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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

One of the challenges and important dimensions of assessment and evaluation in language teaching is test fairness, a broad concept that includes several factors and components. In the standards of educational and psychological assessment, test fairness means that there is no bias and advocacy and the same treatment with all subjects regardless of their race, religion, gender and age. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and attitude of Persian language instructors to non-Persian speakers about the definition of the concept of test fairness, essential components for a fair test and the general concept of test fairness. This research has been done by field and combined methods (quantitative and qualitative). 58 Persian language instructors for non-Persian speakers were selected by available sampling and participated as a statistical sample from the Persian language instructor’s community. Homayouni standard questionnaire (2015) was used to collect data, and SPSS version 23 were used for analysis of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In the qualitative part of the research, 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the instructors and the opinions of the instructors were extracted based on the content analysis of Krippendorff (2004). The analysis of descriptive statistics findings showed that experienced instructors have a better and deeper understanding of the general concept of test fairness, the definition of the concept of test fairness and the components necessary to conduct

Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2011)

Measuring government is among the major challenges faced by public policy makers in any country. The origin of measuring the government performance is the managerial paradigm of political system. Public policies are reflections of government management. For measuring policy outcomes, a measurement system must be designed. The public value model can be used for measuring policy outcomes. In this paper, a model for is proposed measuring public policy performance based public value model.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Around 80% of the population relies on agriculture, rice being the staple food. Topography urges farmers to cultivate upland rice. The Chinese interest in rubber latex has stimulated farmers to grow rubber, although the technical knowledge regarding tree management and latex processing is poor. A study was conducted in an area in Luang Prabang province to examine the suitability of upland rice and rubber. The major objective was to make a comparison within and between three suitability evaluation methods, two of which are expert-driven whereas the third one was executed by a group of farmers. For the fuzzy model different membership values were set and weighed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. According to the Boolean classification 88% of the study area is suitable for upland rice, and 85% is suitable for rubber. The fuzzy method yielded 89% suitable for upland rice and 88% suitable for rubber. Farmers came up with 37% suitable for upland rice and 14% suitable for rubber. Comparison is made between the different methods. A reasonable agreement between farmers’ suitability maps and the expert-based methods is obtained for the upland rice than for the rubber-based land utilization type (LUT). This can be attributed to the lack of know-how on the latter.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Today most experts agree that in a highly competitive world, product lines or technology are not considered as competitive advantages for organizations,  whereas, HR and manager’s ability to manage people in an organization brings about superiority for an organization among competitors. Therefore, the development of this valuable resource is considered to be vital for organization’s success. Staff training and Development constitutes a strategic and important issue for an organization and through it organizations’ human capital is transformed into permanent capital. While the importance and necessity of designing and implementing training in organizations has become popular and well accepted, what has become extremely important is the effective evaluation of training programs.  In the present study we used the return on investment model to assess training courses at Saipa Company’s Maintenance unit. Results showed that the rate of return on investment for these courses was 35.6%. In addition, reduction in employee transfers, increased employee job satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, reduction in employee absenteeism, increased employee progress, reduction in employee turnover, increased employee engagement and decreased rate of occupational accidents has brought about intangible benefits for the organization. rn  

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Today, most experts agree that in the highly competitive world, product line or technology are not even more considered as competitive advantage for organizations but on the other hand, HR and manager’s ability to manage people in an organization brings about superiority for an organization among others. Therefore, the development of this valuable resource is considered to be vital for the organization. Staff training and Development constitutes a strategic and important issue for an organization that through this, organizations human capital is transformed into permanent capital. While the importance and necessity of designing and implementing training in organizations has become popularity and everyone agrees on it, what has become extremely important in this matter is effectively Evaluation of training programs. Accordingly, at the present study we used the return on investment model to assess training courses at Saipa Company’s Maintenance unit. Results showed that the rate of return on investment for these courses was 35.6%. In addition, employees transmission reduction, increased employee job satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, employee absenteeism reduction, employee progress, employee turnover reduction, increased employee engagement and decreased rate of occupational accidents has also sought for the organization as intangible benefits.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2012)

The methods and techniques of performance evaluation are the key issues in organizational and academic researches.  One of the problems of performance evaluation in working groups is dealing with group performance evaluation and individual performance evaluation. A comprehensive performance evaluation system not only assesses performance at different levels (individual and group) but also considers the dependence and relations between them. Existing systems cannot consider the effect of different levels on each other. In this paper, we use Data Envelopment Analysis method for studying performance as a multi level phenomenon. For this purpose we use a multi-level Data Envelopment Analysis Model for evaluating performance of working groups in a governmental organization in Iran. The model views the groups at the highest level in the hierarchy as the decision-making units whose performance are optimized. Part of the output from the optimization is a set of performance measures for the components of those top level decision-making units. The result shows that the multi-level DEA model is an appropriate model for measuring groups and their members’ performance at simultaneity.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (3-2022)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Chess Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on a 360-degree approach. The population consisted of three groups of managers, athletes and stakeholders (n = 1090). A researcher-made questionnaire was used for data collection that included three sections: demographic information and performance comparison of the previous period and a new period of chess federation management (including six dimensions of management and finance, evaluation, control and supervision, human resource management, championship and achievement of goal). Education, research and cultural and information technology) and factors influencing the development of this federation. Twelve experts confirmed the validity of the questionnaires, and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test (α = 0.88, α = 0.90). Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics Kolmogorov-Smirnov, paired t-test, independent t-test and Friedman test using SPSS 22 software. Finally, the impact of four factors on the progress of this federation was calculated and ranked. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the federation has improved in every six dimensions in the new management period compared to the previous one. Regarding factors influencing progress, management and finance had the highest and information technology and athletes had the least impact on federation progress. In general conclusion, it can be said that the correct management of variables affecting chess exercise can improve the performance of this sport. 

Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2001)

In the first experiment, twelve species of the most plentiful and fresh seaweeds and one species of seagrass from the beach were collected at Kingston, South Australia. All species were then separately sun-and oven-dried and ground. The ground samples were analysed for dry matter, ash, organic matter, crude protein, crude fibers, ether extract and digestibility in vitro. The digestible and metabolisable energy of the samples were estimated by calculation. The results showed that all seaweeds and seagrasses contained a very high ash content, ranging from 19.5 - 40 per cent. The crude protein content of the samples was low and ranged from 4.4 - 7.3 per cent. The crude fiber in seagrass was considerably greater than in seaweed species (34.4 % vs 3.7 -10.1 %). The dry matter digestibility of samples ranged from 34.1 to 51.5, while the data also showed that the values for digestible and metabolisable energy of aquatic plants were very low as compared with lucerne (the control). From the first experiment it was concluded that, amongst marine plants available in South Australia, the seagrass Posidonia australis, because of its ready availability in great quantities and the environmental problems for residents, may be regarded as a potential alternative animal feedstuff. In the second experiment, samples of four different physical forms of seagrass, Posidonia australis green and fresh (from the water, and washed and un-washed from on the beach) were examined and compared for their chemical composition, including nonstarch-polysaccharides, uronic acids, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin, amino acids, crude protein, tannin, ether extract, soluble and insoluble ash. The results from this experiment showed that there were no significant differences between the four different physical forms of seagrass collected in terms of their most important chemical constituents.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Test of a sample approach of post occupancy evaluation (POE) methods for assessing health care spaces in Rasht (the capital of Guilan province, Iran) carried out through this study. The primary results of questionnaires compared to outcomes of controlling tools of the very same POE protocol, results of the following conducted interviews and qualitative analysis of variances in gathered data emerged Some social concept and factors assumed to be reasons of difference between findings of parallel ways; apparently influencing the assessment of built environment. On a macro scale of sociology these concepts were Apathy, Ignorance, Normlessness and Fear where on an operational scale the study addresses social concepts like Social situation, Active participation, Illiteracy , Lying, Reluctance to written participation, Lack of Inter-subjectivity , Peer pressure as well as more specific details like Time spent in space , Zoning and Who knows what. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  Performance evaluation is prerequisite for many domains of human resource, which precise implementation of which will result in efficiency and effectiveness of performance feedbacking, training and development, promotion of employees, human resource planning, etc. Accurate weighting of evaluation indicators alongside with considering synergy and interaction force of indicators can affect evaluation results. Also differences of different levels of an indicator importance should be considered according to its great significance. This paper tries to realistically weight indicators using Taguchi experimental design method and considering two aforementioned points. An eight-stage model is presented and performance evaluation indicators for a bank cash register are specified. A questionnaire is designed based on proposed Taguchi orthogonal tables. Experts in banking sector are asked to answer the questions of each dimension to determine the weight of indicators. Results of implementing proposed model as ANOVA table show that Taguchi experimental design method can be a proper method in weighting indicators and taking into account the amount of error factor and decisions can be made according to stability of obtained results.        

Volume 3, Issue 8 (4-2006)

Little would be gained by discussing the nutritive value of bread in human diet. Fortification of bread with protein especially whey powder has been the center of attention in many countries. In this study Hamburger dough's containing 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4.5 and 7.5 percent whey powder were Prepared. Chemical composition of whey powder and wheat flour was measured and also dough rheological properties were evaluated by ICC and AACC methods. Regarding rheological results, treatments contained 3 and 7.5% whey powder were prepared. Crust color, crumb texture, flavor and volume of breads were evaluated by ten expert and trained panelists using a 0-9 point scale. Overall acceptability of breads was ranked by Phisher and Yaths method. The effect of whey powder on the staling rate of bread was evaluated by scoring test. Development time and resistant of doughs containing 1.5% and 7.5% whey powder was increased. Valorimetric value of dough with 7.5% whey powder was higher than other treatments. Addition of whey powder increased the elasticity of dough's and improved the volume and quality of breads. The result of sensory analysis indicated that crust color, crumb texture, flavor and volume of Hamburger bread containing 3% whey powder achieved highest score and the rank of this treatment concerning the overall acceptability was highest. From staling rate point of view mean scores of samples contained 3% and 7.5% whey powder were greater than control. Regarding the chemical, rheological and sensory characteristics, Hamburger bread contained 3% whey powder was considered the best.

Volume 3, Issue 9 (7-2006)

Making and using dried products because of high losses of unprocessed product during transportation, economical benefits of grocery, special weather in Iran, good marketing etc. has been increased. In this research, kiwifruit slice favorite in two ripeness levels (stiffness 0.5 and 1.5), two cultivars (Monty and Hayward) and three moisture levels (15, 20 and 25 %wb) is evaluated by sensory evaluation. In this test sense qualities as color and appearance, chew ability, taste and flavor and general favorite are considered. Primary test in preparing kiwifruit slice showed that moisture contenttime curve during the first 7 hours is linear and after that it becomes exponential. Also the shortest time to dry is for Monty variety with more ripeness (0.5 kg) and the longest time refers to Hayward with less ripeness (1.5 kg). Results showed that in general the greatest score is dedicated to Hayward with more ripeness and moisture of 20 %. The least score is of Monty with less ripeness and moisture of 15%.Hayward variety due to better odor and flavor and more soluble sugar, has special advantage. It is concluded that Hayward variety with ripeness of 17% Brix index and moisture of 20% is the best option to make kiwifruit slice.

Volume 3, Issue 10 (10-2006)

One of the most effective surfactants, which is increasingly used to retard the staling of bread, is Sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL). This research was carried out to assess the staling of flat bread containing different levels of SSL with different methods. Therefore, Taftoon bread was baked from dough containing 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75% SSL with standard method, sensory and staling evaluations were done on days 1, 2 and 3 by means of 5 trained panels of referees. Moisture content of the breads was determined in the same days with standard method. The texture of breads was evaluated by tensile, compression and shear tests on days 1, 2, 3 and 4 with Instron. Trained panel of referees could not find any significant difference between the sensory characteristics of breads but showed that chewing ability of the bread containing 0.50% SSL was improved from 5.5 to 6.1. Results of texture measurement showed that the force required to compress, shear, and tensile breads was reduced in breads containing SSL With regard to the results of the other tests; we could reveal that compression test was not suitable for Taftoon bread, which is flat bread and has a low thickness. Moisture of the breads did not change significantly on the tested days. The scores of staling were reduced, although most of them were not significant and this decrease was from 3.4 to 1.8 for the standard and from 3.6 to 2 for the bread containing 0.25% SSL and from 2.4 to 2.6 for the bread containing 0.50% SSL and from 3.7 to 2.4 for the bread containing 0.75 %SSL. Therefore we could conclude that by using sensory evaluation and texture analysis together, we could assess the bread staling.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2015)

The effects of cooking methods on sensory attributes and physical properties (firmness, normal shear, cooking loss and color based on L*, a* and b*) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet was investigated. The study was based on application of autoclavingat 120 °C for 5 and 10 minutes, deep frying of the flour coated fillet at 180 °C for 2 and 5 minutes and microwaving at 600 watt for 2, 4 and 6 minutes. Cooking loss significantly differed among the cooking methods, the highest of which occurred in 6 minute microwaved treatment. The highest and the least color changes were, respectively, recorded in coated fillet fried for 5 minute and for 2 minute microwaved fillet treatment. In terms of normal shear results, control and 2 minute fried fillet treatment had the hardest tissue, respectively. Also the penetrate tests revealed a significant difference between control and other treatments (p< 0.05) as the hardest tissue was the one that fried for 5 minute and the softest one was the control. However, the highest score was allocated to the fried and 6 minute microwaved treatments by the panelists. Based on the sensory evaluation, fillet fried for 5 minute was found as a preferred cooking method.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

In knowledge era having efficient and competent knowledge workers is one of the most critical issues in both human resource management and knowledge management which help facilitating different purposes such as selection, recruitment, promotion, learning, job description and finally better performance. At the first step the competencies of knowledge workers identified according to existing literature. Then we analyzed the sub competencies of each category. According to literature 6 knowledge worker competencies indices have been chosen which were ability, skill, knowledge-based activities, structure, work style, interesting and value. Data gathered by 2 level of questionnaire which the first level was choosing the knowledge worker competencies then the second one was assessing the competencies in 3 job positions. There were 32 personnel which participate in this survey. To be able to assess the knowledge worker competencies and analyzing the findings we used the fuzzy TOPSIS method. Contribution of this paper is considering both knowledge based jobs specifications and competencies. Also it is important that we propose a model with specific steps to capture competencies and make it practical in different human resource management functions through assessing knowledge workers condition and comparing it with ideal and finally presenting the best possible knowledge workers and some methods for improving other knowledge workers.  

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Avicenna did not explicitly present a distinct theory titled "Theory of Emotions" in his works. However, based on scattered references, it appears that the core of emotions, in his view, is evaluation, divided into two categories: motivational and non-motivational. Another component that seems common in all instances of emotions is pleasure and pain, although there is also evidence against this claim. There are ambiguities in Avicenna's text regarding the relationship between emotions and the body, but most evidence favors the assumption of a non-essential relationship between emotions and the body. Concerning the relationship between emotions and ethics, the conceptual analysis of virtue as one of the pillars of ethical discourse indicates a necessary relationship between emotions and virtues, suggesting a connection between emotions and ethics.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2013)

Propositional characteristics can be expressed by infinitives in Russian language. So the sentence is one-word. Infinitives can express potential acts; so that they can express virtual or indirect meanings.  In a one-word sentence or a single-capacity structure, infinitive can have meanings like: mandatory agreement of speaker with audience and inevitability of an act with быть infinitive, disagreeability, a state or act done directly by a physical or mental perception, logical subject evaluating an action or a state, indispensability, etc. This article explains the mentioned meanings in the structure of infinitive one-word sentences and discusses the methods of expressing them in Persian language.        

Volume 4, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Problem: More knowledge about the aspects affecting outdoor thermal comfort can help urban designers to enhance the experience of urban places. explaining human responses to thermal stimuli requires more detailed knowledge about the factors and processes affecting thermal comfort. In this regard, beside the impact of objective factors, it is necessary to consider the effect of mental processes. In the last two decades, many researches have been focused on the psychological aspects of thermal comfort. The diversity of influencing psychological factors and the breadth of case study data requires comprehensive reviews to make theoretical inferences and transform them into more structured conceptualizations. On the other hand, review of studies on psychological aspects of outdoor thermal comfort shows a weak link with the basic theories of environmental psychology in the relevant field.
Target: The goal of this study was to comprehensively review research findings in the field of psychological aspects of thermal comfort influenced by the experience of urban places, and to create a link between the evidences about psychological influences on outdoor thermal comfort and theoretical concepts of environmental psychology.
Method: The proposed conceptual framework guides and organizes this review. studies were searched based on keywords extracted from theoretical bases, and 28 articles were reviewed in detail. The extracted research outputs were divided based on thematic categorization of the conceptual model, including long-term experience, short-term experience, restorative environments, and momentary person-thermal environment interaction.
Result: Review of studies demonstrates the effect of cognitive factors resulting from long-term experience (association between thermal conditions and spatial characteristics in memory, preferences and attitudes toward thermal experience in urban spaces, and sense of places for the person), short-term experience (short term thermal history, short-term affects and mental fatigue), restorative environments (physical and functional restorative properties, and personal connection to place) and situational interaction between person and thermal environment (congruence with needs/goals and expectations, and coping potential) on outdoor thermal comfort.

Volume 4, Issue 15 (12-2007)

According to mainly importance of the sensory characteristics of meat products from consumer viewpoint, increasing of the consumption of meat products, the existing articles addressed in literature about of principally effect of fat, water and fat replacers on sensory characteristics of meat products, this research carried out for evaluation of sensorial characteristics of high fat sausage and low fat sausages with 60% meat in National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute and Gooshtiran company in 2006. This study was done by explorer and experimental methods. The treatments were produced in three replicates totally twenty one formulas. Sensory characteristics of all treatments as colour, taste, juiciness, firmness and palatability evaluated by 8 trained panelists using eight-point scale and acceptability evaluated by 31 in-house panelists using ranking test. The main treatments (three replications) were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and then the means were compared with Mann-Whitney U. Spearman,s rho Correlation were used to determine the correlation among sensory characteristics of treatments. All low fat formulas had higher red colours and were juicy and more acceptable than the control (P<0.05) but were not significantly different in taste and firmness. Colour was medially and positively (r =0.55) correlated with firmness. The correlation between colour and taste (r =0.47) and correlations between taste with juiciness (r =0.41) and firmness(r =0.38) was weakly and positively (P<0.05). The significant correlations were not observed between palatability and acceptability and with each other sensory characteristics. Juiciness was negatively correlated with firmness but was not significantly different. As a result, there is possibility of sensory evaluation of produced sausages and can be as criteria for selection of the best formulation.It is recommended that evaluation of sensory characteristics and the application of panelists be studied in future researches for formulation and production of meat products.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Training evaluations reveal degrees of value creation for stakeholders. The evaluation results can help to improve the quality of teaching and prevent wasting of educational efforts. In this study, using the Kirkpatrick model (1994), effectiveness on management development curriculums of behavioral level has been studied in descriptive and quasi- experimental method. It should be noted that this study is considered as a longitudinal one. Two weeks before starting the curriculum, a pre-test survey was employed to measure behavioral changes resulting from learning experiment. The post-test involves measuring changes in learners' behavior in two time periods: 1) Two weeks after completion of the curriculum, 2) one or two months after finishing the curriculum. Evaluation results indicate that the changes in job behavior resulted from the training curriculum has different effects as follow: although it can be seen within two weeks, but it is not stable. After one month it has decreased, but it is not stable, and finally after one month has decreased. In other words, learning of learners in these curriculums is not conducive to change their job. This Indicate the cause of failure of eleven deterrent effect of reducing or neutralizing the effectiveness trains of management development. The results of this study indicate that the training system of Iran development management is in need of fundamental revision. This review primarily involves the selecting an appropriate theoretical model and then design a training needs assessment based on job level, organizational level, and cross it

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