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Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Peace ecology is a new emergent scientific concept which is formed due to the scientific discourses on environmental security and environmental peacemaking, and it is philosophically seeks peace with the environment which is challenged and threatened by human interventions. This concept has attracted scholars' attention and regarding environmental threats in local, national and regional levels it is necessary to be considered in Iran. So, this article using descriptive-analytic method and based on library data gathering procedure tries to explain peace ecology, conceptually. Also, it tries to provide some suggestions to peace-building and peacemaking in some regions such as the Middle East and Caspian Sea based on peace ecology indicators. The research findings show that regarding the urgency of environmental threats, these threats can provide some opportunities for peace-building and peacemaking.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2016)

One of the main characteristics of the story in data direction is Speaker/writer method which is known as “viewpoint “. Data direction is the perspective to an object or person to become efficient by perusing a specific purpose. In semantics school of Paris based on Jacques fontanill theorem point views consists of four classes. The purpose of this research is to investigate a variety of viewpoints in the short story "peace" written by Majid Gheissari and its main issue is to answer the question “what is the application of each viewpoint for the recognition of characters, time and place in the enunciate which is done by taking notes and content analysis based on Jacques fontanill theorem. In this research we have presented how the enunciator has used all four viewpoints for identification and selecting view point according to the enunciator purpose is related to the Impact on enunciated.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (1-2004)

Mohammad Tohidi Fard Ph.D. Graduate, Tarbiat Modarres University  One of the most significant events related to the beginning of twenty first century is the trrific evidence of Sep. the 11 th of 2001 in which horrible attacks were done against economical, political and military center of the U.S.A. Many people stated this event as a new born beginning in the world records. Considering different dimension of this evidence and reactions of other governments around the world, the U.S.A. attacked Afghanistan in order to perish causes of destroying the twin towers and the Pentagon under the name of "Battle against the terrorism" .As a result, Taliban system in Afghanistan perished but with the new configuration of Afghanistan government, the rumor of U.S.A. military operation toward Iraq, Somali and Yemen spread more. The evidence of the Sep. the 11 th of 2001 from the International Criminal Law point of view as International Terrorism is am instamce of an International governmental Crime which means a threat against International peace and security. Against such criminal activities, U.N. Security Council can use the mentioned authorities in the 7 th part of the U.N. Charter, actions on 41 and 42 Articles, with subject of applying to the punitive sanctions. In case of no application on behalf of Security Council, according to the 51 Article of the U.N. Charter, victim Government can lise its own rights of defence and Counter armed attacks according to legal points of self-defence.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2006)

The end of Cold War created a unique opportunity for both the Arabs and Israelis to end their animosity and for the United States to play an important role to bring them to peace negotiations. Therefore, during the 1990s, the U.S. facilitated several rounds of talks between Syria and Israel, but the negotiations complicated gradually. The talks were stalled over the fact that Israel did not want to withdraw from the Golan Heights prior to concluding security arrangements and normalization of relations with Syria. There were variety of reasons that prevented Syria and Israel from reaching a peace agreement. Besides, unresolved issues such as the Golan Heights, the biased role of the United States in the Syrian-Israeli talks left the process at an intractable impasse. The fact that the U.S. had strategic relations with Israel and due to the increasing power of the Zionist lobby in the U.S. Congress, Washington failed to be an honest broker. Both Syrian and Israeli inflexibility, mutual mistrust and suspicious along with tentative and conditional nature of talks were proved hindrances. The U.S. could play an active role through urging both Damascus and Tel Aviv to comply with the basic and logical needs of peace, pushing the Israelis to withdraw from the Syrian territory, urging the Syrians to moderate their positions-allowing new demarcation of border-strengthening confidence-building measures between the parties and assuring them that peace will provide their basic needs, and in no way will the conflict be settled at the expense of either’s interests.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (5-2008)

Philosophical sketch of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) on the primary conditions for Peace and co-existence between states is reflected in his Perpetual Peace. In Kant's view, three primary conditions of perpetual peace of a republican government in every country are based on a civil constitution, establishment of a federation of free states, and cosmopolitan right of individuals as world citizens. The foundations of republican system, i.e. freedom for all members of the society as human beings, belonging of each individual to a public code of law as subject, and equality before law as a citizen, are important in Kant's political philosophy. Two primary responsibilities for Kant's federation of free states, i.e. non-interference in the internal affairs of member states, and upholding of a unified front against extraterritorial aggression, suffer from ambiguity and inadequacy, and is therefore vulnerable. Kant's formulation of "a unified world government" is cautionary and conditional; for it can be ended to despotism and decline.
Amir Hossein Zanjanbar,
Volume 15, Issue 60 (8-2022)

Anti-war literature is a subset of peace literature. Peace is portrayed in both negative and positive ways. Positive peace is defined on the basis of the concept of moral cosmopolitanism, while negative peace is in contrast to the concept of war. Accordingly, the cosmopolitan stories represent the utopia and the anti-war stories represent the ruined city. The data of this research are picture books with anti-war stories of age groups B and C. This article was written using the analytical-descriptive method and based on the formalist approach to answer how common devices (common formal patterns) are in children's anti-war stories. The result of this research shows that anti-war stories are divided into three categories according to the dominant element of the story based on the part of the triple process of beginning, middle and end of the war: beginning-centered, middle-centered and end-centered. Each of these three categories is further divided into subcategories based on the devices they use. The acceptance of the emerging genre of anti-war literature and the lack of sufficient internal and external research on peace literature for children necessitates research. This article is the first to categorize children's anti-war literature using a formalist approach.
Peace in children's literature is presented in two ways: positive and negative. Positive peace means cosmopolitanism and coexistence while respecting each other's differences. "Negative peace is the absence of violence or war" (Galtung, 1969).
In this article, anti-war stories are not stories based on mild and minor violence (such as ridicule or rejection), but the content of anti-war stories is based on the display of extreme violence (such as large-scale wars) with collective and physical injuries. Indeed, such stories represent the beauty of peace by showing the ugliness of war.
The novelty of the present study is that it analyzes anti-war stories in children's literature and introduces a new classification. The classification of the forthcoming article not only helps the researchers of comparative literature, but also opens a window to peace literature for the authors of children's literature.
Although the anti-war literature in the world has received the attention of researchers; But whether in Iran or abroad, there is still a lack of peace research in the field of children's literature.
"Journal of Peace Research" abbreviated as JPR is an interdisciplinary monthly magazine that has been publishing research related to peace since 1964 (especially articles related to the causes of violence and conflict solutions). Among the peace research books, we can mention War no more: three centuries of American antiwar and peace writing (2016, Rosenwald). The said book is a collection of articles, stories, songs, memories and speeches that convey the message of anti-war and peace. Chapter 7 of War and American Literature (2021, Rosenwald); With the title "About anti-war literature", this author has also discussed American anti-war literature.
In Iran, unlike the literature of holy defense, not much research has been done on anti-war literature. "Exploring Anti- war stories in the holly defense literature" (J′afariyan, 2014) is one of the few researches that have been conducted in this field. The mentioned research deals with the types of characters, anxiety disorders, political-social criticisms and nostalgia in Iranian anti-war stories.
Aims, significance, and questions
Some people consider anti-war literature to be imported. According to them, this genre is the concern of pacifist writers from countries for whom war recalls the crimes of the World War or the 20-year war in Vietnam and the like. At the same time, Iranian writers associate war with defense against the aggression of the Baathist regime in Iraq and tend to write stable literature. What confirms the necessity of this research is the fact that while writers once praised stability due to an imposed war, some of them now no longer see proxy wars as an inevitable necessity. Therefore, whether right or wrong, anti-war literature has become part of the reality of this country's literature. The research questions are:
1- Corresponding to the three stages of the war process (beginning, middle and end), what are the types of children's anti-war stories in terms of the dominant element?
2- According to the formalist approach, in each of the above-mentioned types of stories, the foregrounding  of the dominant element is based on what devices (formations)?
3- In children's anti-war stories, which devices are consistent with Baudrillard's simulation theory?

Research Methodology
The research method is analytical-descriptive, and the sample group is selected by the "purposive sampling" method. To complete the sample, the method of "data saturation" was used. Authored and translated books titled "Peace and Friendship" and one hundred and thirty-five picture and illustrated book titles for age groups "B" and "C" were collected from the Iranian publishing market through library research. Stories that had an explicit anti-war theme were separated from them. The sample size resulting from saturation consists of twenty-four works, which are cited below and in the final table of the article.
This article's approach to studying children's anti-war stories is the formalist approach. The goal of formalism is to discover the form of the work. The key concepts of the formalist approach are: Form, devices, dominant element, foregrounding, defamiliarization.
The war process has three parts "beginning, middle and end". Depending on which part of the threefold process of elemental war predominates, war stories are divided into three categories: initiation-oriented, middle-oriented, and ending-oriented. Each of these threefold categories is classified into sub-categories based on the devices and formalistic arrangements used in the work, and then a detailed tree diagram of each of the above threefold categories is displayed.
Considering the age conditions and the cognitive level of the children, the visual stories of age group "B" and "C" are very brief, single-core, and single-centered and do not have multiple focus. In other words, these stories explicitly convey only one message (no complex and multiple messages) by using highlighting. Therefore, the dominant element in these stories was clearly emphasized in a convergent manner through devices such as the title of the book, the naming of the characters, the phonetic and semantic forms of the descriptions and the images attached to the text. Based on which dominant element is formed by highlighting which part of the three stages of the war process, anti-war visual stories are divided into three categories: initiation-oriented, middle-oriented, and ending-oriented. In this context, this article, while presenting the devices related to each of the three types of dominant elements mentioned above, shows that despite the claims of some critics who consider the formalist approach to be a mechanical one and lacking a dynamic ability to critique and analyze contemporary literature, formalism, like any other approach, can still be effective in criticism and draw the patterns of similarities and formal differences of stories such as the anti-war stories in children's literature by relying on the dominant element and highlighting devices.
Galtung, Johan. (1969). Violence, Peace, and Peace Research. The Journal of Peace Research. 6(3). Pp: 167- 191.
J′afariyan, A. (2014). Exploring Anti- war stories in the holly defense literature. MA degree in the Persian Language and Literature. Shahrekord University: Faculty of Literary and Humanities. [Supervisor: J. Safari & visor: E. Sadeghi] [in Persian].
Rosenwald, Lawrence. (2016). War no more: three centuries of American antiwar and peace writing. New Yurk: Liberary of America. (ISBN: ‎ 978-1598534733).
Rosenwald, Lawrence. (2021). "On Anti-war Literature". In War and American Literature. Jennifer. Haytock (Ed.). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Pp: 103- 118. (DOI:

Volume 21, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Determining organ which is obliged to the implementation of the responsibility to protect for people who are exposed to serious human rights violations , is essential important . But , determining international institution binding to the intervention is important for that institution , too . Because this institution may face to increase with costs and military crises . At the same time , might work success in putting down situation against human rights , find a better place than before in the international system . The international intervention by this institution can increase the credibility of the United Nations and the responsibility to protect doctrine . On the contrary , the arbitrary intervention by any international institution , or a state can damage to the validity of the international law and the world order . So , the Security Council as a source of authority must work better than before.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (4-2016)

The peace and looking for ways to keep it have been one of the most essential obsessions of the human beings throughout the history. Creation of regional or international organizations is considered as a way to peace building and keeping. In fact, one of the causes of transformation of international organization after the Cold War has been settlement of peace and security. The role of international organizations in order to settle conflicts is more vital and important, because most of these organizations have the ability and legitimacy to play an important role in this regard. In this regard, this article using descriptive- analytic method is intended to investigate the question: “why after the Cold War we have witnessed lower conflicts and tensions in the South East Asia than Middle East, Central Asia, Caucasus and Africa?” Research findings show that ASEAN has had an effective role in peace building and peace keeping through creating norms and regimes of peaceful settlement of disputes and strengthening interdependency, and even it has been successful to make a security community.


Volume 31, Issue 3 (3-2025)

By its multidisciplinary nature, geopolitics deals with various areas of political and spatial phenomena; these phenomena have both external and objective reality as well as abstract and subjective reality. With the increase of literature related to critical geopolitics, the fields of geopolitical studies expanded its range of studies in new fields and environments such as environment, culture and art. Meanwhile, art as a popular science and category has special political and spatial effects. Given the common themes in the two fields of geopolitics and art, the present study aimed to investigate the examples and relations between geopolitics and art, and the geopolitics of art. To answer this question with a descriptive-analytical method, the geopolitical concepts and examples of art were studied. Findings showed that geopolitical concepts such as competition, cooperation, power, politics and space reflected and represented in art on different scales. Thus, art in its general and broad sense under the title of fine arts, and art as a space for the transmission of meaning (iconographic element) is a kind of objective and abstract space in which geopolitical concepts and foundations were represented.

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