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Showing 2 results for Architectural Elements

Samane Refahi, Amir Nasri,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (12-2019)

Each architectural element, in a building, is designed and built for a specific purpose. Using these elements in the usual way will create comfort for users. In The Trial, Kafka tries to express his ideas with paradoxical uses of these architectural elements and with an expressionist view. The first point that appears is the concept of contradiction. In this regard, in the world of The Trial, even the window, the wall, the stairs and other elements have lost their usual uses. Another concept that Kafka expresses with the help of these components, is the concept of alienation and loneliness, which is seen in allover The Trial. It seems these architectural elements are built for others and these common uses will be lost for Josef K. in front of the others. This alienation is a reminder of various aspects of Kafka's personal life. The last but not least concept that Kafka expresses with the help of the architectural elements is being subordination that, with disappearance of the private space of Joseph K.'s life, it becomes more apparent.

Volume 12, Issue 59 (11-2024)

This research deals with the semantic analysis of architectural elements in the paintings of Kamaluddin Behzad and the story of "Gonbad Firouze" by Nizami, focusing on folk aspects. At first, key concepts such as architectural elements, narrative, and semantics are defined to clarify the theoretical framework of the research. Then, the similarities between these two works are examined. The main question is how the architectural elements, especially the dome and color, are used in the narration of these works and what meaningful role they have in the narrative and visual structure. The research uses a three-stage approach: In the first stage, architecture and literature are introduced as two separate narrative structures. In the second stage, the picture and the story are reread simultaneously to analyze the popular aspects of each work. In the third stage, the findings are evaluated and twelve indices are extracted for narrative architecture and eight indices for folk literature. The results show that architectural elements and colors act as mediators for conveying symbolic concepts, and in these works they have roles such as evoking a special atmosphere and creating tension. This research also emphasizes the relationship between architecture and literature through a semantic approach and examines the role of architectural elements in the creation and development of cultural narratives.

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