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Showing 29 results for Cognitive Semantics

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present research investigates the conceptualization of the metaphors of “fear” in the Quran. Conceptual metaphors are an important discourse in cognitive linguistics. In this approach, metaphors are believed to be a cognitive phenomenon which manifests in language. This research aims to identify the initial spheres based on which fear has been conceptualized in the Quran and endeavors to attain the stance of the Quran on this emotion. To this end, a body of 607 verses containing the concept of fear was collected. In the next stage, 18 concepts were identified using cognitive analysis. The two schemas of force and movement as the initial spheres play a major role in the conceptualization of “fear” in the Quran. In conceptualization based on movement, behavioral and physiological actions of people facing external forces indicate their lack of control and defeat by external forces, with a virtual basis in most cases. In return, in conceptualizing fear based on the schema of force, the presence of a range of forces such as pressure, blocking, and redirection in facing external forces express the voluntary reaction of people in overcoming the external forces. Hence, in line with its guiding purposes, the Quran has missioned the prophets, in many cases as a divine command, to ask His audience to confront the non-divine external forces with the force arising from – the fear – of divine majesty.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

I aim to explore whether there are similarities and differences between the ethical virtues and vices in Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive-linguistics and based on the image schemas of Evans and Green's Model piety, perseverance, expenditure are the ethical teachings, described in Nahj al-Balāghah, chosen and analyzed based on image schemas. And the vices described in Nahj al-Balāghah are Secularism, greed, and jealousy. Studying the descriptive-analytical approach, I investigate and compare the virtues and vices discussed in sermons and short sayings of Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive semantics. Finally, the findings reveal that the general types of image schemas of Evans and Green’s model (schemas of Force, Balance, Unity/ Multiplcity, Existence, Identity, Locomotion, Containment, Space) have almost similar frequencies for both the virtues and vices. Among all, the schemas of force are the most repetitive in virtues and vices. And the balance is on the second level. The research finding is significant because it shows the similarity of the virtues and vices in using the different types of schemas in Nahj al-Balāghah. Their main difference lies in the way of using the subsets of the general concepts.  

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Among the lexical units of a language, all of which can be subjected to semantic expansion according to selection and combination, verbs are quite susceptible to radial and semantic expansion due to their nature. This article tries to use the cognitive approach to investigate the semantic expansion of the simple triad form of the event "Zarb" in the Arabic language. And in a descriptive-analytical way, while enumerating the marginal expansions of this verb, explain how they are produced and also the semantic sharing relationship between the derivatives of the same root. About 80 usages were extracted from the most advanced to the latest Arabic dictionaries for the event "Zarb", which, excluding similar usages, resulted in 32 radial meanings for this event. The result showed that the existence of a semantic relationship between the derivatives of a word can be confirmed in the light of the derivational property of the Arabic language. Therefore, from the most unmarked meaning of "stroke" to its metaphorical expansions, each of them conveys the concept of "pressure and force" in a way. Therefore, the claim that the meaning of "beating" is late in this event is questionable. Also, most of the marginal expansions of the verb "to multiply" are the product of the change in the most frequently used elements accompanying this event, i.e. space scenes. In addition, in the virtual expansion of the event "hit", the necessary-necessary interest and the cause-cause have more frequency in producing the radial meanings of this event.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The human experience is shaped through effective collaboration with forces. Johnson (1987) initially highlighted the significance of force schemas in conceptualizing events. Thus, this research seeks to explore this topic using a library-based approach, focusing on the force schemas presented in Johnson's cognitive semantics model and their application in Quranic verses related to infaq (almsgiving). In this inquiry, I seek to identify which force schemas are most commonly used in these verses and how they contribute to the understanding of the concept of infaq. In the analysis of the research data on the ethical concept of infaq in the Holy Quran, the concept of force image-schemas based on Johnson's model was used. The importance of the topic of infaq and the presence of force image-schemas in it were the reasons for choosing this ethical concept. In this regard, I examined the seven types of power in the context of infaq in the Holy Quran. The results showed that the force image-schema of obligation has the most frequency. In figurative language, the divine revelation's imperative and prohibitive commands, exert a pressure that functions as a force of compultion. After the force schema of compultion, the force schema of blockage has the highest frequency. In the Holy Quran, factors such as greed, hypocrisy, disbelief, and denial are introduced as obstacles to infaq. The force schema of "deviation from the path" does not exist in the interpretation of the verses of infaq.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

In cognitive semantics, a polysemous word constitutes a semantic concept, and the various meanings of that word assign themselves to radial network members of that concept. Accordingly, this study investigates the polysemy of the prefix "/pas-/" based on a cognitive semantic approach. The nature of this qualitative research is descriptive-analytical, and data have been extracted from Persian-language resources, namely Dehkhoda Dictionary (1994), Moein Dictionary (2003), and Amid Dictionary (2010), using a library research method. In this study, the two criteria of Tylor and Evans (2003), namely the prototypical fixed meaning or historically evidenced meaning and salience and prominence in the semantic network, have been employed to determine the primary or prototype meaning of Persian language prefixes. The authors aim to demonstrate that the prefix "/pas-/" is a polysemous prefix with a spectrum of lexical functions. This prefix, given its usage in Persian, has different semantic clusters such as "after, before, in front, back, and behind," which have expanded from a prototype or primary meaning. The findings indicated that the prefix "/pas-/" attaches to diverse textual foundations and generates newly derived words such as "pas-farda (the day after tomorrow), pas-pariirooz (the day before yesterday), pas-andaz (savings), pas-larze (aftershock)," and the like. It is observed that the prefix "/pas-/" possesses an extensive radial network due to the combination of this prefix with various verbs.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The prototype of any category is the member or set of members of a category that best represents the category as a whole. Not everything fits perfectly in a category. Categories are defined by an intersection of properties that make up their members. The language is set of different categories and we should attend to categories in language teaching. Gender and mother language are among these components that should be considered in the teaching and learning process. Research about prototype is necessity because no basic prototype study, and the impact of gender and mother language on the formation of this concept have not been made among farsi lernears. As a result, one group of forty speakers who were learning Farsi selected. Each group included 20 men and 20 women. Men from Hojjatieh school and women from the Bent-Alhoda center were selected, both under the supervision of the Almustafa international university. In the category of domestic animals, 41.17% of men chose cows, while the same percentage of women chose sheep, horses, and dogs. In the field of sports, in addition to the first choice, the second and third choices of women and men were completely different, men have chosen shooting and cricket, and women have chosen volleyball, football and walking. Also, in the category of vehicles, although both sexes chose airplane as their first choice, their next choices were different, men chose train and car while women chose bus, car and bicycle.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2016)

The present study deals with the senses of preposition ̎Fii̎ in the Holy Quran. The theoretical framework of this study is Cognitive Semantics. In Cognitive Semantics, the spatial sense is usually supposed to be the central and prototypical sense of spatial prepositions and other temporal, abstract, metaphoric and metonymic senses are derived from it. All uses of ̎Fii̎ were extracted from the Holy Quran and their senses were analyzed using Quran translations and Tafseer books of Almizan and Majmaolbayan. Using the achievements and theoretical tools of Cognitive Semantics such as image scheme, semantic categories , prototypical sense, semantic radial network, trajector and landmark, the writers of the study have tried to present the prototypical (central or main) sense and also other senses via metaphor and metonymy and finally they have drawn its semantic network. Findings of Cognitive Semantics reveal that the number of the senses of preposition ̎Fii̎ is more than what have been recorded in the classical literature of Arabic language and this means that Cognitive Semantics Approach is more efficient and accurate in describing the senses of the prepositions. There have been about ten senses for fii in the classical literature of Arabic including: containment, accompaniment, tendency, above, attachment, synonym of ̎Ilaa̎, synonym of ̎Min̎, comparison, substitution and emphasis, but this study offers thirteen related senses for ̎Fii̎.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)

The present paper aimed to comparatively study the orientational conceptual metaphors in Persian and Spanish. In this work, within the Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) classification of conceptual metaphors as structural, orientational and ontological metaphors, we have tried to the concentrate on the examination of orientational metahors applied to data collected from Spanish, and to prove the use of these metaphors at the level of metaphorical mapping as well as linguistic representation in Persian. The analysis of 38 samples of orientational conceptual metaphors in the form of 10 names of mapping extracted from the Spanish novel Conversation in the Cathedral by Mario Vargas Llosa, a collection of papers in Spanish about conceptual metaphors, and a series of oral data, made us conclude that the similarities related to conceptual metaphors based on the human understanding of the sense of “space” and “direction” are more than the disparities in these two languages.  
Farzan Sojoodi,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (11-2012)

Metaphor is one of the most important issues in Cognitive Linguistics. This paper tests the contemporary theory of metaphor, particularly, the conceptual metaphor of “Time as Space Metaphor” in children fiction books. The research method is descriptive-analytic and data gathering has been library based. Sixty children story books have been chosen by the researchers from three different age groups: 5-7 year-olds; 7-9 year-olds; and 9-11year-old children. Then, the sentences which have the conceptual metaphor of “The Time as Space Metaphor” were chosen. This study concludes that: (1) Persian native children learn the concept of time which is spatial not only by the linear movement in the space but also by movement in different dimension; (2) Persian native children learn the concept of time which is spatial by the use of ontological metaphors; and (3) the contemporary theory of metaphor is a useful means of teaching ‘time’ to Persian native children.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (8-2015)

Based on Talmy’s (2000) lexicalization patterns, languages are considered either verb-framed or satellite-framed in terms of the language unit (either verb roots or satellites) that encodes Path of motion.  According to Talmy’s hypothesis Indo-European languages except for Post Hellenic and Romans fall into satellite-framed class, since speakers of these languages conflate Manner of motion in the verb roots, while Path appears in satellites. This paper investigates the pervasive pattern Persian pre-school speaker children use to express motion components, namely Manner and Path in elicited narratives based on ten short animated clips simultaneously demonstrating Manner and path of motion. The Children’s narratives have further been compared to those of adults in order to highlight differences and similarities in mapping two semantic components onto language units. In the end, it has been discussed whether or not Persian, as an Indo-European language fits into Talmy’s binary typology. The analysis in this study illustrates that when narrating motion pictures, children follow the same pattern as adults do to encode Manner and Path; both groups employ path verbs with or without path satellites for vertical displacements, and prepositional phrases for horizontal trajectories where boundary crossing occurs. Manner of motion is either conflated in verb roots or not mentioned. Therefore as far as Path of motion is concerned, Persian language within the scope of the present study fits into verb-framed class of languages

Volume 6, Issue 20 (6-2018)

The present study deals with the conceptual metaphors of the domain of love in the mirror of the proverbs of three Persian, English and Turkish languages. Efforts have been made to extract and collect data from 15 sources languages. Some of these sources include the comprehensive Turkish-Turkish culture of Persian (Mohammad Kanar, 2005), proverbs of Azerbaijan (Habib Majidi Zolbeneen, 2010), Eul Susslerri (Mohammad Hassan Yousefi, 1998), the culture of proverbs (Henry Dividov, 2007) and the Proverbs (Ali Akbar Dehkhoda, 1363). Through search of sources, more than 10,000 proverbs were studied, of which we reached 203 proverbs in the field of love and 96 in the proverbs. Some of these entries were shared among the languages ​​and some were assigned to one language. Attempts were made to bring the most frequent failures in the three distinct languages ​​in the table. Along with the signs, the most frequent areas of origin were also identified and introduced to determine whether the speakers in these three languages ​​used more than their source and source of metaphorical expressions of love.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2016)

The present research explores the “wæl”, “tɑ” and “ærɑ” prepositions in Gurani Kurdish within the framework of cognitive semantics. One of the recent models in semantic analysis of prepositions is Principled polysemy model (Tyler & Evans, 2001, 2003; Evans & Tyler, 2004a, 2004b; Evans, 2004, 2005, 2006) that suggests explicit and applicable criteria for determining the distinct senses as well as the primary sense of prepositions. We aim to analyze the semantics of three mentioned prepositions, to determine their distinct senses and primary sense, and to represent their semantic networks. The results suggest that the primary sense of “wæl” is “companionship” and its semantic network contains 9 distinct senses and 2 clusters of senses. The primary sense of “tɑ” is “ending” and its semantic network contains 4 distinct senses and 1 cluster of senses. The primary sense of “ærɑ” is “for and sake” and its semantic network contains 4 distinct senses and 1 cluster of senses.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

 Our conceptual system is metaphor based. Children also face this cognitive interaction from the beginning of language acquisition. Accordingly, based on their little knowledge of the environment and vocabularies, they benefit from adult`s   metaphorical system.Nowadays children`s knowledge is different from that of Piaget`s time and even after this era. Mass communication, modern toys like X-boxes and tablets all have developed children`s cognitive world. In this field study, sixty 2- to 5- years-old Persian-speaking boys and girls were examined in order to understand the time of comprehension and use of embodied metaphors regarding the variable of age in them.  A self-mode test was prepared on the basis of Persian metaphoric phrases and Bialka-pkul`s study (2003). Method: The research method was descriptive-survey and the population consisted of 2-5-year-old children of kindergartens in zones 1, 4, and 20 of Tehran. Sixty monolingual normal girls and boys made the sample. The research results are zeitgeist of complete understanding and relative understanding of embodiment metaphorical expressions and perception content due to the age variant in addition. The result of this study with the results of the Bialka- Pikul (2003) was in line. There is a difference that Bialka-pkul research, study on children from age of   3 years, three month but current research says children from the age of two years have a relative understanding of embodiment metaphorical expressions, this study denotes that perception content increasing due to the age variant and cognitive interest. Result: Response of children to tests questions shows children speech in three distinct cultural groups. Persian -language children's speech in no.1 urban area of Tehran city whom they interaction with nature and their metaphorical expressions derived from natural and pristine words, while (the four) children use the environment words frequently, while (the twenty) use metaphorical expressions derived from adult speech and common phrases and words of Persian language. Different use of metaphoric phrases by children indicate different confederacy of receiving physical realm and the realm of subjective perception and cognitive in three different under study cultural groups. Such knowledge is not unique and represents a significant number of children's cognitive differences in the three under study areas .Results: 2-2.5-year-olds gained the least points (0.4 out of 4) in metaphor understanding and had the most and the least difficulties in color and sound metaphors, respectively, but the other groups got higher points (1.5, 1.3, 2.2, 2.1, 3, orderly). The boys had better understanding than girls although the difference wasn't significant (P>0.05).


Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

The current paper focuses on polysemy of one highly flexible spatial term in Persian, namely "zir", from the Principled Polysemy Model perspective. The studied applications of "zir" are mostly taken from 'Farhang-e Sokhan-e Anvari' and the Principled Polysemy Model has served as the analytical tool. Besides discussing the semantic aspects of spatial "zir", the study aims to investigate the applicability and efficiency of Principled Polysemy model in semantic analysis this specific term. In fact, we seek to know what strong or weak points the principled polysemy framework shows regarding primary sense specification and distinct senses discrimination. After the model's application on uses of "zir", its primary spatial sense was specified and next, four distinct extended senses were determined and  all of them  constituted the semantic network of "zir". The results of its semantic analysis within principled polysemy framework confirmed this model's two points of advantage compared to some other leading cognitive investigations especially Lakoff (1987); one in determining the primary sense due to considering certain linguistic criteria in the procedure, and the other in restricting the number of distinct senses by adopting a moderate view towards polysemy. However, the semantic analysis of "zir" in the adopted framework faced some challenges too, among which two more significant issues included the psychological reality of distinct senses and their high level of context-dependency.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (3-2017)

Critical metaphor analysis tries to be a multidisciplinary approach that studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk through metaphors in the social and political the present research, through electing such approaches such as critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and corpus analysis,  instances of discourse metaphors extracted from opposing wing’s newspapers such as Keyhan and Mardomsalari in Iran and Telegraph and Mirror in England analyzed based on Lakoff’s cognitive approach and Cameron’s discourse metaphor following Charteris-black’s integrative critical metaphor research. The aim was to investigate the similarities and differences between metaphors and conceptual metaphors in each discourse and subsequently in each language. To tackle this concern, considering each wing’s core principals, political parts of the intended newspapers were analyzed and to narrow down the research just five source domains including conflict, structure, journey, religion and plants were focalized. The results showed that the aforementioned languages and the political wings are different in terms of source domains and frequency due to multilingual factors including society, history and culture. The results also demonstrated the metaphorical features of the discourses in terms of source domains. In this study also each kinds of Lakoff’s structural, ontological, directional metaphors and Cameron’s systematic metaphors were identified. Furthermore, this study showed how identical facts are demonstrated differently by opposing ideologies. Finally this eclectic approach came to known as an effective approach in demonstrating hidden power relations.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2018)

Aim of the Research: Looking at the attitude of semantics, the present study aims to investigate some of the most practical prepositions, such as /læ/­, /wæ/, /­wægærd / and /­wæpi­/ in Kalhori Kurdish within principled-polysemy approach (Evans & Tyler, 2004a, 2004b; Evans & Green, 2006).
The Methodology of the Research: The nature of the method of this study is analytic-descriptive and its type is corpus-based. The Selected corpus has been obtained from interviews with the speakers of this dialect from Kurdish language, and their originality have been approved completely that  this study has focused on some samples for each distinct meaning due to the limitaition of its pages.
Research Question: This research has done to explore and determine the distinct meanings of the prepositions /læ/­, /wæ/, /­wægærd / and /­wæpi­/ in Kalhori Kurdish within principled-polysemy approach. Thus, the author has represented them in a semantic network seperately.
Research Results:  In this regard, the research results show that the prototypical meaning of the preposition /læ/ coming to the speakers' mind immediately is "from" having eighteen distinct meanings and five semantic clusters, such as; "contrast cluster", "collocation cluster", "polysemy cluster", "time-space cluster", and "metaphoric cluster" in its own semantic network. with conducted careful studies, it was found that, in some cases, Kalhori speakers use the preposition /læ/ in the place of /wæ/ in those contexts with those meanings interchangeably, but in addition to these meanings the preposition /wæ/ is used in two other different meanings, i.e; the meanings "by" and "to", in which the preposition /læ/ can't be used.  So, /wæ/ has twenty one distinct meanings. The prototypical meaning of the preposition /wægærd/ is "with" having eleven distinct meanings and three semantic clusters, such as; "collocation cluster", "contrast cluster" and "metaphoric cluster" in its own semantic network. The prototypical meaning of the preposition /wæpi/ is "to" having five distinct meanings and two semantic clusters, such as; "contrastive cluster" and the meaning "about" in its own semantic network.

Volume 9, Issue 6 (3-2018)

It is a long time that linguistic researches have examined various corpuses, including religious texts, especially the analysis of Quranic texts. Because of its inexperienced and abstract nature, the field of religion is one of the areas where the need for metaphorical comprehension is felt more.
Nahj al-Balaghah is a significant Islamic / Shiite text with unique linguistic and rhetorical features which make the text worthwhile for studying conceptual metaphors, but no doubt, understanding metaphors cannot reveal all aspects of such texts. In some cases, recognizing and analyzing conceptual metaphors, despite being helpful, cannot go beyond a certain limit. In fact, limiting the research to mere identification of conceptual metaphors will keep a major part of the message unrevealed.  The process of meaning construction is not a simple mapping between form and meaning and the systematic use of forms does not have the ability to accurately account for cognitive functions. Cognitive semanticists who have been searching for a way to explain and define the reasons and manners of meaning making processes in mind and language, gradually, proposed a theory called Conceptual Blending (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002); According to Fauconnier & Turner, these blends are not made in the form of distinct patterns, but act as a network of conceptual blends. Four spaces are involved in the formation of meaning: 1. Input space1 which is the conceptual space of the source domain, 2. Input space2 which is the conceptual space of the goal domain. Mapping of input spaces1 and 2, 3.Generic space and, 4. Blend space which is based on the projection of two input spaces on the third space.
The purpose of the present study is to examine the metaphor and explain its features and functions in the context of Nahj al-Balaghah based on conceptual blending theory, too.
It is worth noting that review of the researches carried out in the field of conceptual integration theory has shown that no research in the field of religious texts and especially Nahj al-Balaghah has been done in the framework of this theory.
The research method applied here is descriptive and its method is content analysis of the case. Sermon 87 (The introduction of the perfect human model), which is one of the most significant sermons in Nahj al-Balaghah, has been analyzed as a special case. In this study, by examining sermon 87, the stages of meaning construction is depicted through the analysis of the structure of the meaning and the cognitive mechanism of understanding the meaning. The purpose of the research is to determine which of the different types of the blending of meaning construction exists in this Sermon, and the network of conceptual blends in it is the result of going through which stages of the formation of meaning. The paper presents examples illustrating that there are different types of blending at different cases in this sermon. Some cases of mirror network, single-scope and double scope are presented in this paper which shows that Imam Ali (AS), by appealing to the most familiar and routine concepts used by the speakers of the Arabic language, such as"وَ اسْتَمْسَکَ مِنَ الْعُرَی بِأَوْثَقِهَا"  , "قَدْ أَمْکَنَ الْکِتَابَ مِنْ زِمَامِهِ" , "مَعْقُولَهٌ عَلَی بَنِی أُمَیَّه" and many other cases like these, tried to express his metaphorical and elegant concepts. Of course, this diction is more complicated by the content and purpose, although complex sophisticated networks are less used in this sermon. In response to the second question, we can say that there are four spatial models, mapping between spaces, imperfect selection and emerging structure in all conceptual blending networks, although they have different characteristics in different networks. It seems that it is easier to imagine the imam's intended meaning through the imagination of the mental frameworks and the correspondence between the frameworks.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2019)

The present research aims at investigating the polysemy of the conjunctions "Ɂæma" and "væli" in persian language based on principled­–­polysemy approach (Evans & Green, 2006).The methodology used in this qualitative research is descriptive­-analytic, and its type is corpus-based. the selected corpus has been obtained from interviewing with Persian speakers, newspapers and Persian grammarians books, analyzed by using cognitive approach, and their originality have been approved completely. It's worth mentioning that the authors have limited only a few samples of each meaning for distinct meanings of these two conjunctions, and each one has been drawn into a semantic network separately. This study has been done to explore and determine the distinct meanings of the conjunctions "Ɂæma" and "væli" in Persian language within principled-polysemy approach. Thus, the author has represented them in a semantic network separately. In this regard, the research results showed that the prototypical meaning of the conjunction /Ɂæma/ coming to the speaker's mind immediately /væli/ has fourteen distinct meanings and two semantic clusters in its own semantic network. Also, the prototypical meaning of the conjunction /vali/ is /Ɂæma/ having eight distinct meanings and two semantic clusters in its own semantic network.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2019)

Conceptual blending is one of the semantic approaches that concentrates on appearance and explanation of emergent concept or structure. Four mental spaces (at least two input spaces, a generic space and a blending space) have been proposed in this theory and to represent the emergent concepts or structures, we need to explain the relations between these spaces, inner-space and outer-space mapping, selective projection, composition, completion and elaboration. Conceptual metaphor and mental spaces are the inspiring theories for conceptual blending theories. Then, how to understand and infer the blending process to conclude in emergent structure and also theoretical needs to conceptual blending, based on its background, are the motives for the present study. To accomplish this, adequacy of conceptual blending in representing concepts that is activated while conceptualizing is reevaluated through some examples from Persian data (linguistic or even non-linguistic). The examples are taken from a variety of sources namely television advertisements, everyday expressions people use in their interactions, corpus data (Dadegan) and so on to explain the theory as well as possible. These data were analyzed based on four types of conceptual blending networks including simplex network, mirror network, single-scope network and double-scope network. For what is new in this research, we can say that not so many studies have been done in Persian using this theory and so rarely they have analyzed the data by illustrating them through the networks. As a matter of fact, if some studies have been taken place, they usually just sufficed to explain them. In addition, the outcome of the research on Persian provides the Persian data to be used in natural language processing specially in semantic scope. The results evince that using dynamic conceptualization in mental spaces, rejecting one-way and single mapping, applying selective projections, no being necessary to exist a counterpart for every element in mental spaces and not considering mental functions separate are all features that strengthen the adequacy of explanations of conceptual blending.

Volume 10, Issue 39 (6-2013)

One of the prominent poets of the recent three decades, who due to a number of reasons was approved by the masses of people and elites throughout his life, was undoubtedly Qaysar Aminpour. Given his pure experience and his in-depth philosophy, he spoke of concepts which other revolutionary poets have paid lesser attention to, in the recent decades. One of these concepts is life and its meaning. Life is an abstract concept and is usually perceived within the framework of tangible affairs. The concept of life as one of the main concepts, which have occupied the minds of poets in different forms and shapes, is understood from a cognitive semantics stand within the framework of general metaphor of “Life is a journey”. This general concept can be written in different forms which provide its details. Writings such as “birth is arrival”, “Life is to last”, and “Death is departure” are presented to this end. This article studies the status of this metaphor in the poems of Qaysar Aminpour and tries to show that the majority of metaphors and literary concepts in his poems are based on cognitive foundations. The general study of this article shows that the conceptual metaphor of “going” in his collection of poems should be taken into consideration based on a cognitive semantics approach. Such studies are yet to be carried out.

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