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Showing 6 results for Bourdieu

Vahid Rooyani, Mansour Hatami,
Volume 7, Issue 26 (8-2014)

Pierre Bourdieu pioneered a new theory for analysis of texts in sociology of literature. According to his theory, everyone in his lifetime engages in economical, political, cultural and literal fields, and those movements happen in these fields-conscious or unconscious– will influences on his personality. Based on Bourdieu's theory however a literary work is affected by the various fields but when that most connected with the literary field will have a literary value and because the form is the most inner issue in the literary field, any work has more contact with form and less contact with other fields has more value. Kasraei′s Arash kamangir is the first and the most popular reproduction of this myth in literary field of Iran. Analysis of this poem in Bourdieu's approach shows that because we can see the traces of the poetʹs goals in this poem, and the poem in many parts slides up on to the other fields, its literary value is reduced. In some sections of poetry we can see words like “People” and “mass” and themes like “praise of work” and “life” that beside of the Metaphysically and nationalistically elements shows the effective of Marxism field in this work.
Volume 8, Issue 29 (3-2015)

Novel is the only field of literary production that not only does not have to comply with abstract social and philosophical thinking but also, unlike poetry, does not develop a life of its own independent of everyday life. As a result, it has the maximum capacity for the representation of quotidian life. This paper seeks to criticize the sociological capital of female characters in the novel Del-e foulad by Moniru Ravanipour. The theoretical approach of this paper is based on the theories of the famous French philosopher and anthropologist Pierre Bourdieu (1930 - 2002). In addition to a Marxist notion of economic capital, Bourdieu believes that there are other forms of cultural, social, and symbolic capital. Employing Bourdieu’s theory, this paper studies the variety of women’s capital in the aforementioned novel. The results of this study suggest that women’s economic capital has a downward trajectory. Also in the production and reproduction of symbolic capital women are facing a crisis of infertility. Their social capital also suffers from different forms of systematic violence. It is only their cultural capital which shows a dynamic progress.

Volume 11, Issue 5 (11-2020)

Capitals’ contribution to educational achievement and their role in one’s success or failure within classrooms are paramount, which is why they have been often discussed in the realm of the sociology of education. Adding the newly-developed concept of sensory capital as a complement to the existing capitals, the present study seeks to statistically find the potential relationships these capitals may have with each other and their possible influences on educational achievement. To accomplish this, first, a questionnaire was designed and validated to quantify the amount of sensory capital. Then, along with emotional, social, cultural, and economic capital questionnaires, it was given to 410 participants whose language scores were used as an indicator of educational achievement. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was run, the results of which indicated positive relationships among all types of capital and a significant role in language achievement score, with economic capital having the highest and social capital having the lowest contribution. Therefore, capitals can be concluded to both have a significant relationship with each other and a determining role in educational achievement that should be taken into account when it comes to dealing with educational success in academic environments.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (8-2020)

Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, believes that the tastes, judgments , and talents of people are social things, resulting in the social process of being a person during life. He regards the taste of the artist as the creature of taste for society, the taste of the class with cultural, social and symbolic capital. This paper aims to explore the comparative study of the signs of change in the works of Kamal al-Molk and Jacques - Louis David, based on Bourdieu 's ideas. Each of the two painters has worked on the milestone in their history. In this study, we have tried to explain a descriptive and historical method in addition to finding the cause of specific style selection of each of these painters, why or not the signs of change in works of David and Kamal al-Molk, can be explained using Bourdieu 's ideas. Findings indicate that the selection of naturalist and naturalist styles is influenced by the two artists influenced by the educational system, cultural capital, and their position in relation to the field of power. In relation to the signs of change, you cannot see a change in Kamal al-Molk works, given the inclusion of him in the category of independent artists of the field of painting, while in David, due to his position in the ruling class opposition, the change will be seen.

Volume 12, Issue 50 (3-2016)

Sadaf Golmoradi. PH.D
In this article, after the sociological study of the novel, the different forms of capital of women are studied in the framework of short story “Kanizu” which is authored by Moniru Ravanipor. Upon the analysis of the quality of the story, it is concluded that this short story is a reminder of the lower status of women in different economic, cultural, and social fields. It displays the different negative capitals and fragility of women’s capitals; while manifesting the passive economic status of women and revealing their negligible cultural assets. This article also uncovers the restricted and unproductive ties of women as inefficient social assets; and states the low symbolic assets and capitals of women.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (3-2022)

In the second half of the sixteenth century, Shah Tahmasp drawn his back on the field of art, court supporting of the art and artists was minimized and the political events after the death of Shah Tahmasb added the complexity of the situation. This situation forced Sadiqi Beg to adopt the suitable strategy in accordance with the new relations governing the field of culture. This strategy was to turn to personal habitus and rely on own individuality. The present study, while paying attention on the historical relations and social developments affecting the second half of the sixteenth century’s Safavid art, has emphasized the relations between activists in the field of culture, the personal motivations of the artists, or the effect of these relations on his final function. The main target is to understand the relationship between the function of the artist (here Sadiqi Beg) and the influential forces in the art scene of sixteenth century. As a result, the artist’s specific function in relation to the dominant discourse has been examined and recognized. In order to strengthen the mentioned concepts, the performance of Sdiqii contemporary artists such as Aghareza and Alireza Abbasi has also been briefly discussed To find this relationship and draw its coordinates, primary historical sources and documents have been analyzed and interpreted. Therefore, the quiddity of this research is qualitative and historical and with the descriptive-explanatory method has been analyzed the special and symbolic function of Sadiqi Beg during the social and political changes of that time. The analytical approach used in interpreting texts, reports, and functions in this article is the issue of Pierre Bourdieu’s relational sociology. This approach led us to realize that the relations in the field of Safavid art and culture in the second half of the sixteenth century were such that it forced the activists presents in it to act according to their personal habitus and the amount of symbolic capital at their disposal. They chose the appropriate strategy with the requirement of the field, and in this regard, they followed the laws governing the field of politics and power.

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