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Showing 1 results for Maqâmâts
Davood Poormozaffari,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (5-2017)
This essay tries to show a frequent macrostructure in mystical Maqâmâts that makes people`s religious beliefs. Not only does it gives enough evidences for the structure but also interprets its ideological functions. The macrostructure consists of some chronological events. It starts with a holy parentage for great Sufis and it is continued by prophecies predict a child will be a great Sufi in the future. It carries on with unbearable asceticisms. All of the events prepare the ground for small miracles. The chain ends with a fantastic death and a contrast to other discourses. The last events, in reality, work as a result of small miracles power. The main function of the structure appears to make a limitation to access to small miracles. It leds to articulations that generate a new discourse: discourse of Sufis who have small miracles. The new discourse encounters mystical discourse to social and political discourses.