Showing 28 results for Realism
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)
The foreign policy of Saudi Arabia in the international system is, above all, the result of this country's competitive view of the Islamic Republic of Iran and security equations in the West Asian region. The present study, through documentary research and reflective analysis technique aims to explain how Saudi Arabia, in order to shape strategic depth, controls international waters, influences the political structure of African countries, and creates a stream of Salafi groups in Africa, and how it seeks to reduce Iran's power, pose a threat to Iran, and increase its offensive capacity. Saudi Arabia believes that Iran has a high offensive capability in the region and can easily become a country with aggressive and war-initiating power. By shaping the policy of expanding geopolitical and strategic depth, interventionism and dominating the cultural discourse of Saudi Arabia in Africa, it is trying to turn the security equations into acute security threats for the Islamic Republic with trans-regional balancing.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (3-2004)
In this essay we will study the principal European literacy movement in the latter half of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century.
The term “Naturalism” describes a type of literature attempting to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study on human beings. Unlike realism, which focuses on literary technique, Naturalism Implies a philosophical position: for naturalism writers, since human being are in Zola’s phrase, “ human beats” Characters can be studied through their Relationships to their surroundings who said that novelist should be like the scientist, examining dispassionately various phenomena in life and drawing in disputable conclusions.
The naturalists tended to concern themselves with the harsh, often sordid, aspects of life, Zola’s description of this method in the Experimental Novel, (1880).
Following Claude Bernard’s Medical and the historian Hippolyte Taine’s observe that “Virtue and Vice are products like vitriol and sugar” That is, that human beings as the “producers” should be studied impartially, without moralizing about their natures.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2014)
Surrealism has had a great influence on the modern poetry in Iran. Spacementalism (Hajm-geraii) was influenced more than any other poem by surrealism. This style of poetry in Iran was founded by Yadu'llah Royaee. The purpose of this paper̦ is to study Spacementalism (Sheˊre Hajm) according to the Surrealism School. This article tried to prove that the poem (Hajm) is a form of Persian surrealism. Picture, language, music and thought in Sheˊre Hajm have been studied. At the beginning of this article, we briefly discuss the surrealism movement. Then, the history and the statement of Spacementalism are death with. Common characteristics of surrealism and poetry are also considered in this paper. In Hajm Poem, we see paradoxical images, ambiguous language and defamiliarization; the same features are observable in surrealism. These issues are documented in this article.
Rahman Moshtagh Mehr,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (12-2009)
Dolatabadi is the most prolific author of the last two decades in Iran. Before writing novels and creating his great works such as Saluch's Absence and Kaleidar, Dolatabadi wrote long short stories, which shows his interest in writing novels. There have been only a few studies on his works and those available are mostly about the content of his stories and novels. This paper is a study of fourteen short stories by him with a particular attention to issues such as plot, point of view, characterization, and the type of beginnings and endings in them. A brief review of Dolatabadi's life and works before 1357 as well as some scholars' views of the narration and narratology in his works will precede the main discussion.
Volume 2, Issue 8 (9-2005)
Nikobakht.N. , PH.D.
This article defines and clarifies the concepts and principles of Magical Realism based on the literature critics and opinion makers. Then Ahle Ghargh fiction is analyzed with due regard to magical realism features and specifications.
Magical realism is a modern style in contemporary story writing in which the factors of reality and imagine are combined. The result is a work no similar to the story constructive elements. The style includes making use of reality and imagines combination in such a skillful way that all the imaginative and unreal events are seemed completely real and natural and the reader accept it simply. Unlike most of the opinion makers view points, magical realism is a branch of realism school and can not be regarded as a separate literary school for it has special fundamentals and structure and is not new. It is totally coordinated with realism school.
Ahle Ghargh fiction is one of the major works written in magical realism based style in our country. It is more and more influenced by this style in characters and atmosphere making. Presence of some imaginative elements such as sea Elf, ugly Giant, main character of the fiction being semi-human and … have classified the fiction as the realism work. The writer have combined the reality and imagination well but reduce its reliability when reports or interpret the events.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)
Realism addresses and explores the truth in different approaches. These approaches involve expressing details, accurate analysis of society and illustrating personality in combination with social environment. Mahmoud Teymour and Jamalzadeh are establishers of Arab and Persian storytelling. They were writing most of their stories in the form of realism.
In this paper, we first discuss about the biography of Mahmoud Teymour and Jamalzadeh and their position in Arab and Persian story literature; then we argue about their similarities and differences realism approaches. Then we explain their dominant realism approach and attitude.
This envestigation looks for the similarities and diffrences in their realism approach considering the American school of comparative the literature as a comparative research approach.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2017)
Magical realism is one of the important literary flows in developing countries that critics have investigated this area works' characteristics in two different disciplines of fiction styles and/ or literary schools. The main origin of this is Latin America, however, also in Persian language, due to cultural and social similarities, similar and sometimes distinct manifestations of the literary style can be seen. Since most of previous studies have investigated commonalities of magical realism manifestation in works of Persian land literature writers and Latin America famous writers, in this paper, by an adaptive- comparative method similar and distinct manifestations of this genre have been investigated and analyzed in two stories of "Heaven" by Bahram Sadeghi and "a very old man with enormous wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
The results show, although the two stories in terms of split cultural origin and common components such as: strange beliefs manifestation, the use of symbols, contrast and mix of tradition and modernity are within magical realism range, if we look at their sub difference stories of Marquez and many Latin American writers from the perspective of including magical realism components are more proportional to realism available in land and rural literature of Iran and Heaven of Sadeghi considering the prevailing structuralism, regarding modern elements and the kind of the author view to traditions mainly reflects a kind of magical realist story that can be called urban magical realism.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)
The emergence of magical realism in Germany and its success in Latin America indicate that localization in any way is the basic precondition for its use, Especially in the magical realism that would not be beneficial without localization and adapting it to the cultural context of the author. Interestingly, there are more similarities between this way and the Sufis texts Tazkera , as Taḏkerat-ol-oliya written by Attar. This article is a step in providing a localized pattern of magical realism based on the story and mysticism in Persian culture. Achieve a literary pattern known as magical realism that localized with fictional texts of Sufism could be a good start for the development of an Iranian-Islamic schools, known as "mystical realism". The first step in this direction is the comparative study of indexes in two field of the structure and the content between the fictional texts of magical realism that One Hundred Years of Solitude written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is the best representative of it, with the remaining texts of anecdotes Sufis Tazkera that Taḏkerat-ol-oliya written by Attar is the best representative of it. Can be thought after the recognition of the most important characteristics and differences, in the next step to the providing a definition of mystical realism.
Ali Reza Asadi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)
This article continues the unfinished discussion of Tzvetan Todorov on the classification of ‘unreal literature’ in the West by expanding his idea about surrealist story as a genre. After defining the term surrealist story and its theory, the authors, drawing on the hypothesis that surrealism is an ancient phenomenon, analyze the components and atmosphere of a selection of mystical anecdotes. The results indicate that the surreal works in the East and the West, from the ancient times, have been grounded on similar theories and comparable elements.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2019)
Realism is the real expression of life. The writer of realism does not adequately observe the image of observation; it also always considers factors and social conditions. In author's critical realism, he criticizes human relations and the environment and human and society in a system.Moustafa Lotfi and Mohammad Ali Jamalzadeh are of contemporary writers which the reflection of the out facts of the life are so bright in their essays. Jamalzadeh, the contemporary Persian writer has important essays affected by critical realistic thinking and stated the facts in his own essays. Dialect of Jamalzadeh is so simple and sometimes colloquial in his own stories. The style of his view and his analyze and his realizations from social affairs are often repetitive and the repetitions of the topics sometimes cause his stories become stereotype.
Hashem Sadeghi-Mohsenabad,
Volume 7, Issue 25 (5-2014)
Realism is one of the terms in Literature and Literary Criticism which entails multiple meanings. It can be applied both to a certain Nineteenth-Century literary movement and to a style in storytelling which endeavors to, as far as possible, depict life as it really is. This article tries to investigate the features of Realism after briefly going through different interpretations of the term and various approaches to analyzing Realistic works. So firstly, Realism has been explored as a historical concept as opposed to Romanticism and then its features have been presented. Following that, the social essence of the author’s weltanschauung reflected in Realistic works, and the radical ideological approach of Social Realism have been expounded. Based upon scholar’s opinions, verisimilitude in Realism has been evaluated in two sections: verisimilitude in relation to society and verisimilitude related to literary texts. And finally the views of the opponents and critics of Realism have been briefly held out.
Moharam Rezayati Kishehkhaleh, Majid Jalalehvand Alkami,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (11-2014)
Marxism is one of the most influential and yet controversial intellectual and philosophical movements in the twentieth century. Some critics have viewed Marx’s theory of history as unscientific and rather religious, mythic, and literary. Following that, we can understand his philosophy of history as a narrative text and therefore analyze it with the tools of literary criticism. In Iran, socialist realism style was introduced in the mid-1320 sand arose to extend the teachings of Marx and socialism. Drawing on the structuralism of Tzvetan Todorov and Marxist historicism, this paper studies the structural similarities of some of the most famous novels of Persian socialist realism, namely, Dokhtar-e Ra’yat,[1] Chashmhayash,[2] and Hamsayeha.[3] According to Todorov’sGrammar of Narrative, all the actions in these Iranian socialist-realist novels and their Marxist narrative of history can be reduced to three fundamental and recurring propositions: (1) establishing of a new authoritarian order or capitalism (equilibrium); (2) the emergence of class consciousness (lack of equilibrium); (3) repression of the opponents in the Persian novels, or realization of a classless society in Marx’s approach (equilibrium).
[1]. The Daughter of the Common Man
[2]. Her Eyes
[3]. The Neighbors
Edris Amini,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (3-2015)
Adonis’ poem“Tahavolat al-‘asheq” borrows from multiple theological and mystical texts and focuses on the encounter between tradition and modernity. This encounter formulatesa new concept of “surrealistic mysticism.” This paper studies different conceptual aspects of surreal mysticism in Adonis’ poem. The study shows that the embedded confrontation of different texts in this poem represents the formation of a modern thinking that transforms the lover from a spiritual essence to the embodiment of carnalinstincts in the modern world and reduces human to a sensual being by depriving him from the divine elements of nature and mysterious qualities.
Volume 8, Issue 34 (6-2012)
Socialist, realist poetry is one of the important literary currents of Afghanistan in the recent decades, which has been highly promoted in the 1950s and 1960s in this country. The peak of this current transpired in late 1950s and early 1960s. the poets of this genre are modernist and usually write blank poems; although among them, poets who continue to compose classical poetry are also present. Overall, their poetry are reformist, and social in nature.
This current can be divided into two groups, prior and after the year 1978. The poems composed prior to the year 1978 maintain two main approaches of stating the appalling economic and social conditions and promoting the socialist ruling system. Meanwhile, the poems composed after the year 1978 until the fall of the communist regime, revolve round a number of topics; the most important of which include promotion of the political ruling system; and focus on the status of women.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (11-2021)
Critical realism,as a branch of the literary school of realism,seeks to convey objective and accurate experiences of reality to the reader by looking at the social problems of man in the new age,and to criticize the prevailing situation in society with a reformist attitude. Samuel Shimon In his first novel,“An Iraqi in Paris”,was able to gain a special place in the field of fiction in Arabic literature;Reza Ghasemi is one of the most prominent novelists of Persian literature that wrote the novel“Nocturnal Harmony”.Both novels reflect the realities of their society and the phenomenon of migration.The purpose of this study is investigate the harmful challenges of the migration phenomenon.In this research,by examining the components of immigration literature from the perspective of critical realism based on description and analysis in the context of the American comparative school, two novels are examined.The results of the research show:Doubt in the basis of insider culture and cultural contradiction in the novel"Nocturnal Harmony"is more prominent than the novel"An Iraqi in Paris" but this is manifested in both novels in the form of alienation.In both novels, critically reviewing the past,while criticizing the political and social conditions prevailing in their society,the way of teaching some religious and cultural teachings has also been criticized.The challenges of immigration are manifested in both novels in the form of disappearance,identity crisis, homelessness and insecurity,but the author has a positive view of the future in the novel"An Iraqi in Paris",but in the novel" Nocturnal Harmony"the authorchr('39')s view is hopeless.
Hosein Bayat,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (5-2016)
A number of Persian literary studies in the recent years have connected the unconscious to the internal monologue and stream-of-consciousness narratives. Conversely, psychoanalysis has taught us that the content of the unconscious has a nonverbal, obscure, and hidden character and, in fact, because of the resistance from the human conscious psyche, this content do not have a way to become conscious and only perhaps someone like a psychiatrist or therapist can interpret it through intermediaries such as dreams or psychosis symptoms. Since such a claim is limited mainly to Persian articles and books, the present article has critically reviewed some of these studies and their theoretical resources. My conclusion is that this error is sometimes caused by lack of proficiency on theoretical issues and often is the result of untrustworthy and secondary theoretical resources. In contrast, in the more reliable scholarships on the stream of consciousness in fiction, the claim of imitating unconscious in this kind of fiction—unlike certain psychological and surrealist stories—is refuted.
Hashem Sadeghi Mohsen Abad, Hashem Sadeghi,
Volume 9, Issue 35 (10-2016)
This study intends to investigate verisimilitude techniques and provisions in early Persian novels. In order to do this, various techniques of verisimilitude deployed in novels written from 1300 to 1320 (1920-1940) are extracted and categorized. Then the rationale behind this usage and their relation to the conventions and presuppositions of the novel on one hand, and the social context of that period on the other hand, are analyzed. The authors of that period have vouched for the reality of the events of the stories from authentification narrative strategies and at time, quite directly, presented some viewpoints concerning the relation of the novels’ content to reality, asserting those events as the reiteration of objective realities. Insistence on rendering the events of the novel as reality has its roots in the embryonic nature of this medium, belief in pedagogical function of the novel, prejudices against this new medium, and the intellectuals’ belligerent stance on it.
Volume 9, Issue 40 (9-2021)
Beliefs are the basic themes of magical realism. Therefore, correct apprehension of these kinds of stories can clarify and analyze the belief/s from which the stories are originated. Fear and Trembling, written by Gholam-Hossein Saedi, is one of the story collections, which is very difficult to understand, authored in magical realism style. One of the reasons for this difficulty is Saedi's indirect use of this public belief. In this article, the authors want to delve into public beliefs of Zar in this collection in order to have a better understanding of the story. To do so, first, Zar beliefs have been investigated all over the world via library research method, and then the findings are compared against a case study in Hormozgan province through field research. The insiders in that area were interviewed. After that, in a descriptive analytical manner, the elements of beliefs in Zar in the collection story of Fear and Trembling were examined. The research findings show that several elements related to Zar beliefs in this collection have the following pivotal roles: 1) different kinds of Zar wind, the features of its five kinds are evident in the story, 2) the do's and don'ts that those suffering from Zar must observe, 3) Mamazar (the mother of Zar), and Babazar (the father of Zar) are local therapists who treat patients by music and get help from the supernatural forces and local medicines, 4) Hijab ceremony during which patients are treated, 5) music, that is one of the elements of treatment, and 6) the beliefs in mythical creatures (the cradle baby).
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2022)
Magic realism is referred to a new type of fiction erasure in which the writer skillfully mixes elements such as illusion and imagination with real events, so that the unreal character will resemble the real and natural ones for the readers. Alrajaolbaeed, written by Foad Takarli, and Tuba and the Meaning of Night, written by Shahrnoush Parsipour, the Iranian contemporary novelist, are two examples of magic realism works. Since these novels are the productions of the fearful ambiance between Iraq and Iran, their writers have mixed the reality with imagination and eliminated the border in between, choosing magic realism to express their attitude. Thus, the present study borrowed an analytical-descriptive method to scrutinize the magic components in these novels. It aimed to introduce two prominent works of fiction literature of Iraq and Iran. The skill and techniques used in these novels represented concepts and purposes by combining the imaginary components with the outside realities. The finding of this research indicate that Takarli and Parsipur have used the components of magic realism in these novels along with their imaginative power and realistic outlook to illustrated the social realities of their society. Through this passion, they have skillfully illustrated their concerns for the reader and presented these events naturally and simply.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2022)
Comparative literature examines literary unions, relationships and their influence. Francois Mauriac and Jalal Ale-Ahmad indicate the difficult situation of women. The two authors describe their ideal society by criticizing the society’s problems and restrictive rules which make women submissive and dependent. The reader gradually becomes informed about the past and present of the hero of story and predicts a vague future full of anxiety and worry for them. The present article, through a descriptive, analytic and comparative method, compares Thérèse Desqueyroux of Mauriac and The Superfluous Woman of Al-Ahmad based on the school of social realism approach. The results of this research indicate that the main characters in these two oeuvres are the oppressed women in patriarch societies which have a humiliating viewpoint on women’s freedom, wishes, interests and desires; and trample on their rights. Both authors describe the griefs, unjust situation of women’s life, the oppression and tyranny of women by men and society in order to attract the society’s attention for women’s problems and difficulties, the critique of the society’s unconventional values and society to revise everything related to women.