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Showing 1 results for Pathology Research؛ Research Ethics؛ Reference؛ Academic Article؛ Genre
Abbas Vaezzadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 39 (12-2017)
Plagiarism is one of the most immoral damages in our academic research studies that is growing today . The purpose of this article is to investigate plagiarism in academic articles (as the most prominent representative of academic research) , and in particular reporting and tracking of plagiarism in two academic articles in the field of literary genre studies . For this purpose, at first evidences of plagiarism in these two articles are shown ; and in the following, undertakers and propellants for doing plagiarism in research articles are expressed ; and eventually, strategies for prevention of plagiarism and retraction of pirated articles in journals are offered. this article focuses on the inhibiting role of plagiarism checker software (in pre-publication), review articles by researchers and experts to study history (perspicacious eyes) is written in different fields of study, and retraction of published articles, as practical solutions in this regard stresses .