Showing 445 results for Language
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Among the challenges of language acquisition, developing writing proficiency is widely acknowledged as particularly demanding. Learners must not only select appropriate vocabulary but also use it effectively within a specific context. However, the emphasis on writing skill development should not solely lie in memorizing grammatical rules. Rather, grammar should serve as a tool to facilitate clear and effective communication of ideas. Consequently, prioritizing and strategically selecting essential grammar rules for instruction can significantly enhance and expedite the acquisition of writing skills. This research employs a descriptive-analytical method and utilizes a questionnaire to investigate the potential effects of streamlining Arabic grammar instruction on facilitating and accelerating the development of writing skills in Arabic among Persian undergraduate students majoring in Arabic Language and Literature. To achieve this objective, the study employed a researcher-designed questionnaire distributed among a sample of 16 Arabic language teachers and experts. This instrument aimed to identify the relative importance of Arabic grammar components across three proficiency levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Informed by expert opinion, the research proposes a tiered approach to Arabic grammar instruction. At the beginner level, priority is given to mastering structural order and interrogative particles. The intermediate level focuses on relative nouns, causative constructions, and the mood system. Finally, advanced learners concentrate on verbal mode and aspects. Additionally, the findings highlight the experts' emphasis on introducing similar Arabic and Persian grammar rules in the early stages of education, and Arabic-specific rules at higher levels.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Gemination is a prevalent process in Shahmirzadi, a language of the Northwestern branch of Modern Iranian language family spoken in Shahmirzad (Semnan province). This paper presents examples of gemination in verbs, nouns, and adjectives in Shahmirzadi which occur morpheme-internally and externally. Data was gathered from 5 illiterate to Master’s level female and male middle aged and older Shamirzadi native speakers and analyzed within the framework of OT. We observed that gemination is the result of synchronic as well as diachronic assimilation in Shahmirzadi and that progressive and regressive assimilation patterns are themselves the result of two different constraint-rankings of manner and place of articulation and reciprocal-assimilation emerges out of these two rankings.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
This article investigates the syntactic parameters of the agreement/case system in three northwest Iranian languages, including Tati, Talshi, and Vafsi. Baker (2008) shows that the close relationship between agreement and case that Chomsky (2000) formalized it as the Operation Agree is a parametric matter and in all languages, the agreement does not depend on the structural case of the noun phrase. In this regard, he considers the existence of two parameters: parameter (1) Direction of agreement parameter (DAP) which is based on the c-commanding condition and The Case Dependency of Agreement Parameter (CDAP) or Operation Agree and he believes that the Operation Agree or parameter (2) is only one the agreement parameters in universal grammar, not a principle ones. Also, in a language, all functional heads, if they agree with a noun phrase, are homogeneously subject to the fixed agreement parameter in that language. In this regard, we evaluate how the two parameters of Direction of agreement parameter (DAP) and The Case Dependency of Agreement Parameter (CDAP) are fixed in the functional head (T) and moreover we deal with other functional heads including determiners (D), prepositions (P) and auxiliary verbs (AUX). The results show that in these three Iranian languages, the functional head (T) is subject to the CDAP parameter, not the DAP one and the c-commanding condition is not necessary for agreement. Moreover, in par with the functional head (T), other functional heads are homogenously subject to CDAP. The method of data collection was the library method and interview.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Teaching and learning the Arabic language is of particular importance from a religious and legal point of view in Iran. Therefore, it is necessary to always maintain the position of this language both in the domestic and international arenas. The purpose of this article is to present a model for reforming the teaching and learning system of Arabic as a second language, relying on the identification of visible and hidden factors affecting it, as well as identifying the obstacles facing this issue. The basis of data collection was based on qualitative methods and specially conducting structured interviews with 10 professors of sociology of language. The analysis of the collected data has been done using the process of qualitative content analysis. AHP model and Expert Choise software have also been used to weight the research components.
The results of this article show that the tendency to teach and learn Arabic as a second language is strongly influenced by basic factors such as social, psychological and economic factors. The value of AHP coefficient was obtained for social indicators (0.403), psychological indicators (0.364) and economic indicators (0.234). The results also show that the barriers and bottlenecks in the second language teaching and learning process in Iran were identified and classified in order of importance in six areas: legal barriers, political barriers, structural barriers, social barriers, cultural barriers and economic barriers.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The need to address reading skills in language teaching is important because it is related to the other three skills (listening, speaking and writing) and ultimately affects the main goal of language teaching, which is the ability to create effective communication. Now, given the presence of all mobile phones and laptops, questions arise, to what extent are electronic opportunities included in the educational content of the Russian language in Iran? Аanswering this question, as well as analyzing questionnaires with eleven main questions regarding the inclusion of new technologies, cultural topics, playing with proverbs and other issues raised in the teaching content of the reading lesson, as well as questions about whether such materials are included in the reading textbook or not, we came to the conclusion that there is an acute lack of new technologies and other things in the educational content of reading. Therefore, the authors of this study propose new ideas in the educational content of reading to solve existing problems and improve the educational process of teaching reading in Russian at the undergraduate level.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
. Translation is one of the ways that provides trade between two languages, especially if the works selected by the translator are among the noble and precious works of that language. Marzbannameh of Saad al-Din Varavini is one of these valuable works that has a high literary status in Persian language, which was translated into Arabic by the Iranian-origin writer, Shahab al-Din Ahmad bin Abu Muhammad known as Ibn Arabshah in the 9th century. Both books have received influences from the other language in their language format, which indicates a deep connection between Persian and Arabic languages. The present research has been organized in a descriptive-analytical way with the aim of evaluating and explaining the effectiveness and mutual utilization of Waravini and Ibn Arabshah in Arabic and Persian language. The result of the research showed that Varavini has made Marzban-nameh as a technical work that has a rich literary language, decorated with Arabic evidence in terms of words and combinations, poems, verses and hadiths, and on the other hand, Ibn-Arabshah also in the process The translation has benefited from Persian language evidence such as borrowing Persian words, combinations and literal translation of proverbs. The element of culture, as an inseparable pillar of a language, has permeated Persian and Arabic languages and has become a part of that language, and all these elements show the deep and unbreakable connection between Persian and Arabic languages
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
In cognitive semantics, a polysemous word constitutes a semantic concept, and the various meanings of that word assign themselves to radial network members of that concept. Accordingly, this study investigates the polysemy of the prefix "/pas-/" based on a cognitive semantic approach. The nature of this qualitative research is descriptive-analytical, and data have been extracted from Persian-language resources, namely Dehkhoda Dictionary (1994), Moein Dictionary (2003), and Amid Dictionary (2010), using a library research method. In this study, the two criteria of Tylor and Evans (2003), namely the prototypical fixed meaning or historically evidenced meaning and salience and prominence in the semantic network, have been employed to determine the primary or prototype meaning of Persian language prefixes. The authors aim to demonstrate that the prefix "/pas-/" is a polysemous prefix with a spectrum of lexical functions. This prefix, given its usage in Persian, has different semantic clusters such as "after, before, in front, back, and behind," which have expanded from a prototype or primary meaning. The findings indicated that the prefix "/pas-/" attaches to diverse textual foundations and generates newly derived words such as "pas-farda (the day after tomorrow), pas-pariirooz (the day before yesterday), pas-andaz (savings), pas-larze (aftershock)," and the like. It is observed that the prefix "/pas-/" possesses an extensive radial network due to the combination of this prefix with various verbs.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Every country has different languages. Some are standard, while others are non-standard. This research looks at how often people in Iran use standard and non-standard language. It also looks at other factors like age, gender, education, occupation, and income. It also looks at how people feel about different language groups. The data were collected from 314 people in 10 Iranian ethnic groups living in Tehran. They were analyzed using SPSS software and Foucault's theories of power and discourse silence. The results show that people over 50 use their native language or dialect more because they have more social power. Men have replaced non-standard language with standard language. As education level rises, people use less non-standard language. Non-criteria type is more common among retirees than other occupations. Those with a strong financial status have replaced non-criteria type with the criterion type. Those with a weak financial status have the most non-criteria type speech silence. Speakers of languages with strong attitudes toward language use are less likely to speak up in many social situations. They often use non-standard language instead of standard language.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Ideological discourse has always challenged individuals as subjects and has always tried to use the polysemous character of language to predominate other discourses and subjects.This study attempts to answer the question of how the ideological discourse is able to carry out a semantic transformation on the discourse’s level and therefore on the conveyed message’s level, and that how the political authorities utilize linguistic structures and the means that language and the connotative modification of the language provide them to legitimize their supremacy in a schematic and schematized perspective.
To achieve this objective, this article’s authors have attempted to show the relationship between linguistic elements with power and domination by analyzing discourse of subjects in the Cannibale novel written by contemporary French writer Didier Daeninckx by relying on Pierre Zima’s sociological theories.Advocating the fight against denialism, racism, colonialism, corruption in political societies, he wrote Cannibale in 1998 in memory of the "human zoos" under the French Third Republic.It tells the story of indigenous Kanaks who were exhibited as animals at the 1931 Colonial Exhibition.Accordingly, this article examines how ideological discourse and semantic transformation are created through narratives and dialogues that occur throughout the book and lead to transforming ideological implications.Also, by describing and interpreting the nature of native Kanaks from the perspective of dominant ideological discourse, it is shown that dominant discourse uses the polysemous and multidimensional nature of language by holding the power to organize linguistic structures and defines a nature other than the original nature of the native Kanaks.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the basic sentence structures of textbooks written for Iranian students in Persian language. The theoretical principles of the research are based on Tesniere's (1959) Dependency Grammar, which describes syntactic structures in different languages by examining the dependency relationships between head and dependent elements in syntactic groups. The basic sentence structures presented by Tabibzadeh (2001, 2006, 2011) have been used in this research for comparison. The data was extracted from the review of 211 texts belonging to textbooks. In order to collect data, 633 sentences were selected from all the textbooks and their basic structure was extracted using the purposeful sampling method. The findings indicate that in addition to the 24 basic sentence structures provided for Persian language, other basic structures have been used in textbook, which are: || sub., pro. Comp., pre.||, || sub., pro. Comp., pro. Comp., pre. ||. The most used basic structures in the sentences of textbooks of all levels were bi-valency constructions. The study of the complements showed that, the nominal subject 96.4%, the prepositional complement 41.9%, the direct complement 31.4%, the predicate 17.2% and the complement 15.3% are the most used. The findings of the present research show the profile of the language development of 10-12 year old children by identifying the level of syntactic complexity of the sentences in the textbooks. The results of this research show the readability of educational texts written for Iranian students and can be useful for textbook authors.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
cLanguage learning strategies referto behaviors, processes, and approaches in wich the learner receives new information in a purposeful and coherent manner and is used effectively that lead to self-learning, self-control and responsibility. Due to lack of a proper research this study aims to determine the relationship between the use of language learning strategies, learning engagement and writing skills in the Arabic language writing curriculum.This research was descriptive and correlative including 70 female Bachelor students of Arabic Language and Literature of Kharazmi University in 2019. The data was collected using, Oxford learning strategies in language scale (1990), Schafeli et al. (2002) learning engagement scale and Researcher-made writing skills questionnaire. The data was analyzed using regression analysis. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the variables of language learning strategies, its components (except emotional strategy) and learning engagement with Arabic writing skills. In addition, it was found that learning strategies in language and learning engagement can explain the variance of 17% for writing skills.The resultsindicate that using of language learning strategies and Improve learning engagement, their writing skills increase. In practical terms, the findings and recommendations of the present study can be introduced as a model for including language learning strategies and enhance learning engagement for learning in curricula.Specifically, use of language learning strategies and the enhance learning engagement in the field of improving the writing skills of Arabic language and literature students is the main contribution of the current study.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
In this article, “reduplication” is studied in Hawrami language. The data of the research is obtained in a fieldwork and in conversation with the speakers of a variety of Hawrami called "Hawrami-e Takht" (Hawrami of Takht), which is spoken in a number of villages in Sarvabad county of Kurdistan province in Iran. The main goal of the research is understanding functions of reduplication in Hawrami, and also to know the differences of functions of this phenomenon in that language in comparison to other Iranian languages, namely Persian. The analyses and studies of the research indicate that “complete” and “incomplete” reduplication in Hawrami have various manifestations, but complete reduplication of verbs seems special to Hawrami, and no parallel can be found for it in Persian. In addition, examination of some constructions resulting from incomplete reduplication in Hawrami, shows that inflectional sign of grammatical gender, which in its absolute form, appears in feminine gender, is lost or appears in a different way in the construction resulting from reduplication. Regarding some parts of the data and analyses of the research, it is possible to say that this research also confirms that reduplication has similar functions and mechanisms in human languages.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of Farsi multiple interrogatives from the perspective of Superiority Effect (SE). Adopting the Minimalist Program (MP) approach, the presented research and the suggested analysis provides a critique of some extant studies on wh-movement in Farsi Multiple interrogatives and the effect of SE on this type of movement. In contrast to Bošković's (1999) view that Focus Languages do not demonstrate SE, this study shows that Multiple Interrogatives in Farsi, a focus language, indeed demonstrate SE. With this purpose and adopting a descriptive design, in the present study, sample multiple interrogative sentences in Farsi were collected from two sources. The first was previously valid multiple interrogatives studies and the second was the samples that the researcher fabricated for the purpose of analysis. The reliability of the data from the first source is followed from the reliability of the source studies. The reliability of the data from the second source was established by the researcher’s linguistic intuition as a native speaker of Farsi. The data were then analyzed according to the Minimalist Program, and in particular, in terms of wh-movement and SE on this type of movement. The results revealed that unlike previous studies (e.g., Kahnemuyipour, 2001) that fail to explain SE violation cases in Farsi and rules out some varieties of multiple interrogative constructions in Farsi in terms cases of Superiority Condition Violation (SUV), to resolve the problem, a syntactic license was proposed to explain SUV in wh-movement in Farsi multiple interrogatives.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Khalaj language is an endangered and independent branch of Turkic languages and is spoken in some villages in the center of Iran. According to researchers, the study of Khalaj language is very important because it preserves the linguistic features of Proto-Turkic. The present study provides an overview of encoding two grammatical case markers: comitative and instrumental, in Khalaj language based on typological approaches. The corpus of study consists of available data in Iran's linguistic atlas (ILA) which have been gathered based on the questionnaire prepared for this atlas. The data belongs to 16 villages in Qom province and 4 villages in Markazi province. The corpus of research includes 100 sentences which are analyzed based on the theoretical framework. According to the analyzed data, it is concluded that there is the same marker for encoding the different cases, i.e., comitative and Instrumental. Khalaj language employs the identity strategy for encoding this marker which is a postposition and attaches to the head of noun phrases.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
One of the challenges and important dimensions of assessment and evaluation in language teaching is test fairness, a broad concept that includes several factors and components. In the standards of educational and psychological assessment, test fairness means that there is no bias and advocacy and the same treatment with all subjects regardless of their race, religion, gender and age. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and attitude of Persian language instructors to non-Persian speakers about the definition of the concept of test fairness, essential components for a fair test and the general concept of test fairness. This research has been done by field and combined methods (quantitative and qualitative). 58 Persian language instructors for non-Persian speakers were selected by available sampling and participated as a statistical sample from the Persian language instructor’s community. Homayouni standard questionnaire (2015) was used to collect data, and SPSS version 23 were used for analysis of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In the qualitative part of the research, 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the instructors and the opinions of the instructors were extracted based on the content analysis of Krippendorff (2004). The analysis of descriptive statistics findings showed that experienced instructors have a better and deeper understanding of the general concept of test fairness, the definition of the concept of test fairness and the components necessary to conduct
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
In the current research, based on the descriptive-analytical method, the phonological and morphological changes of Persian loanwords in the process of localization, as well as the influence and impact of the Persian language on the Ottoman Turkish language, have been studied. For this purpose, by referring to all the dictionaries, the dictionary of definitions and allusions, thematic dictionaries and encyclopedias that were written during the period of the Ottoman Empire in Anatolia, the data required for this research, which were about 6000 Persian loanwords, were collected and examined. In this research, using Excel software and with the help of computer, the percentage and frequency of occurrence of common processes in the field of phonology and morphology have been determined. The results of the research show that among phonetic and phonological processes including vowel harmony, phonetic over differentiation, assimilation, metathesis, insertion, omitition, lenition, and weakening; Vowel harmony, which is one of the prominent features of Turkish as an agglutinating language, has the highest frequency. In the morphological field where the processes of composition and derivation were examined, derivation has the most frequency. Despite the different typological characteristics of the Persian and Turkish languages, the relationship between these two languages has been extensive and its consequences have been remarkably one-sided, the consequence of which is the existence of many Persian words in the Ottoman Turkish language.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Abstract: This paper investigates the polysemy of the Persian word /širin/ from the perspective of cognitive sociolinguistics. It starts with introducing the principles of cognitive sociolinguistics, then investigates the polysemy of the Persian adjective /širin/ within the framework introduced by Robinson (2010), (2012a), (2012b), and (2014), to show that polysemy cannot be reduced to a static state, one and the same for all speakers of the language. In fact, social variables like age and gender affect the way people perceive different senses of the polysemous word. The data is gathered using documentary and field method(library research, interviews, and questionnaires). The research method employed is mixed(quantitative and qualitative). The statistical population is all monolingual Persian speakers living in Tehran, and the sample includes 200 subjects, 100 male and 100 females, in four different age groups of under 18, between 18 and 30, between 30 and 60, and above 60 years old. The results show that different senses of the polysemous word do not have the same distribution among different speakers, both male and female, belonging to different age groups, and are not accidental but explainable in terms of gender and age of the speakers. The results also indicate that cognitive sociolinguistics is more adequate in giving more exact explanations concerning meaning variation in polysemous words and the effect of social variables of age and gender on the number and salience of each sense.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The present mixed-methods study aimed to provide the preliminary profile of Iranian EFL teachers’ Psychological Distress, Foreign Language Teaching Enjoyment, and wellbeing. In this vein, 243 Iranian EFL teachers aged between 20 to 51 were recruited from four provinces and were asked to reflect and respond the questionnaires. The results of the Pearson Correlation signaled a significant negative relatedness of Psychological Distress with the other two variables which were significantly and positively associated. Building upon the quantitative results, we further explored the coping strategies with which the teachers would alter and allay the negativity of Psychological Distress in their daily life and teaching experience. The qualitative results of the interview obtained from 40 teachers showed that they use self-related, and others-related strategies to cope with their distressful feelings. The findings of the present study would be useful for teachers and teacher educators by giving them an eagle eye towards teachers’ negative feelings and the ways by which they can handle unpleasant feelings and move toward wellbeing.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
As a trigger to communication, motivation still includes undiscovered aspects which require further investigation. Hence, considering the newly proposed dual continuum model of motivation, this study investigated the relationships among willingness to communicate (WTC), active/passive motivation, and foreign language achievement (FLA) among 216 high school English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. The modified version of the active/passive motivation scale (APMS) was revalidated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed significant relationships among active/passive motivation, L2WTC, and FLA. Additionally, six models were proposed for the prediction of learners’ L2WTC and FLA. The findings indicated that socio-cultural and sensory-perceptual active motivation as well as cognitive and sensory-perceptual passive motivation significantly predict learners’ L2WTC, while only cognitive active motivation predicts FLA. Furthermore, passive motivation predicts FLA in all sub-constructs. Finally, active motivation is a negative predictor of FLA if mediated by L2WTC. Overall, the study highlights the importance of passive as well as active motivation in promoting WTC and improving FLA among EFL learners.