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Showing 269 results for Discourse

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Eric Landowski's semantic and interactive system based on four paradigms of "planning"; "Persuasion"; "Accident and adaptation" is based on the principles of "regularity", "intention", "chance" and "emotional", respectively. Naturally, it is possible to implement this model in epistemological and religious fields in which it is compatible with the interactive practices of the subjects, and based on this, the variety and difference of religious personality practices can be read with this model. Contract. One of the discourses in the Holy Quran is the conversations and interactive practices of Prophet Yusuf with other people in the surah. Relying on a descriptive-analytical method, this study seeks to examine the dialogues and interactive practices of Yusuf's story based on the theoretical framework of Eric Landowski and to explain the relationship between this model and the characters of Surah Yusuf. The general result of the research shows that the subjects and interactive practices are distinguished from each other on the basis of four semantic systems, and each of the characters in the story is adapted based on one of the four semantic systems. Is interception; Among them: It is the interactive practices of Prophet Yusuf (AS) that are based on the type of insight and ideology of the origin and destination of the universe, within the framework of the programmatic semantic system, and other characters are also based on the type of insight and goals. Which follow are debatable and applicable in one or two types of this semantic system.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Some muslim scholars and theologians believe in monotheistic creation, but others believe that Allah The Almighty has inspired monotheism to man after his creation. Aiming to investigate the collection of Mulla Sadra's works on monotheism (tawhid) and its correspondent beliefs, the Topic-based Discourse Analysis Model (See Mazinani, Alizadeh, and Azad, 1397) was applied. The results were categorised in three sections: claims, warrants/topos, and certainty in assertion. Sadra claims that the belief in the monotheism is Man's very nature and a necessity for his existence. He has made most of his claims by refering to Quranic verses and hadiths by their explicit quotation, implication and interpretation. In the maze of this important matter, this philosopher occasionally takes an implicit rational position by denoting the topos such as "benefit", "harm", "fundamental need", "necessity", "fulfillment of treaties", "trustworthiness" "Pressure", and "attribution", which these can also be infered from the quoted verses and hadiths. Of course, such kind of argumentation by Mulla Sadra makes it difficult for non-Muslims and rationalists to accept his claims and theory. In all the data considered, however, an influential decisive declarative tone prevails in the claims so that no words or signs of doubt or any item suggesting Mitigation Strategy were observed. In the same vein, the Intensification Sterategy application was nearly observed in 20% of the data, and the processes of negation and passivization with their specific function were seen in 10% of the data.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the emotional discourse with semiotic-semantic approach in one of the poems of Mir Razi Danesh Mashhadi. Poetry is the language of the heart that is emerging from the feelings of a poet, and a poet is someone who expresses these feelings and emotions in a rhythmic language in a desired construction. Semiotics and analysis of poetic discourse are novel implementations with various and new functions created for literary studies to evaluate the poet's affection in terms of poetic experience, level and type of affection, imagination, language and audience and demonstrate the poet’s affection in poetry experience dimensions, degree and type of emotion, language, and audience. In this regard, the emotional flow of discourse and the way of creating the meaning in poetry are evaluated in order to study the conditions of formation and production of the emotional system. The main question is how the poet has manipulated discourse elements to create an emotional environment and which pattern of tension in poetry is used and which function of semantic sign emotional process in poetry is based on. The results indicates that the emotional system of discourse in Mirrezi's poetry is a function of the emotional system of sensual- perceptual and tensional-physical discourse and is formed based on the Shushi (Shushi-Eventual) event pattern. In adition, the process of schema emotional tension of poetry is heterogeneous and divergent.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Due to ethnic, religious and cultural diversity, Zahedan has a heterogeneous and diverse population. The diversity of religions and denominations from the formation of this city until the Islamic Revolution has never been a matter of dispute and peaceful coexistence between different religious groups has been established in this city. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the continuation and emergence of Shiism as the official religion of the country, the Baluch people, due to differences in religion, became less integrated with the central government than the Sistani's and became more and more isolated in identity. The objective manifestation of these gaps can be seen in the most symbolic religious element of the city, namely the Makki Mosque. The hidden signs in this mosque as an arena to show the ethnic-religious hegemonic power of the Sunni Baluchi's, with unusual dimensions and heights and unfamiliar forms and decorations, have dominated their surrounding context and produced special semantic rules. In the face of such a situation, the narrator of the Makki Mosque has experienced signs of apathy because the signs used in this mosque have acted in disconnection with the previous meanings of the Baluch mosques and have become an unfamiliar text for the narrator. Finally, the Makki Mosque has provided an opportunity to represent concepts and issues that can take us deeper into the Baluch cultural layers and provide a relatively deep understanding of the people's situation in contemporary society. 

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Every country has different languages. Some are standard, while others are non-standard. This research looks at how often people in Iran use standard and non-standard language. It also looks at other factors like age, gender, education, occupation, and income. It also looks at how people feel about different language groups. The data were collected from 314 people in 10 Iranian ethnic groups living in Tehran. They were analyzed using SPSS software and Foucault's theories of power and discourse silence. The results show that people over 50 use their native language or dialect more because they have more social power. Men have replaced non-standard language with standard language. As education level rises, people use less non-standard language.  Non-criteria type is more common among retirees than other occupations. Those with a strong financial status have replaced non-criteria type with the criterion type. Those with a weak financial status have the most non-criteria type speech silence. Speakers of languages with strong attitudes toward language use are less likely to speak up in many social situations. They often use non-standard language instead of standard language.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Ideological discourse has always challenged individuals as subjects and has always tried to use the polysemous character of language to predominate other discourses and subjects.­­This study attempts to answer the question of how the ideological discourse is able to carry out a semantic transformation on the discourse’s level and therefore on the conveyed message’s level, and that how the political authorities utilize linguistic structures and the means that language and the connotative modification of the language provide them to legitimize their supremacy in a schematic and schematized perspective.
To achieve this objective, this article’s authors have attempted to show the relationship between linguistic elements with power and domination by analyzing discourse of subjects in the Cannibale novel written by contemporary French writer Didier Daeninckx by relying on Pierre Zima’s sociological theories.­Advocating the fight against denialism, racism, colonialism, corruption in political societies, he wrote Cannibale in 1998 in memory of the "human zoos" under the French Third Republic.­It tells the story of indigenous Kanaks who were exhibited as animals at the 1931 Colonial Exhibition.­Accordingly, this article examines how ideological discourse and semantic transformation are created through narratives and dialogues that occur throughout the book and lead to transforming ideological implications.­Also, by describing and interpreting the nature of native Kanaks from the perspective of dominant ideological discourse, it is shown that dominant discourse uses the polysemous and multidimensional nature of language by holding the power to organize linguistic structures and defines a nature other than the original nature of the native Kanaks.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The study of scientific articles, as the main genre of scientific productions and an important means of information exchange among the members of the scientific community, has received increasing attention during the past few decades. In scientific discourse study, textual structure and coherence require the writers to use various meta-discourse markers, including interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers, and their appropriate strategies. In the current research, the category of interactive meta-discourse marker based on Hyland's model is studied. We use a corpus-based approach to analyze Persian scientific research articles in the field of humanities and to find out the importance and role of interactive meta-discourse elements in Persian scientific papers.
For this purpose, we randomly select and analyze 800 abstracts of scientific research articles from 16 fields of humanities from the Comprehensive Portal of Humanities. Examining the data reveals the importance of the use of meta-discourse in the text in such a way that approximately one marker of interactive meta-discourse marker is found among every 15 words. Also, the analysis of the corpus indicates that frame markers are the most frequently used interactive meta-discourse marker in the corpus, and transition and code glosses are in the next rank with a little distance from frame markers. Endophoric and evidentials markers obtained the lowest frequency in the corpus. At the end, suggestions and corrections are provided to make Hyland’s concept more compatible with the discourse features of Persian scientific articles.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The purpose of the semiotics of discourse approach is to communicate between semantic layers and differentiating units of the linguistic, social and intertdiscursive conext at the macro level in order to achieve meaning with the help of cognitive tools of text and discourse. This research interprets and explains how to produce, understand and receive meaning in the context of discourse systems in "Wuthering Heights" within the framework of the semiotics of discourse approach. Discourse systems include two categories, either they are based on Speech-Action and Movement-Action (Behavior) which create cognitive discourse systems or they are based on Sense-Action­ which are the generators of emotional discourse systems. In this research, the representation of Speech-Action, Movement-Action (Behavior) and Sense-Action­ and their feedback in the participants within the text and discourse of the novel has been discussed. Discourse analysis in the text and situational context of the novel based on the semiotics of discourse approach of Greimas is rooted in cognitive perspectives, because Speech-Action and Movement-Action build the infrastructure and a platform for the motivation of Sense-Action­ in the audience of the discursive context. Heathcliff and Catherine are two main characters of the novel who depict the Sense-Action­ of love along with the behavior and Speech-Action of revenge in the textual and intertextual semantic layers. Heathcliff gains the necessary mental, physical and financial competences and performs the action by going through the first stage of Sense-Action­

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Today, the news media has a momentous role in shaping public opinion and social developments. Journalistic translation thus follows guidelines and standards in order to convey the message and objectives of its source material. The translation of the political press discourse surrounding the US and international sanctions on Iran is particularly sensitive, due to its high potential in impacting international relations and political affairs.
The objective of our research is to highlight the importance of methodologies used for the translation of political press discourse. For this purpose, we have analyzed two important news articles related to the aforementioned sanctions. First, we conduct a critical analysis of the political discourse, based on Van Dijk's model, and then we perform a translational analysis, based on Antoine Berman's views. Finally, we explore the different types of modifications made by translators, as well as the efforts made to adapt the news to the media’s political ideology. In line with Van Dijk's opinions, we have shown that there is a close relationship between the ruling policy (power) and the press discourse (media), in shaping the public perception of policies and events at mass scale. We demonstrate how subtle deletion, change, and intensification is strategically used in jo urnalistic translation, in line with their desired discourse functions to achieve political goals.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Ayat al-ahkam of prayer are verses in which divine commands about prayer are in the form of prescriptive discourse; But the point that is raised about such verses is that despite the rule of prescriptive discourse on them, in many of these verses, the actor is one of the components of inductive discourse (encouragement, threat, etc.) has also used; For this reason, in this research, it is the question of what function the inductive discourses have in these verses, and despite them, what kind of discourse structure does this category of commandment verses have? In this research, which was carried out with the analytical and applied method and based on the semiotic-semantics approach of Garmes, an attempt has been made to examine the 17 verses of the Qur'an, which are known as the commandments of prayer, from the point of view of prescriptive and inductive discourse, in order to determine how their discourse structure is. And the function of inductive discourses should also be clarified in these verses; The findings of this research show that the inductive discourses used in addition to the prescriptive discourse are anti-discourses that have provided semantic support to the performance of the prescriptive action by the actors in two ways, and their presence has created a unified system of prescription and induction in these verses. Is.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

A prominent characteristic of the trial discourse is the imbalance of power between the participants, in such a way that the power is imposed unilaterally from the interrogator (be it the investigator, the judge, etc.) to the addressee. The most important tool for imposing power is the use of "question" which has a controlling feature. In order to analyze the different dimensions of the trial discourse, the present research studies the structural, discursive and pragmatic aspects of questions in different criminal, civil and family branches in the court and prosecutor's office of Duroud city. In the structural dimension, the types of morpho-syntactic characteristics and in the pragmatic dimension, the type of speech act of different types of questions have been considered. In this regard, we examined the data by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results indicate that the most frequently used question forms are related to yes/no and narrow wh-questions. It was also found that the questions have three types of regulative, constative and communicative speech acts. The findings confirm that some questions that have a communicative action are raised by lay participants with the purpose of clarification, and therefore, in some situations, it is possible to observe a change in the one-sided questioning pattern of interrogator → addressee. Most of the questions that are raised by lay people are rooted in their lack of familiarity with technical legal terms, which in some cases can lead to consequences such as the lack of a favorable defense.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Narrative discourse and the arrangement of its components that reflect the narrative world provide the accessibility terms to the ideology and hidden values in the text; hence, it is important in the multilateral understanding of literary texts. Because the experiences and comprehension of the authors in interaction with the surrounding world do not have a similar effect on their perception, the narrative discourse changes from one narrative type to another.In “Biroon Az Gozashteh” by “Mehri Bahrami”various worlds coexist, there is no border between reality and fantasy, and the multiverse idea helps to understand the narrative discourse of the story. The main objective of this article is to show the selection of elements of the discourse through which the author constructs the story and the dominant ideology of the text, by investigating the narrative discourse of the novel. This research is text-oriented and has been done using text analyzing method. The main focus of this article is to investigate criteria such as the narration type’ various kinds of narratorsand their relation with the characters’ embodied experiences the narrator and characters and in line with it the formation of aesthetic and symbolic objects and hidden location in the narration. In this novel, the narrator’s subjective functions and her connection to other constructive elements of the text have an identity function and reflect the ideology of a text that tries to depict a woman who wants to pass behind her cultural-historical past and create a new self of herself.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Sport has its own discourse which bears discursive features as sport spreads through body and language.. In sport discourse, we can see cultural indexes which have clear impact on sport discourse. Sport is like a medium for culture. When we learn sport knowledge we learn implicitly cultural patterns of the society in which that sport is popular. The cultural indexes are reflected in sport discourse in form of situation, social behaviors, customs, norms and values of the community. Performative discourses have three main key elements of act, value and change which are also present in sport discourse. In this paper, we intend to explain we could not remove all the cultural indexes of sport educational discourse just due to their differences with our cultural patterns and how they are efficient in improving discourse of sport. In this research with random selection among women trainers of body building and fitness sport, 15 women trainers were questioned orally with questionnaires on the impact of cultural indexes on their training. Results show all indexes are involved effectively in the educational discourse of sport.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

By studying the Qur'anic narratives, what is most visible is the amazing and elimination that includes a complete part of a story, even at a time. A pity that has been used not only in the Qur'anic stories, but also throughout the Qur'an as one of the highest literary and rhetorical manifestations of the Qur'an. This is one of the mechanisms and tools of the narrative or discourse silence process in which the signs of the narrative are eliminated and with their absence refers to the modules that the reader can rely on succession and companionship. And also from the intersection between the two and the use of brain capacity, fill those holes and gaps, thus fully view and receive the story. The important point in discourse silence is the interpretative and analytical aspect of narrative, and merely, such as the elimination of the classic rhetoric of the Nesith, which appeared in the form of metaphor, metaphor, permissible, and such equipment and to express aesthetics. In this article, we will first explain the silence of discourse in modern cognitive criticism, and then explain the narration of the life of Yusuf (AS) in the Holy Quran, based on the same validity and discourse. The result shows that discourse silence in this sura has been used in three types of structural, semantic and implicit, and with the systematic structure of the Qur'anic narrative structure, these vacuums are received and completed by the reader.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2021)

According to discourse theory, facts and events are represented through discourse and a set of meanings, ideas, metaphors, so on. In this sense, language creates and changes truth; this means that with language one can have different perceptions of an event, followed by a different set of discourses. Thus, the social world is the product of discourses. According to the theory of social constructivism, which in contrast to essentialism does not separate the structure of reality from the human mind, some social phenomena, such as some offences are made by the human mind and under the influence of different circumstances. They are produced in a specific time, social, political and cultural way and cannot be considered as a sacred and unchangeable reality except in special cases. Accordingly, this research, which qualitative in nature and descriptive-analytical in manner, using the method of discourse analysis and in order to explain and review the obvious understandings of the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Act 2002) seeks to explore the possibility of deconstructing the current definition of child abuse (revision) and adding to its scope. The most important result of the research is that most of the offences, including child abuse and even the prescribing of child marriage (subject to sec. 1041 of the Civil Code), are powerful and skillful social constructs of social realities that it is possible to deconstruction of them in order to give political, cultural and social opportunities to other possible constructions of the phenomenon that are more closely related to the public interest.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

The discourse of the resistance of the Islamic Revolution, in addition to having a great impact on the political, social and cultural system of Iran, has been very influential beyond its borders and has been an inspiration for Muslim movements in different countries, including Nigeria. In the last few decades, Nigeria, as one of the important countries in Africa, has been the platform for the formation of the Islamic movement and the expansion of Shiism, and now the population of several million Shiites in Nigeria has turned this country into one of the centers of Shiism.Based on this, the present research has analyzed the impact of the discourse of Islamic revolution resistance on the Islamic movement in Nigeria by using the discourse theory of Lakla and Mofe and using explanatory-analytical method.The findings of the research showed that the discourse of resistance after the victory of the revolution, with the systematization of the Islamic discourse, from a discourse marginalized by the discourse of domination, has become an active discourse in the text of domestic and international policies, and with negation. The hegemony of the domination system and the lack of compromise with it has created a new articulation, which at the end of this articulation has defined a model of resistance against the domination system. This model of resistance, with an emphasis on political Islam, anti-arrogance and anti-Westernism,in addition to reviving the identity of Shiites in Nigeria, has also influenced the formation and expansion of the Islamic movement in this country.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (7-2021)

Aims: The lands of Abbas Abad have a special place and position in the city of Tehran, and for this reason, during the last half century, it has always been considered by decision makers, planners, planners and urban designers. The urban plans presented for these lands, in addition to the design-spatial aspects, contain special ideological dimensions that may not be obvious at first glance. Understanding and explaining these dimensions is the main purpose of this forthcoming article.
Methods: In order to better understand these two aspects, the method of discourse analysis is used. Accordingly, relying on a structuralist approach based on linguistic teachings in the face of existing documents, the two parts of intra-lingual and extra-lingual factors are opposed to each other.
Results: Based on the methodological approach of the article, on the one hand, intralingual factors include design-spatial aspects of the design and on the other hand, extralinguistic factors related to its ideological aspects.  Accordingly, it is shown that the existing ideas in the design-spatial dimensions of each of the proposed plans are an attempt to realize a part of the ideological dimension of this plan; Which, ironically, can be seen in their first perspectives.
Conclusion: Despite the formal differences in the spatial dimensions of urban plans of Abbas Abad lands in the two time periods considered in the article, each of these plans has a specific and unique ideological logic. Follows himself; Which is clearly tied to the initial perspectives of the designs.
Hosein Ali Ghobadi, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh , Seyed Ali Desp ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (7-2009)

Discourse analysis has emanated from ideas os scholars od Linguistics, semiotics, hermeneutics and the theories of Michel Foucault (1926-1992), but in contrast to the aforementioned methods, it cover the two aspects of the text: form and meaning and so it is a comprehensive approach for text analysis. Scholars like Fairclough, Wodak, Van Dijk, Fowler and Kress played an important role in introducing and promoting critical discourse analysis as a new approach to text analysis. In this research we have used Norman Fairclough’s approach. In the present study, it was tried to analyze Sovashoon of Simin Daneshvar. In so doing, we discussed the views of the author, and using an innovative approach, we discovered various semantic and thematic layers of meanings closer to this novel. It was concluded that Daneshvar,with her special approach to the political and social changes of her time ,has connected the politico-social factors to mythological ones. This approach is specific to her, different with others' and so we can consider it as her own unique ideology. From a critical discourses analytic perspective, Simin Daneshvar, in her writings, made use of specific terms, epical and mythical dimensions and its connection with religion while generalizing these elements and connecting it to our era, has sought to create an independent Iranian identity. She managed to create an anti-imperialistic hero from the working class and naturally promoted women’s role in the contemporary novels from a housewife to a reformer and activist in the socio-political areas.
Mostafa Gorji,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (7-2009)

An important fact in the field of genre changes is that domination of one discourse and cultural current in a specific epoch has an undeniable effect on the appearance of a new genre. If some of literary criticizers have proposed the theory of literary genres basen on Darwin's theory and the natures of beings, we can interpret the theory of changes of literary genres based on Paul Tillich's views considering human's anxieties in the three domains of existence anxiety (death), moral and ethical anxiety (sin) and spiritual anxiety (absurdity and meaninglessness).In this paper, I will describe Paul Tillich's view in this domain and considering the domination of a thought discourse and the appearance of a specific mental type (anxiety) in a specific epoch,will try to analyze the appearance of a literary genre homogenous with that.

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