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Showing 51 results for Nature

Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2011)

The mainly key to succeed in knowledge-based economy where competitive advantage makes the distinction is human capital. In managing the worthy capital, job satisfaction plays the important role. This prompted the researchers for measuring and improving these aspects of organizational behavior in Kalle Company. The purposes of this study aer distinguishing effective factors and their levels and quantity on job satisfaction of the selling staff of Kalle ice-cream factory. In other words, this research is to distinguish effective factors on job satisfaction of the selling stuffs of Kalle firm in the two groups of selling - marketing staff and other staff including financial, organizational and supporting staff. Importance, and influence intensity of groups will be determined and compared. Also the most important effective factors on job satisfaction of staff will be ranked according to their priority. A combined model of various aspects is provided and used according to the scientists’ opinion on behavioral field and job satisfaction. This research is a kind of descriptive stay according to data collection and objectives. The findings of this study on six effective indexes effecting on job satisfaction and marketing indicate that the three indexes of salary and wages, promotion rules and welfare facilities are in partly infavorable status, but the indexes of job nature, supervising and relationship with cooperatives are in partly favorable status. Comparison of selling and marketing staff with other staff indicates no significant differences in the studied variables of two the groups. Keywords: Knowledge worker, Human capital, Job satisfaction, Nature of job.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2003)

Historically the theoreticians in literature have studied poem and its nature from various view points. Before any one, Plato and Aristotle had regarded poem in the same way like other art areas as imitation from nature. This theory which was the cornerstone of the other theory in literature continued to the contemporary era.
In the early 20th century and coincide with emergence of new philosophy theories and linguistics, new Literature Theory emerged in which poem gradually was far from the responsibility for transferring message and meaning contrary to classic theories.
Study upon the language of the work (the objective dimension), gradual meaning development or poem multi-meaning and also entering the addressee in the literature work creativity are the most prominent characteristics of the theories such as formalism, structuralism, semiology, paraphrasing the text and deconstruction.
Multiplicity and Varity of the perspectives by which poem and its nature have been studied several times, is the prominent feature of the study on these poetic theories.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2008)

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)

This article explains the common themes of Shahriar and Fowzi Maalouf's poems by asking what common themes of their poems about nature were. To answer this question, in the research process, a descriptive analytical method has been used based on library studies and content analysis of the data. The findings of this research indicate that Shahriyar has given some reflection on the nature of the Fowzi due to a periodic crossing of his life in relation to romantic tendencies in nature. Shahriyar's attitude toward nature is the result of his own experiences and personal acquisitions, while in Fowzi's view, nature is the source of inspiration for many concepts. The characterization of nature is more realistic in the sense that the Fowzi's poetry takes on the utopianism.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2013)

The issue of earthquake and its destructive effects is constantly confronting human being communities as an extensive challenge. The ground, upon which we are constructing our buildings, is anything but solid. Hundreds of millions of years ago the continents were joined, but now they are dispersing ever so slowly. The idea that buildings are founded on stationary ground is only an illusion. From the viewpoint of geological time, the earth’s crust is in a continuous dynamic change. The scientific understanding of this process, known as continental drift or tectonic plate movement, which is the basic cause of most earthquakes, dates back only 100 years. Quakes strike at the heart of a community. When they damage buildings, people and animals are injured and killed. Earthquakes destroy the basic necessities of life, demolishing shelter, ruining food and water supplies and disrupting people’s livelihoods. Conversely, buildings that perform well during an earthquake, limit its impact on people and their basic needs. Scientists and building construction experts have strived in order to find the solutions for reducing structures damages which are caused by trembling of the earth and diminishing the casualty rate and also detriments, from some years ago. In our country, Iran, which is located in earthquake zone and has experienced some demolishing quakes before, this matter is more significant and remarkable. Apart from the poorest of communities for whom even partial earthquake protection is unaffordable, most of the disastrous effects of earthquakes are avoidable. Earthquake-resistant construction greatly reduces the rate of victims from a damaging quake, as well as lessening economic losses and disruption to public activities. Seismic retrofitting of existing buildings is of vital and crucial issues of our society. The purpose of rehabilitating is to reduce the vulnerability of a building’s inhabitants and the building itself, its structure, non-structural elements and possibly its contents to earthquake damage. To retrofit a building is to improve its seismic performance. One of the appropriate alternatives for enhancing the structural performance of available buildings is employing composites. These materials can be applied in order to increase the confinement, shear strength and ductility of columns and also enhance in-plane shear wall strength as well as out-of-plane resistance. In addition, with taking advantage of this kind of material, the secondary weight which would be added to the primarily structure is going to be significantly reduced and this would act as an optimum approach for rehabilitating the existing buildings. In this research, firstly the exact definition of composite materials and its components and different kinds are studied. Then, the essence of earthquake and seismic forces in addition to some topics on seismic retrofitting and the essential needs for it are discussed. Eventually, concerning the abilities of composites, employing them as a suitable technique for reconciliation of structural elements of existing buildings, which is one approach of seismic retrofitting, will be proposed with hope for presenting the essential knowledge of appropriate seismic retrofitting with efficient materials to architects and civil engineers in order to diminish the ruins of earthquake effects on structures and as a result, providing the next generations of our country with safer and much more protected circumstances.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Statement of Problem: In dealing with the wonders of creation in nature and its elements, the primitive man considers himself insignificant and inferior in front of the world and its vastness. Man considers nature to be alive and imagines a supernatural force for each manifestation of existence. Totems are inanimate. Totemism is related to systems derived from symbols or representations of human affiliations to animals, plants, and fundamental and human belief objects based on totems.
Objectives: Investigating totem and totemism from a psychological point of view and finding a unique method to explore the human mind and the effects left in the design of built spaces.
Research Method: It is based on analytical and descriptive studies and it has been investigated and analyzed by studying library sources and it has been compiled based on mutual relationships and comparison between independent variables and theories and totems in different religions and dependent variables.
Findings: In the knowledge of totem and totemism, understanding many amazing aspects of animals, plants and objects seemed to be impossible for humans and this led to their sanctification; Of course, the holiness that followed fear and respect. Such a view and thought caused the emergence and spread of beliefs such as animism, reincarnation and totemism.
Conclusion: Totemism and belief in totems and taboos was one of the ancient beliefs and a topic related to the history of early humans, which is considered one of the early examples of human religions. The practical consequences of these beliefs in the lives of early humans led to the emergence of rituals and practices in which the importance of animals and plants was emphasized, whose effects on the design of spaces and beliefs of the current generation are clearly evident.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Aims: Cities and their surrounding areas provide the ground for creating opportunities. Moreover, these places reveal systematic socio-economic fault lines, gaps, inequalities, and structural poverty. Cities are centers where ecosystems cross their functional thresholds and reinforce inequalities and vulnerabilities with increasing demands and pressures on limited natural resources. Therefore, it is time to move quickly from the extraction-based model in the last century to a renewable, flexible, and nature-based model which accepts the limitations of our world. 
Methods: Therefore, this study aims to identify the concept of productive city as a novel concept in the theoretical field of urban planning using the systematic review method based on a four-stage model via formulating the search strategy of papers and search process considering terms of productive city, productive urban planning, urban productivity and nature city in the top citation databases. In total, 214 papers were identified from 2013 to 2022 in the initial search, 68 of which were selected as eligible for deeper investigation and response to the research questions. 
Findings: This research indicate since adapting to the effects of climate change and resilience against environmental hazards requires a long-term perspective based on understanding nature. 
Conclusion: applying the concept of the productive city as a nature-based approach, guaranteeing social regeneration, economic and ecological sustainability, and functional-spatial continuity of cities in facing the upcoming challenges and environmental hazards, and reduce the pressures on natural resources. Furthermore, this seems necessary in contemporary urban development plans.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2024)

We will argue against formulating the propositional unity as a problem of Order, Combinability, or Recognition. We find the issue of Representation surprisingly biased to the Correspondence theory of truth, and we show how wrong it may be to read the question of having truth conditions as a question of truth conditions itself. Finally, we demonstrate how certain structured propositions may escape the arms of the question of unity. We find the problem of having truth conditions to be the most to-the-point question of the nature of propositions.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2015)

By a brief review of Iranian art works, we will understand that all Iranian art masterpieces come from and are affected by the concrete expression of the specific idea of those people who intent to embody their special beliefs and worldviews using those arts. Relationship of man with nature as well as the role of nature in urban areas and its subsequent influence on human life is one of the most significant issues that may be addressed through research on the relationship of man and nature along with identification of their mutual impacts, since nature is a representation of perfection in mankind and the ultimate beauty as it contributes to realization of life and its values. Awareness of human to the benefits provided by the green space serves as a prelude to man’s perception of creating artificial environment, light and darkness, noise and silence, and subsequently motion and inertia, because particular attributes of green space are in line with man’s cognizance of needs. Meanwhile, due to the Islamic approach of this paper, Islamic views on nature and its relationship with mankind should be discussed, since numerous verses of Quran have cited nature, making it easier for us to figure out this relationship. An inseparable link may be found in Islam between man and nature as well as natural sciences and religion. By abstaining from complete detachment of man and nature, Islam has retained its integrated approach towards universe. Indeed, mankind is a gateway to grace and mercy for the nature. Therefore it can be said that the garden is a holy place which is reminiscent of reconstruction of the cosmic event and rebirth of the world; a real world between the world of senses and the world of pure reasoning with a feeling of plurality and multiple spaces which leads to emergence of a divine feeling of separation, peace and eternity with some kind of hierarchy in the combination of the components and elements. Before being a manifestation of the territory and historical eras, gardens demonstrate the human beings’ thoughts and beliefs. The physical structure of gardens has undergone incredible changes by change in the religious thoughts (aspirations and beliefs). In this way, religion has played a decisive role in creation of gardens. The nature, the universe architecture’s achievement, God, is often inspiration for architectures. Because of human’s inborn tendency to nature and notable impacts of relationship with nature in soul and body of human, human always has been seeking to find a reasonable relationship between inside space and outside nature. Today, physical and psychological needs of humans to communicate with nature, is a reason that in all societies, it is converted to cultural heritage; however Iranian paradise as a excellent example is a picture of Iranian beliefs that despite of harshness, still is a successful pattern. The paradise in interaction between humans and their thoughts and as a meeting place for sky and earth and interaction between function and thoughts is the best place for mystical experience. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the formation of a Persian garden becomes possible, what are the type of used elements and spatial arrangement in it. In Persian Garden replacing the circular shape, which is different from other geometric shapes, is feasible. The circle is the point of spreading, symbolism or symbolic interpretation that covers the concepts of excellence, integrity and the absence of any distinction and separation. In addition to the concept of perfection that exists implicitly within the eternal circle, it also symbolizes creativity and creation of the universe. There are different climates in Iran, so the variety of vegetation in Iran is in abundant. The application of these types in green space architecture intensifies the variety and ecotypes (in color, form, size and adaptability) and also increases the success of coefficient certitude of the design and design flexibility. Having plants in green spaces is a vindication of climate and cultural capability. Due to reaching the international standards of green space per capita, we need more green space several times than the current one. Human innately likes nature. Humans’ need of vegetation and nature has been a biological and vital need from the beginning of the creation. This is a physiological need. Due to that it consists of a physical-chemical force in the brain that organizes all human rational and perceptional capabilities and guides them. The needs can be different from being urgent one or normal one and if human’s primary needs are not satisfied, a stronger aggression may be needed. Green spaces are full of varied colors, but the green color is dominant among them. From a psychological point of view, green is basically a tranquilizing color and mentally can make the space tolerable for the crowds assembled in such centers. When a person goes back to the nature and sees green trees andbeautiful flowers with water sounds and birds twittering, delightful moments are created for him/her. In the recent decades, due to changes in the social structure of the country, the majority of the patterns used for the designing urban public green spaces are those of Western parks. Moreover, the vertical growth of the cities in response to the shortage of available urban lands and the consequent dearth of green spaces has accentuated the already present need for parks. These two factors gave rise to the wide use of Western park patterns by urban designers and planners as it well provided both the need for green space and public spaces. In consequence, the Persian garden patterns, which during the years of Iranian history had been of regular use in the construction of landscapes and also enjoyed the numerous researches revolving their stability and aesthetic and psychological aspects, were eclipsed by the Western patterns. The following research was carried out in order to provide an answer to an important question; that is, how it would be possible to use the patterns of Persian gardens instead of those which belong to the Western parks in designing the urban public green spaces. The main aim of this study is to focus on relationship between human and nature, natural factors and to recognize the ranking of Iranian paradise in a kind of interaction between human and nature. The research method is documentary study and library-based, and the comparative studies are descriptive. The findings show that the relationship with nature is the most necessary condition for artist. He/she is nature himself/ herself, as part of nature and nature, via natural space, in many ways has impact on innovation of architecture. The nature is always present everywhere and is a powerful tool for motivation. Its presence is obvious in metaphor, imitation, variation form and architectural materials.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2025)

Mulla Sadra has addressed the subject of nature in his philosophical and interpretative works and has established various principles on it. Martin Heidegger has also explored the call of conscience in his fundamental ontology. The main question of this article is whether it is possible to find commonalities between Mulla Sadra’s theory of nature and the call of conscience in Heidegger’s thought. To answer this question, the call of conscience in Heidegger’s thought is examined through the analysis of Dasein and his existential states. Then, the meaning of nature in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy and its results are explained. The findings of this research indicate that there are many commonalities between the call of conscience in Heidegger’s thought and nature in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. Making man transcendent, discovering the meaning of life, discovering the inherent deficiency and poverty of man, adapting to the fluid existence and instability of human nature, and finding a foundation based on awareness are some of the commonalities of these two concepts. But the most important difference between these two concepts is that God has an important place in the doctrine of nature, but in Heidegger's concept of conscience, God has no role. Of course, some interpreters of Heidegger's thought have presented a religious and mystical interpretation of his works, in which case a greater affinity can be established between these two concepts.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2001)

Hossein Mehrpur Associate Professor, Department of Law, Shahid Beheshti University Mohammad Issaei Tafreshi Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Tarbiat Modares University Mehrzad Abdali Ph.D. Student in Private Law, Tarbiat Modares University Both Law and Morality coxcem the human's social life. They posses the positive and negative commands which are common between them and therefore they must help one another whenever possible, so that, they can minimize the legal rules which are without moral soul or are opposite to the moral rules and important moral rules which are without legal sanction. In this manner, legal rules obtain the moral nature and in addition to objective legal sanction will be accompanied by human feelings and public conscience on the one hand and the moral rules (in the necessary cases) are placed under the shadow of legal protections and theirs enforcement will be more confident on the another hand. The phrase "Legal Enforcement of Morality" is trying to make it clear that law must, by revision in some of concepts and principles of legal responsibility, refrains from disregarding to moral commands which despite of their importance may not be enforced, because they have not legal sanction. Law, for instance, should not refrain from interference in the cases which in the moral point of view are important, such as: Necessity of helping to others when a danger threats them, to refrain from acts cause harm to oneself, necessity of refrain from acts that are natural immoral. Disregarding to this important subject results in separation of morality from law and consequently the justice whish is the real essence of morality will be exposed to danger. Interference of law in morality, of course, should not annihilate the pales of law and morality, because it is clear that enforcement of all moral rules by law is neither possible nor desirable. The considerable point on this subject is that religious law has more desirably protected point on this subject is that religious law has more desirably protected the moral rules, because separation of law and morality in the legal. religious system is not so easy.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Abstract : In this article we will study “Eco-critique” which is one of the new approaches in the domain literary critique. Primarily we procced to pioneers of this approach, afterwards to the relation of human and nature, and then to representation of nature in the literary works. Also we will see the logic foundation of Eco-critique. Finally we will finish this article with the analyses of an example of a short history of Jean GIONO, with the name of “A man who plant a tree.” Abstract : In this article we will study “Eco-critique” which is one of the new approaches in the domain literary critique. Primarily we procced to pioneers of this approach, afterwards to the relation of human and nature, and then to representation of nature in the literary works. Also we will see the logic foundation of Eco-critique. Finally we will finish this article with the analyses of an example of a short history of Jean GIONO, with the name of “A man who plant a tree.”

Volume 6, Issue 5 (12-2015)

Although Ghazals of Hafez have been researched on in different poetic and linguistic approaches, there is always a new finding when diving in this endless ocean. In this paper discourse of signature verses (Takhallus) of Hafez are analyzed using one of the most authorized and referred theories today but ignored for some times that of Bakhtin. The Russian philosopher who claims that the author is not the only speaker but along with “other voices” in an active interaction take part in the creation of the truth. Considering this view point, it was found  that in spite of the fact that in most verses Hafez addresses himself, there is no “one” speaker. In other words he takes different varieties of viewpoints. In this way he sometimes agrees with Hafez, sometimes praises him, sometimes takes care of him, and still in other cases he opposes him, blames him, disagrees with him, or even outrages against him. Hafez is not alone, there are other voices in different layers of the discourse in a dialogic interaction. What makes this signature verses distinct is that here Hafez explicitly says that “I is an other”, “I must become the other of myself”, “I am my other self”. In this research, characteristics of polyphonic discourse are proposed as practical Models in three patterns for structural polyphony and three patterns for content or viewpoint polyphony with all the related sub-patterns.  

Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2003)

sattar Zarkalam Assistant Professor Department of Law, Shahed University  Open networks such as the Internet are of increasing importance for world-wide communication. They offer the possibility of interactive communication between parties who may not have pre - established relationships. They offer new business opportunities by creating tools to strengthen productivity and to reduce costs, as well as new methods of reaching customers. In order to make the best use of these opportunities, a secure environment with respect to electronic authentication (non-repudiation) is needed. Several different methods exist to sign documents electronically varying from very simple methods (e.g. inserting a scanned image of a handwritten signature in a word processing document) to very advanced methods (e.g. digital signatures using "public key cryptography"). Part one gives an overview of how electronic signatures are defined by international organization such as UNCITRAL and EU as well as French legislator, which recently modified its civil law. In Part two, the evidentiary value of electronic signature in traditional law, both, open and closed system have been evaluated. And finally the approaches of solving these conflicts are discussed.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Man is considered as a successor to God Almighty on the earth in Islamic teachings. Therefore, man as the Divine Caliph should seek to manifest those qualities that lead to an environment conducive to human life and the development of the earth. When encountering phenomena and his own actions, he must observe some principles, the most important of which such as the observance of justice can be inferred from the nature (as the divine creation). To understand the fundamental of a school of thought that fosters the protection of the nature and natural elements as a strong culture and belief in a given society, one needs to take into account the origins of such a school. When encountering the nature and natural components, the Iranian culture uses the Holy Quran as one of the most important sources whose teaching and doctrines form and direct the Iranian culture.
Addressing the components of natural identity affecting architecture and as emphasized in Quranic verses and traditions, this paper explores natural elements as the main variables of “life” and their role in the Islamic-Iranian residential architecture especially “yards”. In current study, residential architecture of Shiraz is like link in the chain that links two introspective and extrovert architecture in central points and other points of Iran.
In total, Shiraz residential architecture and its houses has been dedicated this city. In general, it can be said that one of the richest examples of residential culture of Iranian architecture is in Shiraz traditional houses.
The historical houses constructed in Zand, Qajar and Pahlavi eras were used as the sample under study. In addition, some solutions were provided for the current period so that thinkers can be able to take into account the pure Islamic life. Selective houses include Mohtasham house, Kazamzadeh house and Akbari house from Zand era, Forough-al-molk house, Manteghi-nejhad house and Atrvash house from Qajar era. Also, Shapouri house, Mohandesi house and Rashali house from Pahlavi era have been studies as other samples.
The main questions:
Are there any climate elements in Shiraz residential architecture of zand, Qajar and Pahlani eras?
How climate elements have been effective on identity of architectural form in each period?
So, in this article climatic components and elements effective in Iranian traditional architecture have been studied. These components include wind, sunlight, humidity and plants and some climatic components such as balcony, central courtyard, windows area, height difference between building and courtyard. These parameters have been analyzed in samples case studies.
Research study:
A qualitative research method was used and the data were collected through library sources and documents.
In field studies structure of Shiraz residential architecture has been attention in Zand, Qajar and Pahlavi periods. In sample case studies natural components of identity in architecture have been analyzed as the main parameters.
The results suggest that there is a relationship between verses of the Quran and hadiths and paying attention to “life” and “the issue of residence in the Islamic-Iranian architecture” as manifested in the elements of natural identity in each climate.

Volume 7, Issue 13 (9-2020)

Different attitudes in to the subject of translation have led to appearance of several topics in its extent, each of which has expanded the science of translation in different points of view and provided the grounds for its conversion into a separate field, entitled "translation studies". Among the many topics in this field, this article reviews the history of translation of the Holy Quran in terms of distinguishing between viewpoint and theory. In this regard, the issue of research is: what kind of view on the matter of translation is shown in the historical course of translation of the Qur'an? Studies on the evolution of the history of translations from the beginning of Islamic history to contemporary era, especially in Persian translations of the Holy Quran, shows that according to the definition of "translation theory", what happened in the history of translation of the Qur'an is more view pointing rather than a theoretical perspective. Of course, the existence of some successful theorizing in the historical course of the translation of Quran cannot and should not be ignored.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Introduction: The advancement of technology has been a prelude to the emergence of different ways of nature inspiration, such as biomimic, which has led to the lack of recognition of how to model and inspire nature in order to make a scientific review of architectural projects from the biomimic perspective. The aim of this study was to define a model, using biomimic technology and nature inspiration.
Conclusion: Functionalism is one of the most prominent features of the biomimic architecture. Architecture of Calatrava is organic, simple, and free of Gaudi’s forming complexities. His inspiration from nature is sometimes seen only objectively and in formal imitation in terms of metaphorical, formal, and functional imitation, and in Gaudi's works. Movement and Functionalism in Calatrava’s works are more pronounced than that of Gaudi due to the different time periods and technological progress and the influence of constructivist architects. Calatrava was influenced by Gaudi in architecture. With the tone of the day and utilization of the structure and technology, Calatrava goes beyond his culture and traditions in the modern context, while Gaudi became a surrealist architect with growing up in the neoclassical framework, relying on the geometry and cultural diversity of his time; supported by the symbols and historical monuments of Spain, influenced by factors such as the environment, family background, religion, and concurrency with the industrial revolution, and affected by formalist and constructivist architects, Gaudi not only immortalized his artistic genius, but also affected constructivist architects after himself. The two architects paid attention to form and function in their inspiration from nature. Gaudi can be considered the biomorphic architect and Calatrava can be considered biomimicic architect.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (2-2019)

The decline of biodiversity, specifically of insects is one of the major topics in conservation biology. In several countries of Europe, recent studies have shown a severe decline in species number and biomass of insects. In most countries of much higher diversity, much less is known about the state of the insect fauna. In this study, we focus on the acridid grasshoppers of Iran as an indicator taxon for diversity decline in a high diversity region. We used data of two surveys to suggest a change in species number between 1963 and after 2000. In the surveys before 1963, the species diversity across multiple localities in Iran was much higher compared to more recent faunistic studies. While this data is not statistically analyzable as the sampling is not completely comparable, the trends show a clear pattern of decline, which likely reflects the reality, conforms well to individual observations of less frequent encounters in the field and matches global patterns of insect decline. However, more standardized quantitative surveys are needed to generate statistically analyzable data. Potential reasons for the observed decline are severe draughts as a result of global climate change, habitat pollution, and destruction for construction and mining and especially overgrazing. Management actions need to be urgently put into place to stop the negative trends. Future studies need to document and test if these are taxon-specific trends or universal patterns in the region.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2004)

Morteza Shahbazinia Assistant Professor of Law, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology  The Condition of payment form the heart of the guarantee. They determine the actual benefits for the beneficiary and the risk exposure for the account party/principal debtor. For example, it is the clause that payment will be made on the beneficiary’s first demandwithout any proof of default that renders this particular guarantee totally different from the traditional or accessory guarantee. On the other, aguarantee payable upon submission of an arbitral or court decision is in substance hardly different from the contract of accessory guarantee. While different as regards the degree of default, all conditions of payment share a common characteristic, namely their documentarynature. All of them require the submission of documents and the bank’s duty is confined to examining whether these documents comply with the documents prescribed in the guarantee. It is this documentary nature of the conditions of payment, which enables the bank to perform its function.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Aims: soil, plant in playgrounds on children's achievements. Achievements of the presence of the child in the natural environment include nature's ability to promote cultivating skills, enhance mental and cognitive skills, facilitate learning, and rehabilitation of the relationship between child and nature. Meanwhile, later two ones, as factors that are only achieved through the placement of a child in a green environment, is chose to be one of the child's achievements. Although the way through which the child is accessed to these two important issues is explored.
Instrument & Methods: The statistical population of the study consisted of psychologists and parents of children aged 5-12 years old in Tehran who were asked to fill in the questionnaire.
Findings: The results indicate that the green approach in the playground has a positive and significant effect on the achievements of children. Results also show that the impact of the designed playground on the achievements of children is more than the impact of the pristine playground on achievements of children.
Conclusion: Despite the presence of the game in the historical experience of mankind and its role in the growth of the child, also considering the impact of children’s attendance in the natural playground, today we can observe a decrease in the quality of playgrounds and ignorance of green approach in playgrounds. The results indicate that the designed playground with a green approach has a significant effect on children’s achievements.

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