Showing 8 results for Existentialism
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2021)
Thoughts Kierkegaard, one of the leading pioneers of existentialist philosophy, has greatly influenced Sartre's existentialist ideas and his literary and theatrical works and prominent filmmakers in the history of world cinema and other artists in other fields. In this article, organized in three parts, we aim to examine the reflection of Thoughts Kierkegaard's on categories such as "truth, forgetfulness, domination of popular beliefs, existential and non-existent human beings, individualization and liberation from Intermediate, and freedom and Selection." Sepehr Hasti and ... " are among the factors that Sartre's literary works are completely influenced by and in artistic forms and forms and the form of images and dramatic phenomena in dramatic and literary works, Sartre's screenplays are skillfully, creatively, and attractively reflected. Has found. In the form of fascinating visual events, stories, and adventures, these phenomena have woven and implemented the abstract ideas of existentialism in such a way that its created characters, as if living in their natural life and in a completely real way, disappear. Sartre's plays The Flies, a historical work adapted from the Greek playwright Euripides, The Noble Prostitute, the subject of contemporary American society, and The Infected Gangs, whose adventures and events take place. Concerned with World War II and the French resistance movement, it has received the most influence from Kierkegaard's philosophical thought. In this article, we have shown the extent of Sartre's influence on Kierkegaard by examining these plays.
Volume 4, Issue 17 (12-2007)
H. Hasanpour Alashti.PH.D
I. Amankhani
Amongst different philosophical thoughts, existentialism has had a special influence on the 20th century literary criticism and it has paved the way for the formation and development of literary theories. Sartre wrote the twentieth century’s most influential manifesto on literature of faith and commitment entitled “What Is Literature?”, while Heidegger led hermeneutics into a new path. In Heidegger's Hermeneutics, unlike the traditional hermeneutics, the text loses its final meaning. What is so striking is that; these two existentialists, however, had some different and at times opposite viewpoints. This difference can be traced in Sartre’s Descartesian attitude and Heidegger’s anti- Descartesian philosophy.
In this article after pointing to the backgrounds that have led to the two different perspectives within an identical philosophical thought, we survey the statue of the two major philosophers and theoricians of this school-Heidegger and Sartre- in the contemporary literary flow. The Final issue discussed is; how they influenced the Iranian poets, writers and theorists such as; Shamloo, Al-e-Ahmad, Sharia'tti, Khanlari and Dariush Ashuri.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Comparing thinkers' opinions makes us reach the same comprehension of their insights. In this research, opinions of Mawlawī, eastern mystic and poet (1207-73) and Soren Kierkegaard (1813-55), the father of existentialism, about different levels of becoming better people comparatively have been compared.
Mawlawī and Soren Kierkegaard are two thinkers in the history of human being who due to their similar views towards the universe, have had common prominent ways of thinking. This unanimity especially about human and levels of becoming a better person, needs to be reflected upon. They, as religious thinkers in two different parts of the world and at different times, believe that one is responsible for his fate.
They both believe that there are different steps in reaching perfection.
Mawlawī mentions that in order to become a perfect human being, which is the best level of humanities, one must pass two levels: an imperfect human being and a mujāhid.
Kierkegaard puts forward his opinion in three stages: aesthetical, ethical, and religious. The stages have a lot in common which are explained in the article.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2019)
In this study, with the aim of understanding the meaning and analysis of the literary text, it has been attempted, by relying on existentialism and in the context of the American school of comparative literature, the effects of fear and hope and some of its related components in the works of Houshang Moradi Kermani and Mark Twain. Existentialism encourages human action, because it says that hope should not be limited to action, and that it is possible for human being to live. Existentialism is a philosophical thought that has influenced literary criticism and has led to the emergence of numerous theories. What is Jean-Paul Sartre writing about literature? He writes of a prestigious commitment to literature, and Heidegger puts into practice a modern philosophical hermeneutics and publishes a traditional look. Thus, based on Cartesian and anti-Cartesian Heidegger's doctrine, Heidegger's two types of Hebrew literary Existentialism Sartorius is formed. This research, through an adaptive approach, has inspected the elements of fear and hope. The findings of this research show that although the researchers have compared the works of Moradi Kermani and Mark Twain more from the perspective of the school of Realism, one can find hope and hope based on pragmatism and existentialist attitudes in these works.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2021)
Hedayat and Kafka Man is the only being who thinks about his being. This principle is the basis of a kind of philosophical worldview known as existentialism or existentialism. In this view, man has limited existential possibilities to get rid of internal contradictions and contradictions and escape from meaningful existence. Therefore, in the face of existence, man experiences the feeling of non-suspension, suspension, and suffering, and existential apprehensions. In explaining this feeling, some existential thinkers such as Kafka, by choosing the language of narration and the symbolic structure of fiction to the dry and specialized issues of existentialism, gave an artistic character, and some contemporary Iranian writers chose this method and attitude. Since the views in this field emphasize the influence of Hedayat from Kafka, the purpose of this article is to compare and contrast one of the manifestations of this philosophical worldview in the most prominent literary works of these two authors. To this end, the components of existential "apprehension" in the four stories of Kafka and Hedayat were examined and it was determined that semantics, identity loss, loneliness, suspense, doubt, fear, and eternal condemnation, mental and objective actions of the characters of each story. They have formed two writers. In addition to the influence of guidance and the commonality of the two authors in the principle of "apprehension", the stories of guidance are mostly related to the apprehensions of epistemology and psychology. But Kafkachr's novels show deep religious apprehension.
Negin Binazir,
Volume 13, Issue 52 (12-2020)
Modernity and the paradoxical consequences of modern experience, especially the modern patterns of creating a homogenous society, have detached humans from their individuality and personal identity. In such a situation, the victims are the subjects and objects who are doomed to live in a socially disconnected world. Existentialism and the story of situation have both reacted, employing their own philosophical and literary devices, to loneliness, stress, fear and absurdity of the modern experience. The current study has investigated Bahram Sadeghi’s novel “Malakout” [The Heavenly Kingdom] and two short stories by using the parameters of the story of situation and Kafka’s worldview. The paper attempted to show how the characters of these stories live in vain in the routines of everyday life and how they are trapped in situations which neither they can fully comprehend nor they .are able to set themselves free. In search of self and the meaning of love and peace, they try hopelessly to exit the labyrinth of modern life. Such a situation has affected every aspect of their lives and seemingly death is the only way out
سجاد Sadeqvand, Qodratollah Taheri,
Volume 16, Issue 61 (7-2023)
Existentialism is one of the most important contemporary philosophical currents, widely reflected in literature; situation, Boundary Situations and death are major existential concepts. In this paper, the reflection of the above concepts in the poems of Shams Langeroodi was surveyed. The results and numerous examples show that firstly, these concepts were reflected to a great extent in the studied poems; secondly, these concepts were reflected through artistic logic and poetic arrangements; and thirdly, some approaches and subdivisions can be seen among the results. Four existentialist approaches to death can be seen among the poems, which are, in order of frequency, as follows: 1. Death as a phenomenon that causes decay, ending, and termination 2. Death as a fact and as a boundary situation. 3. Death and anxiety 4. Death and absurdity and futility. Among Boundary situations, suffering is the most significant. The poet has reflected on the concepts from a variety of perspectives, and therefore the existentialist approach of the poems cannot be fully traced back to a particular thinker.
Extended Abstract
The philosophy of existentialism is a philosophy of life and deals with serious and decisive, not abstract and distant issues. As a result, these concepts have found wide acceptance in art, literature, and poetry. Concepts such as situation, boundary situations, and death are found primarily in the works of thinkers from this field. The attention to objective themes may be one of the reasons for the popularity and popularity of this movement. It seems that contemporary literary works, which are called successful works, contain these concepts in some parts. And in contemporary Iranian literature and poetry, a considerable number of creative works had (and have) significant existentialist concerns, and under certain conditions, one can see the reflection of existential considerations in their works. Existentialism in Shams Langeroodi's poems and, of course, existential death, situation and boundary situations in his poems have not been studied yet.
Theoretical Framework and Methodology
The purpose of this article was to examine the reflections of the above existential concepts in the poems of Shams Langeroodi. Therefore, the concepts of death, situation and boundary situations in the works of the most important thinkers of the philosophy of existentialism were first examined, and then the presence of these concepts in the above poems and the poet's main approaches to this concept were studied through examples. It seems that these concepts are among the most common existentialist concepts of the aforementioned poets and show considerable diversity. Due to the attention that thinkers such as Heidegger, Sartre, and Jaspers paid to the mentioned concepts, their works were examined in order to establish a framework for the analysis of the poems.
Findings, Discussion and Conclusion
The results show that all these three existential concepts are frequent in Shams Langeroodi's poems. The concept of death has been reflected in detail in four existential approaches: 1. dissolving, terminating and annihilating death 2. death, a reality and a boundry situation 3. death and sorrow 4. death, futility and despair. As for the number of poems, there are relatively many examples of terminating and annihilating death. As for the boundry situations, besides death, the boundry situation of suffering is reflected most often. The diversity of the poet's existential approaches to these three concepts is one of the obvious findings of this study. His poems reflect the many existential tendencies to which he is exposed, and, of course, he has always kept in mind that he is a poet and that his work is different from philosophizing; therefore, his poetry contains a number of existentialist theories in which the concepts of the main existentialist thinkers are reflected. Therefore, his poetry cannot be completely attributed to a particular philosopher, and, of course, the poet's emphasis in the poems under study is on "being a poem".
Volume 19, Issue 75 (4-2022)
Being, time, and existential phenomenology are concepts which can indicate the existentialist reflections of literary works. In this paper, the reflection of these concepts in Shamse Langroodi's poetry is examined. The results show that these three major existential concepts are strongly reflected in his poems. He, along with observing artistic logic, also reflected his existentialist concerns. Other related concepts which can be found beside these central concepts in the poems include: the primacy of being over nature, world, being-in-the-world, temporality, historicity, intentionality, and hermeneutics. Given the fundamental concepts of existentialism in Shamse Langrood's poetry, one can claim that there are some existentialist approaches in his poetry and expect other major existential concepts to be reflected.