural, customs and morale of Talesh tribe society and analyze them. Research method is descriptive-analytic and data collection has been carried out in field of study and library. In this review around 20 Taleshian work songs were analyzed. Results of this study show that many of cultural, and social features, customs, beliefs, values, romances, sorrows, role of women in work and economic affairs, and importance of cooperation for Taleshi tribe have been reflected in these Karnavas .In addition, most of work songs in this region of Talesh are agricultural and pastoral ones which have romantic style.

Volume 3, Issue 8 (4-2006)

Little would be gained by discussing the nutritive value of bread in human diet. Fortification of bread with protein especially whey powder has been the center of attention in many countries. In this study Hamburger dough's containing 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4.5 and 7.5 percent whey powder were Prepared. Chemical composition of whey powder and wheat flour was measured and also dough rheological properties were evaluated by ICC and AACC methods. Regarding rheological results, treatments contained 3 and 7.5% whey powder were prepared. Crust color, crumb texture, flavor and volume of breads were evaluated by ten expert and trained panelists using a 0-9 point scale. Overall acceptability of breads was ranked by Phisher and Yaths method. The effect of whey powder on the staling rate of bread was evaluated by scoring test. Development time and resistant of doughs containing 1.5% and 7.5% whey powder was increased. Valorimetric value of dough with 7.5% whey powder was higher than other treatments. Addition of whey powder increased the elasticity of dough's and improved the volume and quality of breads. The result of sensory analysis indicated that crust color, crumb texture, flavor and volume of Hamburger bread containing 3% whey powder achieved highest score and the rank of this treatment concerning the overall acceptability was highest. From staling rate point of view mean scores of samples contained 3% and 7.5% whey powder were greater than control. Regarding the chemical, rheological and sensory characteristics, Hamburger bread contained 3% whey powder was considered the best.

Volume 3, Issue 9 (3-2006)

Bagheri. B. ,PH.D
Latayef-al-tavayef, valuable literary work of fakhr-al-din Ali Safi , is one of the most important Iranian fictions which,because of containing
short,satiric and admonitory tales, has a special and important position in Persian literature. In the academic associations and researches, most of classic texts, particularly fiction texts, are only examined from the view point of philological aspects and less examined from the view point of fiction nature. This essay examines and analyzes four fiction related elements including character, theme and narration and narrator and dialogue. In the character related section, we examine the tales of latayef-al-tavayef from six view points(character’s numbers,character’s
gender, character’s social classes, their jobs and occupation, their internal and external disorders and their main and important characteristics. 
In the second section, we examine the subjects and themes of tales divided to four parts of political, social, moral, religious and artistic themes.
All the information, presented in the two parts of character and themes, are based on the statistics, numbers and schedules showing exactly the frequency of presence of any case. No generalization and personal statement have been used by us. we try to prepare a brief study and knowledge based paper by using the exact statistic and figures. 
In chapter three and four of the essay, "narration and narrator" and "dialogue" are studied. I hope that the results of this research will be useful in literature sociology studies, especially that of Iran in 9th and 10th century.
Hosein Bayat,
Volume 3, Issue 11 (12-2010)

In many of the Iranian and the world stories, both force and guile are operating events comprise the story. Investigate and psychological and symbolic compare of those popular legends which good and evil forces in their beloved reaching over, shows that in these works, however, appear to benefit the beloved hero acts in subtle and cagey narrative infrastructure And before taking functions based on deception, this battle will be in Median dose and involvement of the opposing forces will conduct their own profit. In such stories, the central character is not the brave prince nor vicious Dave, but the beautiful girl that wishes marriage with the hero and have her own child. In this way, despite the apparent physical disability, using various scheming like secrecy, feminine and magical elements, and even sometimes to hire antiheroes, the real initiative and is available on the course of events towards their desired ending. The joint adventure stories generally setup for this peak point and the common ending: they are well and happy years together they live. " This paper uses views of Northrop Frye, Joseph Campbell, and Bruno Bettelheim. regarding the fundamental structure, number forty Farsi folk tales and that compared with a drop of evidence shows that such a common infrastructure indicative of mental concerns of women in patriarchal times and the women place the narrator or audience of this tales, dreams sweet Dream that are impossible in real life were often deprived of it, the story of a woman in the story of the hero in imaginary world have stories appear. Considering the existence of this feature in ancient stories and romances, these tales may have roots in old narrative structures that can lead them to myths about Matriarchy period.
Masoume Ebrahimi ,
Volume 3, Issue 11 (12-2010)

Abstract The essential aim of this study is mythologic review of supernatural creatures in one of the well –known Persian tales as named Salim Javaheri tale. In this article at first is tried to present main theories about myths and legends, then analyzed each of them based on mythological as well as folkloric aspects and to discover mutual relationships, because some theoretician believe mythologic review of folk tales is inappropriate and has no any credibility. On the other hand, literature review, specially mythologic review in texts of oral literature is not common in our country, so in some parts of the article extended capacities of oral literature, as an appropriate ground to use mythologic review, have been described. At last, a well-known Persian tale, Salim Javaheri, as an example has been used for a sample of mythologic review for first time. The elements of such review have derived from this text of oral literature. The new idea of this study, can be a beginning of later long studies for interdisciplinary recognition of oral literature texts. Keywords: mythologic review, folk tales, Salim Javaheri tale, hamzad, ghoul, pari, davalpa, nasnaas, gav-e daryaee
Pegah Khadish,
Volume 3, Issue 12 (12-2010)

Abstract Structural researches and considering the fundamental patterns of different narrative forms, is one of the common methods to categorize them. In this manner the oral tales have a great chance to pay attention to. This article is written according to a new version of Propp’s theory about the morphology of fairy tales, and also with a glance to “The Narrative World of Finnish Fairy Tales” by Satu Apo. So the structural patterns of Persian fairy tales can be summarize as below: 1. Hero is looking forward something 2. Something dangerous is threatened hero

Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

Rābi'a bint Ka'b tale in Attar's Elahinameh is one of a few stories of him among dozens stories has dramatic features. The features resulted in utilization rather picture and drama than only expression and description got dramatic value to this literature text. Availability of the elements like conflict, knot projection, crisis, relief, characterization, and visualization within the coherent and appropriate story also valuable and ethical themes makes the text with potential to a theater production. This paper is from the perspective of comparative literature tries to investigate and explain dramatic aspects of this based on Aristotelian tragedy element retrieved from the book of “Poetics” by descriptive-analytical study and show capability and dramatic aspects of this old literary tale in converting to an attractive and effective drama. In addition tries to provide accurate view of Aristotelian theater elements represented a comprehensive understanding to the addressed reader.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2016)

Women in the book of “One thousand and one nights” and “Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh”, various social roles, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, are responsible; the role and position of women in two somewhat different. More tales One thousand and one nights, unlike the shahnameh, the loathing of women begins. At the beginning of this story, it seems that she is defeated and surrendered, but it is not so, but at the end of her affair with a feminine subtlety to spend, will win. In this paper with the method of descriptive-analytical, social status and role of women in two great works have been reviewed and compared. Most of the stories have been studied in this paper, which are responsible for a good female role. The results of this study indicate that the legend of the One thousand and one nights unlike the shahnameh, role of women in negative and sometimes mixed with evil of satanic. .  

Volume 4, Issue 9 (7-2016)

Bruno Bettelheim (1903/1990), Austrian psychoanalyst and psychologist, explored fairy tales in his famous work, The Uses of Enchantment. Considering Freud’s approach, in this work he analyzed fairy tales and emphasized on the important role of tales in child’s mental developments. Bettelheim’s approach in analyzing fairy tales was based on optimism, pleasure versus reality, vicarious satisfaction versus conscious recognition, externalization, transformations, unifying dual nature, bringing order into chaos, achieving integration, and achieving autonomy. There are a few works on Iranian fairy tales according to comparative-historic, anthropological, and mythic approaches while Freud or Bettelheim’s psychoanalytic approaches has almost no evident part among them. Knowing that there is a wide similarity in fairy tales’ structures, contents, elements, and characters in all over the world, give us the authority to analyze Iranian fairy tales, taking Bettelheim’s point of view and using his doctrines of psychoanalytic analysis. The major task of this research is psychoanalytic analysis of some Iranian fairy tales according to Bruno Bettelheim’s analytical approach in which analysis of characters, symbols and functions displays paradigms of Bettelheim’s approach. Psychoanalytic approach to the study of Iranian fairy tales help us to investigate each single step of child’s development, and provides several fields to study the comparative literature.

Volume 4, Issue 10 (12-2016)

It is in Meydani's Majma Al Amsal that 1000 Arabic proverbs of Al Movaledun have been defined:"Amsal hasn't Arabic identity, they have been borrowed from other cultures to Arabic language".  Meydani has no idea about the identity of Amsal , but whereas commentators believed that Iranian culture has been excessively influenced by revolving Arabic literature, it is lost to approve Iranian origin of Amsal to show Iranian cultural face before Islam through different events. Since there are multiple studies have been conducted to show Iranian identity of Amsal by examining concepts, and vocabularies of Iranian works. This study has tried to compare the concepts of Amsal Movaled and Iranian Tales of Amsal, in order to show the veins of Iranian identity in Amsal, because, Iranian culture and literature show the tales which conclude to those of Movaled proverbs, therefore, there is no doubt on their origins. While Meydani believes that all of the tales of Amsal were quoted, there is no tale to support the documentation of the study, it shows that the tales were not famous in Arabic literature in Meydani career. Such tales of Persian literature and culture are examples of Arabic Amsal in Iranian culture.

Volume 5, Issue 12 (3-2017)

The folk legends are considered as a part of valuable treasure of each culture. In Azarbayjan, legends have irrefrangible connection  with the name Aşig,  since , they are the heir of all epic , martial, festive stories of Azerbayjan. In one of this stories entitled Asli and Karam the hero of the story is similar to Qognos. All the story get vivified by lyrics of the hero, but at the end he burns and changes to ashes. This story connects with the elements of extraordinariness. In this study, the motifs of extraordinariness as apple, dream, wine of love and etc. are studied. The text of story is totally full of love motifs. This story begins with the birth of story’s hero with an apple and ends in the motif of magic cloth. The hero of the story has a passive personality and just suffers, and tolerates. For this reason the story lacks the epic aspects. This article investigates the motifs of Asli and Karam story

Volume 5, Issue 15 (7-2017)

Vladimir Propp's morphology of the structure of literary work by taking the strategies of formalism presented with a check of one hundred Afsanh‌Y Russian magical, practical sample lost it. According to Propp theory, Afsanh‌Hay magical, in spite of differences in the structure and morphology of the fundamental principles in common and working to restore the underlying common axis.In the analytical field research, oral narrative Qdymy‌Tryn Amir and jewel - the romantic Mnzvmh‌Hay Mazandaran examined from the perspective of Propp's morphology. Rvayt‌Hay many of the myths common among people who are both long and short forms (Myny‌Malysty) is. According to the results, Khvyshkary‌Hay story of Amir and pearls, in compliance with Prop model, and thus the Asharh‌Y Prop displacement can be seen in this narrative has not been met.The sum of the parts and Shkhsyt‌Ha and system performance with a small displacement Amir and pearls and Khvyshkary‌Hay follow Propp's model stems. The story of Amir and that is the essence of Khvyshkary‌Hayy some thirty models Prop Yk‌Ganh not like: a dream or uncertain situation at the end of the narrative, the dignity of the place of magic or miracle behalf, in any case where the wedding end of story to happen at the beginning and at the end of the story of Amir and pearls occur in an uncertain situation all the screw. Of course, this Aftraq‌Ha with magical fairy tale romance Brmy‌Grdd Afsanh‌Y properties.
Key words: morphology Propp, Structure, Amir and pearls, Afsanh‌Y Ashqanh‌Y Mazandaran.

Volume 5, Issue 16 (9-2017)

The contents of Taher and Zohreh's tale in Iran's variants (Turkman and Azarbayjan)
The hidden myths in the folk tales explain historic identity of nations. One of these tales that has current in Asia Minor, central Asia, Azarbayjan and Arrant is Taher and Zohreh's tale. The tale is description of alignment of love in front of grudge, faith in front of perjury and revival against tradition. The tale as other "Asiglar" stories a bught contents is very rich. With due attention to this point that accomplished any study in Iran ,this article study interpret the contents of Taher and Zohreh's tale in two variants of Turkman and Azarbayjan , because each variant has particulars for its as the episode of Mahim in Turkman variant and "Analar Gosni"(redeploy of women) in variant of Azarbayjan, and show their contents in five parts :religious, generosity, surprising ,amorous and epic and show their similarities and differences.
Key Words: tale, Taher and Zohreh, Turkam, Azarbayjan

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