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Showing 14 results for Fairclough

Hosein Ali Ghobadi, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh , Seyed Ali Desp ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (7-2009)

Discourse analysis has emanated from ideas os scholars od Linguistics, semiotics, hermeneutics and the theories of Michel Foucault (1926-1992), but in contrast to the aforementioned methods, it cover the two aspects of the text: form and meaning and so it is a comprehensive approach for text analysis. Scholars like Fairclough, Wodak, Van Dijk, Fowler and Kress played an important role in introducing and promoting critical discourse analysis as a new approach to text analysis. In this research we have used Norman Fairclough’s approach. In the present study, it was tried to analyze Sovashoon of Simin Daneshvar. In so doing, we discussed the views of the author, and using an innovative approach, we discovered various semantic and thematic layers of meanings closer to this novel. It was concluded that Daneshvar,with her special approach to the political and social changes of her time ,has connected the politico-social factors to mythological ones. This approach is specific to her, different with others' and so we can consider it as her own unique ideology. From a critical discourses analytic perspective, Simin Daneshvar, in her writings, made use of specific terms, epical and mythical dimensions and its connection with religion while generalizing these elements and connecting it to our era, has sought to create an independent Iranian identity. She managed to create an anti-imperialistic hero from the working class and naturally promoted women’s role in the contemporary novels from a housewife to a reformer and activist in the socio-political areas.
Elham Hadadi, Mqstafa Gorji,
Volume 5, Issue 18 (8-2012)

One of the most effective approaches for critical studies of literary works is Critical Discourse Analysis. This article studies Madār-e sefr darajehwithin this framework by analyzing some of the most important aspects of the novel such as semiology of its title, images, characters (actor, affected, and narrator), narratology, structure and the theme of the story. Furthermore, the status of this novel in the field of political fiction is studied. Based on Fairclough’s approach, the findings of the article suggest that Madār-e sefr darajeh,as a literary text, is in direct relation with the dominant social discursive practices and social hegemony.

Volume 6, Issue 7 (3-2015)

The purpose of this paper is to outline the theory and practice of discourse analysis as a tool of interpretation in translation of dramatic works. By translation of dramatic works, the discourses of target language has been influenced and undergone some significant differences that has been making different interpretations. Translations of Bertolt Brecht’s plays because of their historical implications of the social status in two decades 50 to 60 and 80 in Iran, prepare the best data to measure this point. This descriptive study by incorporation of direct observation of original work and Library based method analysed primary data that have been collected and  followed by focusing on the framework of  Norman Fairclough approach to discourse analysis. This research aims to show how in the Persian translation of Brecht’s works, conscious or unconscious, some changes have been created. To find the answer of this question, the translation of the forty Brecht’ plays, Herr Puntila und sein KnechtMatti,Baal, Im Dickicht der Stadte, and Die Geschichte der Simone Machard has been chosen. These samples were selected based on varieties of translations belonging to different ages in order to find more significant differences .The findings indicate that most of Brecht's plays in accordance with the political context, social influence or dominant discourses of  every period - at least at the level of lexical and conceptual context- are subjected to cultural distortions.

Volume 6, Issue 19 (5-2018)

This article analyzed the woman´s place in Turkish proverbs by using Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis model. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate woman´s representation in Turkish proverbs. 166 proverbs were gathered through purposeful sampling from two books: Sorudlir (1393) and Ostevar (1392). Findings showed that the number of positive and negative representation of woman was almost equal and in most cases woman´s representation was neutral. There was not any discrimination or gender inequality in these proverbs. Power was divided not only between male and female but also among women according to their roles in the family.

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Volume 6, Issue 21 (3-2013)

Memories of the imposed Iraq war against Iran were linked to men’s narratees. More women played a role as an object linked to solider, such as martyr’s mother and wife. Da is a different book. In this article, we try to study Da and its relation to the dominant social discourse, with using Fairclough theory and method. He mentioned three-dimensional framework for studying discourse: analysis of language texts, analysis of discourse practice and analysis of socio-cultural practice. We will show Da, unlike the traditional discourse, emphasis on the other roles of women in the imposed war. In addition, Da tries to make a female verbal construction that it is not found in similar women books. Da goes beyond the traditional discourse of women’s role in war, and seems to have succeeded in this way. With a male act and female speech, Da creates a new text and a new discourse.
Mohammad Ghaffary,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2013)

The essay "Discourse Analysis of Imposed War Memories; case study of Da Memory" by Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh and Seyyed Mohammad Ali Sohofi has had the potential for becoming a good and acceptable essay because it adopts a new approach to a controversial text that has bot been analyzed from such viewpoints yet. However, this potential has not been realized. As it is mentioned in the "Introduction" of the essay, the primary objective of the researchers has been to examine the discourse of Da based on Norman Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis and with regard to the way gender roles are represented in this text. Nevertheless, and this is the weak point of the essay, the authors do not fulfill what they promise at the beginning of their writing, and the result is not "critical discourse analysis" but a simple analysis that at best appears silimilar to Feminist or gender criticism.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

In the present study, which aims to promote the critical knowledge of the readers we are going to reveal the ideology of rival discourse based on Faircloughʼs critical discourse analysis approach in journalistic texts by encoding them and discovering the meanings beyond the forms of the language structures. To achieve this goal, we determine to analyze one specific topic which appears in different discourse framework based on Faircloughʼs critical discourse analysis approach. So we select some texts with the subject of offering educational scholarships in the tenth government of Islamic Republic of Iran. The data of this research are collected from two rival journalistic media (Keyhan and Eatamad newspaper) at the specified interval (November 1993). The data analysis demonstrates that Keyhan authors use more ideological structures at the descriptive level such as using punctuations, metaphors, marked syntactic structures and presuppositions to castrate or deny the mentioned discourse. While, the writers of Eatemad try to uphold the said discourse by using quantity strategy and giving instances.

Volume 8, Issue 32 (4-2020)

Persian folk culture and literature, largely oral literature, has been mostly forgotten due to the dominance of aristocratic literature, but what is left of it is also because of the same aristocratic literature, especially for the narrative works such as Faraj Ba’ad Az Sheddat. Through these works, we have access to unique experiences of folk culture. Such folk narrative prose texts are appropriate bases for examining the cultural reflections in various contexts, including issues related to women’s status. This study tries to employ a new approach on the ancient prose, and further show that the same narratives have been considered from the formalistic approach so far, but new points of view and perspective could be employed as well. To this aim, the critical discourse analysis approach based on the theory of Fairclough was applied on the sample text at three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation. This research seeks to demonstrate power of women and its cause. The study, focusing on the women's role, agency, and presence and engagement, shows that despite their minor significance, a woman is a symbol of courage in the aftermath of severity, while in the story, the woman, audacious and brave, rebukes against traditions and breaks taboos. As a result, it was concluded that women have an active and powerful role in this text, and their leading role as an agent in the formation of story is evident. Although there is an unequal power relation between men and women, reading between lines, it could be claimed that unlike aristocratic male-dominant discourse, women have sources of power as well. They react against the particular hegemony to achieve their specific goas. Finally, it was found that the agentive role of the women plays a key part in the formation of narrative and explanation of their sources of power.

Volume 9, Issue 5 (12-2018)

In this paper, attempts have tried to study Fairclough’s theory of “inequality of power in the dialogue" by analyzing the dialogues between identical and opposing characters in the novel Fire without smoke by Nader Ebrahimi to identify powerful or passive characters, and decode the novel from the ideological perspective of the author.
To more regulate, this theoretical framework, the questions raised in the Shorter’s model (1996), were used to analyze power relations in the dialogues of characters with the aim of determining the type of relationship and the dominance of the personality poles of the story: Galan - the hero that relies on his physical strength - and Alani - the hero who relies on the power of thought and mind.
The analysis of data suggested that the way the two main characters of the novel interacted with others in their discourse was directly related to the up and downs of their lives. Galan's interaction was limited to an esoteric group of people around them, and as this circle of friends was limited down, his power diminished too, so that with his death, the coercive hegemony and compulsory domination associated with his behavior came to end.
In contrast, Alani not only struck a conversation with people from all aspects of life, especially women and the lower classes of the community, but also urged them to play a key role in the dialogue with the people around them. This contributed to the recognition of his intellectual and political authority and conduct, and even after his death, his thoughts continued to touch the speech and practice of the next generations.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The purpose of this paper is to identify the dominant discourse on texts related to human resource development strategies in the banking industry that represent the reality of education and learning. In fact, in addition to identifying the type of dominant discourse, we examine key concepts in discourse order. This research is based on Fairclough's critical discourse analysis (CDA) method. The theoretical framework that Fairclough introduces, involves a variety of concepts that have been used for research purposes. Fairclough analyzes these concepts in a three-dimensional model. According to this model, the selected text, which is a "comprehensive system of education and human resource development" in the banking industry, was analyzed in detail at the three levels of description, interpretation and explanation. The results of the analysis showed that the dominant discourse on human resource development strategies in the banking industry is articulated through the discourse elements of integration perspective, performance-based approach and guided learning activities and the order of discourse dominates the whole of this discourse.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Ideology can increase the rivalry or socio-political clashes between political powers within a society. People, political parties and organizations set their policies following a dominant ideology. News agencies are among the highly influential organizations which can affect ideological and political thinking. News agencies, by means of translation, try to direct people’s way of thinking toward a special direction. Therefore, the role of translation in highlighting political rivalry among parties is undeniable. Meanwhile, translators’ word choice can reflect the differences between the Reformists and the Conservatives. The aim of the current study is to examine the representation of ideological foregrounding in journalistic translators’ word choice. The corpus includes 200 journalistic sentences collected from foreign news websites. Then collected data were analyzed based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The results showed that the conflicts between two main parties are reflected in translators’ word choice. The phenomenon can potentially increase clashes and tensions in a society and challenge social stability.
 Human life and affairs are not just limited to a particular country or region. Today, everything that happens in a corner of the world can easily affect people’s lives in other countries. Consequently, people want to know what happened in other parts of the world. Therefore, a wide range of communication tools has been developed in recent decades. News media is one of the most important communication tools that has greatly affected human life in the contemporary era. But news media is not just for communication. It is a proper tool to advance the ideological goals of organizations, institutions, and even political parties. Therefore, one of the important elements that should be considered in the news media is ideology. News media also needs some efficient tools to advance its ideological goals. Translation is an effective tool that can be very helpful and supportive for media to put forward society in a predefined path. News agencies, using translation, can direct people’s way of thinking toward a special direction. Therefore, the role of translation in highlighting political rivalry among parties is undeniable. Meanwhile, translators’ word choice can reflect the differences between the Reformists and the Conservatives.
The current research aims to investigate the representation of ideological foregrounding in journalistic translators’ word choice through critical discourse analysis. To achieve this goal, a corpus of 200 journalistic sentences collected from foreign news agency’s websites. As the political rivalry between Iranian Conservative and Reformist parties was to be examined, the Persian translation of this news was also collected. Then collected data were analyzed based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The main question of the present study was to what extent the ideology of the news translator had been reflected in his/her choice of words and to what extent this plays a role in increasing the political confrontation of the parties. Since only translators' word choice is considered, only those parts of Fairclough’s model have been selected that were suitable for lexical analysis. The main hypothesis of the research was that the translator’s word choice could play a key role in ideological clashes between parties.
After analyzing collected data, the results revealed that the conflicts between the two main parties are reflected in translators’ word choice. This can potentially result in clashes and tensions in society and challenge social stability. In addition, it was found that news translating is one of the most challenging translations that is associated with applying the ideologies of political parties, organizations and groups. Furthermore, it became clear that the mode of translation can affect the way of thinking of the society in different situations.

Volume 21, Issue 85 (4-2024)

Nader Ebrahimi has published 49 works for children and young adults, the impact of political-social discourses on which has not yet been examined in any research using a discourse analysis approach. This article draws on two discourse analysis theories—those of James Paul Gee and Norman Fairclough—to demonstrate the impact of political-social discourses on Ebrahimi’s children’s and young adults’ works. Research findings show that “love of Iran” was always a central concern in Ebrahimi’s works, except that, under the influence of political and social developments, elements are added to or subtracted from this nationalist discourse: (1) in the years before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ebrahimi’s fiction tends to fall under endogenous national discourses, underscoring national endeavor to build Iran; (2) during the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the element of “politics” clearly finds its way into his fiction, subsuming his works under a revolutionary discourse centered on combating tyranny and honoring the revolution and the campaigns by revolutionaries; (3) after the Iran-Iraq war, his fiction can be formulated under the “construction discourse,” in which love of Iran is still pivotal, and more than anything else, it emphasizes Iran’s potential for industry and economic development. His literature in this period remains political, and the “anti-Western” element is more evident in his works relative to his previous works.

Volume 21, Issue 86 (8-2024)

Nader Ebrahimi published 49 works for children and adolescents that have not been studied in any research work by analyzing discourse on the impact of socio-political discourses on them. In this article, we try to show the effect of socio-political discourses on the works of children and adolescents by relying on two theories of discourse analysis of James Paul Gee and Norman Fairclough. The results of the research show that "Iran-friendliness" has always been in the center of Ebrahimi's attention, with the difference that under the influence of socio-political developments, elements are added or reduced to this nationalist discourse: 1. In the years before the revolution, Ebrahimi's stories were largely subordinated to endogenous national discourses that emphasized national efforts to build Iran; 2. Simultaneously with the revolution, the element of "politics" is clearly found in his stories, and in this respect his works can be placed under the revolutionary discourse with a focus on anti-tyranny, commemoration of the revolution and the struggles of the revolutionaries; 3. At the end of the war, his stories are formulated under a "constructive discourse" in which Iran-friendliness continues to be in the spotlight, emphasizing above all Iran's potential for industry and economic development in general. His stories in this period is still political and the element of "anti-Westernism" is seen more in his works than in previous periods.

Volume 29, Issue 3 (7-2022)

The present tries to study and review the manner the discourse analysis method is being used in family studies. This method especially emphasizes the role of research in the social context. Considering the key role of the family and women and their place in ensuring the prosperity, this sacred institution should be researched upon in this so that we can reveal the structures and processes that are based on ideology and power. However, considering past researches in the field of women and family, a majority of researchers have paid little attention to the social context while investigating those problems. Therefore, it seems a research gap in this field and hence, this article aims to answer to this question: How can family and women's issues be investigated through the discourse analysis method? The influencing factors on this social phenomenon have been written with the aim of determining the type of linguistic strategies in representation, alienation, highlighting, etc. And in the meantime, we will also discuss the evolution of the discourse analysis method. In order to achieve this goal and to understand this matter more easily, we have used the movies Kitab Qanun (Book of Law), Abed and One Day (Forrever and One Day) as examples.

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