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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

In the sign-semantics of discourse that has a process function, unlike constructionist semiotics in which pre-made and non-fluid meaning is considered, the meaning is born of a dynamic and destabilizing tension between the linguistic levels of form and content; The fluidity and plurality of meaning in this attitude is due to the comparative interaction of feeling, perception and recognition of signs and meanings. The dominant discourse on the two poems "Ali.. Ghassan Kanfani" by Al-Fituri and "Marg Nazli" by Shamlou, relies on extensive and compressed communication; Since this discourse is born in the coexistence of sensory-perceptual and aesthetic functions, it inherits tense-emotional characteristics. The aim of the present research is to analyze these functions and explain the sign-semantic characteristics that dominate them in order to explain the meaning production conditions.This research is aimed at using, to show how the narrators of these two poems, through their special performance, in Dissociation from the limited personal me and attachment to the collective and transcendental me have been placed, and with the mechanism adopted by the speaker, the personal and private me of the agitator has been cut off from himself and connected with the transcendental me, and by extending the domain of presence Mythological heroes from a limited and historical time and place have caused the stabilization and expansion of their "presence" and "wide-ranging and decisive influence" in the world of the text; Also, the object by referring to a semiotic system has ensured the prismaticity and polyphony of the text.

Adineh Khojastehpour,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (9-2013)

دیر زمانی نیست که استقبال فزاینده¬ای را از ادبیات تطبیقی در ایران شاهد هستیم. این استقبال گرچه ممکن است از برخی جهات اتّفاقی فرخنده به شمار آید اما نیک که بنگریم چندان خوشایند نیست. متاسفانه در کشور ما روی¬آوردن به ادبیات تطبیقی بدون درک صحیح مبانی و چارچوب¬های نظری آن این رشته را با بحرانی جدی رو¬به¬رو کرده¬است. بدفهمی¬هایی که واژه «تطبیقی» ایجاد کرده باعث شده است که گاه این رشته صرفاً به عنوان یکی از «دانش¬های تطبیقی» از جمله فلسفه تطبیقی، زبان¬شناسی تطبیقی و... شناخته شود. از سوی دیگر به دلیل ناآشنایی با مکاتب گوناگون این رشته و در نظرگرفتن آن صرفا به عنوان مقایسه دو ادبیات ملی، «پژوهش¬هایی زیر چتر نام ادبیات تطبیقی انجام گرفته که هیچ¬گونه قرابت و سنخیتی با ماهیت آن ندارد» (انوشیروانی 1389:36). نوشتار پیش¬رو به بررسی مقاله «بررسی تطبیقی شعر و اندیشه تی. اس. الیوت و احمد شاملو بر اساس مولفه های مدرنیته» به قلم حسن اکبری بیرق و نرگس سنایی که در شماره 4 (پیاپی 12) نشریه پژوهش¬های زبان و ادبیات تطبیقی چاپ شده است، می¬پردازد.

Volume 11, Issue 44 (9-2014)


Farhad Tahmasebi, PH.D.
Zohreh Saremi
This article aims to analyze the process of depiction based on thoughts and imagination, through maintenance of the identity of displays. A structure is taken into consideration under the headings of central picture, tools of depiction, tone of depiction, function of depiction, and the imaginations regarding the text. Thereafter, different types of picture are introduced and identified based on shallow and in-depth views; lack of dynamism and dynamism, cinematic view, and open, large scale, restricted, closed and independent manifestations. This study has been based on research of manifestations of Shamlou’s poems, while eyeing different periods of poetry, and the criterion of shortness and pictorial nature of poems.
The research outcomes reveal a bond between the manifestations and fiber of poems in the works of Shamlou. Dynamic, cinematic, and in-depth manifestations are frequent in his poetry. The analysis of manifestations in the poems of Shamlou, show the rebellious and critical approach of Shamlou’s poems which are the result of his social and personal life.
Homa Rafiei Moghadam Kasani, Rahman Moshtaghmehr, Naser Alizadeh Khayat,
Volume 15, Issue 59 (9-2022)

Lyrical literature and hence romantic poetry is a collection of feelings, emotions and representations of human relationships which has been widely used in different eras and discourses with various even conflicting functions and manifestations. Romantic poetry, distancing from political poetry, discusses politics of literature rather than political literature. However, modern Iranian poetry, deeply connected with politics and protest literature, establishes a different relation between dramatic poetry and political poetry. Shamlou is one of the prominent poets of political poetry whose antagonism and political conflicts are sources of metaphors and constructions in romance. This paper, based on critical discourse analysis, emphasizing the concept of "antagonism" as a key concept in politics, shows that politics is related to romance in two ways. First, such romances are new experiences to represent human relationships. Second, they are against traditional literature, since Shamlou by changing the rhetoric of romantic poetry created a type of literature that is romance in surface but resistance literature in depth.
Extended Abstract
Iranian modern literature is fundamentally different from pre-modern literature; although the way modern literature uses the theological source of pre-modern literature is not its logical continuation. Political orders and the concepts are the most important elements of the distinction between two periods. Usually, romantic poetry is distinguished from political poetry, but Iranian modern poetry, which is connected to protest literature and political matters, has established a good relationship between romantic and political poetry. Studying he relationship between political literature and the politics of the literature is the main goal of this manuscript. The concept of “antagonism" is emphasized here as the key word in Shamlou's poetry, showing how politics is connected to romances. Firstly, these romances are new representations of human experience, and secondly it is a rhetorical change in romantic poetry, which is against the traditional literature. The most important principle that connects the concept of "articulation" to the political issues is discursive conflict; thus, for a better understanding of the conflict, political literature, and the politics of literature discourse, the concept of politics must be separated from the political orders. Any action which is beyond the realm of the individual, can influence the decisions of the society, especially the political power, and in some way modify or oppose it, and it is called a political action. Political poetry promotes the idea of anti-reading, and a political poet as an anti-reading thinks about the "enemy other". After a huge break of the Persian Constitutional Revolution, social movements and the libertarianism language took an explicit form. Literature migrated from traditional lyrical to a new space. Revealing the name of "Aida" with the poet not as a Platonic lover but as a better half living with Shamlou is a kind of conflict with the tradition of romance-writing in one hand and "Literature of resistance" from the other. In political poetry, enemy is the other, and in the romantic poem, the other is the friend. The poet of political poetry thinks about resistance; in this view, the enemy has become a focal point; because the enemy has captured a part of his unconscious like a "central metaphor". The confrontational mentality of the political poet turns the other, such as the enemy, into an object, and turns the other, such as friend and love, into a praiseworthy subject. Contemporary poetry, unlike pre-modern poetry with a negative aspect, brought the private into the domain of the public, and by highlighting the other friend in romantic poetry, created a kind of resistance and negation tool. In his poem, Shamlou clearly says that love is an epic and he sees this reversal from the eyes of the enemy. The link between love and struggle in Shamlou's poems is the internal link between the practice of personal experience and the most external political behaviors. In a general classification, historically, his life can be divided into three parts:
A: The period in which the search for love gives way to experience; the experience of life and poetry, which, according to him, are "not impressions of life, but life itself". This period can be referred to as the period "before the appearance of Aida". B: The period when the poet, tired of the bitter experiences he has acquired in his personal and social life, finds another love and he moves to the house so that love becomes a refuge and a bastion where he can relieve the outside fatigue and find new strength to fight. This period starts from 1962 "Aida's appearance". C: In the third part of his life, although he still has Aida's presence, Shamlou thinks more about death and "struggle with silence" and he remembers his friends. In fact, this same love and social commitment in Shamlou's poetry makes him not distinguish between individual love and public love.
From the perspective of love, three types of love can be distinguished in Shamlou's poem: 1. Romantic love without social pains.2. Personal love with social representations, and 3. General love or love of freedom and man:
1. Although romantic love is not the general indicator of the concept of love in Shamlou's poems; Shamlou has been involved with this type of love in a negative way. He considered individual and public love as opposed to romantic love, which always has the suspicion of eroticism. Romantic love can be found in Shamlou's first poetry collection, "Āhang-hāye Farāmush Shodeh (Forgotten Songs)".
2. Keeping distance from his romantic love, Shamlou discovers love in another dimension: the shadow of resistance; as it can be a strength for fighters who return to fight again.
3. By rejecting romantic love, Shamlou arrived at a special definition of man; a person who can have the courage to deny the disturbing facts and reveal himself as a fighting person.
The convergence of the meanings of the two fields of politics and love has turned Samlou's poem into a different poem. From this point of view, finding the signs and codes of his romantic poetry is not compelling only in purely lyrical spaces. The enemy as a threatening other has caused Shamlou to experience new ways, because the discourse of his poetry is against the discourse of domination; whether we seek this dominance in aesthetics or in the discourse of power. It is in this situation that Shamlou glorifies the beloved as another and brings love into his poem in the atmosphere of resistance to discover a new truth. In individual romances, he uses the same signs and symbols that used before in public love. The same lover with a revolutionary face and the same revolutionary faces with the beloved cause him to not see a difference between public love and personal love.

Volume 19, Issue 77 (12-2022)

TThe Woman Behind the Bronze Door" is one of the stories in the "Doors and the Great Wall of China" collection written by Ahmad Shamlou. From the reading of the story, it appears that in writing this story, Shamlou has used the features of the Gothic and Surreal schools, in a way that it can be said, he has turned the characteristics of the Gothic school towards the Surrealism school with a kind of artistic transformation. This research aims to show the most important effects and dimensions of these two schools in the story with an analytical method. The findings of the research show that on the one hand, using an atmosphere full of ambiguity and mystery, otherworldly events with anxiety and fear, fearful place, fluidity of time, morbid and chaotic characterization, nightmare, superstitious beliefs and boundless fantasy of a full-fledged Gothic story. has created and on the other hand by creating something wonderful and extraordinary, subconscious mind, illusion, dream and surrealist objects, automatic writing and surreal love, he has written a surreal story. The content of the story is a mixture of dreams and reality in an inflammatory and melancholic atmosphere, and at the same time, the border between the two is not clear. Based on this, it can be said that Shamlou has reached Surrealism from the Gothic passage and has reached the peak of the connection between these two schools, and his innovation in creating a work that is a combination of the two mentioned schools is a remarkable experience in the tradition of Persian story writing.


Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

Ambiguity is one of the characteristics of some prominent contemporary poems and it is achieved by inducing original and preconceived concepts. One of the functions of such ambiguity is to create a sense of suspense. Suspension is a form of waiting in which the narrator puts the audience in a conscious and purposeful state of doubt and ignorance of the result of the narration, but with the help of linguistic elements, provides the possibility of thinking, predicting and discovering the missing link in poetic propositions. Creating a sense of suspense for the audience for understanding the meaning and purpose of the narrator creates a passion for reading. The reader's curiosity, along with the presuppositions, preconceptions, and possibilities that occur during the suspension, reproduces the meaning.
In this article, after examining linguistic and editorial factors of suspension, such as unfamiliar words, multilingualism, the existence of new terms, the use of new and native words, archaism, specialized terms, deletion, pronoun displacement, editorial aberrations, etc. we will analyze how do contemporary poets use these factors to create suspension with functions such as highlighting, defamiliarization, modernity, semantic development, polysemy, brevity, conveying the themes of indigenous culture, linguistic development and richness, so that they can engage the audience in the narrative.

Volume 20, Issue 79 (4-2023)

In this research, the authors have tried to analyze the three main currents of Iranian political intellectuals in the four periods of Ahmad Shamlou's intellectual life in a descriptive-analytical way and with a library method. Examining Shamlu's poems, it is determined that Shamlu is a poet born from the heart of the society and belongs to the masses, and his poetry is the manifestation of the realities of the society and the ideals of the masses, and in his political poems, he wants to remain in the memory of the society as an intellectual. Stay as a poet. An intellectual who has used poetry as a tool for his struggle. He expects the reader to look at his poetry as a tool. A tool that is supposed to serve as an awareness for their creation and liberatio.

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