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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The question of research is to what extent the translator has reflected the function of source text in the system of target text, and has followed the style of source text in conveying the meaning? The authors used a descriptive-analytical method based on the Systemic Functional Approach of Halliday and Matthiessen. They aimed to compare the thematic structure of one poem in Rumi's Masnavi and its English translation and answer the following questions:
1. According to Halliday’s Functional Theory, how were the theme types used in this poem of Masnavi
 and its translation?
2. Considering the comparative analysis of thematic structure in the source and target texts, what changes occurred in the textual meaning of the translated text? And to what extent has the translator been successful in transferring the concepts?
According to Halliday's model, the application frequency of topical and multiple themes as well as the marked and unmarked types in the clauses of two poems were calculated. The translator has been successful in translating 90% of the clauses containing unmarked themes and has been less successful in translating 66.6% of the clauses with marked themes and in conveying the meaning and emphasis intended by the author because of not considering the style of source text in theme markedness. Considering Halliday’s Approach of Equivalence in Translation, similarity in using the theme types in source and translation texts can indicate translator's adherence to the style of source text in conveying the textual meaning and achieving functional equivalence in translation process.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2016)

With the development of modern linguistics courses High accuracy was outstanding literary studies. Writers on the theories of linguistics as a structured and systematic analysis of literary texts began. Halliday and Hassan's theory the theories of modern linguistics courses that fall within the role orientation. He speaks of the theory of integration of teaching should be a coherent text. R. Hassan" complete theory of Halliday and Hassan is an integrative theory of harmony. Authorities as one of the oldest forms of narrative some mythological stories and folklore, like other modern novel does not have the required consistency and form of writing is not organized. Although this is true to some extent and causes the target language to the people who did not pay attention to the consistency and coherence of the text. But amid some of the cohesion so that we are equal to the work of contemporary coherent narrative. This is the “Mqamh Mzyryh" Badi'ozaman Hamadan. In this paper, in light of the theory and the theory of R. Halliday and Hassan Hassan coherence and coordination of cohesion in Maqameh Mazyryeh be examined. 

Volume 7, Issue 2 (5-2016)

In our Iranian- Islamic heritage there are lots of luminous and valuable linguistic theories. Abdolghaher Jorjani`s theory of construction is an example of these endeavors in the Islamic linguistics area which has many close relations with western linguistic and critical theories such as Halliday functional theory. There are many common points between these two theoreticians` principles and concepts. This study tries to analyze some of this common points with a descriptive-analytical method in three basic sections: The first one deals with construction theory &systemic grammar.The second deals with construction theory &context.and the third deals with construction theory & textual structure. some of the conclusions of this research are: the convergence between the concept of construction and the concept of systemic grammar, the attention of two theoreticians with the context(linguistic and extralingustic) and its special function in the explanation of meaning of text , the convergence between two theoreticians in special function of speaker and listener in the word order. the present research is going to recognize functional features of Jorjani`s theory by filling the gaps between both theories which belong to old time and contemporary time.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

Functional linguistics is regarded as one of the dominant approaches in contemporary linguistics that focuses on the functions of language. The greatest theoretician of functional linguistics Michael Halliday, in cooperation with Roqaye Hassan, have investigated the unity and coherence of text and have categorized its elements in Cohesion in English. The theory of the unity and coherence of text, which is based on the relations of sense and text, is considered as a branch of discourse analysis that investigates text. Coherence has an important and significant role in the structure of a text. The author reflects his real and surreal world in the text. Though time coherence is subverted in this reflection, he conveys meaning and creates text through language and maintaining lexical and syntactic relations.
Surrealist writers attempt to create imaginary and unreal milieus by means of free imagination and the unconscious to reach at a world beyond reality and away from preoccupations of contemporary culture. Since the surreal text is a reflection of surreal world free from limitations of language (automatism), it is assumed that such texts possess no unity and coherence and semantic relations in them is chaotic. Accordingly, this study investigates lexical cohesion of Blind Owl, in a descriptive-analytic method, based on Halliday and Hassan’s theory. The present research seeks answers to the following questions: Does the overflow of lexicons, originating from automatic writing out of the hallucinations of surrealist writer, create an incoherent text or not? Does the surrealist text take distance from language standards and their lexicons and their sentences have no unity and coherence as surrealists do in their real life? At last, it is argued whether Halliday’s linguistic theory can be useful in the analysis of surrealist texts in order to understand writer’s mentality and spirit.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

The present study is an attempt to determine the frequency and the role of circumstantial elements with a comparative approach between writers in both sex within the framework of Systemic Functional Grammar. In this research, data include two stories called ʻBroken Marbleʼ, written by Simin Daneshvar (2001) and ʻThe Same as it wasʼ written by Jafar Modarres Sadegi (2006)which have been analyzed according to the concepts discussed in ʻIdeational Meta functionʼ and ʻTransitivity Systemʼ. As giving details in Functional Grammar is represented in the form of circumstantial elements in the text, at the first step, all the circumstantial elements in the stories were found and then according the Functional Grammar and linguistic context were categorized. Analyzing the data showed less circumstantial elements in Daneshvar's story than Modarres Sadegi's; but the former was more versatile in using various kinds of circumstantial elements in her work. In both stories, ʻ placeʼ adjuncts have allocated the highest amount of circumstantial elements to itself. In the work of man writer, there is no guise and sourceʼ adjuncts , while woman writer has used these kinds of adjuncts. She has used all of them in the form of quotation (citation), so that, when she narrates the story from the mouth of the main character, remembers others' utterances in each situation. Also, in the story of woman, it can be seen that there are the situations which represent feelings, and she has transferred these feelings by using different kinds of adjuncts. It seems that review of literary texts from this perspective reveals new aspects of these works in fiction, literary criticism and stylistics. Introducing this category and applying it in stylistics of stories, is another objective of the present article.

Volume 8, Issue 6 (3-2017)

In Systemic-Functional linguistics, language is a system of meanings along with forms through them, meanings are recognized. In Halliday's Systemic-Functional linguistics, beside the Experiential and Interpersonal meta function, which are based on the experiences and expressing interpersonal relationships, there is another semantic component, called textual meta function, which is in complementary distribution with the basic meta functions. In this meta-function, the chains and sequences in discourse are formed and as the words go forth, the continuity of the speech flow is also organized. Language makes a communication between itself and the texture and according the context and its specific characteristics, create the text. The present study makes an attempt to analyze and consider the linguistic features of Ruzbehan Baqli in one of his books, Abhar al-Asheqin,based on the textual meta function of language to discover semantic system of the text and the manner it establishes the relationship with the readers. To this end, some parts of this book were selected to find out what kinds of themes are used by the writer to keep the text coherent and what kinds of the themes helped him adhere to the principles and rules of Persian grammar and the order of the grammatical components of sentences. Then, by determining the percentage of the themes and the frequency of them, it became clear that the percentage and the frequency of textual themes is more than interpersonal ones. It shows that coherence and harmony in Abhar al-Asheqin is high enough so that it makes the logical and semantic relation between the clauses in this book. While, the interpersonal theme shows attitude, emotion and judgment of the speaker in relation to the message. Using continuous, structural, and additional themes, play an important role in the conjunction of the words and the cohesion between the textures and the extension of the concept in the interconnected sections. Also, using experiential theme shows that the writer has focused on that specific part of the text.
Hossein Razavian, Vajiheh Ehsani,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (3-2015)

Scholars have different methods for grouping or determining the style of the literary works. So it sounds inevitable to have disagreement on how to determine the style of a work. In this paper we do not seek to confirm or reject common stylistics methods; rather we are proposing a new criterion as an indicator of style, namely, the metaphor of transitivity as a grammatical metaphor. To this end, Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni are studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The metaphors of transitivity from these works are extracted and compared. The frequency of such metaphor in Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jennicompared to Modir-e Madrese is much less. In Golestan these metaphors represents the conversion of mental processes to the existential ones and then the mental to the relational processes. In Modir-e Madrese, however, there is a unique employment of the metaphors of transitivity that represents the conversion of relational processes to the material ones and then the verbal processes to material.  Our study presents a model for using grammatical metaphor as a stylistic unit. In the chosen works, there is a significant difference between both the frequency and the type of metaphors of transitivity.        

Volume 10, Issue 6 (3-2019)

This research aims at studying  the discursive stylistics of the 28th sermon of Nahjulbalaghah from the perspective of two ideational and interpersonal  metafunctions of Halliday's Functional Theory alongside the  frequency of processes in the dissertation of thinkers and the way of formation and formulation of meaning in the layer of communication with the audience for expressing the discourse at the level of intertextuality.
By adopting an analytical and descriptive  research methodology, the current research seeks to apply the Halliday's theory in two levels of ideational and interpersonal metafunction, which is a descriptive discourse of the world and attempts to explain the discursive stylistics of the 28th Sermon of Nahjulbalaghah.
The innovation of the research is that no research has been done on the analysis of Nahjulbalagha Sermons especially sermon 28 as a discoursive study.  
The results showed that the analysis of sermon's chapters at the ideational metafunction level indicates the highest frequencies of ideational processes belonging to material processes. By employing the frequency of material processes, the Prophet seems to try to tangibly express his attitude to the ephemeral features of the world and act for the hereafter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2021)

The present paper on the reverse flow of Grammatical metaphor has surveyed the usage of grammatical metaphor in two varieties of Scientific articles- medical academic articles and medical popularized articles- with the same topics.
This subject was chosen to be studied aiming to discover the differences between language structures that scientific journalists and academic authors use to transfer scientific ideas and issues in their articles. Grammatical metaphor is the concept that Halliday uses in Systemic functional grammar and it means changing one grammatical category to another; in this process verbs and adjectives change to noun and clauses to nominal groups as well. This process leads to increase of lexical density and also complexity and abstraction of the text. Findings of this study show that authors of popularized scientific articles to publish their writings in mass media, usually simplify the grammatical structures in addition to lexicon. To reach this aim and also to justify simplified texts with the normal and congruent process of transferring meanings via language, avoid using grammatical metaphor in their texts.
  1.  Introduction
The language used by experts in scientific journals and programs to maintain scientific credibility is a specialized and Technical language that may be incomprehensible to the general public. To facilitate understanding way, the media and science reporters and journalists build bridges between professionals and the general public using appropriate language structures. One of the linguistic tools available to scientific journalists in implementing this serious matter is changing  some grammatical structures to another; The structure that is considered here is the phenomenon that was named "grammatical metaphor", which is how its effect on the simplification and popularization of the language of science is examined in this article.
2. Methodology
Grammatical metaphor is a metaphor that replaces a grammatical structure with another and conveys a similar meaning. In other words, replacing one grammatical form with another grammatical form is called grammatical metaphor.
The main manifestation of the grammatical metaphor is nominalization. Nominalization is the most common type of grammatical metaphor at the lexical level that increases the density of information.
This structure, which is considered as one of the features and characteristics of the language of science, increases the lexical density and, consequently, the semantic complexity of scientific texts.
According to the studies that have been done in this field so far, grammatical metaphor is of special importance in the evolution of scientific writings and is a characteristic feature of this type of discourse.
In this research, the authors also try to examine and compare the corpuses  that has been selected from technical and popularized Persian scientific texts and answer the question of whether the use of grammatical metaphor in these two styles of same linguistic species is different, and how can this be explained if there is a difference?
The data of the present study in the specialized scientific language section are taken from one hundred technical medical articles in the fields of cardiovascular diseases, neurology, breast cancer, diabetes and MS published in scientific-research journals approved by the Ministry of Health. Also, in the mass media section, one hundred articles with similar topics to technical articles have been selected from the scientific pages of widely circulated newspapers and the scientific sections of cyberspace databases.
After collecting the data, it was necessary to measure the frequency of using grammatical metaphors in data from scientific-research articles and popularized scientific articles in the field of medical disciplines mentioned.
The aim is to investigate the differences in the frequency of usage of grammatical metaphor in scientific-specialized texts and popularized scientific texts and also to examine the results of these differences in recognizing the characteristics of grammatical metaphor in different linguistic types.
To achieve this goal, first the sentences of one hundred scientific-research articles and one hundred popularized scientific articles with similar topics were identified. then sentences and clauses containing grammatical metaphors in both types of articles also were recognized.
In the next step the congruent expression corresponding to each of them was reconstructed and the lexical density of each of these two types of expression was measured to reveal all the aspects of reverse flow of grammatical metaphor.
Then the results were statistically, analytically and descriptively reviewed to provide an appropriate answer to this question that what is the use of grammatical metaphor construction in two different types of Persian scientific language and how grammatical, lexical and discourse consequences related to this difference affect readers' understanding of science.
After analyzing the data of this research, it was found that the authors of technical scientific articles used 44.53% grammatical metaphor in expressing their content and the authors of popularized scientific articles used about 10.94% of this construction.
The frequency of grammatical metaphor in the technical and popularized article

For this reason, readers often have difficulty understanding the content of specialized articles with a high rate of usage of grammatical metaphor, which leads to the formation of long sentences with high lexical density.
This is due to the different nature of the two figures in expressing the same meaning. The scientific language used by experts often results in a different interpretation of the experience by changing the structure of the adaptive language, and the use of grammatical metaphor is one way to achieve these different interpretations. For this reason, readers often have difficulty understanding the content of specialized articles with a high rate of grammatical metaphor - which leads to long sentences with high lexical density -. The reverse flow of grammatical metaphor that occurs in the writing of public science articles is an effective tool for conceptualizing science for the general public.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar analyzes text in context. Based on this theory, in the study of texts, , we are faced with three metafunctions: Ideational metafunction, Interpersonal metafunction and textual metafunction, that Ideational metafunction divided into experiential and logical ones. In experiential metafunctions the six processes, participants, and circumstances are analyzed. According to some experts, Garshasbnameh is the best heroic poem after Shahnameh among heroic texts. For this reason, in this study, the Tahmidiyehs of Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh have been selected for comparison based on Ideational metafunction of the Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar to determine how similar the Tahmidiyehs of these two works are linguistically and if we assume that Asadi has tried to write a work like Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh, how much has he achieved his goal? After the study, it was found that in both Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh, the material process has the highest percentage. According to the genre of these two works, which is epic, this result and attention to the material process is predictable. Since the nature of Tahmidiyeh is to praise God, God is the main participant in most of these processes and the percentages are almost equal. It can be acknowledged, with a little forgiveness, Asadi has been able to follow in the footsteps of Ferdowsi in composing the Tahmidiyeh of Garshasbnameh, and the Tahmidiyeh of Garshasbnameh is equal to the Tahmidiyeh of Shahnameh from the view point of Ideational metafunction.
  1.  Introduction
Tahmidiyeh means praise and glorification of God, and the term refers to the first lines or pages of prose or the first verses of poems. Writers and poets begin their work with the name and remembrance of God and the mention of His attributes, and thus bless their work with the name of God. In Tahmidiyehs, as a part of the preface of a work, in addition to paying attention to the name and remembrance of the great God, the genre for which the poet or writer writes the Tahmidiyeh should also be considered. For example, the Tahmidiyeh written for an epic work are different from Tahmidiyeh written for a lyrical work and from this point of view, literary works can be analyzed.
Among epic and heroic works, Shahnameh has a special place. Therefore, many writers over the centuries have tried to create a work like Shahnameh. According to some scholars, Asadi Tusi has tried to write a work similar to Shahnameh. In this regard, this research seeks to answer the question of how much Ferdowsi and Asadi in composing Tahmidiyehs of Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh have been able to create a Tahmidiyeh appropriate to the epic text and if we assume that Asadi in Garshasbnameh has tried to write a work as value as Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, how much has he achieved his goal?
  1.  Methodology
In this research, based on the Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar, two works of epic literature are examined in order to achieve the extent of their use of epic language. Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar examines the function of language in context: context of culture and context of situation. Halliday considers language as a social phenomenon and he considers it necessary to pay attention to social function in language analysis. In Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar, language depends on the community in which it is used and must be analyzed from a social perspective.
In structural linguistics, the unit of language processing is sentence, while in functional linguistics clauses are important; This is because sentences alone do not convey the meaning of the text and should be considered in conjunction with other sentences. For this reason, the text is divided into clauses and analyzed. According to Halliday, each clause as a discourse chunk must be examined from three perspectives:  field, tenor and mode of discourse. Halliday defines the metafunctions with the help of these three domains. Thus, in the structural study of each text, according to the context of its position, we are faced with three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal and textual. Each of these metafunctions is also divided into several sub-categories. From these three metafunctions, ideational metafunction has been selected for analysis in this research. Ideational metafunction itself is divided into two experiential and logical metafunctions. In experiential metafunction, the six processes (three main processes and three sub-processes), participants and circumstances are examined. But in the logical metafunction, the relations between the clauses are discussed. Processes occur in the verb and are divided into three main processes and three sub-processes. Material, mental, and relational processes are the three main processes, and behavioral, verbal, and existential processes are the three sub-processes.
  1.  Discussion and Conclusion
After determining the absolute frequency and relative frequency of ideational metafunction processes in the initial verses of Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh and putting them together, considerable results were obtained. One of the results is that in both works, the highest percentage is related to the material process. In both Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh, about 37% of all processes are related to the material process. As mentioned, the material process implies doing a work or happening an event, which according to the genre of the two works, which is epic, this amount of attention to the material process is predictable. Another process that should be considered according to the genre of the two works is the mental process. It seems that in composing an epic work, mental processes are less than genre like lyrical. The epic expresses the efforts and struggles of the heroes and pays less attention to mental issues (than material issues). In Shahnameh, about 18% and in Garshasbnameh, about 17% of the total processes are mental processes. Material and mental processes with few difference are the most similar among the types of processes and this shows that Asadi in composing Garshasbnameh has been able to be very close to Shahnameh linguistically in these two processes. The percentage of relational process in Shahnameh is higher than Garshasbnameh and this difference in verbal and existential processes in Garshasbnameh has been compensated. The percentage of the behavioral process in both works is zero, which is justifiable considering that the Tahmidiyehs of two works have been examined and have not yet entered the narrative section.
The results obtained for the participants in these processes are also significant. In Shahnameh, participant of about 31% of processes and in Garshasbnameh, participant of about 39% of processes is God. Considering that in this study, Tamhidiyehs of the two works were analyzed, assigning the highest percentage of participants to God was reasonable and predictable, and this shows the dominance and ability of the two poets.
In the end, with a little connivance, it can be acknowledged that Asadi was able to cope well with Ferdowsi in composing the Tahmidiyeh of Garshasbnameh, and the Tamhidiyeh of Garshasbnameh is equal to the Tahmidiyeh of Shahnameh based on ideational metafunction

Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2023)

The present article aims to analysis Rumi's discourse in Shams's Ghazaliyat based on "Interpersonal Transcendence" within the framework of Halliday's role orientation. In studying and examining the texts, what is important is to understand the message and the author's main purpose of writing that text. In literary texts, the speaker's meaning is not always what it seems to the audience at first glance. Rather, concepts and layers of hidden meaning are brought behind the apparent words that contain the main purpose of the author. Reaching the author's intellectual world and worldview creates a deep and different mental space for the reader. This research answers these questions, how is Halliday's role-oriented systematic order efficient in the analysis of literary texts. In the interpersonal trans-role, how to deal with a larger structure than the text, and the possibility of analyzing the text is created. The hypothesis of the research is that the transpersonal role increases the interaction between the speaker and the audience and creates a more open space for discourse analysis. The statistical population is ghazaliyat Shams and the method used is analytical-descriptive. This research has shown that Halliday's role-oriented systematic theory is efficient in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the text, in the discourse analysis. Based on the interpersonal role, the speaker's interaction with the audience and the characteristics of Shams's ghazaliyat have been determined, and the possibility of discourse analysis has been established.


Volume 17, Issue 68 (10-2020)

Halliday in the Systemic Functional Grammar model has considered three experiential metafunctions, interpersonal and textual, for the analysis of texts. Ideational metafunction refers to our experience of both the inner and the external through language. The most principal content for ideational metafunction is transitivity that considers processes types, participants in the process and marginal additions. This study attempts to examine the processes and participants existing in some sections of the two verses “Weiss and Ramin” and “Rostam and Esfandiar”, using the metafunction capabilities. This research use the analytical-statistical method. The findings includes: 1) The above material processes, along with the verbal and behavioral processes in the story of “Rostam and Esfandiar”, Created a passionate, epic atmosphere full of action and movement, while mental, relational and existential processes have taken its dynamic character from the verses of “Weiss and Ramin” to be suitable for expressing the emotional concerns and personal sentiments of the characters of the story. 2) Active participants in the story of "Rostam and Esfandiar", and inactive participants in the story of "Weiss and Ramin" are more frequent. 3) The semantic correspondence between surface structures and deep structures of the processes in "Weiss and Ramin" is very smaller thane "Rostam and Esfandiar". This research shows how lyrical and romantic literary genre overshadows some processes. And processes, which are apparently the illustrators of the transcendental world, reflect in the deep structure of the poet's inner world and the mentality of the characters in the story.

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