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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study investigates the fundamental impact of naming on shaping the ideology of texts, particularly the Quran. It explores how naming, as a foundational linguistic process within the frameworks of Hodge and Kress (1996), Van Leeuwen (2008), and Leslie Jeffries (2010), plays a pivotal role in constructing meaning, establishing identity, and exerting power. The research also examines the naming component within the Quran and its contributions to explaining the underlying worldview of this text. To evaluate hypotheses, this research employs critical discourse analysis. It explores the approaches of Hodge, Kress, Van Leeuwen, and Jeffries regarding the naming component and applies these theories to the Quranic text. The goal is to elucidate the embedded worldview and the Quran's approach to naming. The findings reveal that in Hodge and Kress's view, the naming process is an ideological tool for promoting and solidifying specific beliefs. Conversely, Van Leeuwen perceives naming as an identity process and a means of interaction and meaning construction within social contexts. Jeffries, combining explicit (ideology) and implicit (literary language) elements, considers naming a tool for producing and reproducing ideological discourses. An examination of naming within the Quran indicates that beyond ideological, identity, and linguistic factors, other elements such as the relationship between theme and naming, the priority of content over naming, and the connection between action, process, and structure to naming also influence this process.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

The Horn of Africa region in the east of this continent consists of four countries: Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. Due to its geographical, geopolitical, strategic, geostrategic, geo-economics, etc. features, this region has always been of interest to regional and extra-regional actors. Each of the actors is trying to exert influence in this region and its countries and nations according to their national and strategic interests. Saudi Arabia is one of the active regional actors in the countries of the Horn of Africa. It seems that, in addition to its political, economic, military and security goals, this country pursues the promotion of its ideology and thinking, that is, Wahhabism. This research aims to investigate the ideological actions of Saudi Arabia in the countries of the Horn of Africa with the descriptive-analytical method and using library sources. The results show that Saudi Arabia is trying to promote Wahhabism among the Horn of Africa Muslims by spending financial expenses in the form of education, creating educational infrastructures, supporting Wahhabi groups, etc.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2011)

The present study is the analysis of the drama “Death of a Salesman” and its interlingual and intersemiotic translations into Persian. The drama has been interlingually translated into Persian and it became the basis for an intersemiotic translation, a tele-theatre. For this reason, the researcher compared the Persian translation with the English text and the tele-theatre to the Persian text to define and analyze the translation of significant ideological concepts in both translations. Then, using critical semiotics theory and extending it to translation criticism, the researcher criticized the tele-theatre from a critical semiotics viewpoint to identify which types of signs have been changed in the tele-theatre and how. Therefore, changes of ideologically significant concepts were analyzed and criticized. The results showed that there were no changes in ideologically significant concepts of the Persian text. But, in the tele-theatre, almost all of these concepts were omitted or completely transformed. In fact, the tele-theatre contains so many censorships in a way that, in some parts, it has lost its cohesion and sometimes even its meanings. In fact, the translator/director has tried to do his best to change the text according to the viewpoints of dominant culture of receiving society. Moreover, maintaining and adding their accepted ideological concepts and omitting or transforming their unaccepted ones, he has tried to represent their values and ideological positions to the receivers. As a result, he has created a text, which lacks cohesion in comparison to the original text and infers meanings, which are sometimes completely opposite to those of the original text.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Revolutionary regimes have different nature and appear in various forms. In some circumstances, the revolutions make military, party and individual dictatorship. In some situations, they provide democratic regimes. Therefore, the revolutions, as an agent, do not make democratic or authoritarian régime. Social, economic and cultural conditions of the society (political ideology) and the type of toppled regime will determine the nature of the revolutionary regime. The Islamic Republic in Iran, as a revolutionary regime, cannot be explained by the theory of democratization and secularization. The formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran requires another explanation. In viwe of democratization and secularization process, the government of faghieh and, Islamic nature are problems. The nature of revolutionary regime is depended on various factors such as: international structure, the nature of the toppled regime, structure of power, civil society and political culture. According to this article, theory of political culture (the diminished political ideology) seeks to clarify this issue in the first decade of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1978 - 1988). The Method used in this study is the strategies of case study. The results showed that, the type of political ideology of leaders and elites could partly explain the problem. The ideology of the political leaders and elites established Islamism system. Also the Islamic Republican ideology of Imam Khomein (Rah) and representatives of Assembly of Experts make Republicanism system.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)

Before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, different groups and parties strived to overthrow the Pahlavi regime. To realign the people and elites in the society with them, they had to present their rationale behind thetheircertainaty about rom he objective conditions. Regime, however, rejection of the existing regime and the desirable condition following that as well as to show the way to achieve that promised society. Each active group or party at the time drew on their contemporary schools and theories for offering the reason of the rejection of the existent condition and the way to achieve the ideal one. Among them were some parties, who put their analysis of the socio-political conditions on the basis of Marxist ideology or campaigned against the Pahlavi regime building on this ideology. Such parties included the Tudeh Party, FadaeeKhalgh guerrillas and Mujahedeen-e-Khalgh guerrillas. The Tudeh Party labeled this regime as totalitarian and based on the American imperialism. Consequently, it requested the replacement of this regime with a national one. This party regarded revolution as the best way to overthrow the regime; however, they believed that preparing the population’s mentality for revolution required political and cultural actions. The Fadaee guerrillas used this same argument against the Pahlavi regime but they believed that the alternative government must be established under the leadership of a leading Labor Party. The Fadaee guerrillas too saw revolution as the only way to the ideal condition but, unlike the Tudeh Party, they believed in guerrilla war as a way to prepare the people. The Mujahedeen-e-Khalgh developed the same argument to oppose the Pahlavi regime but, unlike the two other they regarded the mindset as already prepared for revolution apart from their certainty about the objective conditions.  According to the Mujahedeen organization, the only reason behind the defeat of the campaign was lack of organization to lead the populations, a vacuum that must be filled by the parties. For Mujahedeen, the ideal society was a classless and monotheist one.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2013)

This paper suggests the use of new branches of stylistics along with appropriate devices for the analysis of Persian texts. As a step in this direction, stylistic properties of Jashn-e Farkhonde, a short story of Jalalal-e Al-e ahmad, were analyzed with the approach of Critical stylistics answering these major questions: “What is the ideology behind the text?”, “What stylistic features discover this ideology?” and “What is the function of the ideology behind the text?” It is assumed that, in this short story, ideology is a mechanism for struggle against domination. To provide an answer to these questions, narrative and textual macro-layers of this short story are examined along with an analysis of focalization, focalization continuity (shifting focalization and multiple-focalization), facets of focalization (the perceptual facets including tense, order, duration, frequency and space, an overall and eye-bird’s view or a partial and close-up view, cognitive facet and ideological facet) and micro-layers of lexicon, syntax, and rhetoric in connection with the outer layer (the situational context of the text). It is assumed that the awareness obtained from focalization and analysis of micro-layers will result in the discovery of ideology and power relations in the text. The reslts showed that characteristics of text from contrasting personalities and contrasting discourses that reach unity to the narrator's father. Too much use of swear words and his imperative sentences indicate the hidden ideology of the text; that is dissatisfaction of author, as a critical intellectual that represents groups of community from both social and political currents mentioned in the story.      

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Architecture and urban development principles in different countries are formed in terms of cultural, religious and historical properties of the societies. Norms and standards that govern the planning, conduct and relations of citizenship are based on the principles, rules and policies that are rooted in the culture of each community. Islamic society is also influenced by religion, and culture of a particular system is associated with urbanization and urban relations. Each traditional culture expresses a sacred order, which covers from residential units to living complexes and landscape and area. So, to understand the traditional living complexes, they should be seen as an expression of physical sacred spaces. In traditional cultures, order is essentially a sacred order that its goal is to give order to this chaotic world through imitation of an ideal of order and the best eternal order. There are a number of factors that have played a crucial role in their roles of Islamic cities. In addition to the natural position (topography) and physical features, Islamic city reflect economic, political, cultural and social structures of newly established community. For overcoming the confusions that we see today in our cities, conducting a profound study of the past in order to find an appropriate physical framework for construction of cities is essential and valuable provided it will be done critically and without mystification. Undoubtedly, the civilization to which can provide effective approaches for all areas of human excellence, should have significant ideas for the most important areas of material and spiritual life of man. Urban development in Islamic culture and civilization, in addition to its valuable technical and artistic aspects, will explain a lot of hidden aspects of civilization. Islamic city can be simply adapted to modern living standards and functionality and can preserve its compatibility with cultural, social, religious, and natural environment. In order to answer the question that what are the principles and rules of Islamic cities and the consequences of each of them, descriptive and exploratory (intuitional) method has been employed. After brief description of Islamic principles, philosophical interpretations, ideology and viewpoint of Islam towards urban issues we will find out that the research method is descriptive and exploratory (intuitional). This study tries to point to some of these principles in order to explain some of the documentation and analysis and applies these principles referring to the Islamic utopia. Islamic city became a subject of serious studies and was examined for the first time in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Plato was the first thinker who thought of utopia based on rational arguments. He designed the ideal society in the Republic and claims that human society will prosper when it is governed by philosopher-king. After Plato, Aristotle completed the project and added some parts to it. In the Islamic period, Abu Nasr Farabi publishes thought of the ideal city in a book named “the Ideas of Utopian People”. Farabi believes that goal and end of utopia is to achieve happiness. Happiness is absolute goodness and goodness in turn is something that is useful in one way or another to achieve happiness. The discussed Islamic principles are mostly related to purposeful human life (the targeted life), considering revelation regarding anthropology (the principle of human dignity), with an emphasis on the needs of good and worthy of life (the principles of justice, prosperity and security). The basic principles of citizenship and urban development in Islamic thought include: the principle of targeted life, the principle of human dignity, welfare, safety, the submissiveness of Muslims, the principle of lack of corruption, lack of hardship, the urgency and the principle of binding agreements and treaties. Divine utopia is the manifestation of the absolute God, becomes an expression of human, nature, city, word and text. The idea of Iranian utopia starts with the rise of Iranian civilization and identity and with emphasizing on the element of central power. What is obvious nowadays is the pragmatism which is the basis for organizing the city and specifically can be understood in Tehran in recent decades. The process of transformation of the current Iranian civil society is going to revise itself epistemologically. Here, the theory of endogenous development can be based on the three identities, i.e. Iranian, Islamic and modern. In this respect, especially in relation to the theological foundation of the system and for the continuation of the revival of religious thought with the future management approach, shows the epistemological origins of the Islamic Republic of Iran in “religious jurisprudence in religion”. Epistemological foundation is determined particularly in the field of religion and thoughtof the rise of the Islamic Republic, and religious the idea of development in the context of religious jurisprudence can be the base of indigenous, knowledge-based development discourse. The idea of research and development can be seen in this system of thought. “Self School” is the anthropological foundation of the idea of divine utopia. In heavenly utopia, human is himself. Man in town is himself. Urban spaces are the expression of human himself. Human scale fades, in the material and numerical sense, when human being travel forms the earth to heaven and vice versa. What is proposed is a space that can express this movement, and geometric center fades in face of ideal centrality. So, mosque is located in the center of city so that human can always re-interpret himself during prayer. Finally, we suggest that creativity is the product of genius, and genius is a way which uses the components of human existence. It makes peaceful life and optimal use of divine blessing possible and creates a safe environment for excellence of human. Islam as the most complete religion pays attention to the material and social structure of the human being in all of its principles and laws. In this paper, three basic principles of citizenship and urban development system according to Islamic law have been explained, i.e. the fundamental principles, ethical principles and legal principles. Each of these principles has been set forth below in an applied manner and in accordance with the Quran and Islamic traditions.
Sina Jahan Didieh Kodehi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)

The interpretation and comprehension of a literary work based on sociological theories usually requires an eclectic approach. Such an approach unveils different aspects of a literary work and at the same time examines the validity of the theories. This article is a structural, semiological, and hermeneutical approach towards “Giyahi dar gharantineh” from the collection of short stories, Yozpalangani ke ba man davideh-and,[1] by Bijan Najdi based on the theory of ideology and power discourse. First, we determined the metatextual and textual signs and then all the signs were interpreted in the web of textual signification. Finally, the meaning-making codes were recognized according to the theory of ideology–in Marx, Althusser, and Žižek–and power discourse in Foucault. The overall aim of the article, apart from recognizing the intertextual aspects and narrative structures, decoding the textual signs, and understanding the hidden textual structure of the story, is to determine the macro-metaphor which can function as a common nucleus for all the stories. The tenors of this metaphor are the dominance of ideology and the illusion of identity.
[1] The Leopards who have Run with Me
Maryam Dorpar,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)

Because of the stagnancy in contemporary Persian stylistics, there is an urgent need for new steps in this realm. This study introduces new branches of stylistics as well as new methodologies for related studies in Persian Literature. As an initial step, this article introduces the critical stylistics and addresses the two following questions: (1) on what basis does critical stylistics study the text and (2) what implements does this methodology use for the analysis of the text? Accordingly, the concepts of “style”, “critique”, “ideology”, and “power” are explicated as four fundamental dimensions of critical stylistics. Furthermore, the tools and implements discussed by Simpson and Fowler are delved into. Last, the implication of critical stylistics for Persian literary studies and the studies of power relations within the text are mentioned.
Bahman Shahri,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (11-2012)

Since metaphors occur in language, it is an appropriate tool to identify ideology with. The choice of different metaphors in a text by language users would reveal its dominant ideology. Contrary to this, different ideologies may produce different metaphors to support their basic beliefs. Taking conceptual metaphor theory and Teun van Dijk’s theory of ideology as the basic definitions in this paper, the functions of metaphor in an ideological system and also the role of metaphor in different social contexts are being studied.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The aim of this paper is to understand youth representation in popular cinema after the Islamic Revolution with comparison of two periods of reform (1997 - 2005) and fundamentalism (2005 – 2010). To achieve this goal, the advent of cinema, popular cinema and cinema as a mass communication has been studied. In the following, the theories of representation, semiotic, Stuart Hall's coding theory, and theories of young people would be discussed. Finally, a conceptual framework is presented based on the representation theory and Hebdige's view about the representation of youth. Semiotics is the method of the present paper that is based on Selby and Cowberry’s patterns for analysis of the technical codes, and the patterns validity and semiotics of Barth for analysis of cultural codes. By focusing on these patterns, the three movies from Reform period (Under the City's Skin & Party & Me, Taraneh, I Am Taraneh, I Am Fifteen Years Old) and three movies from Fundamentalism period (Tambourine & About Elly & Pay Back) have been chosen purposefully to be studied and analyzed. In addition, at the end of every chosen scene from these movies, we explain for more understanding by using the considerate codes of Fiske. The results indicated that popular films (the movies with top selling) at these two periods are representing the different vision of young people. In each of these two periods, the conflicting references have been seen to word the young people. At the Reform period, young people have been shown by some concepts like "adherence to the structure", "hope for the future", "self-confidentce", "audacity", "accountability", "idealism", "law-abiding", and "democracy and freedom". In opposite, at the Fundamentalism period, young people have been represented as "anarchist", "show-off", "no Identity", "antisocial", "confused between tradition and Modernity", "lawbreaker", and "risk-taker". Therefore, we can say that about the representation of young people at the Fundamentalism period, kinds of media panic in the popular cinema have been exposed.  

Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2015)

The goal of this article is to demystify the press texts and discover their hidden layers of meaning in the framework of critical discourse analysis. To do so, using socio-semantic features of Van Leeuwen's model (1996), 40 numbers of four Iranian Persian publications of a two–month period, from July 22 to September 21, 2011 were studied qualitatively. The data analysis results indicated that the ideology dominating the minds of writers and groups is reflected in the text using discursive features as personalization, impersonalization, activation, backgrounding, etc., and the linguistic realization of discursive structures is performed using linguistic structures as nominalization, pre-modifiers, active versus passive structures, coordination, etc. in the texts. Also there is a dialectic relationship between discursive structures and ideology, which can be determined by studying these structures in the texts and social institutions.

Volume 6, Issue 5 (12-2015)

This study aims at analyzing the representation of the tension of Syria in some newspapers and news resources related to the Western world. The theoretical framework in this study is Thompson’s approach (1990) that mentions five general modes of operation of ideology and outlines a number of strategies appropriate to their symbolic expression. In data analysis it was found that the methods used in these texts are legitimation, reification, dissimulation and fragmentation; and the strategies are rationalization, expurgation of the other, euphemism, externalization, passivisation and nominalization. This shows that the newspapers and resources have reported the Syria’s events on the basis of their own opinions and ideologies and purposes; and they have emphasized on the schismatism and difference between people and groups; that is they somehow have distorted the reality and presented it as they themselves perceive it or want to perceive.  
Zainab Saberpour,
Volume 6, Issue 23 (10-2013)

In this essay, the novel Raz'haye Sarzamine Man (The Mysteries of My Land) has been analyzed due to the issues of gender representation, using the critical discourse analysis methods and Simone de Beauvoir's notion of gender. This, has led to the conclusion that portraying female characters in this novel, has two significant aspects: first, the Transformation of binary opposition of Innocent Girl/Prostitute (Athiry /Lakkateh) that has been illustrated by Hedayat, into Revolutionary Mother/ Royal Prostitute in this novel; and second, the emphasize placed on the political role of women in the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the importance of this role, and the portrayal of these women as powerful, visionary and open mind characters. Here, the hidden ideology of the text, has changed the problem of women and presumptions and judgments about them into a political and class-related one and so, has effected the writer's concept of the history. It has been shown here also that the metaphor of the homeland as mother has shaded the text in the form of a mythical thought.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (4-2015)

The present paper investigates the relations between the states' discourse and operation in political-social transformations in the first three decades of the Islamic Republic Iran. The main problem in this study is the divese transformations of the IRI states, and The Question is how can it be explaned. To answer this question, histirical analyses were collected and refered a three interrelated level pattern.  In external level, state transformations through Bashiriyeh's idea were followed. In mediate level, Kowsari's interpretation of Parsons' theory about the pathology of subsystems domination were used. In internal level (interaction level, we utilized Tanhayi and Abdi's interpretations) of Herbert Mead's Social Evolution Theory. Finally, we found state ideological transformations, in the context of political subsystem domination, as the most important factor for social transformations, and social interactions were evaluated as ungeneralized. By this view point, decreasing the role of state in transformations, by depoliticizing of other subsystems and making social actions free from ideological considerations, is a solution for preventing divergent transformations.  

Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2016)

The movement as known as to occupy Wall Street is a protest against the crisis of capitalism in the modern age. The Wall Street movement that began in New York, has been Inspired similar movements across the world and it was widespread very quickly over to other cities of America and some big cities in Europe. This movement has been relatively diffuse slogans which reflect the goals of the movement. The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the slogans of Wall Street movement that was proposed in the Wall street of New York and respectively social networks. The main question proposed in this study is what the nature and type of movement is and what kind of dimensions are included in values and ideologies. This study is done by content Analysis Method, slogans are collected from social networks, news sites and media that covered the movement. The slogans based on protest are divided to four categories the economic, political, social and cultural. The results show that among the 100 slogans, there are 260 themes. 105 (40.38%) themes of slogans focuses on changing the economic sphere. 68 (15/26%) themes are political slogans criticism.18.46 percent of slogans contents shows protest against the social sphere and 15 percent of themes, calling for reform and change in the cultural sphere. Based on the findings of this research, it can be inferred that this movement has more reform character and it is a reaction to the recent crisis of the capitalist system.  

Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Unlike text-based reading, discourse analysis considers all effective elements in the meaning of the text.  In addition to linguistic aspects of the text, situational context, and metalanguage in general are also taken into account.  In terms of critical perspective, it studies ideology and power relations as leading elements of the text.  Such an approach prepares the way to a comprehensive understanding of the text to the translator.  In this regard, the present paper aims to employ a reference- analysis of critical analysis discourse in translating Arabic texts into Persian.  Thus, with the assumptions of the deficiency of the text-based reading, the practicality of critical discourse analysis in transferring the hidden parts of the text has been sought.  By analyzing and translating some contemporary Arabic texts, the paper has tried to prove the above assumptions.  In conclusion, it can be noticed that in addition to highlighting the situational aspects of the text, the presented ideology directs the text.  Considering the meanings of hypertextuality, the translator has organized the target text with an appropriate style. 

Volume 7, Issue 29 (12-2019)

The concept of power and its relation with ideology is one of the basic components of critical discourse analysis. In this article, the power position of one of Shah Abbas Safavi's chivalrous, named Hosein Kord Shabestari, is analyzed according to sthe face-threatening and face-saving acts against Shah Abbas's enemies. In the face-threatening act, Hosein Kord puts himself in the power position fearlessly and the audience in accepting the power position in different ways of expressions. In the face-saving act, there is a high frequency of face-saving acts for Hosein Kord and it sometimes belongs to Shah Abbas at a lower level. So far as these two acts are concerned, it is found that a chivalrous named Hosein Kord is in a high place, sometimes even higher than the Shah Abbas's place. This is why he uses face-threatening acts against Shah Abbas. The aim of this study is to show the position of Shah Abbas's chivalrous especially Hosein Kord so far as ideology is concerned.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2017)

One of the important issues in the field of media is the impact of ideological issues on the translation of this type of texts. The Current paper seeks to examine this type of influential effects and discourse affecting the translation process and changes in target language. Therefore, based on Julian House’s translation quality evaluation pattern which is characterized by high accuracy to highlight the function of ideological issues on the text, a news text was selected from Aljazeera media network and its translation was evaluated in Fars News agency. The results showed that the translator of the above mentioned news text has been strongly affected by media policies and discourse ruling on the target language and in this way, he had to apply some changes in the original text. In the studied case, the same process has been observed and translator of Fars news agency has translated the Aljazeera news in a way acceptable to his own media discourse and had no attention to the original text and its main role.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (3-2017)

Critical metaphor analysis tries to be a multidisciplinary approach that studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk through metaphors in the social and political the present research, through electing such approaches such as critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and corpus analysis,  instances of discourse metaphors extracted from opposing wing’s newspapers such as Keyhan and Mardomsalari in Iran and Telegraph and Mirror in England analyzed based on Lakoff’s cognitive approach and Cameron’s discourse metaphor following Charteris-black’s integrative critical metaphor research. The aim was to investigate the similarities and differences between metaphors and conceptual metaphors in each discourse and subsequently in each language. To tackle this concern, considering each wing’s core principals, political parts of the intended newspapers were analyzed and to narrow down the research just five source domains including conflict, structure, journey, religion and plants were focalized. The results showed that the aforementioned languages and the political wings are different in terms of source domains and frequency due to multilingual factors including society, history and culture. The results also demonstrated the metaphorical features of the discourses in terms of source domains. In this study also each kinds of Lakoff’s structural, ontological, directional metaphors and Cameron’s systematic metaphors were identified. Furthermore, this study showed how identical facts are demonstrated differently by opposing ideologies. Finally this eclectic approach came to known as an effective approach in demonstrating hidden power relations.

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