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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The purpose of the present study was to examine the interrelationships between the perception of social and teaching presences and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, persistence, intrinsic motivation, and negative emotions of Iraqi EFL learners in online courses. To this end, 200 intermediate Iraqi university students studying English were recruited to participate in the study. Then they were asked to complete self-report questionnaires on their perception of social and teaching presence, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, intention to persist, intrinsic motivation, and negative emotions. SEM analysis showed that the students’ perceptions of social and teaching presence had a positive relation with their satisfaction of basic psychological needs, persistence, and intrinsic motivation. The results, however, showed that there was a negative relationship between the students’ perceptions of social and teaching presences and boredom, anxiety, and shame.  The results imply that providing opportunities for students to interact effectively with their instructors and peers in online classes in a socially supportive environment can lead to positive outcomes. The implications of the study are discussed, and suggestions for further research are proposed.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present mixed-methods study aimed to provide the preliminary profile of Iranian EFL teachers’ Psychological Distress, Foreign Language Teaching Enjoyment, and wellbeing. In this vein, 243 Iranian EFL teachers aged between 20 to 51 were recruited from four provinces and were asked to reflect and respond the questionnaires. The results of the Pearson Correlation signaled a significant negative relatedness of Psychological Distress with the other two variables which were significantly and positively associated. Building upon the quantitative results, we further explored the coping strategies with which the teachers would alter and allay the negativity of Psychological Distress in their daily life and teaching experience. The qualitative results of the interview obtained from 40 teachers showed that they use self-related, and others-related strategies to cope with their distressful feelings. The findings of the present study would be useful for teachers and teacher educators by giving them an eagle eye towards teachers’ negative feelings and the ways by which they can handle unpleasant feelings and move toward wellbeing.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The intricate connection between teacher support, academic burnout, grit, and psychological wellbeing is a compelling area of research that has recently garnered second language (L2) education researchers' attention. This study aims to investigate such complex relationships with undergraduate English-major students in Iran. To this end, a sample of 318 undergraduate English-major students from various universities in Iran was selected through convenience sampling. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 26 for descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, while LISREL software was employed for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate the measurement models. The findings revealed that teacher support showed a positive and significant correlation with students' L2 grit and L2 psychological wellbeing while demonstrating a negative and significant correlation with students' L2 academic burnout. Furthermore, the simple linear regression analysis indicated that teacher support significantly predicted a 13% increase in students' grit and psychological wellbeing and a 0.03% in academic burnout. This suggests that measures to reduce the academic burnout of students in higher education should be prioritized in second language education through positive teacher support and positive psychology. The study provides valuable insights and recommendations for English language teachers, students, and policymakers and outlines future research directions.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (T-CPD) is of utmost importance for language teachers. T-CPD is the stimulation for updating teachers’ subject knowledge and  their teaching skills. Therefore, the predictive power of Psychological Well-being, L2 Teacher Grit, Grit-s, and Perceived Organizational Support (POS) on T-CPD was investigated through the mediating role of Work Motivation. Those who have participated in this study were 189 L2 teachers, who were from Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran. They took part in an online questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using Path Analysis. Before running path analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was run to estimate Cronbach’s Alpha. Based on the CFA, two items (one from L2 Teacher Grit and one from POS) that did not have good loadings were removed from the scales. Then, the authers used path analysis to check the causal relationship among the variables in the proposed model. The fitness indices showed good fitness. Moreover, the more domain-specific L2 Teacher Grit performed better than the Gris-s scale. These insights can inform strategies for enhancing T-CPD and improving the overall quality of education. In addition, the results put light on the design of teacher training programs and organizational policies that aim to improve teacher quality and student outcomes.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Teaching is a profession which is intermingled with emotional relationships. Teachers’ relationships with their classes have been shown to positively influence their performance. However, despite the novelty of the concept of teacher-class relationship (TCR) in the field of applied linguistics, examining the relationship between language teachers with the whole class has not received due attention. To shed more light on this novel concept and its antecedents, the present study aimed to investigate the role of psychological well-being, foreign language teaching enjoyment and work engagement in the TCR of language teachers. A sample of 428 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers participated in the study by completing four online questionnaires, namely the Teacher-Class Relationship Scale, the Psychological Well-being at Work (PWBW) Scale, the Foreign Language Teaching Scale (FLTES), and the Engaged Teacher Scale (ETS). The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that EFL teachers’ psychological well-being, foreign language teaching enjoyment and work engagement were strong predictors of their TCR. In addition, it was revealed that work engagement was the strongest predictor. The findings were discussed regarding the significance of developing EFL teachers’ TCR. This study suggests that EFL teachers with high level of well-being who enjoy their profession and have dedication to their job are more likely to build strong relationships with their classes. Finally, suggestions for future research were provided. 


Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Despite extensive research on factors influencing Critical Pedagogy (CP) from a positive psychology perspective, the interplay between Emotion Regulation (ER), Psychological Well-Being (PWB), and Cultural Identity (CI) remains underexplored among Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This study investigates the mediating role of CI in a novel model linking ER to PWB, with CP as the dependent variable. It addresses how these variables contribute to advocating for social justice in Eastern educational contexts. Using the quantitative design and Path Analysis (PA), 243 Iranian EFL teachers completed four electronic questionnaires: the CP scale (Roohani & Haghparast, 2020), the CI scale (Taheri, 2013), the PWB scale (Dagenais-Desmarais & Savoi, 2012), and the ER Sscale (Gross & John, 2003). Data analysis via AMOS 26 software revealed strong fit indices indicating robust model fit. Findings indicated that CI partially mediated the relationship between PWB and CP. Both direct (ER to CP) and indirect (PWB to CI to CP) effects were significant, contributing to a significant total effect of ER on CP. It is implied that integrating CI into teacher development programs can promote CP globally by enhancing educators' emotional resilience and commitment to social justice initiatives. This approach supports policymakers seeking inclusive learning environments that advocate for equity in diverse settings.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2011)

Empowerment has high impact managerial and organizational efficiency and effectiveness. On the other hand, the role of entrepreneur people to create competence advantages is undeniable. The advantages of the workplace spirituality (innovation, organizational commitment and so on) can make our organization an effective organization. So relationship between psychological empowerment, workplace spirituality and entrepreneurial behavior is the aim of this research. The conceptual model of research has been designed using these three variables. For this purpose, six hypotheses were tested. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship among three variables (psychological empowerment, workplace spirituality and entrepreneurial behavior).

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Background: Chronic Low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most prevalent health problems which is affected by psychological disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of psychological intervention on chronic low back pain among a sample of Iranian nurses.
Material and Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial. The participants of this study consisted of 84 nurses suffering from chronic back pain and working in Valiasr hospital, Tehran-Iran. The recruited nurses were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups (42 nurses in each group). The demographic questionnaire and Visual Analog Assessment scales (VAS) and a Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) were used to collect data at the beginning of the study and 3 months following completion of the intervention. Data were analyzed using Chi-square, T-test and paired T-test.
Results: Forty-two nurses, with a mean age of 32 ± 8.2 and 31.5 ± 7.4 years in the intervention group and control group respectively, took part in this study. The two groups were not significantly different at the beginning of the study in terms of demographic data (P > 0.05). At the 3-month follow up, the pain rate in the intervention group was significantly decreased from 4.47 to 4.09 (P < 0.0001). Furthermore in intervention group, the mean scores of anxiety intervention group were decreased from 17.73 to 9.76 (P < 0.0001). Decreased Stress scores decreased from 15.52 to 9.52 (P < 0.0001), and the depression score from 17.66 to 10.45 (P < 0.0001).
Conclusions: The findings of this study showed that psychological interventions reduced stress anxiety, depression as well as low back pain among Iranian nurses. It is recommended that further research with larger sample and longer follow up be conducted to confirm the findings of this study.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2020)

This study investigated the relationship between coaches' leadership style and satisfying the basic psychological needs of the premier-league male Kabaddi players. The statistical population includes all premier-league male kabeddi players' (144 male). Two questionnaires on coaches' leadership styles (LSS) and satisfying basic psychological needs were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze and classify the data. Multi-variable regression was used to estimate the value and function of the independent variable on the dependent variable and complementary analysis. Structural equations (SEM) were used for modeling the parameter and trial analysis using LISREL software. Results show that coaches' leadership styles directly affect satisfying basic psychological needs. In conclusion, we suggest that coaches provide players' needs through positive interpersonal relationships, involving them in decision-making and motivating them to achieve desirable performance.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)

Human resources are the most important assets in health care institutions. They directly affect the lives of patients and the health of the society. The present study assessed the effects of human resource management tasks on the employees in the health care field. Here psychological contracts are considered as the mediating variable and employees’ organizational commitment as the dependent variable. A survey-analytical research strategy has been used to conduct this research. The Ghaem Hospital Medical Personnel of Mashhad was the statistical population and a sample size of 268 was chosen using random sampling. Method of data collection used a standard questionnaire. In this study, structural equation and partial least squares method were used for analyzing data and testing hypotheses using smart PLS.The research results indicate that the model used in this research, is a strong theoretical model for predicting employees’ organizational commitment, furthermore all the direct relationships between the variables were significant. Additionally the study emphasizes that the human resources management tasks, paying particular attention to psychological contracts implementation, have significant effects on organizational commitment. Thus, its successful implementation will coincide with the promotion of organizational commitment

Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Autonomy support environments and Job involvement among University of Tehran’s employees: The mediating role of Basic psychological needs. As feedback and an important variable in enhancing an organization’s effectiveness, job involvement causes and consequences recognition is of great importance to managers, and an ultimate goal for organizational behavior management. Considering the importance of self-motivation in job involvement, it is necessary to illuminate job involvement through a motivation theory, for instance: self-determination theory. This theory states that work conditions which allow basic psychological needs fulfillment, pave the way for job involvement. Little research studying the relationship between these needs’ fulfillment and employees’ job involvement have been conducted, which calls for more research on this subject. This research is based on a correlation analysis, utilizing structure equation modeling methods. The Statistical population studied here is all of Tehran University’s employees, through which 113 people have been randomly chosen. Research findings show that autonomy support environments have a significant effect on fulfilling mental needs (0.6) , and that mental needs fulfillment, in turn, has a direct significant effect on job involvement (0.54). Moreover, indirect effects of autonomy support on job involvement’s significance (0.33), indicates the intermediary role of mental needs fulfillment in relation to these two variables.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2012)

Psychological capital is one of the new concepts in recent years that consider the capabilities and positive qualities in people and importance of a positive work environment; and try with the theoretical and practical approach and positive elements help to employees' life and work. Due to the developing the approach of psycap in the organizations, this paper has studied and identified the role of psycap on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Iranian public organization. Due to the developing the approach of psycap in the organizations, this paper has studied and identified the role of psycap on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Iranian public organization. So, first the researcher reviewed the research literature, then with the use of descriptive-survey method, statistical sample of the population that were employees of public organizations in Tehran province were selected and the research hypothesis were tested by using structural equations and regressions. The finds of research shows that psycap has significant positive relation with the organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The result show resiliency has the highest rank, and optimism lowest rank. At last, psycap has the moderating role between organizational climate and organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Key words: Psychological capital, organizational climate, job satisfaction and organizational commitments

Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2012)

Generally, the main objective of managers is improving organizational outcomes. Review the history of organization and management shows that to accomplish of this, were provided many different ways. One of the new ways is Psychological capital. Psycap is one of the new concepts in recent years, and it has entered in the field of management since new centuryPsychological capital is one of the new concepts in recent years that consider the capabilities and positive qualities in people and importance of a positive work environment; and try with the theoretical and practical approach and positive elements help to employees' life and work. Due to the developing the approach of psycap in the organizations, this paper has studied and identified the role of psycap on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Iranian public organization. So, first the researcher reviewed the research literature, then with the use of descriptive-survey method, statistical sample of the population that were employees of public organizations in Tehran province were selected and the research hypothesis were tested by using structural equations and regressions. The finds of research shows that psycap has significant positive relation with the organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The result show resiliency has the highest rank, and optimism lowest rank. At last, psycap has the moderating role between organizational climate and organizational commitment and job satisfaction.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Realism addresses and explores the truth in different approaches. These approaches involve expressing details, accurate analysis of society and illustrating personality in combination with social environment. Mahmoud Teymour and Jamalzadeh are establishers of Arab and Persian storytelling. They were writing most of their stories in the form of realism. In this paper, we first discuss about the biography of Mahmoud Teymour and Jamalzadeh and their position in Arab and Persian story literature; then we argue about their similarities and differences realism approaches. Then we explain their dominant realism approach and attitude. This envestigation looks for the similarities and diffrences in their realism approach considering the American school of comparative the literature as a comparative research approach.    

Volume 3, Issue 12 (12-2006)

Selecting paint in "Functional Psychology" concerns psychology of personality. Person's interests to a specified paint are not the same. The real meaning of paint is defined and is the same for all in such a psychology. Analyzing paint usage in the poems and writers works facilitates understanding the writer's mental situation.
    This article tries to be close to Nima mental situation by presenting a statistic on 8 functional paints of Marks Lusher in Nima poetries collection and their arrangement based on their consequence through analyzing paint psychology and classifying them in an even order.
    "Black" is the highly used paint in Nima poetries but it is not the paint of poems spirit paint as the "Blue" paint shows the poem's tendency toward acquiring tranquility. Black in Nima's poetries means expressing sympathy over the needy and is a cry for the age of hoarseness. The third pain is "Yellow". It means a path for freedom from the challenges and is a symbol to show a hard working mind to create a world wide brotherhood. The forth paint is "Green" (If "White" which is not within the eight ones is considered, it is the fifth one) which is not paid attention. It, after "Yellow" means escape to be free. The last paint is "Red". Its place here means it is ignored and it means lack of encourage for life and offending. The minor paint in Nima's poetries is "Grey" and ""Violet" whose proximity expresses an artful mind of Nima.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Aim: This research has tried to study the relationship of loneliness, perceived social support, thwarted belongingness and burdensomeness with suicide among Iranian university students.
Methods: The participants of the study included a pool of 315 Iranian university students who were randomly chosen from the students studying in 2015-2016. The study design was correlational and cross-sectional. Data were collected through using four instruments: Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ), Suicidal Behavior Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R), Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA), and Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (PSSQ). In order to analyze the data, Pearson's correlation and step-wise regression were conducted.
Findings: The findings revealed that while the males scored higher in both factors of thwarted belongingness and burdensomeness, the females possessed greater amount of loneliness and higher rate of perceived social support as compared to their male counterparts. Moreover, although no significant difference was found between marital status and suicide, single people showed more burdensomeness whereas married people felt higher amount of loneliness as well as higher perceived social support.
Conclusion: Finally, based on the results, we can conclude that interpersonal psychological theory of suicide is moderately helpful in predicting and explaining suicidal behaviors in students.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2024)

According to the doctrine of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, one of the basic functions of the Holy Spirit is to transform people into a new creation, which is necessary for salvation. On the other hand, man is an independent being who has the right to choose between happiness and misery. The serious issue is how a free man is placed in the course of divine inner guidance. In this study, Alston's sharing model can reasonably defend the position of authority. Based on this model, the Christian believer, in indwelling the Holy Spirit within himself, gets knowledge and awareness of what is good and feels that he wants to show a proper and appropriate reaction. This model plays an important role in all transformations of the Holy Spirit and simultaneously permits human free will.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2013)

  Nowadays, ambivalenceinclude differentelemdnts  of  human’s life and its spreading has been a social issue. For discovering the origin of for ementionedissue , it is necessary to investigate its historical background. As ghajar  are has been exposed to many challenges of traditional and modern values , it can be producer of  all types of ambivalences;therefore this issue has been  investigated from the point of view of  English travel writers who have had association with people and specilly with ghajarcouqp at that time. the population (statistical society) of this research includes  all of the itineries written by Englishmen  who have  traveled to Iran in Ghajar career. That from among them  34 itineraries have been selected as sample (through purposeful sampling) investigating of all types of sociological ambivalence and psychological ambivalence has been done through Robert merton, typological approach in sociological ambivalence  theory , also these typs have been investigated and classified by using historical  investigation techniques and content analysis . The results show that: from among 6 kinds of sociological  and psychological ambivalence, all kinds except 3 type have been refered to in mentioned intineration in ghajar; are highest amount of sociological ambivalence is dedicated to type 5 (alteraction  between cultural structure and social structure ) that has been manifested in “aberrant behavior” (psychological ambivalence) in the next level, the 6  type of sociological  ambivalence (different collections of  cultural values) has been mostly dedicated to imitation of court from western lifestyle . The mentioned ambivalences have been mostly observed among “Iranian base and in “cultural –political field “ and in “naseredin shah” and then  “fathali shah” ghajarera. Regarding content analysis of itineraries ,the final analysis of  shows the effect of specific feature of social – cultural structure of ghajar are on the spreading of ambivalence.    

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)

children and mothers of normal children.
Methods: This study was a comparative in terms of comparing obsessive-compulsive disorder and coping stress among mothers of disabled and normal children and correlation in terms of prediction of coping stress among two groups. All obsessive-compulsive women in Ahwaz, which was implemented on January 2017. 100 mothers of disabled children and 100 mothers of normal children were tested based on the severity of their OCD and their responses out of 40 scores: scores between 24-27, without OCD and scores between 27-32, with OCD, and scores greater than 32, very severe OCD and a functional disorder. Of these, 50 mothers of disabled children and 50 mothers of normal children having scores between 32 and 27 were selected for the test. In fact, their selection was done purposefully. Data collected with Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations CISS, which were analyzed with SPSS 23.
Findings: Mothers of normal children in stressfull conditions use problem-solving strategies. Approximately 68% of the variance criteria are predictable for OCD in the mothers of both disabled children and normal children. Accordingly, mothers of disabled children experience more stress than mothers of normal children.
Conclusion: Mothers of disabled children use emotion-focused and avoided strategies for coping stress.

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