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Showing 5 results for Literary Studies

Volume 5, Issue 21 (12-2008)

Qolam Reza Rahmdel. PH.D
Soheila Farhangi
During the last decades, interdisciplinary researches has been of serious notice in several world research centers and universities; as an approach in which the researchers create interaction among different fields of study and interlink them together in order to find a proper and suitable pattern for solving a variety of issues.
This paper intends to familiarize the interdisciplinary research approach, in addition to introducing some of these researches which are related to literary researches. This essay offers an accurate and precise definition on interdisciplinary researches and its various kinds in literary studies, while the grounds and reasons for a keen interest in these researches and the basic principles of interdisciplinary researches are surveyed. Then samples of works which have analyzed the Persian literary texts through this approach are introduced and surveyed. Studies reveal that during the last decade, Persian literary texts are analyzed through the interdisciplinary approach to a very high extent and as a matter of fact, this considerable increase and development has led to both the rereading and serious consideration of Persian literary works through a fresh attitude.
Mahdi Javidshad,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (9-2018)

One of the scientific faults that we occasionally face is the act of translating a published article into another language and publishing it in another journal as a new article. This may be done through some changes to title, key terms, structure, and content, leading finally to scientific faults in the second research. In the nineteenth number of the academic journal Critical Language & Literary Studies at Shahid Beheshti University, an article titled “Ideology and Interpellation of Black Americans’ Community in Amiri Baraka’s ‘In Memory of Radio’: An Althusserian Reading” (fall and winter 2017-2018, pages 187-208) by Seyyed Shahabedin Sadati and Alireza Jafari has been published which is very similar to an English article titled “The influence of ideological state apparatuses in identity formation: Althusserian reading of Amiri Baraka’s ‘In Memory of Radio’” published in International Journal of English and Literature (December 2013, pages 480-485). The author of the English article, Seyyed Shahabedin Sadati, is one of the authors of the Persian article who, by adding a co-author, making changes to the title and key terms, and incorporating additional materials, has tried to produce a new article, committing plagiarism along the way.

Volume 12, Issue 47 (6-2015)

Ahmad Razi. PH.D.
Abdullah Raaz
The sociological criticism of literary texts intends to go beyond some of the apparent and contextual similarities and to present a critical interpretation of the reality that is reflected in the literary text. Within each of the approaches for sociological criticism of literature, the relationship between the literary text and societal realities is at times depicted within the framework of an intricate and indirect framework, while at other times being displayed as an analogous and direct relationship. Given the promotion of sociological criticism of literary texts, and a rise in inclination toward sociological criticism of literature in Iran; assessment of the works and accomplishments of the researchers of this domain for presentation of a true image of the current situation and perception of its capacities and shortcomings is a must.
In this article, via adoption of descriptive-analytical methodology, efforts have been made to take into account the scientific articles which have been published in this domain in Iran in the past two decades. Also efforts have been underway to select thirty articles to study the quality of literary text, and the level of precision in purposeful implementation of the theories, in a bid to identify the most important shortcomings and defects of the sociological research on literature in Iran, and to analyze the factors that impact this trend.
According to findings, the sociological studies on literary texts in Iran, despite their diversity, lack creativity in implementation of theories. One of the other shortcomings in this realm is the fragility of critical thoughts; focus on a shallow presentation of relationship between the text and community; indifference toward the structural relationship and concurrently maintenance of a dialectical relationship between the form and content of the literary text; severalty of theories; an inappropriate understanding of the relationship between the text and theory; fragility of methodology; an inclination toward diminution; misunderstanding of texts; and lack of unity between the theories and implementation of theories.
Haleh Kiany,
Volume 16, Issue 63 (12-2023)

The discipline of literature in the prestigious universities of the world is progressing with up-to-date and practical topics. In the new era, the university has become an entrepreneurial institution that focuses on the production of thought, innovation, idea-centeredness and creativity, the use of interdisciplinary capacities and having thinking in interaction with the world. Meanwhile, the academic field of literature in many advanced universities is trying to address the new approaches of university, a topic that is reflected in the study of literature topics in this university. Nevertheless, these universities continue to seek greater academic legitimacy. The debates that began 150 years ago in areas such as the definition of literature as an academic discipline and the scientific nature of literary research are still ongoing. Stein Haugham Olsen is a professor of English literature and the author of many books and articles in world-renowned journals on the philosophy of literature, literary aesthetics, and so on. In this article, he seeks to examine the evolution of "literary studies" and traces this discussion from the discussions that began in the 1880s at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge on the academic nature of literature and literary criticism to recent decades. Olsen's article emphasizes that literary studies, if it seeks to discover the meaning of literary works, to obtain that meaning in any way with any theory, is ultimately what any good reader can do.

Speech Chief Editor,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (4-2024)

## Edited Text in Academic Style

The achievements of literary studies over the past three decades have been substantial, contrary to the assertions of critics and detractors. During this period, a significant body of research has been published in the form of doctoral dissertations, scholarly articles, and comprehensive monographs on literary works and authors.
The divergent attitudes towards literature and literary studies have given rise to two distinct approaches: micro and macro literary studies. This article examines the predominance of micro-literary studies and the absence of macro-literary studies in the recent three decades. Furthermore, it acknowledges that recent research findings have called into question or discredited some of the renowned narratives and theories of reference in Persian literature. The article elucidates why, despite the wealth of research, a comprehensive theory of reference has yet to emerge in the field of literature.

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