If we consider language not as a mirror reflecting struggles, but as the subject and tool of struggles, then we should use the signifier of discourse, which makes the concepts of power and language understandable in a continuous and inseparable conceptual entanglement. This article aims to analyze the text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi as one of the most influential classical texts of Persian literature with a discursive method. In other words, by placing this text in its discursive context and its dialectical relationship with power, and understanding this text as the field of conflict between powers and conflicting discourses of society, a new understanding of it can be achieved. In order to achieve this goal, Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method is used to perform micro-textual analysis, and Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory is used to perform macro-discourse analysis of Bayhaghi era. The text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, as shown, does not reflect the true struggle, but itself, is part of the struggle process. This text is influenced by the chain of ruling discourses and is used against peripheral discourses. Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, under the influence of the discourse that pulls the bipolar mind of the text to a directional representation of the flow of affairs, highlights the ruling discourses and marginalizes the peripheral discourses.
Extended Abstract
Discourse is a special way of understanding the world, a special understanding and a special way of speaking that pushes other possible ways of understanding the world to the sidelines by highlighting itself. In fact, language - which is the common thread of all different discourses - is structured in the framework of formats that are governed by ideological disciplines. These structured formats - which are discourses - are fighting in an irreconcilable way to reach the hegemonic position in the whole society. If we consider language not as a mirror reflecting struggles, but as the subject and tool of struggles, then we should use the signifier of discourse, which makes the concepts of power and language understandable in a continuous and inseparable conceptual entanglement.
This article aims to analyze the text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi as one of the most influential classical texts of Persian literature with a discursive method. In other words, by placing this text in its discursive context and its dialectical relationship with power, and understanding this text as the field of conflict between powers and conflicting discourses of society, a new understanding of it can be achieved. In order to achieve this goal, Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method is used to perform micro-textual analysis, and Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory is used to perform macro-discourse analysis of Bayhaghi era. Due to the expanse of the text of the book, and the limitation of the article, only one theoretical topic (sermon) and two historical-fictional topics (the story of Afshin and Budolaf - and the nobles of Ray's response to Sultan Masoud) have been selected for analysis.
Discussion and conclusion
The sermon presents three parables comparing: the kingdom of Alexander and Ardashir Sassanid, the rise of the Ghaznavids, not having the privilege of the Iranian race, and comparing the hierarchy of the government structure with the human body, and in all three by justifying and giving priority to the Ghaznavid rulers, it marginalizes the competing discourse. In two historical-fictional stories, the story of Afshin and Budolaf, which has a very strong narrative aspect and is therefore very influential, has been chosen to explain the bipolar mentality and highlight Us and make Them alien. "Them" in this story is a racial alienation, which is indeed Afshin, the general of army of the Caliphate, but of Iranian race. In the story of the nobles of Ray's response to Sultan Masoud and their devotion to him, the fear and ingratitude of the people make the Ghaznavid rulers and Sunnid discourse stand out and marginalize Al-e Bouyeh rulers and Shia discourse.
The text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, as shown, does not reflect the true struggle, but itself, is part of the struggle process. This text is influenced by the chain of ruling discourses and is used against peripheral discourses. Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, under the influence of the discourse that pulls the bipolar mind of the text to a directional representation of the flow of affairs, highlights the ruling discourses and marginalizes the peripheral discourses.