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Showing 4 results for Symphony of the Dead

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Narratives have many layers of meaning. These semantic layers encompass intra-discourse systems and represent their changes and developments. Eric Landowski sought to achieve the missing links of meaning in narrative contexts by designing semantic systems. Contexts that show discourse and narrative actions. According to Landowski's four semantic systems, which are emphasized in this study, namely, the system of "abyss and spinning ", it is possible to decipher the signs in the text and the relationship between these signs and each other and the author's worldview. The present study, based on a descriptive-analytical approach, seeks to achieve subtle and coherent layers of meaning in the novel Symphony of the Dead by Abbas Maroufi. Given the mastery of the author in creating works with the fluid flow of the mind in this study, we aim to show how the subjects are intertwined with the world around them and as they are opening up, their emotions and to some extent their destiny to another spreads. Also, by analyzing the abyss system, we come to the point that the subject cannot shape his own destiny alone, and after he finds himself incapable, he is forced to accept what luck has for him.
Peyman Dehghanpour,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (9-2013)

After the published of the symphony of the dead (1989), many of critics pointed to influence the Abbas Maroufi's novel of The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner. Twenty three years after the publication of this novel, today, some of critics repeat the influence to various forms. Perhaps with publish of the eternity to eternity (Analysis novel " symphony of the dead "), especially the essay "Is the symphony of the dead influence of Sound and the Fury? " by Elham Yekta and of the Sound and the Fury to symphony of the dead by Javad Eshaghian and other essays that describe comparative study of these two novels, does not need to study again. Furthermore, Nader Ebrahimi (1936-2008), in an interview as " Soak in the story" (1997), without any reference to the symphony of the dead, author of the novel imputed to "plagiarism", it's not about the Sound and the Fury, but Another time, i was loving the city (1966). In this paper, with attention to the principle of "angoisse de l'influence", as the conscience of writers, with emphasis on polyvalent, we answer to imputation the of Nader Ebrahimi about symphony of the dead and why and how the Abbas Maroufi influence of Another time, i was loving the city.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2023)

Iranians and Palestinians in contact with modernity in the twentieth century had almost a similar condition. On the one hand, they were the heirs of ancient and complex traditions, like patriarchy. On the other hand, these countries faced the raging currents of modernity that devour everything. They also encountered colonization as well, leading to exploitation of their lands in different forms. Tradition (especially patriarchy), Modernity and colonization are three main themes of Symphony of dead by Iranian Abas Marofi and Wild thorns by Palestinian Sahar khalife. The comparative reading of these two novels displays Iranians' and Palestinians' similar historical experiences in their encounter with modernity, unveils the essence of exploitation and hegemonic systems, and finally exposes the strengths and weaknesses of modernity and tradition. As a result, the current study seeks to analyze the representations of colonizing and systems in two novels and illuminate its bonds with traditional society (family, intellectuals and business class). The findings of the present study indicate that both novels portray the tradition of patriarchy is in harmony and line with the tyranny of despots and the exploitation of the colonizers. The novelists, moreover, assume that capitalism is the continuation of colonization. They similarly pointed to the identical experiences of exploitation of colonization and capitalism in the Middle East. In these two novels, the protagonist is a young poet who resists colonization and coercion, albeit with the assistance of other characters, especially women.

Volume 17, Issue 68 (10-2020)

The Symphony of the Dead (1989) is the most famous work of Abbas Maroufi and one of the most prominent novels of the sixties. The existence of some elements of modernity, including the narrative of the stream of consciousness, the multiple and sometimes innovative points of view, the circularity of the narrative, and the benefit of a symphonic structure, has made it a modern novel.   Some of these elements have made a correct and clear understanding of the themes belying the novel very difficult. In addition, the fragmentary structure and plurality of points of view make the text from a reader's perspective incoherent and discontinuous. The present article, drawing upon the Conceptual Structure Theory, aims to explore metaphorical systems dominant in the text and reveal the most prominent themes of the novel which have contributed to the subtlity of the text making it a unified coherent whole. To do so, the instances of the three types of metaphor used within the text, that is, 'directional', 'ontological', and 'structural' metaphors each of which is used to develop a central theme within the text are studied.
Results indicated that based on these three types of metaphor, the writer expresses his own worldview and mentality through the three main mappings, that is, "power is above/weakness is below", "man is animal", and "life is war". Such image schemas reflect the writer's own dominant system of thought which is imperceptibly spread throughout the text bringing about a text with a coherent content.

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